#include "News.h" static Evas_List *_popups_warn; static void _check_overlap(int *px, int *py, int *pw, int *ph, int tries, int org_x, int org_y); static void _try_close(News_Popup_Warn *popw); static int _cb_timer(void *data); static void _cb_edje_close(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source); static void _cb_edje_desactivate(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source); /* * Public functions */ int news_popup_warn_init(void) { _popups_warn = NULL; return 1; } void news_popup_warn_shutdown(void) { Evas_List *l; for (l = _popups_warn; l; l = evas_list_next(l)) { News_Popup_Warn *p; p = evas_list_data(l); news_popup_warn_del(p); } evas_list_free(_popups_warn); _popups_warn = NULL; } News_Popup_Warn * news_popup_warn_add(int type, const char *title, const char *text, int timer, int (*func_close) (News_Popup_Warn *popw, void *data), void (func_desactivate) (News_Popup_Warn *popw, void *data), void *data) { E_Zone *zone; News_Popup_Warn *popw; int fw, fh; int ecanvas_w, ecanvas_h; popw = E_NEW(News_Popup_Warn, 1); popw->type = type; popw->timer_org = timer; zone = e_util_zone_current_get(e_manager_current_get()); news_util_ecanvas_geometry_get(&ecanvas_w, &ecanvas_h); /* pop */ popw->pop = e_popup_new(zone, 0, 0, 1, 1); if (!popw->pop) { news_popup_warn_del(popw); return 0; } evas_event_freeze(popw->pop->evas); e_popup_layer_set(popw->pop, 255); /* face and tb */ popw->face = edje_object_add(popw->pop->evas); news_theme_edje_set(popw->face, NEWS_THEME_POPW); edje_object_signal_callback_add(popw->face, "close", "popup", _cb_edje_close, popw); edje_object_signal_callback_add(popw->face, "desactivate", "popup", _cb_edje_desactivate, popw); // TODO /* log */ // TODO /* update times */ // TODO /* type */ edje_object_message_send(popw->face, EDJE_MESSAGE_INT, NEWS_POPUP_WARN_EDJE_MESSAGE_TYPE, &type); /* pos */ popw->x = ecanvas_w - (fw + 20);; popw->y = ecanvas_h - (fh + 20);; popw->w = fw; popw->h = fh; /* timer */ if (timer) popw->timer = ecore_timer_add(timer, _cb_timer, popw); /* close and desactivate functions */ popw->func_close = func_close; if (func_desactivate) { int show_desactivate = 1; popw->func_desactivate = func_desactivate; edje_object_message_send(popw->face, EDJE_MESSAGE_INT, NEWS_POPUP_WARN_EDJE_MESSAGE_SHOW_DESACTIVATE, &show_desactivate); } /* attach data */ popw->data = data; /* check for popup overlaps */ _check_overlap(&popw->x, &popw->y, &popw->w, &popw->h, 0, popw->x, popw->y); e_popup_move_resize(popw->pop, popw->x, popw->y, popw->w, popw->h); DPOPW(("New: %dx%d : %dx%d", popw->x, popw->y, popw->w, popw->h)); DPOPW(("New face: %dx%d", fw, fh)); /* go ! */ evas_object_show(popw->face); e_popup_edje_bg_object_set(popw->pop, popw->face); evas_event_thaw(popw->pop->evas); e_popup_show(popw->pop); _popups_warn = evas_list_append(_popups_warn, popw); return popw; } void news_popup_warn_del(News_Popup_Warn *popw) { if (popw->timer) ecore_timer_del(popw->timer); if (popw->tb) evas_object_del(popw->tb); if (popw->face) evas_object_del(popw->face); if (popw->pop) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(popw->pop)); _popups_warn = evas_list_remove(_popups_warn, popw); free(popw); } /* * Private functions * */ static void _check_overlap(int *px, int *py, int *pw, int *ph, int tries, int org_x, int org_y) { Evas_List *l; News_Popup_Warn *p; int pxw, pyh; int p_xw, p_yh; pxw = *px + *pw; pyh = *py + *ph; for (l = _popups_warn; l; l = evas_list_next(l)) { p = evas_list_data(l); p_xw = p->x + p->w; p_yh = p->y + p->h; if (((p->x >= *px) && (p->x <= pxw) && (p->y >= *py) && (p->y <= pyh)) || ((*px >= p->x) && (*px <= p_xw) && (*py >= p->y) && (*py <= p_yh))) { /* overlap ! correct coords */ /* try upper, and then on the left */ /* TODO...: try down and right, maybe placement policy ? */ DPOPW(("Overlap !")); *py = p->y - (*ph + NEWS_POPUP_WARN_OVERLAP_BORDER); if (*py < 0) { *py = org_y; *px = *px - (*px + NEWS_POPUP_WARN_OVERLAP_BORDER); if (*px < 0) break; } tries++; if (tries > NEWS_POPUP_WARN_OVERLAP_CHECK_MAX) return; else _check_overlap(px, py, pw, ph, tries, org_x, org_y); break; } } } static void _try_close(News_Popup_Warn *popw) { int del = 1; if (popw->func_close) { if (!popw->func_close(popw, popw->data)) del = 0; } if (del) news_popup_warn_del(popw); } static int _cb_timer(void *data) { News_Popup_Warn *popw; popw = data; _try_close(popw); return 0; } static void _cb_edje_close(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source) { News_Popup_Warn *popw; popw = data; _try_close(popw); } static void _cb_edje_desactivate(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source) { News_Popup_Warn *popw; popw = data; if (popw->func_desactivate) popw->func_desactivate(popw, popw->data); }