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Raw Blame History

- X - ? rarely, on viewer open, it crashes in news_viewer_refresh, on e_icon_file_set (in evas engine loader func)
the evas object seems ok, the string passed to the loader too ...
<skyghis> sinon pur les feeds humour : http://www.lelombrik.net/ http://www.bashfr.org/
<skyghis> pour les feeds info tech: clubic pcimpact
mails juan
mails ludger
NEEDED (to do more or less in this order)
- debug html chars parse with test.rss
-> add support for & alone in evas_textblock
- ? merge news_parse_rss.c/h to news_parse.c/h ?
- atom feeds
- viewer: a way to set vcontent bg color ?
- feed icons (new file ?)
Evas_Object *news_feed_icon_add(News_Feed *feed)
void news_feed_icon_del(Evas_Object *obj)
void news_feed_icon_refresh(Evas_Object *obj)
evas_object_data_set the feed on the icon
evas_object_event_callback_add(EVAS_CALLBACK_FREE) on the icon, that remove the obj from feed->icons
to get a feeds icon : an edje obj, with icon swallowed
so we can put in menu / item / ilists, to have animated things every where, linked and consistant (state refresh calls news_feed_icon_refresh(feed))
add an "attached" state, to show that the feed is attached to an item. for example, a circle border aroung the icon ?
enable/disable state changes for each icon, with options on the _icon_add() and "can_..." data attached to the icon's evas_object
so mybe then no feed for news_viewer_feed_refresh() and config_dialog_refresh_feed() ...
- feeds option "icon glint on news"
- news_feed_ilist_get(News_Item *item)
+ news_feed_category_ilist_get()
if item is not NULL, get the selected feeds (= feeds of the item)
is NULL, get the whole feeds list (with categories ...)
(implement multi sel everywhere in main dialog, feeds list; usefull for delete feeds)
- news_viewer_feed_refresh -> refresh label and icon of a feed
while { nth_data_get() == feed }
to avoid refresh the ilist
- viewer: dont reselect current feed in viewer when a feed has updated with changes
- viewer: when an article goes to "as read" and "feeds first" option, refresh the feeds list but don't reselect the feed, go on top of the list
- use a "changed" attribute to things, to detect what has to be refresh when refresh() is called. to avoid refresh things for nothing, so avoid user ilists changer for nothing
- reparse infos every time, if changes ... ?
- handle the fact that sometimes we loose feeds (connection timeout ...) so sometimes, keep feeds that are READ, to avoid having feeds marked as unread, but wich where read before
detect when there are less articles then the time before ? if its the case, keep read articles ?
-> compare description of feed just parsed with suspect precedent one
its not that slow (use memcmp, keep description_size)
- show as selected the feed selected in viewer
- mouse over -> bump icon a bit
- unread feeds : glint every /10s ? on a global beat ?
- unread feeds : put the red color on top if icon alpha = 0
- item actions on mouse over / left click / wheel, like in photo
- option to have label on each feed icon
- wheel on an item makes the viewer go to next/prev (unread?) article
- loading state
- maybe a BUG with add / remove feeds in an item (MODE_FEED)
it has hang on time, in while(o = e_box_..._first(box)) { unpack }
... needs testing
- e patch for ilist : e_widget_ilist_selected_set, when there are labels, selects the good feed but the view goes at the end of the ilist
- e patch for ilist : (dialog_item/viewer when refresh and dont selected_set after, the view goes up of one item
- when changing order / modify feeds / categories
in the main config panel, make the state of the
config panel as INCHANGED
= dont enable "ok" and "apply"
- ? dont allow move categories ?
- ? item: category ilist to quickly find a feed ?
- e_config_dialog_find for all config dialogs ...
it needs E patch
- clean config_dialog_data (use sub structs ...)
- ? news_widget_feeds ? an ilist of feeds, sorted ... other things like that ?
- ? dialog: default button for viewer font, needs rewrite some things ... ?
- ? main/item: show language flag in ilist
e patch : add ability to have a 2nd image on the right of ilist items (we can show module activation in modules list. (raster adreed, go!, and send to ml) ?
is it really usefull ? language offen appears in the name, and we have a language selector ...
- appear with sliding animation in option ?
- when refresh viewer, try not to move the ilist view,
cause when you are watching it at the same time, its very anoying
needs e ilist patch ?
- news viewer refresh position function ?
- ? viewer: instead of having 'own lists', get the pos of feeds/articles via going through ilist items (e_widget_ilist_items_get && e_widget_ilist_nth_data_get), counting and looking data field ?
- everything
- patch to ecore_con to avoid segv when ecore_con_server_del on a server wich has not astablished connection yet
- popup an error if the feed doesnt want to refresh
(with a timeout timer on waiting reply ...)
- proxy tests
- add default feeds
- save articles on unload ?
rethink the stupid system that _detach, but not really.
linked with the Feed_Ref thing
-> ??? detach feeds, feed refs
when shutdown the module, specify if whe want a real delete (done)
but why is it unsur ? we should be able to know is the shutdown call
comes from my code (->detach) or outside ???
- move some things from .h to .c (private things ...)
- help dialog (mouse on viewer vcontent for example ...)
- fix all TODO and FIXME in the code
- ? charset ? already ok ? i believe not =)
- display feed language
- images
for items :
<enclosure url="..">, look if its an image
for channels :
<image> -> <url>
<rss:image> for <= 1.0
- get the favicon.ico for the feed icon, or set a genereric icon if not
- capacitee de suivre des flux d'images, et de sav les images
pour que Photo par exemple les reprenne derriere ds le repertoire o<> on a save la photo
"mode images" genre entice, pour voir toutes les images d'un coup (cf <lok>) ?
[Config Dialog]
- add an auto attach dialog, when you create a new feed
(disable option)
- possibility to have a little browser window in front of
the shelf, to see a news options to remember, place ...
- think about a new way of interaction with the wm
- search info about getting feeds where youre need to be logged