
149 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "e_illume_private.h"
#include "e_mod_main.h"
#include "e_mod_config.h"
#include "e_mod_policy.h"
#include "e_mod_kbd.h"
#include "e_mod_quickpanel.h"
/* NB: Initially I had done this rewrite with eina_logging enabled, but it
* degraded performance so much that it was just not worth it. So now this
* module just uses printfs on the console to report things */
/* external variables */
const char *_e_illume_mod_dir = NULL;
E_Illume_Keyboard *_e_illume_kbd = NULL;
Eina_List *_e_illume_qps = NULL;
EAPI E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Illume2" };
EAPI void *
e_modapi_init(E_Module *m)
Eina_List *ml, *cl, *zl;
E_Manager *man;
E_Container *con;
E_Zone *zone;
Ecore_X_Window *zones;
int zcount = 0;
/* set module priority so we load first */
e_module_priority_set(m, 100);
/* set module directory variable */
_e_illume_mod_dir = eina_stringshare_add(m->dir);
/* try to initialize the config subsystem */
if (!e_mod_illume_config_init())
/* clear module directory variable */
if (_e_illume_mod_dir) eina_stringshare_del(_e_illume_mod_dir);
_e_illume_mod_dir = NULL;
return NULL;
/* try to initialize the policy subsystem */
if (!e_mod_policy_init())
/* shutdown the config subsystem */
/* clear module directory variable */
if (_e_illume_mod_dir) eina_stringshare_del(_e_illume_mod_dir);
_e_illume_mod_dir = NULL;
return NULL;
/* initialize the keyboard subsystem */
/* initialize the quickpanel subsystem */
/* create a new vkbd & hide it initially */
_e_illume_kbd = e_mod_kbd_new();
/* loop zones and get count */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_manager_list(), ml, man)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(man->containers, cl, con)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(con->zones, zl, zone)
/* allocate enough zones */
zones = calloc(zcount, sizeof(Ecore_X_Window));
zcount = 0;
/* loop the zones and create quickpanels for each one */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_manager_list(), ml, man)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(man->containers, cl, con)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(con->zones, zl, zone)
E_Illume_Quickpanel *qp;
/* set zone window in list of zones */
zones[zcount] = zone->black_win;
/* increment zone count */
/* try to create a new quickpanel for this zone */
if (!(qp = e_mod_quickpanel_new(zone))) continue;
/* append new qp to list */
_e_illume_qps = eina_list_append(_e_illume_qps, qp);
/* set the zone list on this root. This is needed for some
* elm apps like elm_indicator so that they know how many
* indicators to create at startup */
ecore_x_e_illume_zone_list_set(man->root, zones, zcount);
/* free zones variable */
return m;
EAPI int
e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m)
E_Illume_Quickpanel *qp;
/* delete the quickpanels */
EINA_LIST_FREE(_e_illume_qps, qp)
/* shutdown the quickpanel subsystem */
/* delete the keyboard object */
if (_e_illume_kbd) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_illume_kbd));
_e_illume_kbd = NULL;
/* shutdown the keyboard subsystem */
/* shutdown the policy subsystem */
/* shutdown the config subsystem */
/* clear module directory variable */
if (_e_illume_mod_dir) eina_stringshare_del(_e_illume_mod_dir);
_e_illume_mod_dir = NULL;
return 1;
EAPI int
e_modapi_save(E_Module *m)
return e_mod_illume_config_save();