
430 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#define E_COMP_X
#include "e.h"
static void
_handle_dev_prop(int dev_slot, const char *dev, const char *prop)
int num, size;
Ecore_X_Atom fmt;
// libinput devices
if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled"))
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Accel Speed"))
float *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 32) && (num == 1) &&
(fabs(e_config->mouse_accel - val[0]) >= 0.01))
val[0] = e_config->mouse_accel;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %1.3f\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Tapping Enabled"))
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->touch_tap_to_click) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->touch_tap_to_click;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Tapping Button Mapping Enabled"))
// {
// // 1 bool, 0 = LRM, 1 = LMR
// }
else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Horizontal Scrolling Enabled"))
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Scroll Method Enabled"))
unsigned char cfval = 0;
Eina_Bool doit = EINA_TRUE;
if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 0) cfval = 1;
else if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 1) cfval = 0;
else if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 2) cfval = 1;
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, "libinput Scroll Methods Available", &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 3))
if (!val[cfval]) doit = EINA_FALSE;
if (doit)
// 1 bool, 0=2-finger, 1=edge, 2=button
val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(cfval) != (val[0]))
val[0] = cfval;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
// do via button mapping for now - not sure about this evdev can't do this
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled"))
// {
// // 1 bool
// }
// not for now - default
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Accel Profile Enabled"))
// {
// // 1 bool, 0 = adaptive, 1 = flat
// }
// do via button mapping for now - not sure about this evdev can't do this
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Left Handed Enabled"))
// {
// // 1 bool
// }
// do via button mapping for now - not sure about this evdev can't do this
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled"))
// {
// // 1 bool
// }
// synaptics devices
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Middle Button Timeout"))
unsigned int *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 32) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button && (val[0] != 50)))
val[0] = 50;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Move Speed"))
float chval[4] = { 0.0 };
// 4 val float min, max, accel, unused
chval[0] = 1.0;
chval[1] = 1.75;
chval[2] = 0.15 + (e_config->mouse_accel * 0.15);
float *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 32) && (num == 4) &&
((fabs(chval[0] - val[0]) >= 0.01) ||
(fabs(chval[1] - val[1]) >= 0.01) ||
(fabs(chval[2] - val[2]) >= 0.01)))
val[0] = chval[0];
val[1] = chval[1];
val[2] = chval[2];
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f\n", dev, prop, val[1], val[1], val[2], val[3]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Tap Action"))
// 7 val, 8 bit bit 0 = off, >0 mouse button reported
// TR, BR, TL, BL, F1, F2, F3
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 <- tap to click
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num >= 7) &&
(((e_config->touch_tap_to_click) &&
((val[4] != 1) || (val[5] != 2) || (val[6] != 3))) ||
((!e_config->touch_tap_to_click) &&
((val[4] != 0) || (val[5] != 0) || (val[6] != 0)))))
if (e_config->touch_tap_to_click)
val[4] = 1;
val[5] = 2;
val[6] = 3;
val[4] = 0;
val[5] = 0;
val[6] = 0;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i %i %i\n", dev, prop, val[4], val[5], val[6]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics ClickPad"))
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->touch_clickpad) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->touch_clickpad;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Edge Scrolling"))
// 3 bool - v, h, corner
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num >= 2) &&
(((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 0) &&
((!val[0]) || (val[1] != e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz))) ||
((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode != 0) &&
((val[0]) || (val[1])))))
if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 0)
val[0] = 1;
val[1] = e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz;
val[0] = 0;
val[1] = 0;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i %i\n", dev, prop, val[0], val[1]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Two-Finger Scrolling"))
// 2 bool - h, v
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num >= 2) &&
(((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 1) &&
((!val[0]) || (val[1] != e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz))) ||
((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode != 1) &&
((val[0]) || (val[1])))))
if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 1)
val[0] = 1;
val[1] = e_config->touch_scrolling_horiz;
val[0] = 0;
val[1] = 0;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i %i\n", dev, prop, val[0], val[1]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Circular Scrolling"))
// 1 bool
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 2) &&
(!val[0])) ||
((e_config->touch_scrolling_mode != 2) &&
if (e_config->touch_scrolling_mode == 2)
val[0] = 1;
val[0] = 0;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Palm Detection"))
// 1 bool - always turn on
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->touch_palm_detect) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->touch_palm_detect;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
// else if (!strcmp(prop, "Synaptics Off"))
// {
// // 8 bit 0 = on, 1 = off (except physical clicks), 2 =
// }
// evdev devices
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Evdev Middle Button Emulation"))
unsigned char *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 8) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button) != (val[0]))
val[0] = e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
else if (!strcmp(prop, "Evdev Middle Button Timeout"))
unsigned short *val = ecore_x_input_device_property_get
(dev_slot, prop, &num, &fmt, &size);
if ((val) && (size == 16) && (num == 1) &&
(e_config->mouse_emulate_middle_button && (val[0] != 50)))
val[0] = 50;
printf("DEV: change [%s] [%s] -> %i\n", dev, prop, val[0]);
(dev_slot, prop, val, num, fmt, size);
E_API void
// XXX: configure devices based on settings
// list devices - for each device, check properties
// if property does not match the config, set it to
// config val
int num_devs, i;
num_devs = ecore_x_input_device_num_get();
printf("DEV: CHANGES ... have %i devices\n", num_devs);
for (i = 0; i < num_devs; i++)
const char *name;
char **props;
int num_props, j;
name = ecore_x_input_device_name_get(i);
// printf("DEV: DEV=%i: [%s]\n", i, name);
props = ecore_x_input_device_properties_list(i, &num_props);
if (props)
for (j = 0; j < num_props; j++)
// printf("DEV: PROP=%i: [%s]\n", j, props[j]);
_handle_dev_prop(i, name, props[j]);
ecore_x_input_device_properties_free(props, num_props);
// generic accel - if synatics or evdev props found?
int accel_numerator, accel_denominator;
accel_numerator = 20 + (e_config->mouse_accel * 20.0);
accel_denominator = 10;
ecore_x_pointer_control_set(accel_numerator, accel_denominator,
// button mapping - for mouse hand and natural scroll
unsigned char map[256] = { 0 };
int n;
if (ecore_x_pointer_mapping_get(map, 256))
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
if (!map[n]) break;
if (n < 12)
map[0] = 1;
map[1] = 2;
map[2] = 3;
map[3] = 4;
map[4] = 5;
map[5] = 6;
map[6] = 7;
map[7] = 8;
map[8] = 9;
map[9] = 10;
map[10] = 11;
map[11] = 12;
n = 12;
if (e_config->mouse_hand == E_MOUSE_HAND_RIGHT)
map[0] = 1;
map[2] = 3;
else if (e_config->mouse_hand == E_MOUSE_HAND_LEFT)
map[0] = 3;
map[2] = 1;
if (e_config->mouse_natural_scroll)
map[3] = 5;
map[4] = 4;
map[3] = 4;
map[4] = 5;
ecore_x_pointer_mapping_set(map, n);