
629 lines
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#include "e.h"
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct _CFModule CFModule;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
typedef struct _CFType CFType;
typedef struct _CFTypes CFTypes;
struct _CFModule
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
const char *short_name, *name, *comment;
const char *icon, *orig_path;
E_Module *module;
Elm_Object_Item *item;
Evas_Object *end;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
int idx;
Eina_Bool enabled : 1;
struct _CFType
const char *key, *name, *icon;
Elm_Object_Item *gindex, *tbitem;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
Eina_Hash *modules_hash; /* just used before constructing list */
Eina_List *modules; /* sorted and ready to be used */
struct _E_Config_Dialog_Data
Eina_List *types;
struct _CFTypes
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
size_t key_len;
const char *key, *name, *icon;
/* pre defined types (used to specify icon and i18n name) */
static const CFTypes _types[] =
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
#define _CFT(k, n, i) \
{sizeof(k) - 1, k, n, i}
_CFT("utils", N_("Utilities"), "application-utilities"),
_CFT("system", N_("System"), "application-system"),
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
_CFT("look", N_("Look"), "modules-look"),
_CFT("files", N_("Files"), "folder"),
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
_CFT("launcher", N_("Launcher"), "modules-launcher"),
_CFT("core", N_("Core"), "e-logo"),
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
_CFT("mobile", N_("Mobile"), "modules-mobile"),
_CFT("settings", N_("Settings"), "application-desktop"),
#undef _CFT
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
/* local function protos */
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static void _cftype_free(CFType *cft);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static void *_create_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd);
static void _free_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata);
static Evas_Object *_basic_create(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static void _fill_cat_list(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata);
static void _module_end_state_apply(CFModule *cfm);
static CFType *_cftype_find(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata, const char *key, const char *name, const char *icon);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static CFType *_cftype_new(const char *key, const char *name, const char *icon);
static void _load_module(E_Module_Desktop *md, Eina_Hash *types_hash);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static Eina_Bool _types_list_create_foreach_cb(const Eina_Hash *hash __UNUSED__, const void *key __UNUSED__, void *data, void *fdata);
static int _types_list_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2);
static Evas_Object *e_int_config_modules_create_cb(const char *path, const char *part, Evas_Object *parent, void *cbdata, void *data);
static Eina_Bool e_int_config_modules_apply_cb(const char *path, const char *part, Evas_Object *obj, void *cbdata, void *data);
static void* e_int_config_modules_data_cb(const char *path, const char *part, void *data);
static void e_int_config_modules_free_cb(const char *path, const char *part, void *cbdata, void *data);
EAPI void
e_config_panel_item_add("modules", "preferences-plugin", _("Modules"), "Extensions to extend Enlightenments functions", 0, "modules");
e_config_panel_part_add("modules", "modules", _("Modules"), _("Mark a module as loaded to load them on startup"), 1, "extensions",
e_int_config_modules_create_cb, e_int_config_modules_apply_cb, e_int_config_modules_data_cb, e_int_config_modules_free_cb, NULL);
static void*
e_int_config_modules_data_cb(const char *path, const char *part, void *data)
Eina_Hash *types_hash;
Eina_List *mods;
E_Module_Desktop *md;
E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata;
cfdata = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_Data, 1);
types_hash = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
mods = e_module_desktop_list();
if (!mods)
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
return cfdata;
EINA_LIST_FREE(mods, md)
_load_module(md, types_hash);
eina_hash_foreach(types_hash, _types_list_create_foreach_cb, cfdata);
cfdata->types = eina_list_sort(cfdata->types, -1, _types_list_sort);
return cfdata;
static void
e_int_config_modules_free_cb(const char *path, const char *part, void *cbdata, void *data)
E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata = cbdata;
CFType *cft;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
EINA_LIST_FREE(cfdata->types, cft)
static Eina_Bool
_module_update(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Module_Update *ev)
CFType *cft;
Eina_List *l, *ll;
CFModule *cfm;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cfdata->types, l, cft)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cft->modules, ll, cfm)
if (cfm->short_name == ev->name)
cfm->enabled = ev->enabled;
static CFModule *
2010-03-13 13:56:25 -08:00
_module_new(const char *short_name, const Efreet_Desktop *desk)
CFModule *cfm = E_NEW(CFModule, 1);
if (!cfm) return NULL;
cfm->short_name = eina_stringshare_add(short_name);
if (desk->name)
cfm->name = eina_stringshare_add(desk->name);
cfm->name = eina_stringshare_ref(cfm->short_name);
cfm->icon = eina_stringshare_add(desk->icon);
cfm->comment = eina_stringshare_add(desk->comment);
cfm->orig_path = eina_stringshare_add(desk->orig_path);
return cfm;
static void
_module_free(CFModule *cfm)
static void
_module_end_state_apply(CFModule *cfm)
const char *sig;
if (!cfm->end) return;
sig = cfm->enabled ? "e,state,checked" : "e,state,unchecked";
edje_object_signal_emit(cfm->end, sig, "e");
static CFType *
_cftype_find(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata, const char *key, const char *name, const char *icon)
CFType *cft;
Eina_List *l;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cfdata->types, l, cft)
if ((!strcmp(cft->key, key)) && (!strcmp(cft->name, name)) && (!strcmp(cft->icon, icon))) return cft;
return NULL;
static CFType *
_cftype_new(const char *key, const char *name, const char *icon)
CFType *cft = E_NEW(CFType, 1);
if (!cft) return NULL;
cft->key = eina_stringshare_add(key);
cft->name = eina_stringshare_add(name);
cft->icon = eina_stringshare_add(icon);
//INF("CFT NEW: key(%s) name(%s) icon(%s)", key, name, icon);
return cft;
static void
_cftype_free(CFType *cft)
CFModule *cfm;
assert(cft->modules_hash == NULL); // must do it before calling this function
EINA_LIST_FREE(cft->modules, cfm)
static CFType *
_cftype_new_from_key(const char *key)
const CFTypes *itr;
char name[1024], icon[1024];
size_t key_len;
if (!key) return NULL;
key_len = strlen(key);
for (itr = _types; itr->key_len > 0; itr++)
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
if (key_len != itr->key_len) continue;
if (strcmp(itr->key, key) != 0) continue;
return _cftype_new(itr->key, itr->name, itr->icon);
if ((key_len + 1) >= sizeof(name)) return NULL;
if ((key_len + sizeof("enlightenment/")) >= sizeof(icon)) return NULL;
memcpy(name, key, key_len + 1);
name[0] = toupper(name[0]);
snprintf(icon, sizeof(icon), "enlightenment/%s", key);
return _cftype_new(key, name, icon);
static void
_load_module(E_Module_Desktop *md, Eina_Hash *types_hash)
CFType *cft;
CFModule *cfm;
const char *type, *mod;
Eina_Bool new_type = EINA_FALSE;
mod = ecore_file_file_get(md->dir);
if (md->desktop->x)
type = eina_hash_find(md->desktop->x, "X-Enlightenment-ModuleType");
type = NULL;
if (!type) type = "utils"; // todo: warn?
cft = eina_hash_find(types_hash, type);
if (cft)
new_type = EINA_FALSE;
if ((cft->modules_hash) &&
(eina_hash_find(cft->modules_hash, mod)))
cft = _cftype_new_from_key(type);
if (cft) new_type = EINA_TRUE;
else return;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
cfm = _module_new(mod, md->desktop);
if (!cfm)
if (new_type) _cftype_free(cft);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
if (!cft->modules_hash)
cft->modules_hash = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
eina_hash_direct_add(cft->modules_hash, cfm->short_name, cfm);
cft->modules = eina_list_append(cft->modules, cfm);
cfm->module = e_module_find(mod);
if (cfm->module)
cfm->enabled = e_module_enabled_get(cfm->module);
cfm->enabled = 0;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
if (new_type)
eina_hash_direct_add(types_hash, cft->key, cft);
static int
_modules_list_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2)
const CFModule *m1 = data1, *m2 = data2;
return strcmp(m1->name, m2->name);
static Eina_Bool
_types_list_create_foreach_cb(const Eina_Hash *hash __UNUSED__, const void *key __UNUSED__, void *data, void *fdata)
E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata = fdata;
CFType *cft = data;
// otherwise it should not be here
cft->modules_hash = NULL;
cft->modules = eina_list_sort(cft->modules, -1, _modules_list_sort);
cfdata->types = eina_list_append(cfdata->types, cft);
// TODO be paranoid about list append failure, otherwise leaks memory
return EINA_TRUE;
static int
_types_list_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2)
const CFType *t1 = data1, *t2 = data2;
return strcmp(t1->name, t2->name);
static void
_toolbar_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
CFType *cft = data;
if (evas_object_data_get(obj, "__anim")) return;
elm_genlist_item_bring_in(cft->gindex, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_SCROLLTO_TOP);
static void
toolbar_item(Evas_Object *obj, CFType *cft)
cft->tbitem = elm_toolbar_item_append(obj, cft->icon, cft->name, _toolbar_selected_cb, cft);
static char *
_group_item_label_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
CFType *cft = data;
return strdup(cft->name);
static char *
_item_label_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
CFModule *cfm = data;
return strdup(cfm->name);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static Eina_Bool
_item_gen(CFModule *cfm, Evas_Object *icon)
if (!cfm->icon)
return EINA_FALSE;
if (!elm_icon_standard_set(icon, cfm->icon))
if (cfm->orig_path)
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
char *dir = ecore_file_dir_get(cfm->orig_path);
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.edj", dir, cfm->icon);
if (!ecore_file_exists(buf))
return EINA_FALSE;
elm_image_file_set(icon, buf, "icon");
return EINA_TRUE;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
return EINA_FALSE;
return EINA_TRUE;
static Evas_Object*
_item_content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
CFModule *cfm = data;
Evas_Object *icon;
if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.icon"))
if (!cfm->icon)
icon = NULL;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
icon = elm_icon_add(obj);
_item_gen(cfm, icon);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(icon, 64, 64);
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
cfm->end = icon = elm_check_add(obj);
elm_object_style_set(icon, "led");
evas_object_freeze_events_set(icon, EINA_TRUE);
elm_check_state_set(icon, cfm->enabled);
//TODO delete hook!!
return icon;
static void
_list_selected(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
CFModule *mod = elm_object_item_data_get(event);
Evas_Object *w = data;
Evas_Object *load = evas_object_data_get(w, "__load_btn");
Evas_Object *unload = evas_object_data_get(w, "__unload_btn");
elm_object_disabled_set(load, mod->enabled);
elm_object_disabled_set(unload, !mod->enabled);
static void
_load_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
Evas_Object *list = data;
Evas_Object *w = elm_object_parent_widget_get(list);
Evas_Object *unload = evas_object_data_get(w, "__unload_btn");
Elm_Object_Item *sel = elm_genlist_selected_item_get(list);
CFModule *cfm = elm_object_item_data_get(sel);
if (!cfm->module)
cfm->module = e_module_find(cfm->short_name);
if (!cfm->module)
cfm->module = e_module_new(cfm->short_name);
if (cfm->module)
cfm->enabled = e_module_enabled_get(cfm->module);
elm_check_state_set(cfm->end, EINA_TRUE);
elm_object_disabled_set(unload, EINA_FALSE);
elm_object_disabled_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
static void
_unload_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
Evas_Object *list = data;
Evas_Object *w = elm_object_parent_widget_get(list);
Evas_Object *load = evas_object_data_get(w, "__load_btn");
Elm_Object_Item *sel = elm_genlist_selected_item_get(list);
CFModule *cfm = elm_object_item_data_get(sel);
if (!cfm->module)
cfm->module = e_module_find(cfm->short_name);
if (cfm->module)
cfm->enabled = e_module_enabled_get(cfm->module);
elm_check_state_set(cfm->end, EINA_FALSE);
elm_object_disabled_set(load, EINA_FALSE);
elm_object_disabled_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
static void
_list_scroll_start_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
evas_object_data_set(data, "__anim", (void*) 1);
static void
_list_scroll_stop_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
evas_object_data_del(data, "__anim");
static void
_list_scroll_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event)
int x, y, w, h;
Elm_Object_Item *it, *gi;
CFType *cft;
evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &x, &y, &w ,&h);
it = elm_genlist_at_xy_item_get(obj, x + 3, y + 3, NULL);
if(!it) return; //something went wrong ...
if (elm_genlist_item_type_get(it) == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP)
gi = it;
gi = elm_genlist_item_parent_get(it);
cft = elm_object_item_data_get(gi);
elm_toolbar_item_selected_set(cft->tbitem, EINA_TRUE);
static Evas_Object*
e_int_config_modules_create_cb(const char *path, const char *part, Evas_Object *parent, void *cbdata, void *data)
Evas_Object *tab, *bx, *tb, *list, *lb, *load, *unload;
tab = elm_table_add(parent);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(tab, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(tab, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
tb = elm_toolbar_add(parent);
elm_toolbar_select_mode_set(tb, ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS);
elm_toolbar_horizontal_set(tb, EINA_FALSE);
elm_toolbar_shrink_mode_set(tb, ELM_TOOLBAR_SHRINK_NONE);
elm_toolbar_icon_order_lookup_set(tb, ELM_ICON_LOOKUP_THEME_FDO);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(tb, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(tb, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_table_pack(tab, tb, 0, 0, 1, 1);
list = elm_genlist_add(parent);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(list, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(list, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(list, "scroll", _list_scroll_cb, tb);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(list, "scroll,anim,start", _list_scroll_start_cb, tb);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(list, "scroll,anim,stop", _list_scroll_stop_cb, tb);
evas_object_data_set(list, "__toolbar", tb);
elm_table_pack(tab, list, 1, 0, 1, 1);
bx = elm_box_add(parent);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(bx, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bx, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0);
elm_box_horizontal_set(bx, EINA_TRUE);
elm_table_pack(tab, bx, 0, 1, 2, 1);
load = elm_button_add(parent);
elm_object_text_set(load, _("load"));
elm_object_disabled_set(load, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_data_set(tab, "__load_btn", load);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(load, "clicked", _load_cb, list);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(load, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(load, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, load);
unload = elm_button_add(parent);
elm_object_text_set(unload, _("unload"));
elm_object_disabled_set(unload, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_data_set(tab, "__unload_btn", unload);
evas_object_smart_callback_add(unload, "clicked", _unload_cb, list);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(unload, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(unload, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0);
elm_box_pack_end(bx, unload);
E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata = cbdata;
Eina_List *node;
CFType *cft;
Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc_group, *itc_item;
/*groupindex class*/
itc_group = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
itc_group->item_style = "group_index";
itc_group->func.text_get = _group_item_label_get;
itc_group->func.content_get = NULL;
itc_group->func.state_get = NULL;
itc_group->func.del = NULL;
itc_item = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
itc_item->item_style = "default";
itc_item->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
itc_item->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
itc_item->func.state_get = NULL;
itc_item->func.del = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cfdata->types, node, cft)
CFModule *cfm;
Eina_List *l_module;
Elm_Object_Item *item, *it;
cft->gindex = item = elm_genlist_item_append(list, itc_group, cft, NULL, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP, NULL, NULL);
elm_genlist_item_select_mode_set(item, ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DISPLAY_ONLY);
toolbar_item(tb, cft);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cft->modules, l_module, cfm)
cfm->item = it = elm_genlist_item_append(list, itc_item, cfm,
_list_selected, bx);
elm_genlist_item_tooltip_text_set(it, cfm->comment);
return tab;
2012-06-28 03:14:25 -07:00
static Eina_Bool
e_int_config_modules_apply_cb(const char *path, const char *part, Evas_Object *obj, void *cbdata, void *data)
//Nothing to do here we save things directly