
334 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "e.h"
#include "e_mod_main.h"
#include "e_mod_sft_win.h"
/* local function prototypes */
static void _e_mod_sft_win_cb_free(Sft_Win *swin);
static void _e_mod_sft_win_cb_hook_eval_end(void *data, void *data2);
static int _e_mod_sft_win_cb_win_prop(void *data, int type __UNUSED__, void *event);
static int _e_mod_sft_win_cb_client_message(void *data, int type __UNUSED__, void *event);
static void _e_mod_sft_win_cb_resize(E_Win *win);
static void _e_mod_sft_win_create_default_buttons(Sft_Win *swin);
static void _e_mod_sft_win_cb_close(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__);
static void _e_mod_sft_win_cb_back(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__);
Sft_Win *
e_mod_sft_win_new(E_Zone *zone)
Sft_Win *swin;
Ecore_X_Window_State states[2];
/* create our new softkey window object */
swin = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(Sft_Win, SFT_WIN_TYPE, _e_mod_sft_win_cb_free);
if (!swin) return NULL;
swin->zone = zone;
/* hook into eval so we can set the softkey on the correct zone
swin->hook = e_border_hook_add(E_BORDER_HOOK_EVAL_END,
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_hook_eval_end, swin);
/* hook into property change so we can adjust w/ e_scale */
swin->scale_hdl =
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_win_prop, swin);
/* hook into client messages
swin->msg_hdl =
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_client_message, swin);
/* create new window */
swin->win = e_win_new(zone->container);
swin->win->data = swin;
/* set some properties on the window */
e_win_title_set(swin->win, _("Illume Softkey"));
e_win_name_class_set(swin->win, "Illume-Softkey", "Illume-Softkey");
e_win_no_remember_set(swin->win, EINA_TRUE);
/* hook into window resize so we can resize our objects */
e_win_resize_callback_set(swin->win, _e_mod_sft_win_cb_resize);
/* set this window to not show in taskbar or pager */
ecore_x_netwm_window_state_set(swin->win->evas_win, states, 2);
/* set this window to not accept or take focus */
ecore_x_icccm_hints_set(swin->win->evas_win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* create our base object */
swin->o_base = edje_object_add(swin->win->evas);
if (!e_theme_edje_object_set(swin->o_base,
char buff[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff),
"%s/e-module-illume-softkey.edj", _sft_mod_dir);
edje_object_file_set(swin->o_base, buff,
evas_object_move(swin->o_base, 0, 0);
/* create default buttons */
/* set minimum size of this window */
e_win_size_min_set(swin->win, zone->w, (32 * e_scale));
/* position and resize this window */
e_win_move_resize(swin->win, zone->x, (zone->y + zone->h - (32 * e_scale)),
zone->w, (32 * e_scale));
/* show the window */
e_border_zone_set(swin->win->border, zone);
/* set this window to be a dock window. This needs to be done after show
* as E will sometimes reset the window type */
ecore_x_netwm_window_type_set(swin->win->evas_win, ECORE_X_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK);
/* tell conformant apps our position and size */
zone->x, (zone->h - (32 * e_scale)),
zone->w, (32 * e_scale));
return swin;
/* local functions */
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_free(Sft_Win *swin)
const Evas_Object *box;
/* delete the message handler */
if (swin->msg_hdl) ecore_event_handler_del(swin->msg_hdl);
swin->msg_hdl = NULL;
/* delete the scale handler */
if (swin->scale_hdl) ecore_event_handler_del(swin->scale_hdl);
swin->scale_hdl = NULL;
/* delete the border hook */
if (swin->hook) e_border_hook_del(swin->hook);
swin->hook = NULL;
if (box = edje_object_part_object_get(swin->o_base, "e.box.buttons"))
Evas_Object *btn;
/* delete the buttons */
EINA_LIST_FREE(swin->btns, btn)
edje_object_part_box_remove(swin->o_base, "e.box.buttons", btn);
if (box = edje_object_part_object_get(swin->o_base, "e.box.extra_buttons"))
Evas_Object *btn;
/* delete the buttons */
EINA_LIST_FREE(swin->extra_btns, btn)
edje_object_part_box_remove(swin->o_base, "e.box.extra_buttons", btn);
/* delete the objects */
if (swin->o_base) evas_object_del(swin->o_base);
swin->o_base = NULL;
/* delete the window */
if (swin->win) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(swin->win));
swin->win = NULL;
/* tell conformant apps our position and size */
ecore_x_e_illume_softkey_geometry_set(swin->zone->black_win, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* free the allocated object */
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_hook_eval_end(void *data, void *data2)
Sft_Win *swin;
E_Border *bd;
if (!(swin = data)) return;
if (!(bd = data2)) return;
if (bd != swin->win->border) return;
/* check border position and size */
if (bd->x != swin->zone->x)
bd->x = swin->zone->x;
bd->changes.pos = 1;
if (bd->y != ((swin->zone->y + swin->zone->h) - bd->h))
bd->y = ((swin->zone->y + swin->zone->h) - bd->h);
bd->changes.pos = 1;
if (bd->w != swin->zone->w)
bd->w = swin->zone->w;
bd->changes.size = 1;
if ((bd->changes.pos) || (bd->changes.size)) bd->changed = 1;
/* if zone is not correct, set it */
if (bd->zone != swin->zone) e_border_zone_set(bd, swin->zone);
static int
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_win_prop(void *data, int type __UNUSED__, void *event)
Sft_Win *swin;
Ecore_X_Event_Window_Property *ev;
ev = event;
if (!(swin = data)) return 1;
if (ev->win != ecore_x_window_root_get(swin->win->evas_win)) return 1;
if (strcmp(ecore_x_atom_name_get(ev->atom), "ENLIGHTENMENT_SCALE")) return 1;
/* set minimum size of this window */
e_win_size_min_set(swin->win, swin->zone->w, (32 * e_scale));
/* resize this window */
e_win_resize(swin->win, swin->zone->w, (32 * e_scale));
/* tell conformant apps our position and size */
swin->win->x, swin->win->y,
swin->win->w, (32 * e_scale));
return 1;
static int
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_client_message(void *data, int type __UNUSED__, void *event)
Sft_Win *swin;
Ecore_X_Event_Client_Message *ev;
ev = event;
if (!(swin = data)) return 1;
if (ev->win != swin->zone->black_win) return 1;
return 1;
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_resize(E_Win *win)
Sft_Win *swin;
Evas_Object *btn;
const Evas_Object *box;
Eina_List *l;
int mw, mh;
if (!(swin = win->data)) return;
/* adjust button(s) size for e_scale */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(swin->btns, l, btn)
e_widget_size_min_get(btn, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
evas_object_resize(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
/* adjust box size for content */
if (box = edje_object_part_object_get(swin->o_base, "e.box.buttons"))
evas_object_size_hint_min_get((Evas_Object *)box, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_resize((Evas_Object *)box, mw, mh);
mw = mh = 0;
/* adjust button(s) size for e_scale */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(swin->extra_btns, l, btn)
e_widget_size_min_get(btn, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
evas_object_resize(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
/* adjust box size for content */
if (box = edje_object_part_object_get(swin->o_base, "e.box.extra_buttons"))
evas_object_size_hint_min_get((Evas_Object *)box, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_resize((Evas_Object *)box, mw, mh);
/* resize the base object */
if (swin->o_base) evas_object_resize(swin->o_base, win->w, win->h);
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_create_default_buttons(Sft_Win *swin)
Evas_Object *btn;
int mw, mh;
/* create back button */
btn = e_widget_button_add(swin->win->evas, _("Back"), "go-previous",
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_back, swin, NULL);
e_widget_size_min_get(btn, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
/* NB: this show is required when packing e_widgets into an edje box else
* the widgets do not receive any events */
/* add button to box */
edje_object_part_box_append(swin->o_base, "e.box.buttons", btn);
/* add button to our list */
swin->btns = eina_list_append(swin->btns, btn);
/* create close button */
btn = e_widget_button_add(swin->win->evas, _("Close"), "window-close",
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_close, swin, NULL);
e_widget_size_min_get(btn, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(btn, (mw * e_scale), (mh * e_scale));
/* NB: this show is required when packing e_widgets into an edje box else
* the widgets do not receive any events */
/* add button to box */
edje_object_part_box_append(swin->o_base, "e.box.buttons", btn);
/* add button to our list */
swin->btns = eina_list_append(swin->btns, btn);
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_close(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__)
Sft_Win *swin;
if (!(swin = data)) return;
static void
_e_mod_sft_win_cb_back(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__)
Sft_Win *swin;
if (!(swin = data)) return;