enable checking of windows going outside of e_config->screen limits

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <cp.michael@samsung.com>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Michael 2014-06-23 16:47:53 -04:00
parent 2ab2a9a36f
commit 165cf8db81
1 changed files with 72 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1914,6 +1914,9 @@ static void
_e_comp_wl_cb_hook_client_eval_fetch(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec)
E_Event_Client_Property *ev;
Eina_Bool move = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool resize = EINA_FALSE;
int x, y, w, h;
@ -2162,6 +2165,74 @@ _e_comp_wl_cb_hook_client_eval_fetch(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec)
ec->netwm.update.state = EINA_FALSE;
x = ec->x;
y = ec->y;
w = ec->client.w;
h = ec->client.h;
if ((ec->changes.pos) && (!ec->lock_client_location))
int zx, zy, zw, zh;
e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &zx, &zy, &zw, &zh);
if (e_config->screen_limits == E_SCREEN_LIMITS_WITHIN)
x = E_CLAMP(ec->x, zx, zx + zw - ec->w);
y = E_CLAMP(ec->y, zy, zy + zh - ec->h);
e_comp_object_frame_wh_adjust(ec->frame, w, h, &w, &h);
move = ((x != ec->x) || (y != ec->y));
resize = ((w != ec->w) || (h != ec->h));
if ((move) && (!ec->lock_client_location))
if ((ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_TYPE) != E_MAXIMIZE_NONE)
E_Zone *zone;
ec->saved.x = x;
ec->saved.y = y;
zone = e_comp_zone_xy_get(ec->comp, x, y);
if (zone && ((zone->x) || (zone->y)))
ec->saved.x -= zone->x;
ec->saved.y -= zone->y;
/* client is completely outside the screen, policy does not allow */
if (((!E_INTERSECTS(x, y, ec->w, ec->h, ec->comp->man->x, ec->comp->man->y, ec->comp->man->w - 5, ec->comp->man->h - 5)) &&
(e_config->screen_limits != E_SCREEN_LIMITS_COMPLETELY)) ||
/* client is partly outside the zone, policy does not allow */
(((!E_INSIDE(x, y, ec->comp->man->x, ec->comp->man->y, ec->comp->man->w - 5, ec->comp->man->h - 5)) &&
(!E_INSIDE(x + ec->w, y, ec->comp->man->x, ec->comp->man->y, ec->comp->man->w - 5, ec->comp->man->h - 5)) &&
(!E_INSIDE(x, y + ec->h, ec->comp->man->x, ec->comp->man->y, ec->comp->man->w - 5, ec->comp->man->h - 5)) &&
(!E_INSIDE(x + ec->w, y + ec->h, ec->comp->man->x, ec->comp->man->y, ec->comp->man->w - 5, ec->comp->man->h - 5))) &&
(e_config->screen_limits == E_SCREEN_LIMITS_WITHIN))
evas_object_move(ec->frame, x, y);
if (((resize) && (!ec->lock_client_size)) &&
((move) || ((!ec->maximized) && (!ec->fullscreen))))
if ((ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_TYPE) != E_MAXIMIZE_NONE)
ec->saved.w = w;
ec->saved.h = h;
evas_object_resize(ec->frame, w, h);
if (ec->icccm.fetch.transient_for)
E_Client *pc = NULL;
@ -2231,7 +2302,7 @@ _e_comp_wl_cb_hook_client_pre_frame(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec)
if (!ec->wl_comp_data->need_reparent) return;
WRN("Client Needs New Parent in Pre Frame");
/* WRN("Client Needs New Parent in Pre Frame"); */
parent = e_client_util_pwin_get(ec);