Implement code for surfaced attach

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Michael 2014-10-15 06:54:45 -04:00
parent ccee62d069
commit 1dc1be5a7f
1 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -139,6 +139,87 @@ _e_comp_wl_surface_cb_destroy(struct wl_client *client EINA_UNUSED, struct wl_re
static void
_e_comp_wl_surface_cb_attach(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, struct wl_resource *buffer_resource, int32_t sx, int32_t sy)
E_Pixmap *ep;
uint64_t pixid;
E_Client *ec;
DBG("Surface Attach: %d", wl_resource_get_id(resource));
/* get the e_pixmap reference */
if (!(ep = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource))) return;
pixid = e_pixmap_window_get(ep);
DBG("\tSurface has Pixmap: %llu", pixid);
/* try to find the associated e_client */
if (!(ec = e_pixmap_client_get(ep)))
if (!(ec = e_pixmap_find_client(E_PIXMAP_TYPE_WL, pixid)))
ERR("\tCould not find client from pixmap %llu", pixid);
/* check if client is being deleted */
if (e_object_is_del(E_OBJECT(ec)))
DBG("\tE_Client scheduled for deletion");
/* check for valid comp_data */
if (!ec->comp_data)
ERR("\tE_Client has no comp data");
/* clear any pending buffer
* NB: This will call any buffer_destroy function associated */
if (ec->comp_data->pending.buffer)
/* reset client pending information */
ec->comp_data->pending.x = 0;
ec->comp_data->pending.y = 0;
ec->comp_data->pending.w = 0;
ec->comp_data->pending.h = 0;
ec->comp_data->pending.buffer = NULL;
ec->comp_data->pending.new_attach = EINA_TRUE;
if (buffer_resource)
E_Comp_Wl_Buffer *buffer = NULL;
struct wl_shm_buffer *shmb;
/* try to get the E_Comp_Wl_Buffer */
if (!(buffer = _e_comp_wl_buffer_get(buffer_resource)))
ERR("\tCould not get E_Comp_Wl_Buffer");
/* since we have a valid buffer, set pending properties */
ec->comp_data->pending.x = sx;
ec->comp_data->pending.y = sy;
ec->comp_data->pending.buffer = buffer;
/* check for this resource being a shm buffer */
if ((shmb = wl_shm_buffer_get(buffer_resource)))
/* update pending size */
ec->comp_data->pending.w = wl_shm_buffer_get_width(shmb);
ec->comp_data->pending.h = wl_shm_buffer_get_height(shmb);
/* add buffer destroy signal so we get notified when this buffer
* gets destroyed (callback set in buffer_get function) */
static void