19.5 NEWS updates

This commit is contained in:
Mike Blumenkrantz 2015-05-04 12:28:46 -04:00
parent 32011517d1
commit 40fc1c0496
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
Release 0.19.5:
Bertrand Jacquin (1):
MEDIUM: modules/shot: switch to https://
Carsten Haitzler (4):
e clients - make sure we handle client with a NULL zone
e_shelf - check visiblity with zone and desk FIRST not later
e - xsettings - calloc buffer since we leave 3 of 4 bytes unset
e client - desk wait - ref it properly and clean up delfn
Jean Guyomarc'h (2):
modules/bluez4: fix duplicated symbol
e_ipc: fix creation of IPC server when $DISPLAY is a path
Mike Blumenkrantz (38):
pre-escape all notification body texts before display or merge
set ec->fullscreen before applying fullscreen geometry
never resize client clip object
exit immediately if any unrecognized arg is passed on startup
use stderr messages when failing to init X compositor
fix horizontal/vertical smart maximize
fix crash when using e_comp_object_util_center_pos_get() with non comp_objects
don't modify pixmap hash when changing pixmap parent window
slight ibar dnd optimization when checking taskbar apps for drop site
fix ibar drop calc to not unexpectedly trigger epileptic seizures in users
fix straggler container text in mousebindings config
remove layer setting from deskmirror
always lower e_layout children upon packing
raise deskmirror windows on startup
set xkb dialog as changed after adding a new layout
set E_Exec_Instance desktop during client idler if none present
allow client icon change events in ibar client prop handler
fix nocomp_override conditional which would inaccurately toggle nocomp
fix evry comparison macro to work as expected
use client geometry for starting unmaximize calculations
swap key -> keyname when attempting to bind lparen/rparen keys
remove contact module
add function for clearing app menu cache
clear app menu cache any time a desktop is edited internally
remove eina_streq usage
attempt to decode notification image uris with efreet before showing them
fix submenu visibility during scroll
ensure client max w/h props are set before applying them to client geom
use client geom for comp object centering functions if ec->new_client is set
rename client menu move/resize items to indicate real function
freeze evas events on clients during keyboard move/resize actions
only apply mouse down focus events if a binding did not run on the same event
force visibility on clients before attempting to hide them
change default icon theme to hicolor
try hicolor icon theme as fallback for fdo icon setting if user's theme fails
fix notification text to conform to spec and libnotify implementation
prune module config list when loading a module
fix infinite loop when changing ibar sources
Release 0.19.4: