winlist - optimize layout calcs when you have more windows

initial "how do i size and lay this out" is a fuzzy algo that tries to
stuff all the windows into a single screen with several rows of
windows (in large mode). it has to trade off sizing for a squarish
layout with mu;ltiple rows so does some passes and tries and bisecting
etc. - the problem is each stage goes and does a lot of object changes
re-laying them out and querying them. this is expensive. this does a
row length calc on its own without the objects to save a whole lot of

in theory i could actually skip almost all the object stuf and make
more assumptions and reduce the object fiddliong to just an initial
"how much fluff around a window item in the list and how much fluff
around the winlist (like padding/title and so on) and then just do
some raw math (and even flatten into arrays for cache friendliness).
but it's fast enough right now without a lot of changes. can always
revisit this in future.
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2020-11-27 12:19:59 +00:00
parent 0c2288daef
commit 53acb60c6a
1 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -751,7 +751,9 @@ _e_winlist_large_item_height_set(Evas_Coord h)
Evas_Coord mw, mh, lw, lh;
Evas_Object *o, *box;
int rows = 1;
int rowlen = 0;
evas_object_geometry_get(_list_object, NULL, NULL, &lw, &lh);
bl = elm_box_children_get(_list_object);
@ -760,10 +762,8 @@ _e_winlist_large_item_height_set(Evas_Coord h)
bl = elm_box_children_get(_list_object);
if (!bl) return 0;
// printf("W: fit %ix%i\n", lw, lh);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_wins, l, ww)
mh = h;
if (mh > ww->client->h)
mh = ww->client->h;
@ -771,22 +771,16 @@ try_again:
mw = (ww->client->w * mh) / ww->client->h;
mw = mh;
edje_object_part_unswallow(ww->bg_object, ww->win_object);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(ww->win_object, mw, mh);
evas_object_size_hint_max_set(ww->win_object, mw, mh);
edje_object_part_unswallow(ww->bg_object, ww->win_object);
edje_object_part_swallow(ww->bg_object, "", ww->win_object);
edje_object_size_min_calc(ww->bg_object, &mw, &mh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(ww->bg_object, mw, mh);
// printf("W: orig=[%ix%i] win=%ix%i | ", ww->client->w, ww->client->h, mw, mh);
box = bl->data;
elm_box_pack_end(box, ww->bg_object);
evas_object_size_hint_min_get(box, &mw, &mh);
// if box is too big then reflow obj onto next box row
// printf("box=%ix%i", mw, mh);
if (mw > lw)
rowlen += mw;
if (rowlen > lw)
// printf(" newrow\n");
rowlen = 0;
boxes = elm_box_children_get(bl->data);
if (!boxes) break;
// no more boxes to fill? break the loop trying - should not happen
@ -795,12 +789,12 @@ try_again:
// if only item on the row - continue adding more items
if (eina_list_count(boxes) == 1) continue;
// unpack from prev box as we are going to try with a new row
elm_box_unpack(box, ww->bg_object);
goto try_again;
// printf("\n");
box = bl->data;
elm_box_pack_end(box, ww->bg_object);
// evas_smart_objects_calculate(evas_object_evas_get(box));
return rows;
@ -812,6 +806,10 @@ _e_winlist_size_large_adjust(void)
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, h1, h2, maxw, maxh, prevh;
Eina_Bool expand = EINA_FALSE;
// for optimizing - time things
// double t0 = ecore_time_get(), t;
maxw = zone->w * e_config->winlist_large_size;
maxh = zone->h * e_config->winlist_large_size;
evas_object_resize(_bg_object, maxw, maxh);
@ -819,23 +817,25 @@ _e_winlist_size_large_adjust(void)
evas_object_geometry_get(_list_object, NULL, NULL, &maxw, &maxh);
if (maxw < 64) maxw = 64;
if (maxh < 64) maxh = 64;
// we will bisect sizes using the interfval h1 -> h2 until h == h2
// we will bisect sizes using the interval h1 -> h2 until h == h2
// then switch to expand mode where we go up bu 20% in size until
// we get too big
h1 = 0;
h2 = maxh;
h = (h1 + h2) / 2;
// t = ecore_time_get(); printf("WINLIST: start %1.5f\n", t - t0); t0 = t;
// printf("SZ:\n");
for (;;)
prevh = h;
// pick midpoint in interval
if (expand)
// get bigger by a bit
int newh = ((h * 120) / 100);
if (newh == h) h = newh + 1;
else h = newh;
// pick midpoint in interval (bisect)
else h = (h1 + h2) / 2;
// printf("SZ: %i [%i -> %i] expand=%i\n", h, h1, h2, expand);
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ _e_winlist_size_large_adjust(void)
h = prevh;
// printf("SZ: chose %i\n", h);
// t = ecore_time_get(); printf("WINLIST: grow %1.5f\n", t - t0); t0 = t;
@ -860,11 +861,13 @@ _e_winlist_size_large_adjust(void)
if ((h2 - h1) <= 1)
// printf("SZ: switch to expand\n");
// t = ecore_time_get(); printf("WINLIST: took shrink %1.5f\n", t - t0); t0 = t;
expand = EINA_TRUE;
h = h1;
// t = ecore_time_get(); printf("WINLIST: loop done %1.5f\n", t - t0); t0 = t;
edje_object_part_swallow(_bg_object, "e.swallow.list", _list_object);
edje_object_size_min_calc(_bg_object, &mw, &mh);
@ -875,6 +878,8 @@ _e_winlist_size_large_adjust(void)
y = zone->y + ((zone->h - h) / 2);
evas_object_geometry_set(_winlist, -1, -1, 1, 1);
evas_object_geometry_set(_winlist, x, y, w, h);
// t = ecore_time_get(); printf("WINLIST: done %1.5f\n", t - t0); t0 = t;
static void