e randr - make it work on nvidia - lots of "wrong" things fixed

i've spent a while testing randr on my nvidia box and drviers. it now
works - i can turn screens on and off. i couldn't before. e_randr was
trying to be too smart for its own good. it wasnt matching up outputs
to crtcs, was thinking outputs active when they were not, etc. etc.
etc. - reality is e_randr could do witha  lot of simplification, but
at this stage i'm just going to hammer it into shape to work across as
many drivers and setups as i can test against.
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2014-12-14 12:39:36 +09:00 committed by Mike Blumenkrantz
parent 367eea52ec
commit 71cb5462ba
1 changed files with 159 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -139,23 +139,43 @@ e_randr_config_apply(void)
/* Update output mode */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr->outputs, l, output)
if (!output->cfg->connect)
_e_randr_output_active_set(output, EINA_FALSE);
else if ((!output->active) && (output->status == ECORE_X_RANDR_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED))
printf("RR: apply out %p... [%s]\n", output, output->name);
if ((output->cfg) && (!output->cfg->connect))
if (_e_randr_output_crtc_find(output))
printf("RR: output disabled\n");
_e_randr_output_active_set(output, EINA_FALSE);
else if ((output->cfg) && (output->status == ECORE_X_RANDR_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED))
if (output->cfg)
printf("RR: output enabled [%i %i %ix%i | %2.3f orient %i]\n",
output->cfg->geo.x, output->cfg->geo.y,
output->cfg->geo.w, output->cfg->geo.h,
output->cfg->refresh_rate, output->cfg->orient);
printf("RR: update mode\n");
printf("RR: active set...\n");
_e_randr_output_active_set(output, EINA_TRUE);
printf("RR: active set done\n");
printf("RR: no cfg\n");
printf("RR: ???\n");
printf("RR: ... lid update\n");
/* update lid status */
printf("RR: randr apply...\n");
/* apply randr settings */
printf("RR: update primary...\n");
/* update primary output */
@ -428,11 +448,15 @@ _e_randr_load(void)
printf("RR: crtc found %x | %i %i %ix%i - %x . %i\n",
crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h,
crtc->mode, crtc->orient);
printf("RR: ====================\n");
/* try to get the list of outputs from x */
if ((outputs = ecore_x_randr_outputs_get(root, &noutputs)))
@ -460,6 +484,7 @@ _e_randr_load(void)
if (output->edid) output->cfg->edid = strdup(output->edid);
unknown = EINA_TRUE;
printf("RR: output %x %s %i %p\n", output->xid, output->name, output->status, output->cfg);
/* find a crtc if we want this output connected */
if (output->cfg->connect &&
@ -468,6 +493,7 @@ _e_randr_load(void)
E_Randr_Crtc *crtc;
crtc = _e_randr_output_crtc_find(output);
printf("RR: ouput on crtc = %p\n", crtc);
if (crtc)
_e_randr_output_active_set(output, EINA_TRUE);
@ -489,9 +515,6 @@ _e_randr_load(void)
/* sort list by output id */
// e_randr_cfg->outputs = eina_list_sort(e_randr_cfg->outputs, -1,
// _e_randr_config_output_cmp);
/* update lid status */
@ -529,8 +552,39 @@ _e_randr_apply(void)
/* get the min and max screen size */
ecore_x_randr_screen_size_range_get(root, &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh);
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: size range: %ix%i -> %ix%i\n", minw, minh, maxw, maxh);
printf("RRR0: size range: %ix%i -> %ix%i\n", minw, minh, maxw, maxh);
nx = ny = nw = nh = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr->crtcs, l, crtc)
int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient = ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0;
Eina_Rectangle rect;
printf("RRR0: crtc: %x %i %i %ix%i rot: %i mode: %i\n", crtc->xid, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h, crtc->orient, crtc->mode);
if (!crtc->outputs) continue;
if (crtc->mode == 0) continue;
x = crtc->geo.x;
y = crtc->geo.y;
orient = crtc->orient;
rect = crtc->geo;
_e_randr_config_mode_geometry(orient, &rect);
w = rect.w;
h = rect.h;
if (((x + w) > maxw) || ((y + h) > maxh)) continue;
if ((x + w) > nw) nw = x + w;
if ((y + h) > nh) nh = y + h;
if (x < nx) nx = x;
if (y < ny) ny = y;
/* Adjust size according to origo */
nw -= nx;
nh -= ny;
/* apply the new screen size */
printf("RRR1: current screen size: %ix%i\n", nw, nh);
ecore_x_randr_screen_current_size_set(root, nw, nh, -1, -1);
nx = ny = nw = nh = 0;
/* loop our lists of crtcs */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr->crtcs, l, crtc)
@ -543,15 +597,7 @@ _e_randr_apply(void)
int count = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *coutputs;
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: crtc: %x %i %i %ix%i rot: %i mode: %i\n", crtc->xid, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h, crtc->orient, crtc->mode);
/* disable crtc if no outputs */
if (!crtc->outputs)
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtc->xid, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
printf("RRR2: crtc: %x %i %i %ix%i rot: %i mode: %i\n", crtc->xid, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h, crtc->orient, crtc->mode);
/* set config from connected outputs */
@ -570,7 +616,7 @@ _e_randr_apply(void)
/* if the crtc does not fit, disable it */
if (((x + w) > maxw) || ((y + h) > maxh) || (mode == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: crtc dose not fit - off\n");
printf("RRR2: crtc dose not fit - off\n");
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtc->xid, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
@ -580,40 +626,60 @@ _e_randr_apply(void)
coutputs = calloc(eina_list_count(crtc->outputs), sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output));
if (!coutputs)
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: cannod alloc coutputs\n");
/* TODO: ERROR! */
printf("RRR2: cannot alloc coutputs\n");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc->outputs, ll, output)
coutputs[count] = output->xid;
E_Randr_Output *out2 = _e_randr_output_find(output->xid);
if (out2)
if ((out2->cfg) && (out2->crtc == crtc) && (out2->mode) &&
int i;
Eina_Bool ok;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (coutputs[i] == out2->xid)
if (ok)
printf("RRR2: add output %s\n", out2->name);
coutputs[count] = out2->xid;
/* get new size */
if ((x + w) > nw) nw = x + w;
if ((y + h) > nh) nh = y + h;
if (x < nx) nx = x;
if (y < ny) ny = y;
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: set mode %x | %i %i %ix%i | %x | %i\n", crtc->xid, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h, crtc->mode, crtc->orient);
printf("RRR2: set mode %x | %i %i %ix%i | %x | %i\n",
crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y, crtc->geo.w, crtc->geo.h,
crtc->mode, crtc->orient);
/* apply our stored crtc settings */
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtc->xid, coutputs,
count, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y,
crtc->mode, crtc->orient);
if (count > 0)
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtc->xid, coutputs,
count, crtc->geo.x, crtc->geo.y,
crtc->mode, crtc->orient);
printf("RRR2: no coutputs - off\n");
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtc->xid, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* cleanup */
/* Adjust size according to origo */
nw -= nx;
nh -= ny;
/* apply the new screen size */
ecore_x_randr_screen_current_size_set(root, nw, nh, -1, -1);
/* this moves screen to (0, 0) */
/* release the server grab */
@ -840,34 +906,40 @@ _e_randr_output_mode_update(E_Randr_Output *output)
/* grab the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
printf("RR: ... 1 - %s\n", output->name);
/* get mode infos */
mode_infos = ecore_x_randr_modes_info_get(root, &nmode_infos);
if (nmode_infos == 0)
goto error;
if (nmode_infos == 0) goto error;
printf("RR: ... 2\n");
/* get the list of modes for this output */
modes = ecore_x_randr_output_modes_get(root, output->xid, &nmodes, &pref);
if (nmodes == 0)
goto error;
if (nmodes == 0) goto error;
printf("RR: ... 3\n");
/* try to find the matching mode */
output->mode = 0;
if ((output->cfg->geo.w != 0) && (output->cfg->geo.h != 0))
printf("RR: ... 4\n");
for (i = 0; i < nmode_infos; i++)
double rate = 0.0;
rate = e_randr_mode_refresh_rate_get(mode_infos[i]);
printf("RR: ... 4.1 ... %i %1.3f cfg=%p modes=%p nmodes=%i\n", i, rate, output->cfg, modes, nmodes);
if ((mode_infos[i]->width == (unsigned int)output->cfg->geo.w) &&
(mode_infos[i]->height == (unsigned int)output->cfg->geo.h) &&
(dblequal(rate, output->cfg->refresh_rate)) &&
(_e_randr_output_mode_valid(mode_infos[i]->xid, modes, nmodes)))
printf("RR: ... 4.2 - match %ix%i @ %2.3f\n", output->cfg->geo.w, output->cfg->geo.h, rate);
output->mode = mode_infos[i]->xid;
printf("RR: ... 4.3\n");
printf("RR: ... 5\n");
/* see if we can use the mode of the crtc */
if ((!output->mode) && (output->crtc))
@ -875,40 +947,44 @@ _e_randr_output_mode_update(E_Randr_Output *output)
E_Randr_Crtc *crtc;
crtc = _e_randr_crtc_find(ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get(root, output->xid));
printf("RR: ... 6\n");
if (crtc && crtc->mode)
printf("RR: ... 6.1\n");
if (_e_randr_output_mode_valid(crtc->mode, modes, nmodes))
output->mode = crtc->mode;
/* TODO: See if we have a mode of the same size with another mode id */
printf("RR: ... 7\n");
/* set preferred mode */
if (!output->mode)
if (pref > 0)
output->mode = modes[pref - 1];
output->mode = modes[0];
printf("RR: ... 8\n");
if (pref > 0) output->mode = modes[pref - 1];
else output->mode = modes[0];
/* set width and height from mode */
for (i = 0; i < nmode_infos; i++)
printf("RR: ... 9\n");
if (mode_infos[i]->xid == output->mode)
output->cfg->geo.w = mode_infos[i]->width;
output->cfg->geo.h = mode_infos[i]->height;
output->cfg->refresh_rate = e_randr_mode_refresh_rate_get(mode_infos[i]);
printf("RR: ... 9.1 %ix%i @ %2.3f\n", output->cfg->geo.w, output->cfg->geo.h, output->cfg->refresh_rate);
printf("RR: ... 10\n");
if (modes) free(modes);
if (mode_infos)
for (i = 0; i < nmode_infos; i++)
for (i = 0; i < nmode_infos; i++) free(mode_infos[i]);
@ -1180,7 +1256,9 @@ _e_randr_crtc_from_outputs_set(E_Randr_Crtc *crtc)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc->outputs, l, output)
fprintf(stderr, "RRR: output: '%s' lid: %i active: %i status: %i\n", output->name, output->is_lid, output->active, output->status);
if (!output->active) continue;
if (output->status != ECORE_X_RANDR_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) continue;
printf("RRR: output: '%s' lid: %i active: %i status: %i\n", output->name, output->is_lid, output->active, output->status);
/* TODO: Match all connected outputs, not only the first */
crtc->mode = output->mode;
crtc->orient = output->cfg->orient;
@ -1240,19 +1318,46 @@ _e_randr_output_active_set(E_Randr_Output *output, Eina_Bool active)
E_Randr_Crtc *crtc;
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
if (output->active == active) return;
printf("RR: _e_randr_output_active_set... [%s] %i %i\n", output->name, output->active, active);
output->active = active;
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
printf("RR: ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get %x = %x\n", output->xid, ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get(root, output->xid));
crtc = _e_randr_crtc_find(ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get(root, output->xid));
if (!crtc)
crtc = _e_randr_output_crtc_find(output);
if (!crtc) crtc = output->crtc;
if (!crtc)
Eina_List *l;
E_Randr_Crtc *crtc2;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr->crtcs, l, crtc2)
printf("RR: ... looking at %x, outputs = %p\n", crtc2->xid, crtc2->outputs);
if (!crtc2->outputs) break;
if (!crtc2->mode) break;
crtc2 = NULL;
if (crtc2) crtc = crtc2;
printf("RR: ... output crtc2 = %p\n", crtc);
if (crtc) printf("RR: ... id = %x\n", crtc->xid);
if (crtc)
printf("RR: ... found crtc %i\n", active);
if (active)
crtc->outputs =
eina_list_append(crtc->outputs, output);
output->crtc = crtc;
printf("RR: ... add active output for crtc now\n");
@ -1260,22 +1365,13 @@ _e_randr_output_active_set(E_Randr_Output *output, Eina_Bool active)
eina_list_remove(crtc->outputs, output);
output->crtc = NULL;
printf("RR: ... remove output for crtc now\n");
else output->crtc = NULL;
printf("RR: _e_randr_output_active_set... done - %p\n", output->crtc);
static int
_e_randr_config_output_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
const E_Config_Randr_Output *cfg1 = a;
const E_Config_Randr_Output *cfg2 = b;
if (cfg1->xid < cfg2->xid) return -1;
if (cfg1->xid > cfg2->xid) return 1;
return 0;
static char *
_e_randr_output_name_get(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Randr_Output output)