simulate modal windows for badly behaved x11 clients

it seems that some clients, eg. libreoffice, don't set the modal window
property on child dialogs. instead of fighting for focus, set up the child
as a modal on the parent and then avoid the whole issue

fix T2594
This commit is contained in:
Mike Blumenkrantz 2015-07-21 18:24:39 -04:00
parent 64add23543
commit 73102c7048
2 changed files with 45 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
EINTERN void _e_main_cb_x_fatal(void *data EINA_UNUSED);
typedef struct _Frame_Extents Frame_Extents;
@ -90,6 +93,21 @@ _e_comp_x_focus_check(E_Comp *comp)
e_grabinput_focus(comp->ee_win, E_FOCUS_METHOD_PASSIVE);
static void
_e_comp_x_client_modal_setup(E_Client *ec)
ec->parent->modal = ec;
ec->parent->lock_close = 1;
if (!ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win)
eina_hash_add(clients_win_hash, &ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win, ec->parent);
ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(e_client_util_pwin_get(ec->parent), 0, 0, ec->parent->w, ec->parent->h);
e_comp_ignore_win_add(E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X, ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win);
ecore_x_icccm_name_class_set(ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win, "comp_data->lock_win", "comp_data->lock_win");
static void
_e_comp_x_client_frame_update(E_Client *ec, int l, int r, int t, int b)
@ -1948,7 +1966,31 @@ _e_comp_x_message(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_X_Event_Cl
e_client_urgent_set(ec, 1);
e_client_activate(ec, EINA_TRUE);
/* some apps, eg. libreoffice, create "modal" windows which
* do not have the netwm modal state set. instead, attempting to
* focus the parent window results in the app immediately trying to
* activate the "modal" window, triggering an infinite loop.
* by treating this "modal" window as a genuine modal window,
* we (eventually) can ignore this type of bad behavior and
* give the application/user the expected behavior
if (ec->parent && (!ec->parent->modal) && (e_client_focused_get() == ec->parent) &&
/* efl < 1.15 does not have a valid time member, so I guess just accept all such
* events here?
((!ev->time) || (ev->time - focus_time < PARENT_ACTIVATE_TIME)))
if (ec->comp_data)
if (ec->comp_data->parent_activate_count >= PARENT_ACTIVATE_LIMIT)
e_client_activate(ec, EINA_TRUE);
@ -3440,18 +3482,7 @@ _e_comp_x_hook_client_fetch(void *d EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec)
evas_object_layer_set(ec->frame, ec->parent->layer);
if (ec->netwm.state.modal)
ec->parent->modal = ec;
ec->parent->lock_close = 1;
if (!ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win)
eina_hash_add(clients_win_hash, &ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win, ec->parent);
ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(e_client_util_pwin_get(ec->parent), 0, 0, ec->parent->w, ec->parent->h);
e_comp_ignore_win_add(E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X, ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win);
ecore_x_icccm_name_class_set(ec->parent->comp_data->lock_win, "comp_data->lock_win", "comp_data->lock_win");
if (e_config->focus_setting == E_FOCUS_NEW_DIALOG ||
(ec->parent->focused && (e_config->focus_setting == E_FOCUS_NEW_DIALOG_IF_OWNER_FOCUSED)))

View File

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ struct _E_Comp_X_Client_Data
Eina_Bool frame_update : 1;
Eina_Bool evas_init : 1;
Eina_Bool unredirected_single : 1;
unsigned int parent_activate_count; //number of times a win has activated itself when parent was focused
EINTERN Eina_Bool e_comp_x_init(void);