Set struct field for Enabled/Disabled Before we try to find possible

If the monitor's crtc does not have a current_mode (because it was
previously disabled), then grab the last available mode (typically the
largest) and set the crtc current_mode to that.
Add some debugging for Enable/Disable.
Remove code which was trying to use ecore_x calls to re-enable a
Use the randr function for trying to enable an output (if previously

NB: Enable/Disable Does work, HOWEVER in my testing I have found that
when you re-enable a monitor, you will need to completely back out of
X and restart it in order for the Monitor to show output again. Unsure
if this is an X bug or something in e_randr or someother weirdness....

Signed-off-by: Christopher Michael <>

SVN revision: 81367
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Michael 2012-12-19 14:21:47 +00:00 committed by Christopher Michael
parent 1012d6be1d
commit 75981aa321
1 changed files with 24 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -273,12 +273,16 @@ e_smart_monitor_setup(Evas_Object *obj)
/* try to get the objects smart data */
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj))) return;
/* fill the list of 'modes' for this monitor
* NB: This clears old modes and also sets the min & max resolutions */
/* check if enabled */
sd->orig.enabled = EINA_FALSE;
if ((sd->crtc) && (sd->crtc->current_mode))
sd->orig.enabled = EINA_TRUE;
/* if we have a crtc, get the x/y location of it and current refresh rate
* NB: Used to determine the proper container */
@ -290,6 +294,11 @@ e_smart_monitor_setup(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!sd->crtc->current_mode)
sd->crtc->current_mode = eina_list_last_data_get(sd->modes);
/* set original mode */
sd->orig.mode = sd->crtc->current_mode;
if (!sd->orig.mode)
sd->orig.w = 640;
@ -311,9 +320,6 @@ e_smart_monitor_setup(Evas_Object *obj)
/* set original mode */
sd->orig.mode = sd->crtc->current_mode;
/* sd->orig.w = sd->crtc->geometry.w; */
/* sd->orig.h = sd->crtc->geometry.h; */
sd->orig.w = sd->orig.mode->width;
sd->orig.h = sd->orig.mode->height;
@ -372,10 +378,6 @@ e_smart_monitor_setup(Evas_Object *obj)
/* set the resolution name */
_e_smart_monitor_resolution_set(sd, sd->orig.w, sd->orig.h);
/* check if enabled */
if ((sd->crtc) && (sd->crtc->current_mode))
sd->orig.enabled = EINA_TRUE;
/* send enabled/disabled signals */
if (sd->orig.enabled)
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,enabled", "e");
@ -488,49 +490,24 @@ e_smart_monitor_changes_apply(Evas_Object *obj)
/* check if it changed enabled state and update values */
printf("Monitor Enabled: %d\n", sd->current.enabled);
if (!sd->current.enabled)
crtc->current_mode = NULL;
printf("Try DisAble Crtc: %d\n", crtc->xid);
crtc->current_mode = NULL;
* There is currently no way with e_randr to re-enable a
* previously disabled monitor.
* Just setting the crtc->current_mode does not work.
* So for now, we will directly re-enable it via ecore_x calls */
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *outputs;
int noutputs = -1;
printf("Try ReEnable Crtc: %d\n", crtc->xid);
if (sd->output) printf("HAVE OUTPUT: %d\n", sd->output->xid);
else printf("NO OUTPUT\n");
if (sd->crtc) printf("HAVE CRTC: %d\n", sd->crtc->xid);
else printf("NO CRTC\n");
crtc->current_mode = sd->current.mode;
noutputs = eina_list_count(crtc->outputs);
if (noutputs < 1)
outputs = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output));
outputs[0] = sd->output->xid;
noutputs = 1;
int i = 0;
outputs = calloc(noutputs, sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output));
for (i = 0; i < noutputs; i++)
E_Randr_Output_Info *ero;
ero = eina_list_nth(crtc->outputs, i);
outputs[i] = ero->xid;
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(sd->con->manager->root, crtc->xid,
outputs, noutputs,
crtc->geometry.x, crtc->geometry.y,
if (outputs) free(outputs);
if (sd->output) sd->output->crtc = crtc;