new sync protocol support -> sync efl apps more "perfectly" on resize.

its still a hack. real solution is making e totoally composited and
then the state machine can easily handle it all nigh flawlessly.

SVN revision: 58221
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2011-03-31 08:14:18 +00:00
parent 1d6827f1e1
commit 822e911859
1 changed files with 171 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -92,20 +92,23 @@ struct _E_Comp_Win
double last_draw_time; // last time window was damaged
int pending_count; // pending event count
unsigned int opacity; // opacity set with _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY
char *title, *name, *clas, *role; // fetched for override-redirect windowa
Ecore_X_Window_Type primary_type; // fetched for override-redirect windowa
unsigned char misses; // number of sync misses
Eina_Bool delete_pending : 1; // delete pendig
Eina_Bool hidden_override : 1; // hidden override
Eina_Bool animating : 1; // it's busy animating - defer hides/dels
Eina_Bool force : 1; // force del/hide even if animating
Eina_Bool defer_hide : 1; // flag to get hide to work on deferred hide
Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; // delete me!
Eina_Bool visible : 1; // is visible
Eina_Bool input_only : 1; // is input_only
Eina_Bool override : 1; // is override-redirect
Eina_Bool argb : 1; // is argb
Eina_Bool shaped : 1; // is shaped
@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ struct _E_Comp_Win
Eina_Bool shape_changed : 1; // shape changed
Eina_Bool native : 1; // native
Eina_Bool drawme : 1; // drawme flag fo syncing rendering
Eina_Bool invalid : 1; // invalid depth used - just use as marker
Eina_Bool nocomp : 1; // nocomp applied
Eina_Bool needpix : 1; // need new pixmap
@ -121,8 +125,6 @@ struct _E_Comp_Win
Eina_Bool real_hid : 1; // last hide was a real window unmap
Eina_Bool inhash : 1; // is in the windows hash
Eina_Bool show_ready : 1; // is this window ready for its first show
unsigned int opacity; // opacity set with _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY
static Eina_List *handlers = NULL;
@ -359,20 +361,17 @@ _e_mod_comp_cb_win_show_ready_timeout(void *data)
E_Comp_Win *cw = data;
cw->show_ready = 1;
// printf("_e_mod_comp_cb_win_show_ready_timeout %x\n", cw->win);
if (cw->visible)
// printf(" vis\n");
if (!cw->update)
// printf(" not update\n");
if (cw->update_timeout)
cw->update_timeout = NULL;
cw->update = 1;
cw->c->updates = eina_list_append(cw->c->updates, cw);
if (cw->update_timeout)
cw->update_timeout = NULL;
cw->update = 1;
cw->c->updates = eina_list_append(cw->c->updates, cw);
@ -390,7 +389,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_ready_timeout_setup(E_Comp_Win *cw)
if (cw->show_ready) return;
if (cw->counter) return;
// printf("_e_mod_comp_win_ready_timeout_setup %x\n", cw->win);
// FIXME: make show_ready option
if (0)
@ -482,6 +480,8 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_update(E_Comp_Win *cw)
ecore_x_pixmap_geometry_get(cw->pixmap, NULL, NULL, &(cw->pw), &(cw->ph));
if ((cw->pw > 0) && (cw->ph > 0))
evas_object_resize(cw->obj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
@ -543,9 +543,7 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_update(E_Comp_Win *cw)
evas_object_move(cw->shobj, cw->x, cw->y);
// was cw->w / cw->h
cw->pw + (cw->border * 2),
cw->ph + (cw->border * 2));
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
if ((cw->c->gl) && (_comp_mod->conf->texture_from_pixmap) &&
(!cw->shaped) && (!cw->rects))
@ -691,24 +689,25 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_update(E_Comp_Win *cw)
// cw->update = 1;
// printf("==== up %x | %i %i %i %i\n", cw->win, cw->update, cw->visible, cw->dmg_updates, cw->show_ready);
// FIXME: below cw update check screws with show
if (/*(!cw->update) &&*/ (cw->visible) && (cw->dmg_updates >= 1) &&
(cw->show_ready) && (!cw->hidden_override))
if (!evas_object_visible_get(cw->shobj))
// printf(" real show %x\n", cw->win);
edje_object_signal_emit(cw->shobj, "e,state,visible,on", "e");
if (!cw->animating) cw->c->animating++;
cw->animating = 1;
(cw->c->man, (E_Manager_Comp_Source *)cw,
_e_mod_comp_cb_pending_after, cw->c);
edje_object_signal_emit(cw->shobj, "e,state,visible,on", "e");
if (!cw->animating)
cw->animating = 1;
(cw->c->man, (E_Manager_Comp_Source *)cw,
_e_mod_comp_cb_pending_after, cw->c);
if ((cw->shobj) && (cw->obj))
@ -804,7 +803,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_cb_update(E_Comp *c)
c->grabbed = 1;
EINA_LIST_FREE(c->updates, cw)
if (_comp_mod->conf->efl_sync)
@ -813,8 +811,10 @@ _e_mod_comp_cb_update(E_Comp *c)
if (cw->drawme)
update_done = eina_list_append(update_done, cw);
cw->drawme = 0;
update_done = eina_list_append(update_done, cw);
cw->drawme = 0;
cw->update = 0;
@ -822,7 +822,9 @@ _e_mod_comp_cb_update(E_Comp *c)
if (cw->update)
new_updates = eina_list_append(new_updates, cw);
new_updates = eina_list_append(new_updates, cw);
if (_comp_mod->conf->fps_show)
@ -1281,7 +1283,10 @@ _e_mod_comp_object_del(void *data,
static void
_e_mod_comp_done_defer(E_Comp_Win *cw)
if (cw->animating) cw->c->animating--;
if (cw->animating)
cw->animating = 0;
cw->force = 1;
@ -1842,7 +1847,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_add(E_Comp *c,
if (((!cw->input_only) && (!cw->invalid)) && (cw->override))
// printf("^^^^ redirect3 %x\n", cw->win);
cw->redirected = 1;
// we redirect all subwindows anyway
// ecore_x_composite_redirect_window(cw->win, ECORE_X_COMPOSITE_UPDATE_MANUAL);
@ -1858,6 +1862,11 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_del(E_Comp_Win *cw)
int pending_count;
if (cw->animating)
cw->animating = 0;
if ((!cw->input_only) && (!cw->invalid))
@ -1914,7 +1923,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_del(E_Comp_Win *cw)
if (cw->redirected)
// printf("^^^^ undirect4 %x\n", cw->win);
// we redirect all subwindows anyway
// ecore_x_composite_unredirect_window(cw->win, ECORE_X_COMPOSITE_UPDATE_MANUAL);
cw->redirected = 0;
@ -2048,7 +2056,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_show(E_Comp_Win *cw)
cw->dmg_updates = 1;
if ((!cw->redirected) || (!cw->pixmap))
// printf("^^^^ redirect5 %x\n", cw->win);
// we redirect all subwindows anyway
// ecore_x_composite_redirect_window(cw->win, ECORE_X_COMPOSITE_UPDATE_MANUAL);
cw->pixmap = ecore_x_composite_name_window_pixmap_get(cw->win);
@ -2087,7 +2094,10 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_show(E_Comp_Win *cw)
cw->defer_hide = 0;
if (!cw->hidden_override) evas_object_show(cw->shobj);
edje_object_signal_emit(cw->shobj, "e,state,visible,on", "e");
if (!cw->animating) cw->c->animating++;
if (!cw->animating)
cw->animating = 1;
@ -2125,7 +2135,10 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_hide(E_Comp_Win *cw)
cw->defer_hide = 1;
edje_object_signal_emit(cw->shobj, "e,state,visible,off", "e");
if (!cw->animating) cw->c->animating++;
if (!cw->animating)
cw->animating = 1;
@ -2196,7 +2209,6 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_hide(E_Comp_Win *cw)
if (cw->redirected)
// printf("^^^^ undirect6 %x\n", cw->win);
// we redirect all subwindows anyway
// ecore_x_composite_unredirect_window(cw->win, ECORE_X_COMPOSITE_UPDATE_MANUAL);
cw->redirected = 0;
@ -2290,30 +2302,64 @@ _e_mod_comp_win_configure(E_Comp_Win *cw,
cw->hidden.x = x;
cw->hidden.y = y;
if (!((w == cw->w) && (h == cw->h)))
cw->hidden.w = w;
cw->hidden.h = h;
if (cw->counter)
DBG(" [0x%x] rsz %4ix%4i\n", cw->win, w, h);
cw->w = w;
cw->h = h;
cw->needpix = 1;
// was cw->w / cw->h
cw->pw + (cw->border * 2),
cw->ph + (cw->border * 2));
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
if (!((w == cw->w) && (h == cw->h)))
if (cw->bd)
if ((cw->bd->shading) || (cw->bd->shaded))
cw->needpix = 1;
// was cw->w / cw->h
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
cw->update = 0;
// if (cw->ready_timeout) ecore_timer_del(cw->ready_timeout);
// cw->ready_timeout = ecore_timer_add
// (_comp_mod->conf->first_draw_delay,
// _e_mod_comp_cb_win_show_ready_timeout, cw);
if (cw->border != border)
cw->border = border;
cw->needpix = 1;
// was cw->w / cw->h
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
if ((cw->input_only) || (cw->invalid)) return;
if (cw->border != border)
cw->border = border;
// was cw->w / cw->h
cw->pw + (cw->border * 2),
cw->ph + (cw->border * 2));
if (!((w == cw->w) && (h == cw->h)))
DBG(" [0x%x] rsz %4ix%4i\n", cw->win, w, h);
cw->w = w;
cw->h = h;
cw->needpix = 1;
// was cw->w / cw->h
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
if (cw->border != border)
cw->border = border;
cw->needpix = 1;
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
if ((cw->input_only) || (cw->invalid)) return;
cw->hidden.w = cw->w;
cw->hidden.h = cw->h;
if ((cw->input_only) || (cw->invalid)) return;
// add pending manager comp event count to match below config send
(E_Manager_Comp_Source *)cw,
@ -2527,6 +2573,9 @@ _e_mod_comp_message(void *data __UNUSED__,
Ecore_X_Event_Client_Message *ev = event;
E_Comp_Win *cw = NULL;
int version, w = 0, h = 0;
Eina_Bool force = 0;
if (ev->message_type == ECORE_X_ATOM_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY)
E_Comp_Win *cw = _e_mod_comp_win_find(ev->win);
@ -2537,6 +2586,7 @@ _e_mod_comp_message(void *data __UNUSED__,
if ((ev->message_type != ECORE_X_ATOM_E_COMP_SYNC_DRAW_DONE) ||
(ev->format != 32)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON;
version = ev->data.l[1];
cw = _e_mod_comp_border_client_find(ev->data.l[0]);
if (cw)
@ -2549,6 +2599,50 @@ _e_mod_comp_message(void *data __UNUSED__,
if (!cw) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON;
if (ev->data.l[0] != cw->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON;
if (version == 1) // v 0 was first, v1 added size params
w = ev->data.l[2];
h = ev->data.l[3];
if (cw->bd)
int clw, clh;
if ((cw->bd->shading) || (cw->bd->shaded)) force = 1;
clw = cw->hidden.w -
cw->bd->client_inset.l -
clh = cw->hidden.h -
cw->bd->client_inset.t -
DBG(" [0x%x] sync draw done @%4ix%4i, bd %4ix%4i\n", cw->win,
w, h, cw->bd->client.w, cw->bd->client.h);
if ((w != clw) || (h != clh))
if (cw->misses > 1)
cw->misses = 0;
force = 1;
cw->misses = 0;
DBG(" [0x%x] sync draw done @%4ix%4i, cw %4ix%4i\n", cw->win, w, h, cw->hidden.w, cw->hidden.h);
if ((w != cw->hidden.w) || (h != cw->hidden.h))
if (cw->misses > 1)
cw->misses = 0;
force = 1;
cw->misses = 0;
DBG(" [0x%x] sync draw done %4ix%4i\n", cw->win, cw->w, cw->h);
// if (cw->bd)
@ -2568,6 +2662,18 @@ _e_mod_comp_message(void *data __UNUSED__,
cw->update = 1;
cw->c->updates = eina_list_append(cw->c->updates, cw);
if ((cw->w != cw->hidden.w) ||
(cw->h != cw->hidden.h) ||
DBG(" [0x%x] rsz done msg %4ix%4i\n", cw->win, cw->hidden.w, cw->hidden.h);
cw->w = cw->hidden.w;
cw->h = cw->hidden.h;
cw->needpix = 1;
// was cw->w / cw->h
evas_object_resize(cw->shobj, cw->pw, cw->ph);
_e_mod_comp_win_damage(cw, 0, 0, cw->w, cw->h, 0);
cw->drawme = 1;
@ -3315,7 +3421,10 @@ e_mod_comp_shadow_set(void)
if (cw->visible)
edje_object_signal_emit(cw->shobj, "e,state,visible,on", "e");
if (!cw->animating) cw->c->animating++;
if (!cw->animating)
cw->animating = 1;