add code to hook the client new event

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Michael 2014-10-15 08:01:14 -04:00
parent e655abfaa4
commit 8c661bb7fb
1 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -386,6 +386,63 @@ _e_comp_wl_compositor_cb_del(E_Comp *comp)
static void
_e_comp_wl_client_cb_new(void *data EINA_UNUSED, E_Client *ec)
uint64_t win;
DBG("Comp Hook Client New");
/* make sure this is a wayland client */
/* get window id from pixmap */
win = e_pixmap_window_get(ec->pixmap);
/* ignore fake root windows */
if ((ec->override) && ((ec->x == -77) && (ec->y == -77)))
e_comp_ignore_win_add(E_PIXMAP_TYPE_WL, win);
if (!(ec->comp_data = E_NEW(E_Comp_Client_Data, 1)))
ERR("Could not allocate new client data structure");
/* set initial client properties */
ec->ignored = e_comp_ignore_win_find(win);
ec->border_size = 0;
ec->placed |= ec->override;
ec->new_client ^= ec->override;
ec->icccm.accepts_focus = ((!ec->override) && (!ec->input_only));
/* NB: could not find a better place to do this, BUT for internal windows,
* we need to set delete_request else the close buttons on the frames do
* basically nothing */
if (ec->internal) ec->icccm.delete_request = EINA_TRUE;
/* set initial client data properties */
ec->comp_data->mapped = EINA_FALSE;
ec->comp_data->first_damage = ((ec->internal) || (ec->override));
if ((!e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) &&
(!ec->internal) && (!ec->internal_ecore_evas))
ec->comp_data->need_reparent = EINA_TRUE;
ec->take_focus = !starting;
/* add this client to the hash */
eina_hash_add(clients_win_hash, &win, ec);
/* TODO: first draw timer ? */
static Eina_Bool
@ -521,6 +578,9 @@ e_comp_wl_init(void)
/* create hash to store clients */
clients_win_hash = eina_hash_int64_new(NULL);
/* add hooks to catch e_client events */
e_client_hook_add(E_CLIENT_HOOK_NEW_CLIENT, _e_comp_wl_client_cb_new, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;