e widget bgpreview - use e thumb to get quality back and speed too

this should keep the perfromance of the prior commit
f80f73a7c9 and now get quality back by
generating thumbnails at higher resolution then scaling down from there.

This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2017-01-27 23:44:02 +09:00
parent bcbc263710
commit acf8988c40
1 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ struct _E_Widget_Data
typedef struct _E_Widget_Desk_Data E_Widget_Desk_Data;
struct _E_Widget_Desk_Data
Evas_Object *icon, *thumb, *live, *cont;
Evas_Object *icon, *live, *cont;
int zone, x, y;
Ecore_Event_Handler *bg_upd_hdl;
Ecore_Job *resize_job;
Eina_Bool configurable : 1;
Eina_Bool thumb : 1;
/* local function prototypes */
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ static void _e_wid_desk_cb_config(void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj,
static void _e_wid_cb_resize(void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj, void *event);
static Eina_Bool _e_wid_cb_bg_update(void *data, int type, void *event);
static void
_bgpreview_viewport_update(Evas_Object *o, const E_Zone *zone, int x, int y)
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ _bgpreview_viewport_update(Evas_Object *o, const E_Zone *zone, int x, int y)
msg->val[4] = zone->desk_y_count;
edje_object_message_send(o, EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT_SET, 0, msg);
E_API Evas_Object *
e_widget_bgpreview_add(Evas *evas, int nx, int ny)
@ -96,14 +99,16 @@ e_widget_bgpreview_desk_add(Evas *e, E_Zone *zone, int x, int y)
dd->cont = evas_object_table_add(e);
dd->thumb = EINA_FALSE;
if (eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".edj"))
dd->live = e_livethumb_add(e);
dd->thumb = o = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(dd->live));
edje_object_file_set(o, bgfile, "e/desktop/background");
_bgpreview_viewport_update(o, zone, x, y);
e_livethumb_thumb_set(dd->live, o);
dd->live = o = e_thumb_icon_add(e);
e_thumb_icon_size_set(o, zone->w / 8, zone->h / 8);
e_thumb_icon_file_set(o, bgfile, "e/desktop/background");
e_icon_fill_inside_set(o, EINA_FALSE);
// _bgpreview_viewport_update(o, zone, x, y);
dd->thumb = EINA_TRUE;
else if ((eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".gif")) ||
(eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".png")) ||
@ -165,6 +170,9 @@ _e_wid_livethumb_resize_job(void *data)
if (dd->thumb)
const char *bgfile;
bgfile = e_bg_file_get(dd->zone, dd->x, dd->y);
zone = e_comp_object_util_zone_get(dd->live);
if (!zone) zone = eina_list_data_get(e_comp->zones);
evas_object_geometry_get(dd->cont, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
@ -183,7 +191,10 @@ _e_wid_livethumb_resize_job(void *data)
w = (zone->w * h) / zone->h;
e_livethumb_vsize_set(dd->live, w, h);
e_thumb_icon_size_set(dd->live, w, h);
e_thumb_icon_file_set(dd->live, bgfile, "e/desktop/background");
e_icon_fill_inside_set(dd->live, EINA_FALSE);
dd->resize_job = NULL;
@ -359,19 +370,20 @@ _e_wid_cb_bg_update(void *data, int type, void *event)
zone = e_comp_zone_number_get(dd->zone);
bgfile = e_bg_file_get(dd->zone, dd->x, dd->y);
if (dd->thumb) evas_object_del(dd->thumb);
dd->thumb = NULL;
if (dd->live) evas_object_del(dd->live);
dd->live = NULL;
dd->thumb = EINA_FALSE;
if (eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".edj"))
dd->live = e_livethumb_add(e);
dd->thumb = o = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(dd->live));
edje_object_file_set(o, bgfile, "e/desktop/background");
_bgpreview_viewport_update(o, zone, dd->x, dd->y);
e_livethumb_thumb_set(dd->live, o);
dd->live = o = e_thumb_icon_add(e);
e_thumb_icon_size_set(o, zone->w / 8, zone->h / 8);
e_thumb_icon_file_set(o, bgfile, "e/desktop/background");
e_icon_fill_inside_set(o, EINA_FALSE);
// _bgpreview_viewport_update(o, zone, dd->x, dd->y);
dd->thumb = EINA_TRUE;
else if ((eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".gif")) ||
(eina_str_has_extension(bgfile, ".png")) ||
@ -387,7 +399,6 @@ _e_wid_cb_bg_update(void *data, int type, void *event)
dd->live = o = e_video_add(e, bgfile, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(dd->live, 1, 1);