Backport: af59660 :: Add ROTATE_FUZZ amount. Add inline function to get orientation based on rotation amount. Add function to apply an evas_map for rotation. If we are rotating, we don't need to set livethumb size. When we start rotating, set initial rotation amount to 0. When rotation stops, update the map and monitor position where needed. Apply map during rotation.

NB: This commit also adds a debugging red rectangle behind the
monitor. This will be removed when debugging is complete

Signed-off-by: Christopher Michael <>

SVN revision: 84184
Signed-off-by: Deon Thomas <>
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Michael 2013-02-19 10:58:25 +00:00 committed by Deon Thomas
parent 63163546d8
commit ae9cbd4e9f
1 changed files with 178 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
#include "e_smart_monitor.h"
#define RESIZE_FUZZ 60
#define ROTATE_FUZZ 45
#define BG_DBG 1
/* local structure */
typedef struct _E_Smart_Data E_Smart_Data;
@ -30,8 +33,10 @@ struct _E_Smart_Data
Evas_Coord vw, vh;
} grid;
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* test object */
/* Evas_Object *o_bg; */
Evas_Object *o_bg;
/* base object */
Evas_Object *o_base;
@ -129,10 +134,13 @@ static void _e_smart_monitor_frame_cb_rotate_start(void *data, Evas_Object *obj
static void _e_smart_monitor_frame_cb_rotate_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, const char *emission EINA_UNUSED, const char *source EINA_UNUSED);
static void _e_smart_monitor_resize_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event);
static void _e_smart_monitor_rotate_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event);
static void _e_smart_monitor_rotate_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon EINA_UNUSED, void *event);
static int _e_smart_monitor_rotation_amount_get(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev);
static inline int _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient);
static inline Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation _e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(int rotation);
static void _e_smart_monitor_map_apply(Evas_Object *obj, int rotation);
/* external functions exposed by this widget */
Evas_Object *
@ -385,10 +393,12 @@ _e_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj)
/* grab the canvas */
sd->evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj);
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* create the bg test object */
/* sd->o_bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(sd->evas); */
/* evas_object_color_set(sd->o_bg, 255, 0, 0, 255); */
/* evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->o_bg, obj); */
sd->o_bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(sd->evas);
evas_object_color_set(sd->o_bg, 255, 0, 0, 255);
evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->o_bg, obj);
/* create the base object */
sd->o_base = edje_object_add(sd->evas);
@ -522,7 +532,10 @@ _e_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj)
/* evas_object_del(sd->o_bg); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* free the list of modes */
EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->modes, mode)
@ -551,7 +564,9 @@ _e_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
sd->x = x;
sd->y = y;
/* evas_object_move(sd->o_bg, x, y); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
evas_object_move(sd->o_bg, x, y);
evas_object_move(sd->o_base, x, y);
@ -572,10 +587,13 @@ _e_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
sd->h = h;
/* set livethumb thumbnail size */
if (!sd->resizing) e_livethumb_vsize_set(sd->o_thumb, sd->w, sd->h);
if ((!sd->resizing) && (!sd->rotating))
e_livethumb_vsize_set(sd->o_thumb, sd->w, sd->h);
evas_object_resize(sd->o_base, w, h);
/* evas_object_resize(sd->o_bg, w, h + 30); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
evas_object_resize(sd->o_bg, w, h + 30);
static void
@ -592,7 +610,9 @@ _e_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj)
if (sd->visible) return;
/* evas_object_show(sd->o_bg); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* set visibility flag */
sd->visible = EINA_TRUE;
@ -612,7 +632,9 @@ _e_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!sd->visible) return;
/* evas_object_hide(sd->o_bg); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* set visibility flag */
sd->visible = EINA_FALSE;
@ -629,7 +651,9 @@ _e_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *clip)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj))) return;
evas_object_clip_set(sd->o_base, clip);
/* evas_object_clip_set(sd->o_bg, clip); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
evas_object_clip_set(sd->o_bg, clip);
static void
@ -643,7 +667,9 @@ _e_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj))) return;
/* evas_object_clip_unset(sd->o_bg); */
#ifdef BG_DBG
/* local functions */
@ -1066,7 +1092,8 @@ _e_smart_monitor_frame_cb_rotate_start(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(mon))) return;
/* get the degree of rotation */
sd->rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->crtc.orient);
sd->rotation = 0;
/* sd->rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->crtc.orient); */
/* record current size of monitor */
/* evas_object_grid_pack_get(sd->grid.obj, mon, NULL, NULL, &sd->cw, &sd->ch); */
@ -1080,6 +1107,10 @@ _e_smart_monitor_frame_cb_rotate_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
Evas_Object *mon;
E_Smart_Data *sd;
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient;
int rotation = 0;
Evas_Coord cw = 0, ch = 0;
Evas_Coord mw = 0, mh = 0;
@ -1089,11 +1120,85 @@ _e_smart_monitor_frame_cb_rotate_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
/* try to get the monitor smart data */
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(mon))) return;
/* record current size of monitor */
/* evas_object_grid_pack_get(sd->grid.obj, mon, NULL, NULL, &sd->cw, &sd->ch); */
/* set resizing flag */
sd->rotating = EINA_FALSE;
/* get current orientation based on rotation */
orient = _e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(sd->rotation);
/* run a comparison based on orientation
* NB: This is done so that after the user is done rotating, if we
* do not need to change the size of the monitor object, we can just
* remove the map and get out. This saves us some function calls below */
if ((sd->crtc.orient == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->crtc.orient == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
if ((orient == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
/* remove the map */
evas_object_map_set(sd->o_frame, NULL);
evas_object_map_enable_set(sd->o_frame, EINA_FALSE);
if ((orient == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
/* remove the map */
evas_object_map_set(sd->o_frame, NULL);
evas_object_map_enable_set(sd->o_frame, EINA_FALSE);
/* update current orientation */
sd->crtc.orient = orient;
/* get the degrees of rotation based on this orient
* NB: I know this seems redundant but it is needed however. The
* above orientation_get call will return the proper orientation
* for the amount which the user has rotated. Because of this, we need
* to take that orient and get the proper rotation angle.
* EX: User manually rotates to 80 degrees. We take that 80 and
* factor in some fuziness to get 90 degrees. We need to take that 90
* and return an 'orientation' */
rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->crtc.orient);
/* update current rotation */
sd->rotation = rotation;
/* get current size */
cw = sd->crtc.w;
ch = sd->crtc.h;
/* calculate new size based on orientation */
if ((orient == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
cw = sd->crtc.h;
ch = sd->crtc.w;
/* get the current pack options so we can compare */
evas_object_grid_pack_get(sd->grid.obj, mon, NULL, NULL, &mw, &mh);
/* remove the map */
evas_object_map_set(sd->o_frame, NULL);
evas_object_map_enable_set(sd->o_frame, EINA_FALSE);
/* if the pack options are different, set them */
if ((cw != mw) || (ch != mh))
evas_object_grid_pack(sd->grid.obj, mon, sd->crtc.x, sd->crtc.y, cw, ch);
/* TODO: update current size */
sd->crtc.w = cw;
sd->crtc.h = ch;
static void
@ -1161,7 +1266,7 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
static void
_e_smart_monitor_rotate_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
_e_smart_monitor_rotate_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *ev;
int rotation = 0;
@ -1184,6 +1289,7 @@ _e_smart_monitor_rotate_event(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
sd->rotation = rotation;
/* apply rotation map */
_e_smart_monitor_map_apply(sd->o_frame, sd->rotation);
static int
@ -1270,3 +1376,57 @@ _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient)
return 0;
static inline Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation
_e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(int rotation)
rotation %= 360;
/* find the closest orientation based on rotation within fuziness */
if (((rotation - ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 0) ||
((rotation + ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 0))
else if (((rotation - ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 90) ||
((rotation + ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 90))
else if (((rotation - ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 180) ||
((rotation + ROTATE_FUZZ) <=180))
else if (((rotation - ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 270) ||
((rotation + ROTATE_FUZZ) <= 270))
else if (((rotation - ROTATE_FUZZ) < 360) ||
((rotation + ROTATE_FUZZ) < 360))
/* return a default */
static void
_e_smart_monitor_map_apply(Evas_Object *obj, int rotation)
Evas_Coord fx = 0, fy = 0, fw = 0, fh = 0;
static Evas_Map *map = NULL;
/* create a new map if needed */
if (!map)
map = evas_map_new(4);
evas_map_smooth_set(map, EINA_TRUE);
evas_map_alpha_set(map, EINA_TRUE);
/* get the frame geometry */
evas_object_geometry_get(obj, &fx, &fy, &fw, &fh);
/* setup map */
evas_map_util_points_populate_from_geometry(map, fx, fy, fw, fh, rotation);
/* apply current rotation */
evas_map_util_rotate(map, rotation, (fx + (fw / 2)), (fy + (fh / 2)));
/* tell the frame to use this map */
evas_object_map_set(obj, map);
evas_object_map_enable_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);