fix efm open with dialog to properly account for cases where the desktop file id is not able to be found

ticket #1664

SVN revision: 78444
This commit is contained in:
Mike Blumenkrantz 2012-10-25 11:29:22 +00:00
parent 48524c6cbe
commit bc4d8ead3a
1 changed files with 15 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1855,6 +1855,8 @@ _e_fwin_cb_all_change(void *data,
e_widget_entry_text_set(fad->o_entry, desktop->exec);
if (desktop)
e_widget_entry_text_set(fad->o_entry, fad->app2);
static void
@ -2417,7 +2419,7 @@ _e_fwin_file_open_dialog(E_Fwin_Page *page,
Evas_Coord mw, mh;
Evas_Object *o, *of, *ol, *ot;
Evas *evas;
Eina_List *l = NULL, *apps = NULL, *mlist = NULL;
Eina_List *l = NULL, *ll, *apps = NULL, *mlist = NULL;
Eina_List *cats = NULL;
Efreet_Desktop *desk = NULL;
E_Fwin_Apps_Dialog *fad;
@ -2619,14 +2621,23 @@ _e_fwin_file_open_dialog(E_Fwin_Page *page,
if (apps)
e_widget_ilist_header_append(o, NULL, _("Suggested Applications"));
mlist = eina_list_free(mlist);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(apps, l, desk)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(apps, l, ll, desk)
Evas_Object *icon = NULL;
const char *val;
if (!desk) continue;
icon = e_util_desktop_icon_add(desk, 24, evas);
e_widget_ilist_append(o, icon, desk->name, NULL, NULL,
val = efreet_util_path_to_file_id(desk->orig_path);
if (!val) val = eina_stringshare_add(desk->exec);
if (val)
e_widget_ilist_append(o, icon, desk->name, NULL, NULL, val);
/* not executable, don't keep in list */
apps = eina_list_remove_list(apps, l);
// Building All Applications list