
SVN revision: 25975
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2006-09-19 13:33:23 +00:00
parent 412da4cdb2
commit db01dd2672
1 changed files with 59 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -339,3 +339,62 @@ SOLUTION:
thumbnailing, but may need more speedups for its globbing. thumbnailing, but may need more speedups for its globbing.
Later we shall see if an on disk copy is needed. Later we shall see if an on disk copy is needed.
comments on cache doc:
1. ignore caching of image data - evas already does that. just provide
file paths and "keys" if inside .edj/eap/eet files. don't duplicate
image data or do anything "smart" as it will invariably end up less
smart that the existing evas cache :) so don't worry about icons and
their pixels - just the file paths/keys
2. instead of "in memory" let's try a new idea. lets put it in a flat
mmap'ed file (not eet). let's not make it architecture dependant
(write any integers in a fixed byte order) and make it all offset
based. fill the file with strings and indexes and fast search indexes
etc. 1 big flat file for the whole cache.. the eap structs themselves
are "in memory" and allocated but all strings and "content" are pointed
to this mmaped file - map and unmap this file whenever needed (need to
add calls that implicitly map it when you want to access eap struct
contents and then unmap when done - refcount) and on map check the
header of the file for some "modification count) and keep the last mod
count value - if they don't match re-evaluate all internal tabels in
the map file. re-evaluate all pointers in eap structs. always try and
map the file to the same mem address (remember it and try map TO that
addr so you don't need to do address fixups). if you can't map to there
map to unspecified address (let mmap choose) and now keep trying to
map to this addr from now on. if the addr changes or the mmap file
changes all eap files need a fixup of their str pointers done.
so now you have a e_app_use() and e_app_unuse() thatg basically makes
sure the apps map file is mappeed after a use and unmapped after an
unuse (when refcount goes to 0 for the maps file - maybe with a
timeout to avoid map thrashing).
the advantage of all this is most of the time e is not accessing eapp
data - it just has references TO them so during this time no memory
is consumed by the data and no kernel mappings. we should bring mem
use down to a tiny fraction.
this is a quick braindump... so it may need more discussion. nb - this
is just a bug flat dump for all ".desktop files" - hash it for fast
lookup - have fast search hash indexes for lookup by exe, name, class
etc. other cache files for menu structures etc. would implicitly
reference data in this big fat cache.
3. on any change of .desktop files on the system or by users - rewrite the
whole cache and re-fix pointers etc. - this shouldn't happen often.
4. same mmap setup for lookups of icon name in .desktop -> fully resolved
path based on icon themes and inheritance. if the themes change then
re-evaluate this cache.
5. .order files and menu structs can just live in the same cache.
6. all eaps can be quickyl created at startup from an all apps cache that
referenced the desktop content cache file as above. putting it into
an idel taks means on addition of new eaps all window icons need
re-evaluation as to all eap instances in ibar etc. etc. - makes life
more complex (for now). maybe simpler on that front and better cache
will work well here.
7. eap instances are created as you lanich apps - no need to cache or
worry about these - the search by exe, win name/class etc. are what
we need to worry about :)
8. the above should mean no need to fill in eaps in idlers - map the
"big fat desktop cache" that contains everything - icon paths, labels
exe strings etc. when needed - fox up all pointers in eapp structs
if the contents or base address ever change - unmap when refcount
goes to 0 (with a timeout to avoid thrashing).