E (RandR): Add some internal functions to reduce duplicated code

(background set, modes_fill, etc.
Add structure to smart_data so we can store original values and
current values. This allows us to selectively apply changes.

Signed-off-by: Christopher Michael <cp.michael@samsung.com>

SVN revision: 77870
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Michael 2012-10-11 12:42:29 +00:00 committed by Christopher Michael
parent 21bf9173f5
commit e005f0d4bf
1 changed files with 274 additions and 212 deletions

View File

@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ struct _E_Smart_Data
/* rotating flag */
Eina_Bool rotating : 1;
/* connected flag */
Eina_Bool connected : 1;
/* moving flag */
Eina_Bool moving : 1;
@ -55,27 +52,9 @@ struct _E_Smart_Data
/* popup menu for resolutions */
E_Menu *menu;
/* output information */
E_Randr_Output_Info *output;
/* crtc information */
E_Randr_Crtc_Info *crtc;
/* list of event handlers */
Eina_List *hdls;
/* current orientation */
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orientation;
/* current rotation */
int rotation, start_rotation;
/* current refresh rate */
int rate;
/* current mode */
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode;
/* container number (for bg preview) */
int con;
@ -85,11 +64,40 @@ struct _E_Smart_Data
/* list of available modes */
Eina_List *modes;
/* output information */
E_Randr_Output_Info *output;
/* crtc information */
E_Randr_Crtc_Info *crtc;
/* rotation that existed when user started rotating */
int start_rotation;
/* used to record the amount of rotation the user has changed */
int rotation;
/* variable used for refresh_rate popup */
int refresh_rate;
/* min & max resolution */
int w, h;
} min, max;
/* original values on start, and current values after user changes */
Evas_Coord x, y;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode;
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orientation;
double refresh_rate;
int rotation;
Eina_Bool enabled : 1;
} orig, current;
/* what changed */
E_Smart_Monitor_Changes changes;
/* local function prototypes */
@ -121,11 +129,16 @@ static void _e_smart_cb_thumb_mouse_up(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_O
static int _e_smart_cb_modes_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2);
static void _e_smart_monitor_background_set(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Coord dx, Evas_Coord dy);
static void _e_smart_monitor_modes_fill(E_Smart_Data *sd);
static void _e_smart_monitor_rotate(E_Smart_Data *sd, void *event);
static void _e_smart_monitor_rotate_snap(Evas_Object *obj);
static void _e_smart_monitor_resize(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event);
static void _e_smart_monitor_resize_snap(Evas_Object *obj, Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode);
static void _e_smart_monitor_move(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event);
static double _e_smart_monitor_refresh_rate_get(Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode);
static void _e_smart_monitor_refresh_rates_refill(Evas_Object *obj);
static Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *_e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Coord width, Evas_Coord height);
@ -165,8 +178,6 @@ e_smart_monitor_layout_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *layout)
E_Container *con;
E_Desk *desk;
E_Zone *zone;
Evas_Object *o;
const char *bg = NULL;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
@ -177,6 +188,10 @@ e_smart_monitor_layout_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *layout)
e_layout_coord_virtual_to_canvas(sd->o_layout, sd->max.w, sd->max.h,
&mw, &mh);
/* set livethumb size based on largest canvas size */
mh = (mw * mh) / mw;
e_livethumb_vsize_set(sd->o_thumb, mw, mh);
gx = gy = 0;
if (sd->crtc)
@ -193,18 +208,8 @@ e_smart_monitor_layout_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *layout)
sd->con = con->num;
sd->zone = zone->num;
/* get bg file for this screen */
bg = e_bg_file_get(con->num, zone->num, desk->x, desk->y);
/* set livethumb size */
mh = (mw * mh) / mw;
e_livethumb_vsize_set(sd->o_thumb, mw, mh);
/* set livethumb image */
o = e_livethumb_thumb_get(sd->o_thumb);
if (!o) o = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(sd->o_thumb));
edje_object_file_set(o, bg, "e/desktop/background");
e_livethumb_thumb_set(sd->o_thumb, o);
/* set background image */
_e_smart_monitor_background_set(sd, desk->x, desk->y);
/* grab min size of frame */
edje_object_size_min_get(sd->o_frame, &mfw, NULL);
@ -224,42 +229,54 @@ void
e_smart_monitor_info_set(Evas_Object *obj, E_Randr_Output_Info *output, E_Randr_Crtc_Info *crtc)
E_Smart_Data *sd;
Eina_List *modes = NULL, *m = NULL;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode = NULL;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
/* set output of this monitor */
sd->output = output;
/* set crtc of this monitor */
sd->crtc = crtc;
/* set some defaults */
sd->orientation = ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0;
sd->rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->orientation);
sd->rate = 60;
sd->mode = NULL;
sd->orig.orientation = ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0;
sd->orig.refresh_rate = 0;//60.0;
sd->orig.mode = NULL;
sd->orig.x = 0;
sd->orig.y = 0;
sd->orig.enabled = EINA_FALSE;
if ((output) && (output->monitor))
modes = output->monitor->modes;
else if (crtc)
modes = crtc->outputs_common_modes;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(modes, m, mode)
if (crtc)
double rate = 0.0;
/* set original orientation */
sd->orig.orientation = crtc->current_orientation;
if ((mode->hTotal) && (mode->vTotal))
rate = ((float)mode->dotClock /
((float)mode->hTotal * (float)mode->vTotal));
/* set original rotation */
sd->orig.rotation =
printf("Mode: %d %dx%d @ %.1fHz\n", mode->xid,
mode->width, mode->height, rate);
sd->modes = eina_list_append(sd->modes, mode);
if (crtc->current_mode)
/* set original enabled */
sd->orig.enabled = EINA_TRUE;
/* set original mode */
sd->orig.mode = crtc->current_mode;
/* set original refresh rate */
sd->orig.refresh_rate =
/* set original position */
sd->orig.x = crtc->geometry.x;
sd->orig.y = crtc->geometry.y;
/* sort the mode list */
sd->modes = eina_list_sort(sd->modes, 0, _e_smart_cb_modes_sort);
/* fill in list of modes */
/* get the min resolution for this monitor */
mode = eina_list_nth(sd->modes, 0);
@ -271,59 +288,12 @@ e_smart_monitor_info_set(Evas_Object *obj, E_Randr_Output_Info *output, E_Randr_
sd->max.w = mode->width;
sd->max.h = mode->height;
if (crtc)
/* record the current rotation */
sd->orientation = crtc->current_orientation;
sd->rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->orientation);
if ((sd->mode = crtc->current_mode))
if ((sd->mode->hTotal) && (sd->mode->vTotal))
sd->rate = (int)((float)sd->mode->dotClock /
((float)sd->mode->hTotal *
sd->connected = EINA_TRUE;
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,enabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,enabled", "e");
sd->connected = EINA_FALSE;
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,disabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,disabled", "e");
/* set monitor name */
if (output)
E_Randr_Monitor_Info *monitor = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
printf("Output: %d %s\n", output->xid, output->name);
/* NB: This block commented out because output->connection_status
* does not really reflect if a monitor is enabled/disabled. It just
* tells us if a monitor is "plugged in". Move enable/disable code
* to above crtc check */
/* tell monitor object we are enabled/disabled */
/* if (output->connection_status == */
/* { */
/* printf("\tConnected\n"); */
/* sd->connected = EINA_TRUE; */
/* edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,enabled", "e"); */
/* edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,enabled", "e"); */
/* } */
/* else */
/* { */
/* printf("\tNot Connected\n"); */
/* sd->connected = EINA_FALSE; */
/* edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,disabled", "e"); */
/* edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,disabled", "e"); */
/* } */
if ((monitor = output->monitor))
name =
@ -335,42 +305,58 @@ e_smart_monitor_info_set(Evas_Object *obj, E_Randr_Output_Info *output, E_Randr_
edje_object_part_text_set(sd->o_frame, "e.text.name", name);
if (!sd->mode)
sd->mode = eina_list_data_get(eina_list_last(sd->modes));
if (sd->mode)
if (sd->orig.mode)
char buff[1024];
/* set resolution label based on current mode */
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d x %d",
sd->mode->width, sd->mode->height);
sd->orig.mode->width, sd->orig.mode->height);
edje_object_part_text_set(sd->o_frame, "e.text.resolution", buff);
printf("\tCurrent Mode\n");
printf("\t\tID: %d\n", sd->mode->xid);
printf("\t\tSize: %d x %d\n", sd->mode->width, sd->mode->height);
printf("\t\tRate: %dHz\n", sd->rate);
/* signal object if enabled or not */
if (sd->orig.enabled)
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,enabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,enabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,disabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,disabled", "e");
/* set current values */
sd->current.orientation = sd->orig.orientation;
sd->current.refresh_rate = sd->orig.refresh_rate;
sd->current.mode = sd->orig.mode;
sd->current.x = sd->orig.x;
sd->current.y = sd->orig.y;
sd->current.enabled = sd->orig.enabled;
sd->refresh_rate = (int)sd->current.refresh_rate;
/* fill in list of refresh rates */
/* printf("Orig\n"); */
/* printf("\tID: %d\n", sd->orig.mode->xid); */
/* printf("\tRate: %.1fHz\n", sd->orig.refresh_rate); */
/* printf("\tSize: %d %d\n", sd->orig.mode->width, sd->orig.mode->height); */
E_Randr_Crtc_Info *
e_smart_monitor_crtc_get(Evas_Object *obj)
E_Smart_Data *sd;
E_Randr_Crtc_Info *crtc;
if (!obj) return NULL;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
return NULL;
if (!(crtc = sd->crtc))
crtc = eina_list_nth(sd->output->possible_crtcs, 0);
return crtc;
return sd->crtc;
E_Randr_Output_Info *
@ -402,8 +388,19 @@ e_smart_monitor_crtc_geometry_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y
if (!(crtc = sd->crtc))
Eina_List *l;
/* FIXME: This really should return a "suggested" position !! */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->output->possible_crtcs, l, crtc)
if (crtc->outputs) crtc = NULL;
if (!crtc) return;
/* The case here is that crtc has not been set, so
* effectively this monitor is "disabled". As such, we cannot
* really retrieve the 'crtc' geometry for it. That geometry is
@ -414,12 +411,15 @@ e_smart_monitor_crtc_geometry_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y
/* NB: For now, I am just returning the geometry of the
* 'possible' crtc, and the width of the mode. This Will Be Fixed
* Very Shortly so please do not report/bitch/etc, etc */
crtc = eina_list_nth(sd->output->possible_crtcs, 0);
/* crtc = eina_list_nth(sd->output->possible_crtcs, 0); */
if (x) *x = crtc->geometry.x;
if (y) *y = crtc->geometry.y;
if (w) *w = sd->mode->width;
if (h) *h = sd->mode->height;
if (w) *w = crtc->geometry.w;
if (h) *h = crtc->geometry.h;
/* if (w) *w = sd->current.mode->width; */
/* if (h) *h = sd->current.mode->height; */
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
return sd->orientation;
return sd->current.orientation;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *
@ -484,18 +484,18 @@ e_smart_monitor_mode_get(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
return NULL;
return sd->mode;
return sd->current.mode;
e_smart_monitor_connected_get(Evas_Object *obj)
e_smart_monitor_enabled_get(Evas_Object *obj)
E_Smart_Data *sd;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
return EINA_FALSE;
return sd->connected;
return sd->current.enabled;
@ -509,6 +509,17 @@ e_smart_monitor_changed_get(Evas_Object *obj)
return sd->changed;
e_smart_monitor_changes_get(Evas_Object *obj)
E_Smart_Data *sd;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
return sd->changes;
/* local functions */
static void
_e_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj)
@ -747,18 +758,7 @@ _e_smart_cb_bg_update(void *data, int type, void *event)
if (((ev->desk_x < 0) || (sd->crtc->geometry.x == ev->desk_x)) &&
((ev->desk_y < 0) || (sd->crtc->geometry.y == ev->desk_y)))
Evas_Object *o;
const char *bg = NULL;
/* background changed. grab new bg file and set thumbnail */
bg = e_bg_file_get(sd->con, sd->zone, ev->desk_x, ev->desk_y);
o = e_livethumb_thumb_get(sd->o_thumb);
if (!o) o = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(sd->o_thumb));
edje_object_file_set(o, bg, "e/desktop/background");
e_livethumb_thumb_set(sd->o_thumb, o);
_e_smart_monitor_background_set(sd, ev->desk_x, ev->desk_y);
@ -809,32 +809,24 @@ _e_smart_cb_resize_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emi
sd->resizing = EINA_FALSE;
/* get the object geometry */
if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &oh, &ow);
mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, ow, oh);
else if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &ow, &oh);
mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, ow, oh);
/* get the object geometry based on orientation */
if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &oh, &ow);
else if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &ow, &oh);
/* find the closest resolution to this one and snap to it */
if (mode)
if ((mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, ow, oh)))
char buff[1024];
/* set resolution text */
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d x %d", mode->width, mode->height);
edje_object_part_text_set(sd->o_frame, "e.text.resolution", buff);
/* snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d x %d", mode->width, mode->height); */
/* edje_object_part_text_set(sd->o_frame, "e.text.resolution", buff); */
/* actually snap the object */
_e_smart_monitor_resize_snap(mon, mode);
static void
@ -883,7 +875,8 @@ _e_smart_cb_rotate_start(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *em
sd->rotating = EINA_TRUE;
sd->rotation = 0;
sd->start_rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->orientation);
sd->start_rotation =
@ -904,12 +897,13 @@ _e_smart_cb_rotate_stop(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emi
sd->rotation += sd->start_rotation;
/* get closest orientation to this one */
sd->orientation = _e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(sd->rotation);
sd->current.orientation = _e_smart_monitor_orientation_get(sd->rotation);
/* set rotation to be the angle of this orientation */
sd->rotation = _e_smart_monitor_rotation_get(sd->orientation);
sd->current.rotation =
if (sd->orientation >= ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0)
if (sd->current.orientation >= ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0)
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
Evas_Map *map;
@ -960,21 +954,24 @@ _e_smart_cb_indicator_toggle(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char
if (!(mon = data)) return;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(mon))) return;
if (sd->connected)
if (sd->current.enabled)
sd->connected = EINA_FALSE;
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
sd->current.enabled = EINA_FALSE;
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,disabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,disabled", "e");
sd->connected = EINA_TRUE;
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
sd->current.enabled = EINA_TRUE;
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_base, "e,state,enabled", "e");
edje_object_signal_emit(sd->o_frame, "e,state,enabled", "e");
if (sd->orig.enabled != sd->current.enabled)
/* tell randr widget that we enabled/disabled this monitor */
evas_object_smart_callback_call(mon, "monitor_toggled", NULL);
@ -1124,6 +1121,50 @@ _e_smart_cb_modes_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2)
return 1;
static void
_e_smart_monitor_background_set(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Coord dx, Evas_Coord dy)
Evas_Object *o;
const char *bg = NULL;
/* background changed. grab new bg file and set thumbnail */
bg = e_bg_file_get(sd->con, sd->zone, dx, dy);
o = e_livethumb_thumb_get(sd->o_thumb);
if (!o) o = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(sd->o_thumb));
edje_object_file_set(o, bg, "e/desktop/background");
e_livethumb_thumb_set(sd->o_thumb, o);
static void
_e_smart_monitor_modes_fill(E_Smart_Data *sd)
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode = NULL;
Eina_List *modes = NULL, *m = NULL;
if ((sd->output) && (sd->output->monitor))
modes = sd->output->monitor->modes;
else if (sd->crtc)
modes = sd->crtc->outputs_common_modes;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(modes, m, mode)
/* double rate = 0.0; */
/* if ((mode->hTotal) && (mode->vTotal)) */
/* rate = ((float)mode->dotClock / */
/* ((float)mode->hTotal * (float)mode->vTotal)); */
/* printf("Mode: %d %dx%d @ %.1fHz\n", mode->xid, */
/* mode->width, mode->height, rate); */
sd->modes = eina_list_append(sd->modes, mode);
/* sort the mode list */
sd->modes = eina_list_sort(sd->modes, 0, _e_smart_cb_modes_sort);
static void
_e_smart_monitor_rotate(E_Smart_Data *sd, void *event)
@ -1158,20 +1199,23 @@ _e_smart_monitor_rotate_snap(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Coord nw, nh;
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj))) return;
if (!sd->mode) return;
if (!sd->current.mode) return;
nw = sd->mode->width;
nh = sd->mode->height;
nw = sd->current.mode->width;
nh = sd->current.mode->height;
/* get the object geometry */
if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
e_layout_child_resize(obj, nh, nw);
else if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
else if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
e_layout_child_resize(obj, nw, nh);
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (sd->orig.orientation != sd->current.orientation)
/* tell randr widget we rotated this monitor so that it can
* update the layout for any monitors around this one */
@ -1194,8 +1238,8 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
my = (ev->cur.output.y - ev->prev.output.y);
/* grab size of monitor object and convert to canvas coords */
if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &ch, &cw);
e_layout_coord_virtual_to_canvas(sd->o_layout, ch, cw, &h, &w);
@ -1209,12 +1253,9 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
if ((nrw > sd->max.w) || (nrh > sd->max.h)) return;
e_layout_child_resize(mon, nrh, nrw);
/* find the closest resolution to this one that we would snap to */
mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, nrw, nrh);
else if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
else if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
e_layout_child_geometry_get(mon, NULL, NULL, &cw, &ch);
e_layout_coord_virtual_to_canvas(sd->o_layout, cw, ch, &w, &h);
@ -1227,16 +1268,10 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
if ((nrw > sd->max.w) || (nrh > sd->max.h)) return;
e_layout_child_resize(mon, nrw, nrh);
/* find the closest resolution to this one that we would snap to */
mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, nrw, nrh);
/* tell randr widget we resized this monitor so that it can
* update the layout for any monitors around this one */
/* evas_object_smart_callback_call(mon, "monitor_resized", NULL); */
if (mode)
/* find the closest resolution to this one that we would snap to */
if ((mode = _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(sd, nrw, nrh)))
char buff[1024];
@ -1255,14 +1290,14 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize_snap(Evas_Object *obj, Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj))) return;
/* set this to the current mode */
sd->mode = mode;
sd->current.mode = mode;
/* resize the child object */
if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_90) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_270))
e_layout_child_resize(obj, mode->height, mode->width);
else if ((sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
else if ((sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_0) ||
(sd->current.orientation == ECORE_X_RANDR_ORIENTATION_ROT_180))
e_layout_child_resize(obj, mode->width, mode->height);
/* set resolution text */
@ -1271,7 +1306,11 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resize_snap(Evas_Object *obj, Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode)
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
/* compare this new mode to original one to see if we changed */
if (sd->orig.mode->xid != sd->current.mode->xid)
/* tell randr widget we resized this monitor so that it can
* update the layout for any monitors around this one */
@ -1319,10 +1358,13 @@ _e_smart_monitor_move(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
/* actually move the monitor */
if ((gx != nx) || (gy != ny))
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
e_layout_child_move(mon, nx, ny);
evas_object_smart_callback_call(mon, "monitor_moved", NULL);
/* Hmm, this below code worked also ... and seems lighter.
* but the above code seems more "proper".
@ -1345,6 +1387,21 @@ _e_smart_monitor_move(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Object *mon, void *event)
/* e_layout_child_move(mon, nx, ny); */
static double
_e_smart_monitor_refresh_rate_get(Ecore_X_Randr_Mode_Info *mode)
double rate = 0.0;
if (mode)
if ((mode->hTotal) && (mode->vTotal))
rate = ((float)mode->dotClock /
((float)mode->hTotal * (float)mode->vTotal));
return rate;
static void
_e_smart_monitor_refresh_rates_refill(Evas_Object *obj)
@ -1358,7 +1415,7 @@ _e_smart_monitor_refresh_rates_refill(Evas_Object *obj)
if (!(sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj)))
if (!sd->mode) return;
if (!sd->current.mode) return;
evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj);
@ -1374,7 +1431,7 @@ _e_smart_monitor_refresh_rates_refill(Evas_Object *obj)
/* create refresh rate list */
sd->o_refresh = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0);
rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&sd->rate);
rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&sd->refresh_rate);
if ((sd->output) && (sd->output->monitor))
modes = sd->output->monitor->modes;
@ -1383,7 +1440,7 @@ _e_smart_monitor_refresh_rates_refill(Evas_Object *obj)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(modes, m, mode)
if (!strcmp(mode->name, sd->mode->name))
if (!strcmp(mode->name, sd->current.mode->name))
Evas_Object *ow;
double rate = 0.0;
@ -1429,8 +1486,13 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Coord width, Evas_Coord h
rate = (((float)mode->dotClock /
((float)mode->hTotal * (float)mode->vTotal)));
if (((int)rate == sd->rate))
return mode;
if (((int)rate == sd->current.refresh_rate))
printf("Found Mode With Matching Rate\n");
printf("\tID: %d\n", mode->xid);
printf("\tRate: %.1fHz\n", rate);
return mode;
@ -1449,12 +1511,13 @@ _e_smart_monitor_resolution_get(E_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_Coord width, Evas_Coord h
/* since we did not match on refresh rate, then we need
* to update the smart data struct with the rate
* from this mode */
if ((mode->hTotal) && (mode->vTotal))
sd->rate = (int)((float)sd->mode->dotClock /
((float)sd->mode->hTotal *
/* if ((mode->hTotal) && (mode->vTotal)) */
/* { */
/* printf("Mode did not match on refresh rate\n"); */
/* sd->current.refresh_rate = */
/* ((float)mode->dotClock / */
/* ((float)mode->hTotal * (float)mode->vTotal)); */
/* } */
return mode;
@ -1586,10 +1649,10 @@ _e_smart_monitor_menu_cb_resolution_pre(void *data, E_Menu *mn, E_Menu_Item *mi)
/* if this is the current mode, mark menu item as selected */
if ((sd->crtc) && (sd->crtc->current_mode))
if (sd->current.mode)
if ((mode->width == sd->crtc->current_mode->width) &&
(mode->height == sd->crtc->current_mode->height))
if ((mode->width == sd->current.mode->width) &&
(mode->height == sd->current.mode->height))
e_menu_item_toggle_set(submi, EINA_TRUE);
@ -1614,10 +1677,9 @@ _e_smart_monitor_menu_cb_resolution_change(void *data, E_Menu *mn, E_Menu_Item *
/* compare mode name to menu item label */
if (!strcmp(mode->name, mi->label))
sd->changed = EINA_TRUE;
/* found requested mode, set it */
_e_smart_monitor_resize_snap(obj, mode);