Cleanups, bug fixes (intl, ipc_handlers, fileman)

* Dont segv when sending invalid path to e_remote
 * Add public codec function to .h file
 * Intl Error message cleanup
 * Only set env variables once the locales have been validated
 * Setup gettext for env locale if no locale configured in e
 * Comments and local var cleanups in fileman

SVN revision: 20755
This commit is contained in:
stffrdhrn 2006-02-23 15:17:52 +00:00 committed by stffrdhrn
parent 5df2494d58
commit e419556c40
5 changed files with 76 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -697,8 +697,6 @@ _e_fm_smart_del(Evas_Object *object)
sd->timer = NULL;
@ -1435,13 +1433,13 @@ _e_fm_dir_set(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, const char *dir)
Ecore_Sheap *heap;
char *f;
int type;
DIR *dir2;
struct dirent *dp;
DIR *dir_handle;
struct dirent *dir_entry;
if (!dir) return;
if ((sd->dir) && (!strcmp(sd->dir, dir))) return;
if (!(dir2 = opendir(dir))) return;
if (!(dir_handle = opendir(dir))) return;
/* save the old meta */
@ -1451,17 +1449,19 @@ _e_fm_dir_set(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, const char *dir)
sd->meta = NULL;
/* Get list of files for directory */
list = NULL;
while((dp = readdir(dir2)))
while((dir_entry = readdir(dir_handle)))
if ((!strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") || (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "..")))) continue;
if ((dp->d_name[0] == '.') && (!(type & E_FM_FILE_TYPE_HIDDEN))) continue;
f = strdup(dp->d_name);
if ((!strcmp(dir_entry->d_name, ".") || (!strcmp (dir_entry->d_name, "..")))) continue;
if ((dir_entry->d_name[0] == '.') && (!(type & E_FM_FILE_TYPE_HIDDEN))) continue;
f = strdup(dir_entry->d_name);
list = evas_list_append(list, f);
/* Sort file list */
heap = ecore_sheap_new(ECORE_COMPARE_CB(strcasecmp), evas_list_count(list));
while (list)
@ -1474,24 +1474,15 @@ _e_fm_dir_set(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, const char *dir)
sd->files_raw = evas_list_append(sd->files_raw, f);
/* Set new directory name */
if (sd->dir) free (sd->dir);
sd->dir = strdup(dir);
/* Load meta data for this directory and the Icons in the directory */
/* FIXME whats the purpose of this */
Evas_List *l;
for(l = sd->meta->files; l; l = l->next)
E_Fm_Icon_Metadata *im;
im = l->data;
if (!sd->meta)
e_icon_canvas_width_fix(sd->layout, sd->w);
/* Reset position */
@ -1539,7 +1530,6 @@ _e_fm_dir_set(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd, const char *dir)
sd->dir2 = dir2;
sd->timer = ecore_timer_add(sd->timer_int, _e_fm_dir_files_get, sd);
@ -1635,7 +1625,6 @@ _e_fm_dir_files_get(void *data)
if(!sd->files_raw) {
sd->timer = NULL;
return 0;
@ -3638,6 +3627,7 @@ _e_fm_selector_send_hilite_file(E_Fm_Icon *icon)
icon->sd->selector_hilite_func(icon->sd->object, strdup(icon->file->path), icon->sd->selector_data);
/* Hash function based on directory stat information, Creates unique directory ID. */
static char *
_e_fm_dir_meta_dir_id(char *dir)
@ -3679,6 +3669,12 @@ _e_fm_dir_meta_dir_id(char *dir)
return strdup(s);
/* Read metadata from meta data file <meta_path>/<dir_hash>. Set meta data
* from file to sd->meta and create sd->meta->files_hash.
* @sd Smart Data for directory
* @return 1 if file found and loaded 0 if no data was loaded
static int
_e_fm_dir_meta_load(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd)
@ -3691,10 +3687,13 @@ _e_fm_dir_meta_load(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd)
hash = _e_fm_dir_meta_dir_id(sd->dir);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", meta_path, hash);
ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
if (!ef) return 0;
m = eet_data_read(ef, _e_fm_dir_meta_edd, "metadata");
/* Hash the metadata for quick access */
if (m)
Evas_List *l;
@ -3708,7 +3707,6 @@ _e_fm_dir_meta_load(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd)
m->files_hash = evas_hash_add(m->files_hash, im->name, im);
sd->meta = m;
return 1;
@ -3782,11 +3780,11 @@ _e_fm_dir_meta_save(E_Fm_Smart_Data *sd)
hash = _e_fm_dir_meta_dir_id(sd->dir);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", meta_path, hash);
ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
if (!ef) return 0;
ret = eet_data_write(ef, _e_fm_dir_meta_edd, "metadata", sd->meta, 1);
return ret;

View File

@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ struct _E_Fm_Smart_Data
Evas_Hash *mime_menu_hash; /* FIXME delete this */
char *dir; /* FIXME this could be actually a E_Fm_Dir */
DIR *dir2;
double timer_int;
Ecore_Timer *timer;

View File

@ -62,24 +62,6 @@ e_intl_init(void)
char *s;
/* supporeted languages - as we get translations - add them here
* if you add a language:
* NOTE: add a language NAME for this in e_intl_language_name_get() if
* there isn't one yet (use the english name - then we will add
* translations of the language names to the .po file)
* NOTE: add a translation logic list to take all possible ways to address
* a language locale and convert it to a simplified one that is in
* the list here below. languages can often have multiple ways of
* being addressed (same language spoken in multiple countries or
* many variants of the language). this translation allows all the
* variants to be used and mapped to a simple "single" name for that
* language. if the differences in variants are large (eg simplified
* vs. traditional chinese) we may refer to them as separate languages
* entirely.
_e_intl_input_method_config_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("input_method_config", E_Input_Method_Config);
E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, version, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, e_im_name, STR);
@ -125,6 +107,8 @@ e_intl_post_init(void)
if ((e_config->language) && (e_config->language[0] != 0))
if ((e_config->input_method) && (e_config->input_method[0] != 0))
@ -143,14 +127,15 @@ e_intl_post_shutdown(void)
return 1;
* - Set the env variables only after the locale has been validated
* - Add error dialogs explaining any errors while setting the locale
* * Locale aliases need to be configured
* * Locale is invalid
@ -185,36 +170,28 @@ e_intl_language_set(const char *lang)
if (lang)
_e_intl_language = strdup(lang);
/* Only set env vars is a non NULL locale was passed */
if (set_envars)
/* FIXME: maybe we should set these anyway? */
if (getenv("LANGUAGE"))
e_util_env_set("LANGUAGE", _e_intl_language);
if (getenv("LANG"))
e_util_env_set("LANG", _e_intl_language);
if (getenv("LC_ALL"))
e_util_env_set("LC_ALL", _e_intl_language);
if (getenv("LC_MESSAGES"))
e_util_env_set("LC_MESSAGES", _e_intl_language);
_e_intl_language = NULL;
alias_locale = _e_intl_locale_alias_get(_e_intl_language);
if (!_e_intl_locale_validate(alias_locale))
fprintf(stderr, "The locale %s cannot be found on your "
fprintf(stderr, "The locale '%s' cannot be found on your "
"system. Please install this locale or try "
"something else.\n", alias_locale);
/* Only set env vars is a non NULL locale was passed */
if (set_envars)
e_util_env_set("LANGUAGE", _e_intl_language);
e_util_env_set("LANG", _e_intl_language);
e_util_env_set("LC_ALL", _e_intl_language);
e_util_env_set("LC_MESSAGES", _e_intl_language);
setlocale(LC_ALL, _e_intl_language);
if (_e_intl_language)
@ -223,16 +200,33 @@ e_intl_language_set(const char *lang)
locale_path = _e_intl_language_path_find(alias_locale);
if (locale_path == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't find the "
"translation path for the locale %s. "
"Please make sure your messages "
"path is in order. If this locale "
"is an alias make sure you have your "
"locale.aliases file in the right place. Note: "
"If your locale is C, POSIX, en_US, en_GB, "
"en_US.utf8 etc. this is normal.\n",
char * match_lang;
match_lang = _e_intl_locale_canonic_get(alias_locale, E_LOC_LANG);
/* If locale is C or some form of en don't report an error */
if ( match_lang == NULL && strcmp (alias_locale, "C") )
fprintf(stderr, "The locale you have chosen '%s' "
"appears to be an alias, however, it can not be "
"resloved. Please make sure you have a "
"'locale.aliases' file in your 'messages' path "
"which can resolve this alias.\n"
"Enlightenment will not be translated.\n",
else if ( match_lang != NULL && strcmp(match_lang, "en") )
fprintf(stderr, "The translation files for the "
"locale you have chosen (%s) cannot be found in "
"your 'messages' path.\n"
"Enlightenment will not be translated.\n",
bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, locale_path);
@ -358,7 +352,7 @@ e_intl_input_method_set(const char *method)
/* Need to free up the directory listing */
/* Free up the directory listing */
while (input_methods)
E_Input_Method_Config *imc;

View File

@ -144,8 +144,10 @@ EAPI int e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_dec(char *data, int bytes, E_Ipc_3Int_3Str *
EAPI void *e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_enc(int val1, int val2, int val3, char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, int *size_ret);
EAPI int e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_dec(char *data, int bytes, Evas_List **dest);
EAPI void *e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_enc(Evas_List *list, int *size_ret);
EAPI int e_ipc_codec_str_4int_dec(char *data, int bytes, E_Ipc_Str_4Int **dest);
EAPI void *e_ipc_codec_str_4int_enc(char *str1, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int *size_ret);
EAPI int e_ipc_codec_str_4int_list_dec(char *data, int bytes, Evas_List **dest);
EAPI void *e_ipc_codec_str_4int_list_enc(Evas_List *list, int *size_ret);

View File

@ -1538,6 +1538,7 @@ break;
Evas_List *dir_list = NULL;
E_PATH_GET(path, s);
if (path)
dir_list = e_path_dir_list_get(path);
E_Path_Dir *p;
@ -1632,7 +1633,7 @@ break;
STRING2(s1, s2, e_2str, HDL);
E_PATH_GET(path, s1)
e_path_user_path_append(path, s2);
if (path) e_path_user_path_append(path, s2);
@ -1651,7 +1652,7 @@ break;
STRING2(s1, s2, e_2str, HDL);
E_PATH_GET(path, s1)
e_path_user_path_prepend(path, s2);
if (path) e_path_user_path_prepend(path, s2);
@ -1670,7 +1671,7 @@ break;
STRING2(s1, s2, e_2str, HDL);
E_PATH_GET(path, s1)
e_path_user_path_remove(path, s2);
if (path) e_path_user_path_remove(path, s2);