Commit Graph

21 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mike Blumenkrantz 8c969b5f5f remove some unused variables 2016-02-25 13:37:52 -05:00
Carsten Haitzler f5148ddbf3 e - efm: fix op registry listener add and dont use eina_error
eina list stopped using eina_error like... so so so so so long ago like
before 1.0 - so eina_error value may be something junk and from
somewhere else where the list append succeeded but ena error said
fail- and that is what was happening and things crashed. this fixes this

2016-02-23 13:54:24 +09:00
Chris Michael 0a94e8ba71 enlightenment: Make E build again with EFL from git
sed -i 's/EAPI/E_API/g'

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
2015-05-07 15:13:10 -04:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 471dcb24cb __UNUSED__ -> EINA_UNUSED
this has been bugging me forever. __UNUSED__ is no longer a valid macro here.
2015-03-18 18:09:09 -04:00
Mike Blumenkrantz da5caff466 inlist_count is not O(1)
SVN revision: 80827
2012-12-13 11:52:38 +00:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 0e1b4f5322 formatting
SVN revision: 76407
2012-09-10 14:06:17 +00:00
Vincent Torri c3b0637802 e17: whitespaces--
SVN revision: 72561
2012-06-21 06:19:43 +00:00
Cedric BAIL 2d0970da9a e: warning--.
SVN revision: 70751
2012-05-04 02:34:56 +00:00
Mike Blumenkrantz c94c9ffe05 unused var--
SVN revision: 64915
2011-11-07 23:42:19 +00:00
Mike Blumenkrantz c3fff8a8a7 fix possible null deref here
SVN revision: 64882
2011-11-07 22:28:05 +00:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 59ad77e297 checking return value of alloca is like checking whether your app is still running
SVN revision: 64881
2011-11-07 22:19:50 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 6f2213cb25 convert init/shutdown to EINTERN, move some to _update().
Do not abuse the concept of e_*_init(), make them call-once and those
that needed multiple call are renamed to e_*_update(). To make sure
convert them to EINTERN so the symbols are not exported.

Actually I guess too much is exported as EAPI while they should be
EINTERN, but that would require manual investigation, while this patch
was basically created with sed + grep.

SVN revision: 54795
2010-11-22 15:21:32 +00:00
Christopher Michael 4804fe3eb3 Add UNUSED.
SVN revision: 51346
2010-08-18 20:59:17 +00:00
Lucas De Marchi 6638a10e20 FORMATTING
* Remove vim modelines:
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/\*$/ {N;N;/ \* vim:ts/d}' \{\} \;
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/[\*\/] *vim:/d' \{\} \;

* Remove leading blank lines:
 find . -name '*.[cxh]' -exec sed -i '/./,$!d'

If you use vim, use this in your .vimrc:
set ts=8 sw=3 sts=8 expandtab cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2(0W1st0

SVN revision: 50816
2010-08-04 16:57:32 +00:00
Christopher Michael 1ad763572e Remove compiler warning about deprecated eina_error_print.
SVN revision: 43311
2009-10-27 17:38:34 +00:00
semernin 2f76dd5d99 List of changes:
1. Gadcon sities:
      -- 'E_Gadcon_Site' enum to list all available sities,
      -- added 'is_site' callback for distinguish gadcon sities,
      -- 'e_gadcon_site_is_*' helpers written to use in gadget modules,
      -- gadcon config dialogs modified to show only gadgets that appropriate
         to selected gadcon site,
      -- all gadget modules updated for using new callback.
      When callback is not provided in module, then gadget can be used in 
      any gadcon site.
   2. Filemanager:
      -- added error icon to unexisting path dialog,
      -- added callback 'func.abort' to 'E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry' to specify
         abort operation sequence (if not provided, then operation is not
      -- added parameter to 'e_fm2_op_registry_entry_add' to specify abort
         method on construct 'E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry' or make non-cancelable
         operation if this function is not provided,
      -- added 'e_fm2_operation_abort' call to cancel efm2 operation,
      -- added method '_e_fm2_operation_abort_internal' that represent efm2
         default handler of operation cancelling,
      -- 'done' and 'total' fields of 'E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry' changed to
         off_t type, also all message handlers modified to work with it
         (to show progress for large files correctly),
      -- improved file operation progress processing,
      -- added cancel button to operation progress gadget in filemanager window,
      -- added delete file glyph to operation progress gadget,
      -- improved status message for efm2 operation progress.

   3. Filemanager slave:
      -- fixed critical bug in message handling via stdin/stdout,
      -- fixed critical bug in removing task from list,
      -- improved 'E_FM_OP_ABORT' handling,
      -- fix rollback counting on moving files.

   4. Fileman_opinfo module:
      -- a new theme writed: status string and gadget for view operation status
         in summary and detail modes,
      -- summary mode: operation glyph, state message, progressbar, abort button,
      -- detail mode: all for summary + from filename, to filename,
      -- summary/detailed button works as trigger,
      -- added source of module theme and used images.
   4. Pathbar module:
      -- non-critical fix, just for safety.

   Also patch contains several minor updates to serve main task.

SVN revision: 41224
2009-06-29 14:38:03 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 619ed37fed eina_stringshare_replace() gets in!
I was replicating this code in many places, it should go into eina itself.

It's the right way to change strings that you don't know are
stringshared before, since it will first add a reference and then
remove, making it impossible to have references to go 0 and string
being released before adding new references, fixing the following
possible problem:

   x = eina_stringshare_add("x");
   replace(x, x);

   incorrect_replace(const char **b, const char *a) {
      eina_stringshare_del(*b); /* reference gets to 0 */
      eina_stringshare_add(a); /* BUG!!! */
      *b = a;

SVN revision: 39903
2009-04-08 18:25:02 +00:00
Davide Andreoli 95de5b13a2 * e_fm_operation_registry : Add a new api call: EAPI int e_fm2_op_registry_count(void)
* Add the new simple module fileman_opinfo

The module provide a gadget that show the efm operations in progress. It is just a button
with a dynamic label atm, a better interface to come...

To compile the module you need to add it to and src/modules/ ... I have those
files too much hacked atm to commit :P

k-s: can you commit the 2 files for me please? just add the new module.

Hope you like it

SVN revision: 39794
2009-03-29 15:33:26 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 2dde72e9f8 oops, missing free.
SVN revision: 39783
2009-03-28 21:40:33 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 377a9332df export api to be used in e_sys_action and other places.
use this call in order to check for existing on-going operations.

SVN revision: 39595
2009-03-20 00:57:57 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 92cab40cda add filemanager operation registry.
This huge commit will add e_fm2_op_registry, a central place that will
store all on-going operations. You will find that it will report when
operations are added, remove and when they change, for example when
they change progress.

Please notice that the recommended way to present information is to
add listener to specific entries, as opposed to use
E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_CHANGED since it will be called immediately and
you do not have to filter which entry is being changed.

Entries will be associated with the e_fm object that originated
it. With that one can get the Ecore_X_Window and request the window to
be raised from somewhere else (ie: gadman/gadget). If object is
deleted (ie: window is closed), the pointer will be made NULL and it
will be a "windowless operation".

TO DO (I need someone to do those):

  - e_fwin: windows should present on-going operations as an overlay,
    Dave Andreolli already started such work, it's just a matter of
    using the new infrastructure.

  - create a new gadget that present all on-going operations and maybe
    a history. It would be nice to show the e_fwin of if the entry is
    clicked, as well as a cancel button and a progress bar. See
    "places" module, make them similar.

SVN revision: 39541
2009-03-18 01:33:06 +00:00