Commit Graph

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Chris Michael 0a94e8ba71 enlightenment: Make E build again with EFL from git
sed -i 's/EAPI/E_API/g'

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
2015-05-07 15:13:10 -04:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 6f2213cb25 convert init/shutdown to EINTERN, move some to _update().
Do not abuse the concept of e_*_init(), make them call-once and those
that needed multiple call are renamed to e_*_update(). To make sure
convert them to EINTERN so the symbols are not exported.

Actually I guess too much is exported as EAPI while they should be
EINTERN, but that would require manual investigation, while this patch
was basically created with sed + grep.

SVN revision: 54795
2010-11-22 15:21:32 +00:00
Lucas De Marchi 6638a10e20 FORMATTING
* Remove vim modelines:
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/\*$/ {N;N;/ \* vim:ts/d}' \{\} \;
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/[\*\/] *vim:/d' \{\} \;

* Remove leading blank lines:
 find . -name '*.[cxh]' -exec sed -i '/./,$!d'

If you use vim, use this in your .vimrc:
set ts=8 sw=3 sts=8 expandtab cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2(0W1st0

SVN revision: 50816
2010-08-04 16:57:32 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 4edb627ea6 extending comp to allow "expose" and other such things - other modules
that can trivially get objects inside the compositor canvas as well as
get the compositor canvas and events when it comes and goes, changes,
when client sources are added, removed etc. etc.

SVN revision: 50727
2010-08-01 14:29:19 +00:00
stffrdhrn 218717c8dc Clean up compile warnings:
* char * -> const char * for stringshare strings
 * char * -> const char * where needed in functions
 * remove unused vars in some places

SVN revision: 20912
2006-03-02 12:03:48 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 4fa5c6343c generic msg system - really intended mostly to go hand-in-hand width the
datastore stuff as a way of moduels beoing able to talk TO eachother
indirectly by sending messages, and advertising public data.

SVN revision: 15050
2005-06-02 07:40:04 +00:00