Commit Graph

12 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Chris Michael 0a94e8ba71 enlightenment: Make E build again with EFL from git
sed -i 's/EAPI/E_API/g'

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
2015-05-07 15:13:10 -04:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 76eec883b7 add e_grabinput_mouse_win_get() 2015-04-27 14:31:52 -04:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 86656e4df9 compositor rewrite / charlie-foxtrot situation
huge fustercluck commit because there wasn't really a way to separate out the changes. better to just rip it all out at once.

* compositor and window management completely rewritten. this was the goal for E19, but it pretty much required everything existing to be scrapped since it wasn't optimized, streamlined, or sensible. now instead of having the compositor strapped to the window manager like an outboard motor, it's housed more like an automobile engine.

** various comp structs have been merged into other places (eg. E_Comp_Zone is now just part of E_Zone where applicable), leading to a large deduplication of attributes

** awful E_Comp_Win is totally dead, having been replaced with e_comp_object smart objects which work just like normal canvas objects

** protocol-specific window management and compositor functionality is now kept exclusively in backend files

** e_pixmap api provides generic client finding and rendering api

** screen/xinerama screens are now provided directly by compositor on startup and re-set on change

** e_comp_render_update finally replaced with eina_tiler

** wayland compositor no longer creates X windows

** compositor e_layout removed entirely

* e_container is gone. this was made unnecessary in E18, but I kept it to avoid having too much code churn in one release. its sole purpose was to catch some events and handle window stacking, both of which are now just done by the compositor infra

* e_manager is just for screensaver and keybind stuff now, possibly remove later?

* e_border is gone along with a lot of its api. e_client has replaced it, and e_client has been rewritten completely; some parts may be similar, but the design now relies upon having a functional compositor

** window configuration/focus functions are all removed. all windows are now managed solely with evas_object_X functions on the "frame" member of a client, just as any other canvas object can be managed.

*** do NOT set interceptors on a client's comp_object. seriously.

* startup order rewritten: compositor now starts much earlier, other things just use attrs and members of the compositor

* ecore_x_pointer_xy_get usage replaced with ecore_evas_pointer_xy_get

* e_popup is totally gone, existing usage replaced by e_comp_object_util_add where applicable, otherwise just placed normally on the canvas

* deskmirror is (more) broken for now

* illume is totally fucked

* Ecore_X_Window replaced with Ecore_Window in most cases

* edge binding XWindows replaced with regular canvas objects

* some E_Win functionality has changed such that delete callbacks are now correctly called in ALL cases. various dialogs have been updated to not crash as a result

comp files and descriptions:

e_comp.c - overall compositor functions, rendering/update loop, shape cutting

e_comp_x.c - X window management and compositor functionality

e_comp_wl.c - Wayland surface management and compositor functionality

e_comp_canvas.c - general compositor canvas functions and utilities

e_comp_object.c - E_Client->frame member for managing clients as Evas_Objects, utility functions for adding objects to the compositor rendering systems

additional authors:

feature: new compositor

removal: e_border, e_container, e_popup
2014-01-14 20:22:02 -05:00
Mike Blumenkrantz 23d0765d1a add function to return current key grab xwin
SVN revision: 80093
2012-12-03 19:03:49 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler b2fec5b8dc try and address some focus issues...
SVN revision: 72751
2012-06-24 04:18:01 +00:00
Vincent Torri c3b0637802 e17: whitespaces--
SVN revision: 72561
2012-06-21 06:19:43 +00:00
Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri 6f2213cb25 convert init/shutdown to EINTERN, move some to _update().
Do not abuse the concept of e_*_init(), make them call-once and those
that needed multiple call are renamed to e_*_update(). To make sure
convert them to EINTERN so the symbols are not exported.

Actually I guess too much is exported as EAPI while they should be
EINTERN, but that would require manual investigation, while this patch
was basically created with sed + grep.

SVN revision: 54795
2010-11-22 15:21:32 +00:00
Lucas De Marchi 6638a10e20 FORMATTING
* Remove vim modelines:
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/\*$/ {N;N;/ \* vim:ts/d}' \{\} \;
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/[\*\/] *vim:/d' \{\} \;

* Remove leading blank lines:
 find . -name '*.[cxh]' -exec sed -i '/./,$!d'

If you use vim, use this in your .vimrc:
set ts=8 sw=3 sts=8 expandtab cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2(0W1st0

SVN revision: 50816
2010-08-04 16:57:32 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler b089c7d1e3 add a preview widget (includes a livethumb for live downscaling - notice
previews of animated bgs's... animate now). fixed problems with image widget
withleaks and other stuff... also desklok tries to abord if grabs fail and
agressively tries to disable existing grabs

SVN revision: 20987
2006-03-04 04:11:51 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 9063352d93 oh for gods sake! now all day was sunk into getting focus fixed for dialogs.
argh! i'll have to do the app cache after this... grrr....x

SVN revision: 16905
2005-09-24 09:04:39 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler c71c21a19d and now make sure focus goes to the right place on de-iconfiy and stuff
SVN revision: 15709
2005-07-10 10:48:08 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 91091f83e5 grabinput handling that allows winlist to pop up FROM the menu etc. hmm -
maybe i should have a stack of these too in grabinput that sends the input
back to the previous owner if its still there... and also actually send pings
around to clients every 10 seconds or so - if they dont respond, we have a
function that can do something - but right now it does nothing. shoudl mark
the window as "hung"

SVN revision: 15445
2005-06-20 08:56:54 +00:00