Commit Graph

7 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Chris Michael 0a94e8ba71 enlightenment: Make E build again with EFL from git
sed -i 's/EAPI/E_API/g'

Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
2015-05-07 15:13:10 -04:00
Vincent Torri c3b0637802 e17: whitespaces--
SVN revision: 72561
2012-06-21 06:19:43 +00:00
Lucas De Marchi 6638a10e20 FORMATTING
* Remove vim modelines:
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/\*$/ {N;N;/ \* vim:ts/d}' \{\} \;
 find . -name '*.[chx]' -exec sed -i '/\/[\*\/] *vim:/d' \{\} \;

* Remove leading blank lines:
 find . -name '*.[cxh]' -exec sed -i '/./,$!d'

If you use vim, use this in your .vimrc:
set ts=8 sw=3 sts=8 expandtab cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2(0W1st0

SVN revision: 50816
2010-08-04 16:57:32 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 00634a43ad fm2 has some slightly better keyboard nav ability - needs to become better
with old efm typebuffer-like matching etc. etc.

added a seg fix for .desktop parse fails.

also fixed linuxtitan's error checking for stat()

SVN revision: 25843
2006-09-14 16:07:57 +00:00
titan 4ea851c46a Add a new api for a simple scrollframe that manages pans size on its own.
SVN revision: 24617
2006-08-12 21:53:26 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 01efbd7683 and some major refinements of efm - the selector code - well its in e_test.c
is pretty much almost perfectly working. i have fixed up some e_thumb stuff
and allowed e_thumb to be more responsive and skip items that are known to be
"generated" and bring them ahead in the list of things to thumb - so kind of
a priority skiplist - process what it KNOWS will be already done first
quickly and leave the slower stuff until later. efm is fairly well refined
now - as above. the test selector works nicely. also added an almost-sha1
generator - use sha1 sums of the path for thumbs - less likelihood of
collisions. the prolbme is given the small size of the input data... it's
hard to do well - but anyway :)

SVN revision: 24128
2006-07-22 21:48:24 +00:00
Carsten Haitzler 27e2f3a0f9 fix long-standing table box - doesnt expand. not smart - but works. add
scrollframe widget. more fm work

SVN revision: 24112
2006-07-21 20:16:46 +00:00