#include "e.h" typedef struct { const char *dev; const char *output; const char *edid; double val, expected_val; double from_val, to_val; Ecore_Animator *anim; Ecore_Timer *retry_timer; int ddc_max; int retries; } Backlight_Device; E_API int E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE = -1; static Eina_List *bl_devs = NULL; static Eina_List *handlers = NULL; static Ecore_Job *zone_change_job = NULL; static Eina_List *_devices = NULL; static int _devices_pending_ops = 0; static Eina_Bool _devices_zones_update = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_Bool _own_vt = EINA_TRUE; static Eina_Bool _e_bl_suspend = EINA_FALSE; static void _backlight_devices_device_set(Backlight_Device *bd, double val); static void _backlight_devices_device_update(Backlight_Device *bd); #define MAX_BL_DIFF 0.15 #define SET_RETRIES 5 static Eina_Bool _backlight_retry_timer_cb(void *data) { Backlight_Device *bd = data; bd->retry_timer = NULL; _backlight_devices_device_set(bd, bd->expected_val); _backlight_devices_device_update(bd); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _backlight_mismatch_retry(Backlight_Device *bd) { if (// if want 1.0 or normal or dim ((fabs(bd->expected_val - 1.0) < DBL_EPSILON) || (fabs(bd->expected_val - e_config->backlight.normal) < DBL_EPSILON) || (fabs(bd->expected_val - e_config->backlight.dim) < DBL_EPSILON)) && // and the delta between expected and val >= MAX_BL_DIFF (fabs(bd->expected_val - bd->val) >= MAX_BL_DIFF) && // and we retried < SET_RETRIES times (bd->retries < SET_RETRIES) && (_own_vt)) { // try again printf("RETRY backlight set as %1.2f != %1.2f (expected) try=%i\n", bd->val, bd->expected_val, bd->retries); bd->retries++; if (bd->retry_timer) ecore_timer_del(bd->retry_timer); bd->retry_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.3, _backlight_retry_timer_cb, bd); } // or give up else bd->retries = 0; } static void _backlight_system_get_cb(void *data, const char *params) { char dev[1024]; int val = 0; double fval; Backlight_Device *bd = data; if (!params) return; if (sscanf(params, "%1023s %i", dev, &val) != 2) return; if (!!strcmp(bd->dev, dev)) return; e_system_handler_del("bklight-val", _backlight_system_get_cb, bd); fval = (double)val / 1000.0; if (fabs(fval - bd->val) >= MAX_BL_DIFF) { // bd->val = fval; // ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); _backlight_mismatch_retry(bd); } } static void _backlight_system_ddc_get_cb(void *data, const char *params) { char edid[257]; int id = -1, val = -1, max = -1; double fval; Backlight_Device *bd = data; if (!params) return; if (sscanf(params, "%256s %i %i %i", edid, &id, &val, &max) != 4) return; if (!bd->edid) return; if (!!strncmp(bd->edid, edid, strlen(edid))) return; e_system_handler_del("ddc-val-get", _backlight_system_ddc_get_cb, bd); if (val < 0) fval = -1.0; else fval = (double)val / 100.0; bd->ddc_max = max; if ((fabs(fval - bd->val) >= MAX_BL_DIFF) || (val == -1)) { // bd->val = fval; // ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); _backlight_mismatch_retry(bd); } } static void _backlight_devices_clear(void) { const char *s; Backlight_Device *bd; EINA_LIST_FREE(bl_devs, s) eina_stringshare_del(s); EINA_LIST_FREE(_devices, bd) { eina_stringshare_del(bd->dev); eina_stringshare_del(bd->output); eina_stringshare_del(bd->edid); if (bd->anim) ecore_animator_del(bd->anim); if (bd->retry_timer) ecore_timer_del(bd->retry_timer); e_system_handler_del("bklight-val", _backlight_system_get_cb, bd); e_system_handler_del("ddc-val-get", _backlight_system_ddc_get_cb, bd); free(bd); } } static Backlight_Device * _backlight_devices_zone_device_find(E_Zone *zone) { Eina_List *l; Backlight_Device *bd; char *tmp, *sep; const char *out, *edid, *id; id = zone->randr2_id; if (!id) id = "/"; tmp = strdup(id); if (!tmp) return NULL; sep = strchr(tmp, '/'); if (!sep) { free(tmp); return NULL; } *sep = '\0'; out = tmp; edid = sep + 1; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_devices, l, bd) { if ((bd->output) && (!strcmp(out, bd->output))) { if ((edid[0] && (!strcmp(edid, bd->edid))) || (!edid[0])) { free(tmp); return bd; } } } free(tmp); return NULL; } #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY static const char * _backlight_devices_randr_out_edid_str_get(Ecore_X_Window root, Ecore_X_Randr_Output *out) { const char *str = NULL; unsigned long edid_len = 0; unsigned char *edid = ecore_x_randr_output_edid_get(root, *out, &edid_len); if (edid) { char *edid_str = malloc((edid_len * 2) + 1); if (edid_str) { const char *hexch = "0123456789abcdef"; char *dc = edid_str; unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < edid_len; i++) { dc[0] = hexch[(edid[i] >> 4) & 0xf]; dc[1] = hexch[(edid[i] ) & 0xf]; dc += 2; } *dc = 0; str = eina_stringshare_add(edid_str); free(edid_str); } free(edid); } return str; } static Ecore_X_Randr_Output _backlight_devices_randr_output_get(Ecore_X_Window root, const char *output, const char *edid) { Ecore_X_Randr_Output *out; int i, num = 0; out = ecore_x_randr_window_outputs_get(root, &num); if ((out) && (num > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *name = ecore_x_randr_output_name_get(root, out[i], NULL); if (!name) continue; const char *edid_str = _backlight_devices_randr_out_edid_str_get(root, &(out[i])); if (edid_str) { if ((!strcmp(output, name)) && (!strcmp(edid, edid_str))) { eina_stringshare_del(edid_str); free(name); return out[i]; } eina_stringshare_del(edid_str); } free(name); } } return 0; } #endif static void _backlight_devices_device_set(Backlight_Device *bd, double val) { if (fabs(bd->expected_val - val) > DBL_EPSILON) bd->retries = 0; bd->val = bd->expected_val = val; if (!_own_vt) return; #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY if (!strcmp(bd->dev, "randr")) { if ((e_comp) && (e_comp->comp_type == E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X) && (e_comp->root)) { Ecore_X_Randr_Output o = _backlight_devices_randr_output_get(e_comp->root, bd->output, bd->edid); if (o) { // fprintf(stderr, "BL: randr bklight %1.3f @ %1.3f\n", bd->val, ecore_time_get()); ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_set(e_comp->root, o, bd->val); ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } } else #endif if (!strncmp(bd->dev, "ddc:", 4)) { double fval; // fprintf(stderr, "BL: ddc bklight %1.3f @ %1.3f\n", bd->val, ecore_time_get()); if (bd->ddc_max) fval = bd->val * (double)bd->ddc_max; else fval = bd->val * 100.0; if (e_config->backlight.ddc) e_system_send("ddc-val-set", "%s %i %i", bd->dev + 4, 0x10, (int)(fval)); // backlight val in e_system_ddc.c ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { // fprintf(stderr, "BL: internal bklight %1.3f @ %1.3f\n", bd->val, ecore_time_get()); e_system_send("bklight-set", "%s %i", bd->dev, (int)(bd->val * 1000.0)); ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } static E_Zone * _backlight_devices_device_zone_get(Backlight_Device *bd) { char buf[1024]; Eina_List *l; E_Zone *zone; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", bd->output? bd->output: "", bd->edid ? bd->edid : ""); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->zones, l, zone) { const char *id = zone->randr2_id; if (!id) { const char *id2 = bd->edid; if (!id2) id2 = ""; id = ""; if (!strcmp(id, id2)) return zone; } else { if (!strcmp(id, buf)) return zone; } } return NULL; } static void _backlight_devices_device_update(Backlight_Device *bd) { if (!bd->dev) return; #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY if (!strcmp(bd->dev, "randr")) { if ((e_comp) && (e_comp->comp_type == E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X) && (e_comp->root)) { Ecore_X_Randr_Output o = _backlight_devices_randr_output_get(e_comp->root, bd->output, bd->edid); if (o) { double x_bl = ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_get(e_comp->root, o); if ((x_bl >= 0.0) && (fabs(x_bl - bd->val) >= DBL_EPSILON)) { bd->val = x_bl; E_Zone *zone = _backlight_devices_device_zone_get(bd); if (zone) zone->bl = bd->val; ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } } } else #endif if (!strncmp(bd->dev, "ddc:", 4)) { e_system_handler_del("ddc-val-get", _backlight_system_ddc_get_cb, bd); e_system_handler_add("ddc-val-get", _backlight_system_ddc_get_cb, bd); e_system_send("ddc-val-get", "%s %i", bd->dev + 4, 0x10); // backlight val in e_system_ddc.c } else { e_system_handler_del("bklight-val", _backlight_system_get_cb, bd); e_system_handler_add("bklight-val", _backlight_system_get_cb, bd); e_system_send("bklight-get", "%s", bd->dev); } } static void _backlight_devices_update(void) { Eina_List *l; Backlight_Device *bd; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_devices, l, bd) _backlight_devices_device_update(bd); } static void _backlight_devices_pending_done(void) { _devices_pending_ops--; if (_devices_pending_ops > 0) return; e_backlight_level_set(NULL, e_config->backlight.normal, -1.0); _backlight_devices_update(); } static E_Randr2_Screen * _backlight_devices_screen_lid_get(void) { Eina_List *l; E_Randr2_Screen *sc; if (!e_randr2) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr2->screens, l, sc) { if (sc->info.is_lid) return sc; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr2->screens, l, sc) { if (sc->info.backlight) return sc; } return NULL; } static E_Randr2_Screen * _backlight_devices_screen_edid_get(const char *edid) { Eina_List *l; E_Randr2_Screen *sc; const char *id; if (!e_randr2) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr2->screens, l, sc) { id = sc->info.edid; if (!id) id = ""; if (!strncmp(id, edid, strlen(edid))) return sc; } return NULL; } static Backlight_Device * _backlight_devices_edid_find(const char *edid) { Eina_List *l; Backlight_Device *bd; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_devices, l, bd) { if ((bd->edid) && (edid) && (!strcmp(edid, bd->edid))) return bd; } return NULL; } static void _backlight_devices_lid_register(const char *dev, Eina_Bool force) { E_Randr2_Screen *sc = _backlight_devices_screen_lid_get(); Backlight_Device *bd = NULL; const char *id; if (!sc) return; id = sc->info.edid; if (!id) id = ""; bd = _backlight_devices_edid_find(id); if (!bd) { E_Zone *zone; bd = calloc(1, sizeof(Backlight_Device)); if (!bd) return; bd->edid = eina_stringshare_add(id); bd->output = eina_stringshare_add(sc->info.name); _devices = eina_list_append(_devices, bd); zone = _backlight_devices_device_zone_get(bd); if (zone) { double bl = zone->bl; zone->bl = 0.0; e_backlight_level_set(zone, bl, -1.0); } } if (bd->dev) { if (!strcmp(bd->dev, "randr")) return; // randr devices win if (!strncmp(bd->dev, "ddc:", 4)) return; // ddc devices also beat these "sys" devices } // if bl device has a device assigned and we're not forcing a change // then skip assigning this device to the backlight device if ((bd->dev) && (!force)) return; eina_stringshare_replace(&(bd->dev), dev); } static void _backlight_devices_edid_register(const char *dev, const char *edid) { E_Randr2_Screen *sc = _backlight_devices_screen_edid_get(edid); Backlight_Device *bd; if (!sc) return; bd = _backlight_devices_edid_find(sc->info.edid); if (!bd) { E_Zone *zone; const char *id; bd = calloc(1, sizeof(Backlight_Device)); if (!bd) return; id = sc->info.edid; if (!id) id = ""; bd->edid = eina_stringshare_add(id); bd->output = eina_stringshare_add(sc->info.name); _devices = eina_list_append(_devices, bd); zone = _backlight_devices_device_zone_get(bd); if (zone) { double bl = zone->bl; zone->bl = 0.0; e_backlight_level_set(zone, bl, -1.0); } } if (bd->dev) { if (!strcmp(bd->dev, "randr")) return; // randr devices win } eina_stringshare_replace(&(bd->dev), dev); } static void _backlight_system_list_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *params) { // params "dev flag dev flag ..." const char *p = params; char dev[1024], flag, devnum = 0; e_system_handler_del("bklight-list", _backlight_system_list_cb, NULL); while ((p) && (*p)) { if (sscanf(p, "%1023s", dev) == 1) { p += strlen(dev); if (*p == ' ') { p++; flag = *p; if (flag) { bl_devs = eina_list_append (bl_devs, eina_stringshare_add(dev)); if ((devnum == 0) || (flag == 'p') || (strstr(dev, "/drm/")) || (strstr(dev, ".video."))) { _backlight_devices_lid_register(dev, EINA_TRUE); } else { // XXX: what to do with other bl devices? // for now just assign spare bl devices to screens that do not have one already _backlight_devices_lid_register(dev, EINA_FALSE); } devnum++; // XXX: find bed bl dev for screens not supporting randr // note that this is a vallback and ddc should take precedence // it matched up to a screen over this, but randr should be // the top priority if found } else break; p++; if (*p != ' ') break; p++; if (*p == '\0') break; } else break; } else break; } _backlight_devices_pending_done(); } static void _backlight_system_ddc_list_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *params) { const char *p = params; char dev[257], buf[343]; Eina_Hash *tmphash; tmphash = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL); e_system_handler_del("ddc-list", _backlight_system_ddc_list_cb, NULL); while ((p) && (*p)) { if (sscanf(p, "%256s", dev) == 1) { p += strlen(dev); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ddc:%s", dev); bl_devs = eina_list_append (bl_devs, eina_stringshare_add(buf)); _backlight_devices_edid_register(buf, dev); if (eina_hash_find(tmphash, dev)) printf("BL: DDC ERROR: You have multiple DDC screens with the same EDID [%s] - this will lead to weirdness.\n", dev); eina_hash_add(tmphash, dev, dev); if (*p != ' ') break; } else break; } eina_hash_free(tmphash); _backlight_devices_pending_done(); } static void _backlight_devices_probe(Eina_Bool initial) { _backlight_devices_clear(); #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY // pass 1: if in x look at all the randr outputs to see if they have some backlight // property to swizzle then make the randr device the kind of device to use - // record this in our devices list if ((e_comp) && (e_comp->comp_type == E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X)) { Eina_Bool avail = ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_available(); if ((avail) && (e_comp->root)) { double x_bl; Ecore_X_Window root = e_comp->root; Ecore_X_Randr_Output *out; int i, num = 0; Eina_Bool found = EINA_FALSE; bl_devs = eina_list_append(bl_devs, eina_stringshare_add("randr")); out = ecore_x_randr_window_outputs_get(root, &num); if ((out) && (num > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *name = ecore_x_randr_output_name_get(root, out[i], NULL); if (!name) continue; x_bl = ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_level_get(root, out[0]); if (x_bl >= 0.0) { Backlight_Device *bd = calloc(1, sizeof(Backlight_Device)); if (bd) { const char *edid_str = _backlight_devices_randr_out_edid_str_get(root, &(out[i])); if (edid_str) { bd->dev = eina_stringshare_add("randr"); bd->output = eina_stringshare_add(name); bd->edid = edid_str; _devices = eina_list_append(_devices, bd); found = EINA_TRUE; } else free(bd); } } free(name); } } free(out); if (found) e_backlight_level_set(NULL, e_config->backlight.normal, -1.0); } } #endif // ask enlightenment_system to list backlight devices. this is async so we have // to respond to the device listing later _devices_pending_ops++; e_system_handler_del("bklight-list", _backlight_system_list_cb, NULL); e_system_handler_add("bklight-list", _backlight_system_list_cb, NULL); if (!initial) e_system_send("bklight-refresh", NULL); e_system_send("bklight-list", NULL); _devices_pending_ops++; e_system_handler_del("ddc-list", _backlight_system_ddc_list_cb, NULL); e_system_handler_add("ddc-list", _backlight_system_ddc_list_cb, NULL); if (!initial) e_system_send("ddc-refresh", NULL); e_system_send("ddc-list", NULL); // XXXX: add ddc to e_syystem and query that too } static Eina_Bool _bl_anim(void *data, double pos) { Backlight_Device *bd = data; // FIXME: if zone is deleted while anim going... bad things. pos = ecore_animator_pos_map(pos, ECORE_POS_MAP_DECELERATE, 0.0, 0.0); bd->val = (bd->from_val * (1.0 - pos)) + (bd->to_val * pos); _backlight_devices_device_set(bd, bd->val); if (pos >= 1.0) { bd->anim = NULL; _backlight_devices_device_update(bd); return EINA_FALSE; } return EINA_TRUE; } static void _cb_job_zone_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { zone_change_job = NULL; _backlight_devices_probe(EINA_FALSE); e_backlight_update(); } static Eina_Bool _cb_handler_zone_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *info EINA_UNUSED) { if (zone_change_job) ecore_job_del(zone_change_job); zone_change_job = ecore_job_add(_cb_job_zone_change, NULL); return EINA_TRUE; } #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY static Eina_Bool _cb_handler_x_window_property(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Window_Property *ev = event; if ((e_comp) && (e_comp->comp_type == E_PIXMAP_TYPE_X)) { static Ecore_X_Atom atom_xfree86_has_vt = 0; if (!atom_xfree86_has_vt) atom_xfree86_has_vt = ecore_x_atom_get("XFree86_has_VT"); if ((ev->win) && (e_comp->root) && (ev->win == e_comp->root) && (ev->atom == atom_xfree86_has_vt)) { int *val = NULL, num = 0; if (ecore_x_window_prop_property_get(ev->win, atom_xfree86_has_vt, ECORE_X_ATOM_INTEGER, 32, (unsigned char **)&val, &num)) { if (num > 0) { if ((*val == 1) && (!_own_vt)) // have vt { printf("BL: gained VT\n"); _own_vt = EINA_TRUE; // we just go back to normal backlight if we gain // the vt again e_backlight_mode_set(NULL, E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL); } else if (_own_vt) { printf("BL: lost VT\n"); _own_vt = EINA_FALSE; } } free(data); } } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } #endif EINTERN int e_backlight_init(void) { E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE = ecore_event_type_new(); _backlight_devices_probe(EINA_TRUE); #define H(ev, cb) \ handlers = eina_list_append(handlers, \ ecore_event_handler_add(ev, cb, NULL)); H(E_EVENT_ZONE_ADD, _cb_handler_zone_change); H(E_EVENT_ZONE_DEL, _cb_handler_zone_change); H(E_EVENT_ZONE_MOVE_RESIZE, _cb_handler_zone_change); H(E_EVENT_ZONE_STOW, _cb_handler_zone_change); H(E_EVENT_ZONE_UNSTOW, _cb_handler_zone_change); #ifndef HAVE_WAYLAND_ONLY H(ECORE_X_EVENT_WINDOW_PROPERTY, _cb_handler_x_window_property); #endif e_backlight_update(); if (!getenv("E_RESTART")) e_backlight_level_set(NULL, e_config->backlight.normal, -1.0); return 1; } EINTERN int e_backlight_shutdown(void) { Ecore_Event_Handler *h; const char *s; if (zone_change_job) { ecore_job_del(zone_change_job); zone_change_job = NULL; } EINA_LIST_FREE(handlers, h) ecore_event_handler_del(h); EINA_LIST_FREE(bl_devs, s) eina_stringshare_del(s); _backlight_devices_clear(); return 1; } E_API Eina_Bool e_backlight_exists(void) { // XXX: properly check backlight devices return EINA_TRUE; } E_API void e_backlight_update(void) { if (_devices_pending_ops > 0) _devices_zones_update = EINA_TRUE; else _backlight_devices_update(); } E_API void e_backlight_level_set(E_Zone *zone, double val, double tim) { Backlight_Device *bd; double bl_now; if (!zone) // zone == NULL == everything { Eina_List *l; if (!e_comp) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->zones, l, zone) e_backlight_level_set(zone, val, tim); return; } bl_now = zone->bl; zone->bl = val; bd = _backlight_devices_zone_device_find(zone); if (!bd) return; // set backlight associated with zone to val over period of tim // if tim == 0.0 - then do it instantnly, if time == -1 use some default // transition time if ((!e_comp->screen) || (!e_comp->screen->backlight_enabled)) return; if (val < 0.0) val = 0.0; else if (val > 1.0) val = 1.0; if ((fabs(val - bl_now) < DBL_EPSILON) && (!bd->anim)) return; if (fabs(tim) < DBL_EPSILON) { _backlight_devices_device_set(bd, val); // _backlight_devices_device_update(bd); ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_BACKLIGHT_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL); return; } if (zone->bl_mode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL) tim = 0.5; else if (tim < 0.0) tim = e_config->backlight.transition; if ((bd->anim) && (fabs(bd->to_val - val) < DBL_EPSILON)) return; E_FREE_FUNC(bd->retry_timer, ecore_timer_del); E_FREE_FUNC(bd->anim, ecore_animator_del); bd->from_val = bl_now; bd->to_val = val; bd->anim = ecore_animator_timeline_add(tim, _bl_anim, bd); } E_API double e_backlight_level_get(E_Zone *zone) { Backlight_Device *bd; if (!zone) { zone = e_zone_current_get(); if (!zone) return -1.0; } bd = _backlight_devices_zone_device_find(zone); if (!bd) return -1.0; zone->bl = bd->val; return bd->val; } E_API void e_backlight_mode_set(E_Zone *zone, E_Backlight_Mode mode) { E_Backlight_Mode pmode; if (!zone) // zone == NULL == everything { Eina_List *l; if (!e_comp) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->zones, l, zone) e_backlight_mode_set(zone, mode); return; } if (zone->bl_mode == mode) return; if (eina_streq(ecore_evas_engine_name_get(e_comp->ee), "buffer") || strstr(ecore_evas_engine_name_get(e_comp->ee), "wayland")) return; pmode = zone->bl_mode; zone->bl_mode = mode; if (zone->bl_mode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL) { e_backlight_level_set(zone, e_config->backlight.normal, -1.0); } else if (zone->bl_mode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_OFF) { e_backlight_level_set(zone, 0.0, -1.0); } else if (zone->bl_mode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_DIM) { if ((pmode != E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL) || ((pmode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL) && (e_config->backlight.normal > e_config->backlight.dim))) e_backlight_level_set(zone, e_config->backlight.dim, -1.0); } else if (zone->bl_mode == E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_MAX) e_backlight_level_set(zone, 1.0, -1.0); } E_API E_Backlight_Mode e_backlight_mode_get(E_Zone *zone) { if (!zone) { zone = e_zone_current_get(); if (!zone) return E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL; } return zone->bl_mode; } E_API const Eina_List * e_backlight_devices_get(void) { return bl_devs; } E_API void e_backlight_suspend_set(Eina_Bool suspend) { if (_e_bl_suspend == suspend) return; _e_bl_suspend = suspend; _own_vt = !_e_bl_suspend; if (_own_vt) { // we just go back to normal backlight if we gain // the vt again e_backlight_mode_set(NULL, E_BACKLIGHT_MODE_NORMAL); } }