#include "e.h" #define ACTION_TIMEOUT 30.0 /* local subsystem functions */ static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_timer(void *data); static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_exit(void *data, int type, void *event); static void _e_sys_cb_logout_logout(void *data, E_Dialog *dia); static void _e_sys_cb_logout_wait(void *data, E_Dialog *dia); static void _e_sys_cb_logout_abort(void *data, E_Dialog *dia); static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_logout_timer(void *data); static void _e_sys_logout_after(void); static void _e_sys_logout_begin(E_Sys_Action a_after, Eina_Bool raw); static void _e_sys_current_action(void); static void _e_sys_action_failed(void); static int _e_sys_action_do(E_Sys_Action a, char *param, Eina_Bool raw); static void _e_sys_dialog_cb_delete(E_Obj_Dialog *od); static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_sys_exe_exit_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *_e_sys_halt_check_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *_e_sys_reboot_check_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *_e_sys_suspend_check_exe = NULL; static Ecore_Exe *_e_sys_hibernate_check_exe = NULL; static int _e_sys_can_halt = 0; static int _e_sys_can_reboot = 0; static int _e_sys_can_suspend = 0; static int _e_sys_can_hibernate = 0; static E_Sys_Action _e_sys_action_current = E_SYS_NONE; static E_Sys_Action _e_sys_action_after = E_SYS_NONE; static Eina_Bool _e_sys_action_after_raw = EINA_FALSE; static Ecore_Exe *_e_sys_exe = NULL; static double _e_sys_begin_time = 0.0; static double _e_sys_logout_begin_time = 0.0; static Ecore_Timer *_e_sys_logout_timer = NULL; static E_Obj_Dialog *_e_sys_dialog = NULL; static E_Dialog *_e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *_e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer = NULL; static double _e_sys_susp_hib_check_last_tick = 0.0; static void _e_sys_systemd_handle_inhibit(void); static void _e_sys_systemd_poweroff(void); static void _e_sys_systemd_reboot(void); static void _e_sys_systemd_suspend(void); static void _e_sys_systemd_hibernate(void); static void _e_sys_systemd_exists_cb(void *data, const Eldbus_Message *m, Eldbus_Pending *p); static Eina_Bool systemd_works = EINA_FALSE; static int _e_sys_systemd_inhibit_fd = -1; static const int E_LOGOUT_AUTO_TIME = 60; static const int E_LOGOUT_WAIT_TIME = 15; static Ecore_Timer *action_timeout = NULL; static Eldbus_Proxy *login1_manger_proxy = NULL; EAPI int E_EVENT_SYS_SUSPEND = -1; EAPI int E_EVENT_SYS_HIBERNATE = -1; EAPI int E_EVENT_SYS_RESUME = -1; static void _e_sys_comp_done_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *sig, const char *src) { edje_object_signal_callback_del(obj, sig, src, _e_sys_comp_done_cb); e_sys_action_raw_do((E_Sys_Action)(long)data, NULL); E_FREE_FUNC(action_timeout, ecore_timer_del); } static Eina_Bool _e_sys_comp_action_timeout(void *data) { const Eina_List *l; E_Zone *zone; E_Sys_Action a = (long)(intptr_t)data; const char *sig = NULL; switch (a) { case E_SYS_LOGOUT: sig = "e,state,sys,logout,done"; break; case E_SYS_HALT: sig = "e,state,sys,halt,done"; break; case E_SYS_REBOOT: sig = "e,state,sys,reboot,done"; break; case E_SYS_SUSPEND: sig = "e,state,sys,suspend,done"; break; case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: sig = "e,state,sys,hibernate,done"; break; default: break; } E_FREE_FUNC(action_timeout, ecore_timer_del); if (sig) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->zones, l, zone) edje_object_signal_callback_del(zone->over, sig, "e", _e_sys_comp_done_cb); } e_sys_action_raw_do(a, NULL); return EINA_FALSE; } static void _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_Sys_Action a, const char *sig, const char *rep, Eina_Bool nocomp_push) { const Eina_List *l; E_Zone *zone; Eina_Bool first = EINA_TRUE; if (nocomp_push) e_comp_override_add(e_comp); else e_comp_override_timed_pop(e_comp); printf("_e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait - [%x] %s %s\n", a, sig, rep); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->zones, l, zone) { e_zone_fade_handle(zone, nocomp_push, 0.5); edje_object_signal_emit(zone->base, sig, "e"); edje_object_signal_emit(zone->over, sig, "e"); if ((rep) && (first)) edje_object_signal_callback_add(zone->over, rep, "e", _e_sys_comp_done_cb, (void *)(long)a); first = EINA_FALSE; } if (rep) { if (action_timeout) ecore_timer_del(action_timeout); action_timeout = ecore_timer_add(ACTION_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_sys_comp_action_timeout, (intptr_t*)(long)a); } } static void _e_sys_comp_suspend(void) { _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_SUSPEND, "e,state,sys,suspend", "e,state,sys,suspend,done", EINA_TRUE); } static void _e_sys_comp_hibernate(void) { _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_HIBERNATE, "e,state,sys,hibernate", "e,state,sys,hibernate,done", EINA_TRUE); } static void _e_sys_comp_reboot(void) { _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_REBOOT, "e,state,sys,reboot", "e,state,sys,reboot,done", EINA_TRUE); } static void _e_sys_comp_shutdown(void) { _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_HALT, "e,state,sys,halt", "e,state,sys,halt,done", EINA_TRUE); } static void _e_sys_comp_logout(void) { _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_LOGOUT, "e,state,sys,logout", "e,state,sys,logout,done", EINA_TRUE); } static void _e_sys_comp_resume(void) { evas_damage_rectangle_add(e_comp->evas, 0, 0, e_comp->man->w, e_comp->man->h); _e_sys_comp_emit_cb_wait(E_SYS_SUSPEND, "e,state,sys,resume", NULL, EINA_FALSE); e_screensaver_deactivate(); } /* externally accessible functions */ EINTERN int e_sys_init(void) { Eldbus_Connection *conn; Eldbus_Object *obj; eldbus_init(); conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); obj = eldbus_object_get(conn, "org.freedesktop.login1", "/org/freedesktop/login1"); login1_manger_proxy = eldbus_proxy_get(obj, "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager"); eldbus_name_owner_get(conn, "org.freedesktop.login1", _e_sys_systemd_exists_cb, NULL); _e_sys_systemd_handle_inhibit(); E_EVENT_SYS_SUSPEND = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_SYS_HIBERNATE = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_SYS_RESUME = ecore_event_type_new(); /* this is not optimal - but it does work cleanly */ _e_sys_exe_exit_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL, _e_sys_cb_exit, NULL); return 1; } EINTERN int e_sys_shutdown(void) { if (_e_sys_exe_exit_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(_e_sys_exe_exit_handler); _e_sys_exe_exit_handler = NULL; _e_sys_halt_check_exe = NULL; _e_sys_reboot_check_exe = NULL; _e_sys_suspend_check_exe = NULL; _e_sys_hibernate_check_exe = NULL; if (login1_manger_proxy) { Eldbus_Connection *conn; Eldbus_Object *obj; obj = eldbus_proxy_object_get(login1_manger_proxy); conn = eldbus_object_connection_get(obj); eldbus_proxy_unref(login1_manger_proxy); eldbus_object_unref(obj); eldbus_connection_unref(conn); login1_manger_proxy = NULL; } if (_e_sys_systemd_inhibit_fd >= 0) { close(_e_sys_systemd_inhibit_fd); _e_sys_systemd_inhibit_fd = -1; } eldbus_shutdown(); return 1; } EAPI int e_sys_action_possible_get(E_Sys_Action a) { switch (a) { case E_SYS_EXIT: case E_SYS_RESTART: case E_SYS_EXIT_NOW: return 1; case E_SYS_LOGOUT: return 1; case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: return _e_sys_can_halt; case E_SYS_REBOOT: return _e_sys_can_reboot; case E_SYS_SUSPEND: return _e_sys_can_suspend; case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: return _e_sys_can_hibernate; default: return 0; } return 0; } EAPI int e_sys_action_do(E_Sys_Action a, char *param) { int ret = 0; if (_e_sys_action_current != E_SYS_NONE) { _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } e_config_save_flush(); switch (a) { case E_SYS_EXIT: case E_SYS_RESTART: case E_SYS_EXIT_NOW: case E_SYS_LOGOUT: case E_SYS_SUSPEND: case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: ret = _e_sys_action_do(a, param, EINA_FALSE); break; case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_REBOOT: if (!e_util_immortal_check()) ret = _e_sys_action_do(a, param, EINA_FALSE); break; default: break; } if (ret) _e_sys_action_current = a; else _e_sys_action_current = E_SYS_NONE; return ret; } EAPI int e_sys_action_raw_do(E_Sys_Action a, char *param) { int ret = 0; e_config_save_flush(); if (_e_sys_action_current != E_SYS_NONE) { _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } ret = _e_sys_action_do(a, param, EINA_TRUE); if (ret) _e_sys_action_current = a; else _e_sys_action_current = E_SYS_NONE; return ret; } static Eina_List *extra_actions = NULL; EAPI E_Sys_Con_Action * e_sys_con_extra_action_register(const char *label, const char *icon_group, const char *button_name, void (*func)(void *data), const void *data) { E_Sys_Con_Action *sca; sca = E_NEW(E_Sys_Con_Action, 1); if (label) sca->label = eina_stringshare_add(label); if (icon_group) sca->icon_group = eina_stringshare_add(icon_group); if (button_name) sca->button_name = eina_stringshare_add(button_name); sca->func = func; sca->data = data; extra_actions = eina_list_append(extra_actions, sca); return sca; } EAPI void e_sys_con_extra_action_unregister(E_Sys_Con_Action *sca) { extra_actions = eina_list_remove(extra_actions, sca); if (sca->label) eina_stringshare_del(sca->label); if (sca->icon_group) eina_stringshare_del(sca->icon_group); if (sca->button_name) eina_stringshare_del(sca->button_name); free(sca); } EAPI const Eina_List * e_sys_con_extra_action_list_get(void) { return extra_actions; } static void _e_sys_systemd_inhibit_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, const Eldbus_Message *m, Eldbus_Pending *p __UNUSED__) { int fd = -1; if (eldbus_message_error_get(m, NULL, NULL)) return; if (!eldbus_message_arguments_get(m, "h", &fd)) _e_sys_systemd_inhibit_fd = fd; } static void _e_sys_systemd_handle_inhibit(void) { Eldbus_Message *m; if (!login1_manger_proxy) return; if (!(m = eldbus_proxy_method_call_new(login1_manger_proxy, "Inhibit"))) return; eldbus_message_arguments_append (m, "ssss", "handle-power-key:" "handle-suspend-key:" "handle-hibernate-key:" "handle-lid-switch", // what "Enlightenment", // who (string) "Normal Execution", // why (string) "block"); eldbus_proxy_send(login1_manger_proxy, m, _e_sys_systemd_inhibit_cb, NULL, -1); } static void _e_sys_systemd_check_cb(void *data, const Eldbus_Message *m, Eldbus_Pending *p __UNUSED__) { int *dest = data; char *s = NULL; if (!eldbus_message_arguments_get(m, "s", &s)) return; if (!s) return; if (!strcmp(s, "yes")) *dest = 1; else *dest = 0; } static void _e_sys_systemd_check(void) { if (!login1_manger_proxy) return; if (!eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "CanPowerOff", _e_sys_systemd_check_cb, &_e_sys_can_halt, -1, "")) return; if (!eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "CanReboot", _e_sys_systemd_check_cb, &_e_sys_can_reboot, -1, "")) return; if (!eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "CanSuspend", _e_sys_systemd_check_cb, &_e_sys_can_suspend, -1, "")) return; if (!eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "CanHibernate", _e_sys_systemd_check_cb, &_e_sys_can_hibernate, -1, "")) return; } static void _e_sys_systemd_exists_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, const Eldbus_Message *m, Eldbus_Pending *p __UNUSED__) { const char *id = NULL; if (eldbus_message_error_get(m, NULL, NULL)) goto fail; if (!eldbus_message_arguments_get(m, "s", &id)) goto fail; if ((!id) || (id[0] != ':')) goto fail; systemd_works = EINA_TRUE; _e_sys_systemd_check(); return; fail: systemd_works = EINA_FALSE; /* delay this for 1.0 seconds while the rest of e starts up */ ecore_timer_add(1.0, _e_sys_cb_timer, NULL); } static void _e_sys_systemd_poweroff(void) { eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "PowerOff", NULL, NULL, -1, "b", 0); } static void _e_sys_systemd_reboot(void) { eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "Reboot", NULL, NULL, -1, "b", 0); } static void _e_sys_systemd_suspend(void) { eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "Suspend", NULL, NULL, -1, "b", 0); } static void _e_sys_systemd_hibernate(void) { eldbus_proxy_call(login1_manger_proxy, "Hibernate", NULL, NULL, -1, "b", 0); } static void _e_sys_resume_job(void *d EINA_UNUSED) { ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_SYS_RESUME, NULL, NULL, NULL); _e_sys_comp_resume(); } static Eina_Bool _e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer_cb(void *data __UNUSED__) { double t = ecore_time_unix_get(); if ((t - _e_sys_susp_hib_check_last_tick) > 0.2) { _e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer = NULL; if (_e_sys_dialog) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); _e_sys_dialog = NULL; } ecore_job_add(_e_sys_resume_job, NULL); return EINA_FALSE; } _e_sys_susp_hib_check_last_tick = t; return EINA_TRUE; } static void _e_sys_susp_hib_check(void) { if (_e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer); _e_sys_susp_hib_check_last_tick = ecore_time_unix_get(); _e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.1, _e_sys_susp_hib_check_timer_cb, NULL); } /* local subsystem functions */ static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_timer(void *data __UNUSED__) { /* exec out sys helper and ask it to test if we are allowed to do these * things */ char buf[4096]; e_init_status_set(_("Checking System Permissions")); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys -t halt", e_prefix_lib_get()); _e_sys_halt_check_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys -t reboot", e_prefix_lib_get()); _e_sys_reboot_check_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys -t suspend", e_prefix_lib_get()); _e_sys_suspend_check_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys -t hibernate", e_prefix_lib_get()); _e_sys_hibernate_check_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_exit(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Exe_Event_Del *ev; ev = event; if ((_e_sys_exe) && (ev->exe == _e_sys_exe)) { if (ev->exit_code != 0) _e_sys_action_failed(); if (((_e_sys_action_current != E_SYS_HALT) && (_e_sys_action_current != E_SYS_HALT_NOW) && (_e_sys_action_current != E_SYS_REBOOT)) || (ev->exit_code != 0)) { if (_e_sys_dialog) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); _e_sys_dialog = NULL; } } _e_sys_action_current = E_SYS_NONE; _e_sys_exe = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } if ((_e_sys_halt_check_exe) && (ev->exe == _e_sys_halt_check_exe)) { e_init_status_set(_("System Check Done")); /* exit_code: 0 == OK, 5 == suid root removed, 7 == group id error * 10 == permission denied, 20 == action undefined */ if (ev->exit_code == 0) { _e_sys_can_halt = 1; _e_sys_halt_check_exe = NULL; } } else if ((_e_sys_reboot_check_exe) && (ev->exe == _e_sys_reboot_check_exe)) { e_init_status_set(_("System Check Done")); if (ev->exit_code == 0) { _e_sys_can_reboot = 1; _e_sys_reboot_check_exe = NULL; } } else if ((_e_sys_suspend_check_exe) && (ev->exe == _e_sys_suspend_check_exe)) { e_init_status_set(_("System Check Done")); if (ev->exit_code == 0) { _e_sys_can_suspend = 1; _e_sys_suspend_check_exe = NULL; } } else if ((_e_sys_hibernate_check_exe) && (ev->exe == _e_sys_hibernate_check_exe)) { e_init_status_set(_("System Check Done")); if (ev->exit_code == 0) { _e_sys_can_hibernate = 1; _e_sys_hibernate_check_exe = NULL; } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void _e_sys_cb_logout_logout(void *data __UNUSED__, E_Dialog *dia) { if (_e_sys_logout_timer) { ecore_timer_del(_e_sys_logout_timer); _e_sys_logout_timer = NULL; } _e_sys_logout_begin_time = 0.0; _e_sys_logout_after(); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(dia)); _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog = NULL; } static void _e_sys_cb_logout_wait(void *data __UNUSED__, E_Dialog *dia) { if (_e_sys_logout_timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_sys_logout_timer); _e_sys_logout_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.5, _e_sys_cb_logout_timer, NULL); _e_sys_logout_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(dia)); _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog = NULL; } static void _e_sys_cb_logout_abort(void *data __UNUSED__, E_Dialog *dia) { if (_e_sys_logout_timer) { ecore_timer_del(_e_sys_logout_timer); _e_sys_logout_timer = NULL; } _e_sys_logout_begin_time = 0.0; e_object_del(E_OBJECT(dia)); _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog = NULL; _e_sys_action_current = E_SYS_NONE; _e_sys_action_after = E_SYS_NONE; _e_sys_action_after_raw = EINA_FALSE; if (_e_sys_dialog) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); _e_sys_dialog = NULL; } } static void _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog_update(int remaining) { char txt[4096]; if (!_e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog) { fputs("ERROR: updating logout confirm dialog, but none exists!\n", stderr); return; } snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), _("Logout is taking too long.
" "Some applications refuse to close.
" "Do you want to finish the logout
" "anyway without closing these
" "applications first?

" "Auto logout in %d seconds."), remaining); e_dialog_text_set(_e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog, txt); } static Eina_Bool _e_sys_cb_logout_timer(void *data __UNUSED__) { E_Client *ec; int pending = 0; E_CLIENT_FOREACH(e_comp, ec) { if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) continue; if (!ec->internal) pending++; } if (pending == 0) goto after; else if (_e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog) { int remaining = E_LOGOUT_AUTO_TIME - round(ecore_loop_time_get() - _e_sys_logout_begin_time); /* it has taken 60 (E_LOGOUT_AUTO_TIME) seconds of waiting the * confirm dialog and we still have apps that will not go * away. Do the action as user may be far away or forgot it. * * NOTE: this is the behavior for many operating systems and I * guess the reason is people that hit "shutdown" and * put their laptops in their backpacks in the hope * everything will be turned off properly. */ if (remaining > 0) { _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog_update(remaining); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } else { _e_sys_cb_logout_logout(NULL, _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } } else { /* it has taken 15 seconds of waiting and we still have apps that * will not go away */ double now = ecore_loop_time_get(); if ((now - _e_sys_logout_begin_time) > E_LOGOUT_WAIT_TIME) { E_Dialog *dia; dia = e_dialog_new(NULL, "E", "_sys_error_logout_slow"); if (dia) { _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog = dia; e_dialog_title_set(dia, _("Logout problems")); e_dialog_icon_set(dia, "system-log-out", 64); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("Logout now"), NULL, _e_sys_cb_logout_logout, NULL); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("Wait longer"), NULL, _e_sys_cb_logout_wait, NULL); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("Cancel Logout"), NULL, _e_sys_cb_logout_abort, NULL); e_dialog_button_focus_num(dia, 1); _e_sys_logout_confirm_dialog_update(E_LOGOUT_AUTO_TIME); elm_win_center(dia->win, 1, 1); e_dialog_show(dia); _e_sys_logout_begin_time = now; } _e_sys_comp_resume(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; after: switch (_e_sys_action_after) { case E_SYS_EXIT: _e_sys_comp_logout(); break; case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: _e_sys_comp_shutdown(); break; case E_SYS_REBOOT: _e_sys_comp_reboot(); break; default: break; } _e_sys_logout_timer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_sys_logout_after(void) { if (_e_sys_dialog) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); _e_sys_dialog = NULL; } _e_sys_action_current = _e_sys_action_after; _e_sys_action_do(_e_sys_action_after, NULL, _e_sys_action_after_raw); _e_sys_action_after = E_SYS_NONE; _e_sys_action_after_raw = EINA_FALSE; } static void _e_sys_logout_begin(E_Sys_Action a_after, Eina_Bool raw) { const Eina_List *l; E_Client *ec; E_Obj_Dialog *od; /* start logout - at end do the a_after action */ if (!raw) { od = e_obj_dialog_new(e_util_comp_current_get(), _("Logout in progress"), "E", "_sys_logout"); e_obj_dialog_obj_theme_set(od, "base/theme/sys", "e/sys/logout"); e_obj_dialog_obj_part_text_set(od, "e.textblock.message", _("Logout in progress.
" "Please wait.")); e_obj_dialog_show(od); e_obj_dialog_icon_set(od, "system-log-out"); if (_e_sys_dialog) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); _e_sys_dialog = od; } _e_sys_action_after = a_after; _e_sys_action_after_raw = raw; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp->clients, l, ec) { e_client_act_close_begin(ec); } /* and poll to see if all pending windows are gone yet every 0.5 sec */ _e_sys_logout_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); if (_e_sys_logout_timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_sys_logout_timer); _e_sys_logout_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.5, _e_sys_cb_logout_timer, NULL); } static void _e_sys_current_action(void) { /* display dialog that currently an action is in progress */ E_Dialog *dia; dia = e_dialog_new(NULL, "E", "_sys_error_action_busy"); if (!dia) return; e_dialog_title_set(dia, _("Enlightenment is busy with another request")); e_dialog_icon_set(dia, "enlightenment/sys", 64); switch (_e_sys_action_current) { case E_SYS_LOGOUT: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Logging out.
" "You cannot perform other system actions
" "once a logout has begun.")); break; case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Powering off.
" "You cannot do any other system actions
" "once a shutdown has been started.")); break; case E_SYS_REBOOT: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Resetting.
" "You cannot do any other system actions
" "once a reboot has begun.")); break; case E_SYS_SUSPEND: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Suspending.
" "Until suspend is complete you cannot perform
" "any other system actions.")); break; case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Hibernating.
" "You cannot perform any other system actions
" "until this is complete.")); break; default: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("EEK! This should not happen")); break; } e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("OK"), NULL, NULL, NULL); e_dialog_button_focus_num(dia, 0); elm_win_center(dia->win, 1, 1); e_dialog_show(dia); } static void _e_sys_action_failed(void) { /* display dialog that the current action failed */ E_Dialog *dia; dia = e_dialog_new(NULL, "E", "_sys_error_action_failed"); if (!dia) return; e_dialog_title_set(dia, _("Enlightenment is busy with another request")); e_dialog_icon_set(dia, "enlightenment/sys", 64); switch (_e_sys_action_current) { case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Power off failed.")); break; case E_SYS_REBOOT: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Reset failed.")); break; case E_SYS_SUSPEND: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Suspend failed.")); break; case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("Hibernate failed.")); break; default: e_dialog_text_set(dia, _("EEK! This should not happen")); break; } e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("OK"), NULL, NULL, NULL); e_dialog_button_focus_num(dia, 0); elm_win_center(dia->win, 1, 1); e_dialog_show(dia); } static int _e_sys_action_do(E_Sys_Action a, char *param __UNUSED__, Eina_Bool raw) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; E_Obj_Dialog *od; int ret = 0; switch (a) { case E_SYS_EXIT: // XXX TODO: check for e_fm_op_registry entries and confirm if (!e_util_immortal_check()) ecore_main_loop_quit(); else return 0; break; case E_SYS_RESTART: // XXX TODO: check for e_fm_op_registry entries and confirm // FIXME: we dont share out immortal info to restarted e. :( // if (!e_util_immortal_check()) { restart = 1; ecore_main_loop_quit(); } // else // return 0; break; case E_SYS_EXIT_NOW: exit(0); break; case E_SYS_LOGOUT: // XXX TODO: check for e_fm_op_registry entries and confirm if (raw) { _e_sys_logout_after(); } else { _e_sys_logout_begin(E_SYS_EXIT, raw); } break; case E_SYS_HALT: case E_SYS_HALT_NOW: /* shutdown -h now */ if (e_util_immortal_check()) return 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys halt", e_prefix_lib_get()); if (_e_sys_exe) { if ((ecore_time_get() - _e_sys_begin_time) > 2.0) _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } else { if (raw) { _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); if (systemd_works) _e_sys_systemd_poweroff(); else { _e_sys_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); ret = 1; } } else { ret = 0; _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); od = e_obj_dialog_new(NULL, _("Power off"), "E", "_sys_halt"); e_obj_dialog_obj_theme_set(od, "base/theme/sys", "e/sys/halt"); e_obj_dialog_obj_part_text_set(od, "e.textblock.message", _("Power off.
" "Please wait.")); e_obj_dialog_show(od); e_obj_dialog_icon_set(od, "system-shutdown"); if (_e_sys_dialog) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); e_obj_dialog_cb_delete_set(od, _e_sys_dialog_cb_delete); _e_sys_dialog = od; _e_sys_logout_begin(a, EINA_TRUE); } /* FIXME: display halt status */ } break; case E_SYS_REBOOT: /* shutdown -r now */ if (e_util_immortal_check()) return 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys reboot", e_prefix_lib_get()); if (_e_sys_exe) { if ((ecore_time_get() - _e_sys_begin_time) > 2.0) _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } else { if (raw) { _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); if (systemd_works) _e_sys_systemd_reboot(); else { _e_sys_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); ret = 1; } } else { ret = 0; _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); od = e_obj_dialog_new(NULL, _("Resetting"), "E", "_sys_reboot"); e_obj_dialog_obj_theme_set(od, "base/theme/sys", "e/sys/reboot"); e_obj_dialog_obj_part_text_set(od, "e.textblock.message", _("Resetting.
" "Please wait.")); e_obj_dialog_show(od); e_obj_dialog_icon_set(od, "system-restart"); if (_e_sys_dialog) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(_e_sys_dialog)); e_obj_dialog_cb_delete_set(od, _e_sys_dialog_cb_delete); _e_sys_dialog = od; _e_sys_logout_begin(a, EINA_TRUE); } /* FIXME: display reboot status */ } break; case E_SYS_SUSPEND: /* /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys suspend", e_prefix_lib_get()); if (_e_sys_exe) { if ((ecore_time_get() - _e_sys_begin_time) > 2.0) _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } else { if (raw) { _e_sys_susp_hib_check(); if (e_config->desklock_on_suspend) e_desklock_show(EINA_TRUE); _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); if (systemd_works) _e_sys_systemd_suspend(); else { _e_sys_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); ret = 1; } } else { ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_SYS_SUSPEND, NULL, NULL, NULL); _e_sys_comp_suspend(); return 0; } /* FIXME: display suspend status */ } break; case E_SYS_HIBERNATE: /* /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh force */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/utils/enlightenment_sys hibernate", e_prefix_lib_get()); if (_e_sys_exe) { if ((ecore_time_get() - _e_sys_begin_time) > 2.0) _e_sys_current_action(); return 0; } else { if (raw) { _e_sys_susp_hib_check(); if (e_config->desklock_on_suspend) e_desklock_show(EINA_TRUE); _e_sys_begin_time = ecore_time_get(); if (systemd_works) _e_sys_systemd_hibernate(); else { _e_sys_exe = ecore_exe_run(buf, NULL); ret = 1; } } else { ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_SYS_HIBERNATE, NULL, NULL, NULL); _e_sys_comp_hibernate(); return 0; } /* FIXME: display hibernate status */ } break; default: return 0; } return ret; } static void _e_sys_dialog_cb_delete(E_Obj_Dialog *od __UNUSED__) { /* If we don't NULL out the _e_sys_dialog, then the * ECORE_EXE_EVENT_DEL callback will trigger and segv if the window * is deleted in some other way. */ _e_sys_dialog = NULL; }