/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #ifdef E_TYPEDEFS typedef struct _E_Path E_Path; typedef struct _E_Path_Dir E_Path_Dir; #else #ifndef E_PATH_H #define E_PATH_H #define E_PATH_TYPE 0xE0b0100c struct _E_Path_Dir { char * dir; }; struct _E_Path { E_Object e_obj_inherit; Evas_Hash *hash; Evas_List *default_dir_list; /* keep track of the associated e_config path */ Evas_List **user_dir_list; }; /* init and setup */ EAPI E_Path *e_path_new(void); EAPI void e_path_user_path_set(E_Path *ep, Evas_List **user_dir_list); EAPI void e_path_inherit_path_set(E_Path *ep, E_Path *path_inherit); /* append a hardcoded path */ EAPI void e_path_default_path_append(E_Path *ep, const char *path); /* e_config path manipulation */ EAPI void e_path_user_path_append(E_Path *ep, const char *path); EAPI void e_path_user_path_prepend(E_Path *ep, const char *path); EAPI void e_path_user_path_remove(E_Path *ep, const char *path); EAPI char *e_path_find(E_Path *ep, const char *file); /* for conveience this doesnt return a malloc'd string. it's a static buffer, so a new call will replace this buffer, but thsi means there is no need to free the return */ EAPI void e_path_evas_append(E_Path *ep, Evas *evas); EAPI Evas_List *e_path_dir_list_get(E_Path *ep); EAPI void e_path_dir_list_free(Evas_List *dir_list); #endif #endif