#include "e.h" #include "evry_api.h" #define BORDER_SHOW 1 #define BORDER_HIDE 2 #define BORDER_FULLSCREEN 3 #define BORDER_TODESK 4 #define BORDER_CLOSE 5 typedef struct _Plugin Plugin; typedef struct _Border_Item Client_Item; struct _Plugin { Evry_Plugin base; Eina_List *clients; Eina_List *handlers; const char *input; }; struct _Border_Item { Evry_Item base; E_Client *client; }; static const Evry_API *evry = NULL; static Evry_Module *evry_module = NULL; static Evry_Plugin *_plug; static Eina_List *_actions = NULL; static Evas_Object *_icon_get(Evry_Item *it, Evas *e); /***************************************************************************/ #define GET_BORDER(_bd, _it) Client_Item * _bd = (Client_Item *)_it; static void _client_item_free(Evry_Item *it) { GET_BORDER(bi, it); e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(bi->client)); E_FREE(bi); } static int _client_item_add(Plugin *p, E_Client *ec) { Client_Item *bi; char buf[1024]; if (ec->netwm.state.skip_taskbar) return 0; if (ec->netwm.state.skip_pager) return 0; if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) return 0; bi = EVRY_ITEM_NEW(Client_Item, p, e_client_util_name_get(ec), _icon_get, _client_item_free); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d:%d %s", ec->desk->x, ec->desk->y, (ec->desktop ? ec->desktop->name : "")); EVRY_ITEM_DETAIL_SET(bi, buf); bi->client = ec; e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(ec)); p->clients = eina_list_append(p->clients, bi); return 1; } static Eina_Bool _cb_border_remove(void *data, __UNUSED__ int type, void *event) { E_Event_Client *ev = event; Client_Item *bi; Eina_List *l; Plugin *p = data; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(p->clients, l, bi) if (bi->client == ev->ec) break; if (!bi) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(p); p->clients = eina_list_remove(p->clients, bi); EVRY_ITEM_FREE(bi); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_ADD(p, p->clients, p->input, 1, 0); EVRY_PLUGIN_UPDATE(p, EVRY_UPDATE_ADD); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _cb_client_add(void *data, __UNUSED__ int type, void *event) { E_Event_Client *ev = event; Plugin *p = data; if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ev->ec)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; if (!_client_item_add(p, ev->ec)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(p); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_ADD(p, p->clients, p->input, 1, 0); EVRY_PLUGIN_UPDATE(p, EVRY_UPDATE_ADD); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Evry_Plugin * _begin(Evry_Plugin *plugin, const Evry_Item *item __UNUSED__) { Plugin *p; E_Client *ec; Eina_List *l; EVRY_PLUGIN_INSTANCE(p, plugin); p->handlers = eina_list_append (p->handlers, ecore_event_handler_add (E_EVENT_CLIENT_REMOVE, _cb_border_remove, p)); p->handlers = eina_list_append (p->handlers, ecore_event_handler_add (E_EVENT_CLIENT_ADD, _cb_client_add, p)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH (e_client_focus_stack_get(), l, ec) _client_item_add(p, ec); return EVRY_PLUGIN(p); } static void _finish(Evry_Plugin *plugin) { Ecore_Event_Handler *h; Client_Item *bi; GET_PLUGIN(p, plugin); IF_RELEASE(p->input); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(p); EINA_LIST_FREE (p->clients, bi) EVRY_ITEM_FREE(bi); EINA_LIST_FREE (p->handlers, h) ecore_event_handler_del(h); E_FREE(p); } static int _fetch(Evry_Plugin *plugin, const char *input) { GET_PLUGIN(p, plugin); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(p); EVRY_PLUGIN_MIN_QUERY(p, input) { IF_RELEASE(p->input); if (input) p->input = eina_stringshare_add(input); return EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_ADD(p, p->clients, input, 1, 0); } return 0; } static Evas_Object * _icon_get(Evry_Item *it, Evas *e) { GET_BORDER(bi, it); Evas_Object *o = NULL; E_Client *ec = bi->client; if (ec->internal) { if (!ec->internal_icon) { o = e_icon_add(e); e_util_icon_theme_set(o, "enlightenment"); } else if (!ec->internal_icon_key) { char *ext; ext = strrchr(ec->internal_icon, '.'); if ((ext) && ((!strcmp(ext, ".edj")))) { o = edje_object_add(e); if (!edje_object_file_set(o, ec->internal_icon, "icon")) e_util_icon_theme_set(o, "enlightenment"); } else if (ext) { o = e_icon_add(e); e_icon_file_set(o, ec->internal_icon); } else { o = e_icon_add(e); e_icon_scale_size_set(o, 128); if (!e_util_icon_theme_set(o, ec->internal_icon)) e_util_icon_theme_set(o, "enlightenment"); } } else { o = edje_object_add(e); edje_object_file_set(o, ec->internal_icon, ec->internal_icon_key); } return o; } if (ec->netwm.icons) { if (e_config->use_app_icon) goto _use_netwm_icon; if (ec->remember && (ec->remember->prop.icon_preference == E_ICON_PREF_NETWM)) goto _use_netwm_icon; } if (ec->desktop) { o = e_util_desktop_icon_add(ec->desktop, 128, e); if (o) return o; } _use_netwm_icon: if (ec->netwm.icons) { int i, size, tmp, found = 0; o = e_icon_add(e); size = ec->netwm.icons[0].width; for (i = 1; i < ec->netwm.num_icons; i++) { if ((tmp = ec->netwm.icons[i].width) > size) { size = tmp; found = i; } } e_icon_data_set(o, ec->netwm.icons[found].data, ec->netwm.icons[found].width, ec->netwm.icons[found].height); e_icon_alpha_set(o, 1); return o; } o = e_client_icon_add(ec, e); if (o) return o; o = edje_object_add(e); e_util_icon_theme_set(o, "unknown"); return o; } /***************************************************************************/ static int _check_border(Evry_Action *act, const Evry_Item *it) { GET_BORDER(bi, it); int action = EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_GET(act); E_Client *ec = bi->client; E_Zone *zone = e_zone_current_get(); if (!ec) { ERR("no client"); return 0; } switch (action) { case BORDER_CLOSE: if (ec->lock_close) return 0; break; case BORDER_SHOW: if (ec->lock_focus_in) return 0; break; case BORDER_HIDE: if (ec->lock_user_iconify) return 0; break; case BORDER_FULLSCREEN: if (!ec->lock_user_fullscreen) return 0; break; case BORDER_TODESK: if (ec->desk == (e_desk_current_get(zone))) return 0; break; } return 1; } static int _act_border(Evry_Action *act) { GET_BORDER(bi, act->it1.item); int action = EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_GET(act); E_Client *ec = bi->client; E_Zone *zone = e_zone_current_get(); int focus = 0; if (!ec) { ERR("no client"); return 0; } switch (action) { case BORDER_CLOSE: e_client_act_close_begin(ec); break; case BORDER_SHOW: if (ec->desk != (e_desk_current_get(zone))) e_desk_show(ec->desk); focus = 1; break; case BORDER_HIDE: e_client_iconify(ec); break; case BORDER_FULLSCREEN: if (!ec->fullscreen) e_client_fullscreen(ec, E_FULLSCREEN_RESIZE); else e_client_unfullscreen(ec); break; case BORDER_TODESK: if (ec->desk != (e_desk_current_get(zone))) e_client_desk_set(ec, e_desk_current_get(zone)); focus = 1; break; default: break; } if (focus) { if (ec->shaded) e_client_unshade(ec, ec->shade_dir); if (ec->iconic) e_client_uniconify(ec); else evas_object_raise(ec->frame); if (!ec->lock_focus_out) { evas_object_focus_set(ec->frame, 1); e_client_focus_latest_set(ec); } if ((e_config->focus_policy != E_FOCUS_CLICK) || (e_config->winlist_warp_at_end) || (e_config->winlist_warp_while_selecting)) { int warp_to_x = ec->x + (ec->w / 2); if (warp_to_x < (ec->zone->x + 1)) warp_to_x = ec->zone->x + ((ec->x + ec->w - ec->zone->x) / 2); else if (warp_to_x >= (ec->zone->x + ec->zone->w - 1)) warp_to_x = (ec->zone->x + ec->zone->w + ec->x) / 2; int warp_to_y = ec->y + (ec->h / 2); if (warp_to_y < (ec->zone->y + 1)) warp_to_y = ec->zone->y + ((ec->y + ec->h - ec->zone->y) / 2); else if (warp_to_y >= (ec->zone->y + ec->zone->h - 1)) warp_to_y = (ec->zone->y + ec->zone->h + ec->y) / 2; ecore_evas_pointer_warp(e_comp->ee, warp_to_x, warp_to_y); } /* e_client_focus_set_with_pointer(ec); */ } return 1; } static int _plugins_init(const Evry_API *_api) { Evry_Action *act; evry = _api; if (!evry->api_version_check(EVRY_API_VERSION)) return EINA_FALSE; _plug = EVRY_PLUGIN_BASE(N_("Windows"), "preferences-system-windows", EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, _begin, _finish, _fetch); _plug->transient = EINA_TRUE; evry->plugin_register(_plug, EVRY_PLUGIN_SUBJECT, 2); act = EVRY_ACTION_NEW(N_("Switch to Window"), EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, "go-next", _act_border, _check_border); EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(act, BORDER_SHOW); evry->action_register(act, 1); _actions = eina_list_append(_actions, act); act = EVRY_ACTION_NEW(N_("Iconify"), EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, "go-down", _act_border, _check_border); EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(act, BORDER_HIDE); _actions = eina_list_append(_actions, act); evry->action_register(act, 2); act = EVRY_ACTION_NEW(N_("Toggle Fullscreen"), EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, "view-fullscreen", _act_border, _check_border); EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(act, BORDER_FULLSCREEN); _actions = eina_list_append(_actions, act); evry->action_register(act, 4); act = EVRY_ACTION_NEW(N_("Close"), EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, "list-remove", _act_border, _check_border); EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(act, BORDER_CLOSE); _actions = eina_list_append(_actions, act); evry->action_register(act, 3); act = EVRY_ACTION_NEW(N_("Send to Desktop"), EVRY_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, "go-previous", _act_border, _check_border); EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(act, BORDER_TODESK); _actions = eina_list_append(_actions, act); evry->action_register(act, 3); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _plugins_shutdown(void) { Evry_Action *act; EVRY_PLUGIN_FREE(_plug); EINA_LIST_FREE (_actions, act) EVRY_ACTION_FREE(act); } /***************************************************************************/ Eina_Bool evry_plug_windows_init(E_Module *m __UNUSED__) { EVRY_MODULE_NEW(evry_module, evry, _plugins_init, _plugins_shutdown); return EINA_TRUE; } void evry_plug_windows_shutdown(void) { EVRY_MODULE_FREE(evry_module); } void evry_plug_windows_save(void){}