#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #elif defined __GNUC__ # define alloca __builtin_alloca #elif defined _AIX # define alloca __alloca #elif defined _MSC_VER # include # define alloca _alloca #else # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" # endif void *alloca(size_t); #endif #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "e_fm_shared_device.h" #include "e_fm_shared_codec.h" #include "e_fm_ipc.h" #include "e_fm_device.h" #include "e_fm_main_udisks.h" #include "e_fm_main.h" #define UDISKS_BUS "org.freedesktop.UDisks" #define UDISKS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/UDisks" #define UDISKS_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks" #define UDISKS_DEVICE_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device" static EDBus_Connection *_e_fm_main_udisks_conn = NULL; static EDBus_Proxy *_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy = NULL; static Eina_List *_e_stores = NULL; static Eina_List *_e_vols = NULL; static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_all(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_verify(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_add(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_del(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_prop_modified(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_store_prop(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_mounted(E_Volume *v); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted(E_Volume *v); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted_before_eject(E_Volume *v); static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejecting_after_unmount(E_Volume *v); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejected(E_Volume *v); static int _e_fm_main_udisks_format_error_msg(char **buf, E_Volume *v, const char *name, const char *message); static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_mount_timeout(E_Volume *v); static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_unmount_timeout(E_Volume *v); static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_eject_timeout(E_Volume *v); static E_Storage *_storage_find_by_dbus_path(const char *path); static E_Volume *_volume_find_by_dbus_path(const char *path); static void _volume_del(E_Volume *v); static void _e_fm_main_udisks_name_start(void *data __UNUSED__, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { unsigned flag = 0; EDBus_Object *obj; if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "u", &flag) || !flag) { _e_fm_main_udisks_catch(EINA_FALSE); return; } obj = edbus_object_get(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, UDISKS_BUS, UDISKS_PATH); _e_fm_main_udisks_proxy = edbus_proxy_get(obj, UDISKS_INTERFACE); edbus_proxy_call(_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy, "EnumerateDevices", _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_all, NULL, -1, ""); edbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy, "DeviceAdded", _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_add, NULL); edbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy, "DeviceRemoved", _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_del, NULL); _e_fm_main_udisks_catch(EINA_TRUE); /* signal usage of udisks for mounting */ } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_all(void *data __UNUSED__, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { const char *name, *txt, *path; EDBus_Message_Iter *array; if (edbus_message_error_get(msg, &name, &txt)) { ERR("Error %s %s.", name, txt); return; } if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "ao", &array)) { ERR("Error getting arguments."); return; } while (edbus_message_iter_get_and_next(array, 'o', &path)) { EDBus_Message *new_msg; new_msg = edbus_message_method_call_new(UDISKS_BUS, path, EDBUS_FDO_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES, "Get"); edbus_message_arguments_append(new_msg, "ss", UDISKS_DEVICE_INTERFACE, "IdUsage"); edbus_connection_send(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, new_msg, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_verify, eina_stringshare_add(path), -1); edbus_message_unref(new_msg); INF("DB INIT DEV+: %s", path); } } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_verify(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { const char *name, *txt, *id_usage, *path = data; EDBus_Message_Iter *variant; if (edbus_message_error_get(msg, &name, &txt)) { ERR("Error %s %s.", name, txt); goto error; } if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "v", &variant)) { ERR("Error getting arguments."); goto error; } if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(variant, "s", &id_usage)) { ERR("Type of variant not expected"); goto error; } if (!id_usage[0]) _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_add(path); else if(!strcmp(id_usage, "filesystem")) _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_add(path, EINA_TRUE); else eina_stringshare_del(path); return; error: eina_stringshare_del(path); } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_verify_added(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { const char *name, *txt, *id_usage, *path = data; EDBus_Message_Iter *variant; if (edbus_message_error_get(msg, &name, &txt)) { ERR("Error %s %s.", name, txt); goto error; } if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "v", &variant)) { ERR("Error getting arguments."); goto error; } if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(variant, "s", &id_usage)) { ERR("Type of variant not expected"); goto error; } DBG("%s usage=%s", path, id_usage); if (!id_usage[0]) { E_Storage *s; s = _storage_find_by_dbus_path(path); if (!s) _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_add(path); else edbus_proxy_property_get_all(s->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_store_prop, s); } else if(!strcmp(id_usage, "filesystem")) { E_Volume *v; v = _volume_find_by_dbus_path(path); if (!v) _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_add(path, EINA_TRUE); else edbus_proxy_property_get_all(v->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop, v); } else eina_stringshare_del(path); return; error: eina_stringshare_del(path); } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_add(void *data __UNUSED__, const EDBus_Message *msg) { EDBus_Message *new; E_Volume *v; char *path; if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "o", &path)) return; DBG("DB DEV+: %s", path); v = _volume_find_by_dbus_path(path); if (v) { edbus_proxy_property_get_all(v->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop, v); return; } new = edbus_message_method_call_new(UDISKS_BUS, path, EDBUS_FDO_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES, "Get"); edbus_message_arguments_append(new, "ss", UDISKS_DEVICE_INTERFACE, "IdUsage"); edbus_connection_send(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, new, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_verify_added, eina_stringshare_add(path), -1); edbus_message_unref(new); } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_dev_del(void *data __UNUSED__, const EDBus_Message *msg) { char *path; E_Volume *v; if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "o", &path)) return; DBG("DB DEV-: %s", path); if ((v = _volume_find_by_dbus_path(path))) { if (v->optype == E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_EJECT) _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejected(v); } _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_del(path); _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_del(path); } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_prop_modified(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg __UNUSED__) { E_Volume *v = data; edbus_proxy_property_get_all(v->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop, v); } static Eina_Bool _storage_del(void *data) { const char *path = data; _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_del(path); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_store_prop(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { E_Storage *s = data; const char *name, *txt; EDBus_Message_Iter *dict, *entry; if (edbus_message_error_get(msg, &name, &txt)) { ERR("Error %s %s.", name, txt); return; } if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "a{sv}", &dict)) { ERR("Error getting arguments."); return; } while (edbus_message_iter_get_and_next(dict, 'e', &entry)) { char *key; EDBus_Message_Iter *var; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(entry, "sv", &key, &var)) continue; if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceFile")) { const char *udi; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &udi)) eina_stringshare_replace(&s->udi, udi); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveConnectionInterface")) { const char *bus; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &bus)) { if (s->bus) eina_stringshare_del(bus); s->bus = eina_stringshare_add(bus); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveMediaCompatibility")) { EDBus_Message_Iter *inner_array; const char *media; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "as", &inner_array)) continue; while(edbus_message_iter_get_and_next(inner_array, 's', &media)) { eina_stringshare_replace(&s->drive_type, media); break; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveModel")) { const char *model; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &model)) eina_stringshare_replace(&s->model, model); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveVendor")) { const char *vendor; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &vendor)) { if (s->vendor) eina_stringshare_del(s->vendor); s->vendor = eina_stringshare_add(vendor); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveSerial")) { const char *serial; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &serial)) { if (s->serial) eina_stringshare_del(s->serial); s->serial = eina_stringshare_add(serial); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsSystemInternal")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &s->system_internal); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsMediaAvailable")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &s->media_available); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceSize")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "t", &s->media_size); else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveIsMediaEjectable")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &s->requires_eject); else if (!strcmp(key, "DriveCanDetach")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &s->hotpluggable); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsMediaChangeDetectionInhibited")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &s->media_check_enabled); else if (!strcmp(key, "DevicePresentationIconName")) { const char *icon; if (edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &icon)) { if (s->icon.drive) eina_stringshare_del(s->icon.drive); s->icon.drive = NULL; if (!icon[0]) s->icon.drive = eina_stringshare_add(icon); s->icon.volume = s->icon.drive; } } } if (!s->udi) { ERR("removing storage with null udi %s", s->dbus_path); ecore_idler_add(_storage_del, s->dbus_path); return; } if (s->system_internal) { DBG("removing storage internal %s", s->udi); ecore_idler_add(_storage_del, s->dbus_path); return; } /* force it to be removable if it passed the above tests */ s->removable = EINA_TRUE; INF("++STO:\n udi: %s\n bus: %s\n drive_type: %s\n model: %s\n vendor: %s\n serial: %s\n icon.drive: %s\n icon.volume: %s\n", s->udi, s->bus, s->drive_type, s->model, s->vendor, s->serial, s->icon.drive, s->icon.volume); s->validated = EINA_TRUE; { void *msg_data; int msg_size; msg_data = _e_fm_shared_codec_storage_encode(s, &msg_size); if (msg_data) { ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_STORAGE_ADD, 0, 0, 0, msg_data, msg_size); free(msg_data); } } return; } static Eina_Bool _idler_volume_del(void *data) { const char *path = data; _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_del(path); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop(void *data, const EDBus_Message *msg, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { E_Volume *v = data; E_Storage *s = NULL; const char *txt, *message; EDBus_Message_Iter *array, *dict; DBG("volume=%s",v->dbus_path); if (edbus_message_error_get(msg, &txt, &message)) { ERR("Error: %s %s\nVolume: %s", txt, message, v->udi); return; } if (!edbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "a{sv}", &array)) { ERR("Error getting values."); return; } while (edbus_message_iter_get_and_next(array, 'e', &dict)) { EDBus_Message_Iter *var; const char *key; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(dict, "sv", &key, &var)) continue; if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceFile")) { const char *udi; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &udi)) continue; if (udi && v->first_time) eina_stringshare_replace(&v->udi, udi); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsSystemInternal")) { Eina_Bool internal; edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &internal); if (internal) { DBG("removing is internal %s", v->dbus_path); ecore_idler_add(_idler_volume_del, v->dbus_path); return; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsMediaChangeDetectionInhibited")) { Eina_Bool inibited; edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &inibited); if (inibited) { /* skip volumes with volume.ignore set */ DBG("removing is inibited %s", v->dbus_path); ecore_idler_add(_idler_volume_del, v->dbus_path); return; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsLuks")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &v->encrypted); else if (!strcmp(key, "IdUuid")) { const char *uuid; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &uuid)) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->uuid, uuid); } else if (!strcmp(key, "IdLabel")) { const char *label; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &label)) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->label, label); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceMountPaths")) { EDBus_Message_Iter *inner_array; const char *path; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "as", &inner_array)) continue; while (edbus_message_iter_get_and_next(inner_array, 's', &path)) { eina_stringshare_replace(&v->mount_point, path); break; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "IdType")) { const char *type; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &type)) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->fstype, type); } else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceSize")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "t", &v->size); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsMounted")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &v->mounted); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsLuksCleartext")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &v->unlocked); else if (!strcmp(key, "DeviceIsPartition")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "b", &v->partition); else if (!strcmp(key, "PartitionNumber")) edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "i", &v->partition_number); else if (!strcmp(key, "PartitionLabel")) { const char *partition_label; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "s", &partition_label)) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->partition_label, partition_label); } else if (!strcmp(key, "LuksCleartextSlave")) { const char *enc; E_Volume *venc; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "o", &enc)) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->partition_label, enc); venc = _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_find(enc); if (!venc) continue; eina_stringshare_replace(&v->parent, venc->parent); v->storage = venc->storage; v->storage->volumes = eina_list_append(v->storage->volumes, v); } else if (!strcmp(key, "PartitionSlave")) { char *partition_slave; if (!edbus_message_iter_arguments_get(var, "o", &partition_slave)) continue; partition_slave = strdup(partition_slave); sprintf(partition_slave, "/dev/%s", partition_slave + strlen("/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/")); eina_stringshare_replace(&v->parent, partition_slave); free(partition_slave); } } if (!v->udi) { ERR("!udi %s", v->dbus_path); ecore_idler_add(_idler_volume_del, v); return; } if (!v->label) eina_stringshare_replace(&v->label, v->uuid); if (v->parent && v->partition) { s = e_storage_find(v->parent); if (s) { v->storage = s; if (!eina_list_data_find_list(s->volumes, v)) s->volumes = eina_list_append(s->volumes, v); } } else { eina_stringshare_replace(&v->parent, v->udi); s = e_storage_find(v->udi); if (s) { v->storage = s; if (!eina_list_data_find_list(s->volumes, v)) s->volumes = eina_list_append(s->volumes, v); } else { v->storage = _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_add( eina_stringshare_add(v->dbus_path)); /* disk is both storage and volume */ if (v->storage) v->storage->volumes = eina_list_append(v->storage->volumes, v); } } switch (v->optype) { case E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_MOUNT: _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_mounted(v); return; case E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_UNMOUNT: _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted(v); return; case E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_EJECT: _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted_before_eject(v); return; default: break; } // printf("++VOL:\n udi: %s\n uuid: %s\n fstype: %s\n size: %llu\n label: %s\n partition: %d\n partition_number: %d\n partition_label: %s\n mounted: %d\n mount_point: %s", v->udi, v->uuid, v->fstype, v->size, v->label, v->partition, v->partition_number, v->partition ? v->partition_label : "(not a partition)", v->mounted, v->mount_point); // if (s) printf(" for storage: %s", s->udi); // else printf(" storage unknown"); v->validated = EINA_TRUE; e_fm_ipc_volume_add(v); return; } static int _e_fm_main_udisks_format_error_msg(char **buf, E_Volume *v, const char *name, const char *message) { int size, vu, vm, en; char *tmp; vu = strlen(v->udi) + 1; vm = strlen(v->mount_point) + 1; en = strlen(name) + 1; size = vu + vm + en + strlen(message) + 1; tmp = *buf = malloc(size); strcpy(tmp, v->udi); tmp += vu; strcpy(tmp, v->mount_point); tmp += vm; strcpy(tmp, name); tmp += en; strcpy(tmp, message); return size; } static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_mount_timeout(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; v->guard = NULL; if (v->op) edbus_pending_cancel(v->op); v->op = NULL; v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; size = _e_fm_main_udisks_format_error_msg(&buf, v, "org.enlightenment.fm2.MountTimeout", "Unable to mount the volume with specified time-out."); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_MOUNT_ERROR, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); free(buf); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_mounted(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; if (v->guard) { ecore_timer_del(v->guard); v->guard = NULL; } if (!v->mount_point) return; /* come back later */ v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; v->op = NULL; v->mounted = EINA_TRUE; INF("MOUNT: %s from %s", v->udi, v->mount_point); size = strlen(v->udi) + 1 + strlen(v->mount_point) + 1; buf = alloca(size); strcpy(buf, v->udi); strcpy(buf + strlen(buf) + 1, v->mount_point); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_MOUNT_DONE, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); } static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_unmount_timeout(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; v->guard = NULL; if (v->op) edbus_pending_cancel(v->op); v->op = NULL; v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; size = _e_fm_main_udisks_format_error_msg(&buf, v, "org.enlightenment.fm2.UnmountTimeout", "Unable to unmount the volume with specified time-out."); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_UNMOUNT_ERROR, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); free(buf); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; if (v->guard) { ecore_timer_del(v->guard); v->guard = NULL; } if (v->optype != E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_EJECT) { v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; v->op = NULL; } v->mounted = EINA_FALSE; INF("UNMOUNT: %s from %s", v->udi, v->mount_point); size = strlen(v->udi) + 1 + strlen(v->mount_point) + 1; buf = alloca(size); strcpy(buf, v->udi); strcpy(buf + strlen(buf) + 1, v->mount_point); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_UNMOUNT_DONE, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); } static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_vol_eject_timeout(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; v->guard = NULL; if (v->op) edbus_pending_cancel(v->op); v->op = NULL; v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; size = _e_fm_main_udisks_format_error_msg(&buf, v, "org.enlightenment.fm2.EjectTimeout", "Unable to eject the media with specified time-out."); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_EJECT_ERROR, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); free(buf); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _volume_task_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, const EDBus_Message *msg __UNUSED__, EDBus_Pending *pending __UNUSED__) { /** * if edbus_proxy_send has callback == NULL it will return a NULL * but we need a EDBus_Pending to be able to cancel it when timeout occurs */ /* FIXME: this should not matter. If we don't have a callback, there's no * reason to cancel it... cancelling has no effect other than saying edbus we * are not interested in the return anymore. I.e.: don't bother to cancel it */ } static EDBus_Pending * _volume_umount(EDBus_Proxy *proxy) { EDBus_Message *msg; EDBus_Message_Iter *array, *main_iter; msg = edbus_proxy_method_call_new(proxy, "FilesystemUnmount"); main_iter = edbus_message_iter_get(msg); edbus_message_iter_arguments_append(main_iter, "as", &array); edbus_message_iter_container_close(main_iter, array); return edbus_proxy_send(proxy, msg, _volume_task_cb, NULL, -1); } static EDBus_Pending * _volume_eject(EDBus_Proxy *proxy) { EDBus_Message *msg; EDBus_Message_Iter *array, *main_iter; msg = edbus_proxy_method_call_new(proxy, "DriveEject"); main_iter = edbus_message_iter_get(msg); edbus_message_iter_arguments_append(main_iter, "as", &array); edbus_message_iter_container_close(main_iter, array); return edbus_proxy_send(proxy, msg, _volume_task_cb, NULL, -1); } static EDBus_Pending * _volume_mount(EDBus_Proxy *proxy, const char *fstype, Eina_List *opt) { EDBus_Message *msg; EDBus_Message_Iter *array, *main_iter; Eina_List *l; const char *opt_txt; msg = edbus_proxy_method_call_new(proxy, "FilesystemMount"); main_iter = edbus_message_iter_get(msg); edbus_message_iter_arguments_append(main_iter, "sas", fstype, &array); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(opt, l, opt_txt) edbus_message_iter_basic_append(array, 's', opt_txt); edbus_message_iter_container_close(main_iter, array); return edbus_proxy_send(proxy, msg, _volume_task_cb, NULL, -1); } static Eina_Bool _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejecting_after_unmount(E_Volume *v) { v->guard = ecore_timer_add(E_FM_EJECT_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_vol_eject_timeout, v); v->op = _volume_eject(v->storage->proxy); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted_before_eject(E_Volume *v) { _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_unmounted(v); // delay is required for all message handlers were executed after unmount ecore_timer_add(1.0, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejecting_after_unmount, v); } static void _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_ejected(E_Volume *v) { char *buf; int size; if (v->guard) { ecore_timer_del(v->guard); v->guard = NULL; } v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; size = strlen(v->udi) + 1; buf = alloca(size); strcpy(buf, v->udi); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_EJECT_DONE, 0, 0, 0, buf, size); } E_Volume * _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_add(const char *path, Eina_Bool first_time) { E_Volume *v; EDBus_Object *obj; if (!path) return NULL; if (_volume_find_by_dbus_path(path)) return NULL; v = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Volume)); if (!v) return NULL; v->dbus_path = path; INF("VOL+ %s", path); v->efm_mode = EFM_MODE_USING_UDISKS_MOUNT; v->icon = NULL; v->first_time = first_time; _e_vols = eina_list_append(_e_vols, v); obj = edbus_object_get(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, UDISKS_BUS, path); v->proxy = edbus_proxy_get(obj, UDISKS_DEVICE_INTERFACE); edbus_proxy_property_get_all(v->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_vol_prop, v); edbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(v->proxy, "Changed", _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_prop_modified, v); v->guard = NULL; return v; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_del(const char *path) { E_Volume *v; v = _volume_find_by_dbus_path(path); if (!v) return; _volume_del(v); } static void _volume_del(E_Volume *v) { if (v->guard) { ecore_timer_del(v->guard); v->guard = NULL; } if (v->validated) { INF("--VOL %s", v->udi); /* FIXME: send event of storage volume (disk) removed */ ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_VOLUME_DEL, 0, 0, 0, v->udi, eina_stringshare_strlen(v->udi) + 1); } v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_NONE; if (v->storage && v->storage->requires_eject) return; /* udisks is stupid about ejectable media, so we have to keep stuff * around for all eternity instead of deleting it constantly. oh noes. */ if (v->proxy) { EDBus_Object *obj = edbus_proxy_object_get(v->proxy); edbus_proxy_unref(v->proxy); edbus_object_unref(obj); } _e_vols = eina_list_remove(_e_vols, v); _e_fm_shared_device_volume_free(v); } E_Volume * _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_find(const char *udi) { Eina_List *l; E_Volume *v; if (!udi) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_e_vols, l, v) { if (!v->udi) continue; if (!strcmp(udi, v->udi)) return v; } return NULL; } static E_Volume * _volume_find_by_dbus_path(const char *path) { Eina_List *l; E_Volume *v; if (!path) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_e_vols, l, v) if (!strcmp(path, v->dbus_path)) return v; return NULL; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_eject(E_Volume *v) { if (!v || v->guard) return; if (v->mounted) { v->guard = ecore_timer_add(E_FM_UNMOUNT_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_vol_unmount_timeout, v); v->op = _volume_umount(v->proxy); } else { v->guard = ecore_timer_add(E_FM_EJECT_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_vol_eject_timeout, v); v->op = _volume_eject(v->storage->proxy); } v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_EJECT; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_unmount(E_Volume *v) { if (!v || v->guard) return; INF("unmount %s %s", v->udi, v->mount_point); v->guard = ecore_timer_add(E_FM_UNMOUNT_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_vol_unmount_timeout, v); v->op = _volume_umount(v->proxy); v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_UNMOUNT; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_volume_mount(E_Volume *v) { char buf[256]; char buf2[256]; Eina_List *opt = NULL; if ((!v) || (v->guard)) return; INF("mount %s %s [fs type = %s]", v->udi, v->mount_point, v->fstype); // Map uid to current user if possible // Possible filesystems found in udisks source (src/udiskslinuxfilesystem.c) as of 2012-07-11 if ((!strcmp(v->fstype, "vfat")) || (!strcmp(v->fstype, "ntfs")) || (!strcmp(v->fstype, "iso9660")) || (!strcmp(v->fstype, "udf")) ) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "uid=%i", (int)getuid()); opt = eina_list_append(opt, buf); } // force utf8 as the encoding - e only likes/handles utf8. its the // pseudo-standard these days anyway for "linux" for intl text to work // everywhere. problem is some fs's use differing options and udisks // doesn't allow some options with certain filesystems. // Valid options found in udisks (src/udiskslinuxfilesystem.c) as of 2012-07-11 // Note that these options are default with the latest udisks, kept here to // avoid breakage in the future (hopefully). if (!strcmp(v->fstype, "vfat")) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "utf8=1"); opt = eina_list_append(opt, buf2); } else if ((!strcmp(v->fstype, "iso9660")) || (!strcmp(v->fstype, "udf")) ) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "iocharset=utf8"); opt = eina_list_append(opt, buf2); } v->guard = ecore_timer_add(E_FM_MOUNT_TIMEOUT, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_e_fm_main_udisks_vol_mount_timeout, v); // It was previously noted here that ubuntu 10.04 failed to mount if opt was passed to // e_udisks_volume_mount. The reason at the time was unknown and apparently never found. // I theorize that this was due to improper mount options being passed (namely the utf8 options). // If this still fails on Ubuntu 10.04 then an actual fix should be found. v->op = _volume_mount(v->proxy, v->fstype, opt); eina_list_free(opt); v->optype = E_VOLUME_OP_TYPE_MOUNT; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_init(void) { edbus_init(); _e_fm_main_udisks_conn = edbus_connection_get(EDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); if (!_e_fm_main_udisks_conn) return; edbus_name_start(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, UDISKS_BUS, 0, _e_fm_main_udisks_name_start, NULL); } void _e_fm_main_udisks_shutdown(void) { if (_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy) { EDBus_Object *obj; obj = edbus_proxy_object_get(_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy); edbus_proxy_unref(_e_fm_main_udisks_proxy); edbus_object_unref(obj); } if (_e_fm_main_udisks_conn) edbus_connection_unref(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn); edbus_shutdown(); } E_Storage * _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_add(const char *path) { E_Storage *s; EDBus_Object *obj; if (!path) return NULL; if (_storage_find_by_dbus_path(path)) return NULL; s = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Storage)); if (!s) return NULL; DBG("STORAGE+=%s", path); s->dbus_path = path; _e_stores = eina_list_append(_e_stores, s); obj = edbus_object_get(_e_fm_main_udisks_conn, UDISKS_BUS, path); s->proxy = edbus_proxy_get(obj, UDISKS_DEVICE_INTERFACE); edbus_proxy_property_get_all(s->proxy, _e_fm_main_udisks_cb_store_prop, s); return s; } void _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_del(const char *path) { E_Storage *s; s = _storage_find_by_dbus_path(path); if (!s) return; if (s->validated) { INF("--STO %s", s->udi); ecore_ipc_server_send(_e_fm_ipc_server, 6 /*E_IPC_DOMAIN_FM*/, E_FM_OP_STORAGE_DEL, 0, 0, 0, s->udi, strlen(s->udi) + 1); } _e_stores = eina_list_remove(_e_stores, s); if (s->proxy) { EDBus_Object *obj = edbus_proxy_object_get(s->proxy); edbus_proxy_unref(s->proxy); edbus_object_unref(obj); } _e_fm_shared_device_storage_free(s); } static E_Storage * _storage_find_by_dbus_path(const char *path) { Eina_List *l; E_Storage *s; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_e_stores, l, s) if (!strcmp(path, s->dbus_path)) return s; return NULL; } E_Storage * _e_fm_main_udisks_storage_find(const char *udi) { Eina_List *l; E_Storage *s; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_e_stores, l, s) { if (!s->udi) continue; if (!strcmp(udi, s->udi)) return s; } return NULL; }