#ifdef E_TYPEDEFS typedef enum _E_Zone_Edge { E_ZONE_EDGE_NONE, E_ZONE_EDGE_LEFT, E_ZONE_EDGE_RIGHT, E_ZONE_EDGE_TOP, E_ZONE_EDGE_BOTTOM, E_ZONE_EDGE_TOP_LEFT, E_ZONE_EDGE_TOP_RIGHT, E_ZONE_EDGE_BOTTOM_RIGHT, E_ZONE_EDGE_BOTTOM_LEFT } E_Zone_Edge; typedef struct _E_Zone E_Zone; typedef struct _E_Event_Zone_Desk_Count_Set E_Event_Zone_Desk_Count_Set; typedef struct _E_Event_Zone_Move_Resize E_Event_Zone_Move_Resize; typedef struct _E_Event_Zone_Add E_Event_Zone_Add; typedef struct _E_Event_Zone_Del E_Event_Zone_Del; /* TODO: Move this to a general place? */ typedef struct _E_Event_Pointer_Warp E_Event_Pointer_Warp; typedef struct _E_Event_Zone_Edge E_Event_Zone_Edge; #else #ifndef E_ZONE_H #define E_ZONE_H #define E_ZONE_TYPE (int) 0xE0b0100d struct _E_Zone { E_Object e_obj_inherit; int x, y, w, h; const char *name; /* num matches the id of the xinerama screen * this zone belongs to. */ unsigned int num; E_Container *container; int fullscreen; Evas_Object *bg_object; Evas_Object *bg_event_object; Evas_Object *bg_clip_object; Evas_Object *prev_bg_object; Evas_Object *transition_object; int desk_x_count, desk_y_count; int desk_x_current, desk_y_current; E_Desk **desks; Eina_List *handlers; struct { unsigned char switching : 1; E_Shelf *es; E_Event_Zone_Edge *ev; E_Binding_Edge *bind; } flip; struct { Ecore_X_Window top, right, bottom, left; } edge; struct { Ecore_X_Window left_top, top_left, top_right, right_top, right_bottom, bottom_right, bottom_left, left_bottom; } corner; E_Action *cur_mouse_action; Eina_List *popups; Ecore_Evas *black_ecore_evas; Evas *black_evas; Ecore_X_Window black_win; int black_need; int id; struct { int x, y, w, h; Eina_Bool dirty : 1; } useful_geometry; }; struct _E_Event_Zone_Desk_Count_Set { E_Zone *zone; }; struct _E_Event_Zone_Move_Resize { E_Zone *zone; }; struct _E_Event_Zone_Add { E_Zone *zone; }; struct _E_Event_Zone_Del { E_Zone *zone; }; struct _E_Event_Pointer_Warp { struct { int x, y; } prev; struct { int x, y; } curr; }; struct _E_Event_Zone_Edge { E_Zone *zone; E_Zone_Edge edge; int x, y; int modifiers; }; EINTERN int e_zone_init(void); EINTERN int e_zone_shutdown(void); EAPI E_Zone *e_zone_new(E_Container *con, int num, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h); EAPI void e_zone_name_set(E_Zone *zone, const char *name); EAPI void e_zone_move(E_Zone *zone, int x, int y); EAPI void e_zone_resize(E_Zone *zone, int w, int h); EAPI void e_zone_move_resize(E_Zone *zone, int x, int y, int w, int h); EAPI void e_zone_fullscreen_set(E_Zone *zone, int on); EAPI E_Zone *e_zone_current_get(E_Container *con); EAPI void e_zone_bg_reconfigure(E_Zone *zone); EAPI void e_zone_flip_coords_handle(E_Zone *zone, int x, int y); EAPI void e_zone_desk_count_set(E_Zone *zone, int x_count, int y_count); EAPI void e_zone_desk_count_get(E_Zone *zone, int *x_count, int *y_count); EAPI void e_zone_desk_flip_by(E_Zone *zone, int dx, int dy); EAPI void e_zone_desk_flip_to(E_Zone *zone, int x, int y); EAPI void e_zone_desk_linear_flip_by(E_Zone *zone, int dx); EAPI void e_zone_desk_linear_flip_to(E_Zone *zone, int x); EAPI void e_zone_edge_flip_eval(E_Zone *zone); EAPI void e_zone_edge_new(E_Zone_Edge edge); EAPI void e_zone_edge_free(E_Zone_Edge edge); EAPI void e_zone_edge_enable(void); EAPI void e_zone_edge_disable(void); EAPI void e_zone_edges_desk_flip_capable(E_Zone *zone, Eina_Bool l, Eina_Bool r, Eina_Bool t, Eina_Bool b); EAPI Eina_Bool e_zone_exists_direction(E_Zone *zone, E_Zone_Edge edge); EAPI void e_zone_edge_win_layer_set(E_Zone *zone, int layer); EAPI void e_zone_useful_geometry_dirty(E_Zone *zone); EAPI void e_zone_useful_geometry_get(E_Zone *zone, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h); extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_DESK_COUNT_SET; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_MOVE_RESIZE; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_ADD; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_DEL; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_POINTER_WARP; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_EDGE_IN; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_EDGE_OUT; extern EAPI int E_EVENT_ZONE_EDGE_MOVE; #endif #endif