#include "e.h" static void *_create_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd); static void _free_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static int _basic_check_changed(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static int _basic_apply(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static Evas_Object *_basic_create(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); //static int _sort_widget_themes(const void *data1, const void *data2); //static Evas_Object *_icon_new(Evas *evas, const char *theme, const char *icon, unsigned int size); struct _E_Config_Dialog_Data { E_Config_Dialog *cfd; Eina_List *widget_themes; const char *widget_theme; int enable_xsettings; int match_e17_theme; int match_e17_icon_theme; Eina_List *icon_themes; const char *icon_theme; int icon_overrides; //int enable_icon_theme; // We just need to check whether override or match icon theme is set. int icon_populating; struct { Evas_Object *widget_list; Evas_Object *match_theme; Evas_Object *icon_list; Evas_Object *icon_preview[4]; /* same size as _icon_previews */ Evas_Object *icon_enable_apps; Evas_Object *icon_enable_enlightenment; } gui; Ecore_Idler *fill_icon_themes_delayed; }; static const char *_icon_previews[4] = { "system-run", "system-file-manager", "preferences-desktop-theme", "text-x-generic" }; #define PREVIEW_SIZE (48) E_Config_Dialog * e_int_config_xsettings(E_Comp *comp, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Config_Dialog *cfd; E_Config_Dialog_View *v; if (e_config_dialog_find("E", "appearance/xsettings")) return NULL; v = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_View, 1); v->create_cfdata = _create_data; v->free_cfdata = _free_data; v->basic.create_widgets = _basic_create; v->basic.apply_cfdata = _basic_apply; v->basic.check_changed = _basic_check_changed; cfd = e_config_dialog_new(comp, _("Application Theme Settings"), "E", "appearance/xsettings", "preferences-desktop-theme", 0, v, NULL); return cfd; } static void * _create_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd) { E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; cfdata = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_Data, 1); cfdata->cfd = cfd; cfdata->widget_theme = eina_stringshare_add(e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name); cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme = e_config->xsettings.match_e17_icon_theme; cfdata->match_e17_theme = e_config->xsettings.match_e17_theme; cfdata->enable_xsettings = e_config->xsettings.enabled; cfdata->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add(e_config->icon_theme); cfdata->icon_overrides = e_config->icon_theme_overrides; //cfdata->enable_icon_theme = !!(e_config->icon_theme); return cfdata; } static void _free_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd __UNUSED__, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { if (cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed) free(ecore_idler_del(cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed)); eina_list_free(cfdata->icon_themes); eina_stringshare_del(cfdata->icon_theme); eina_stringshare_del(cfdata->widget_theme); E_FREE(cfdata); } static int _basic_check_changed(E_Config_Dialog *cfd __UNUSED__, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { if (cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme != e_config->xsettings.match_e17_icon_theme) return 1; if (cfdata->match_e17_theme != e_config->xsettings.match_e17_theme) return 1; if (cfdata->enable_xsettings != !!(e_config->xsettings.enabled)) return 1; if ((!cfdata->widget_theme) && e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name) return 1; if (cfdata->widget_theme && (!e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name)) return 1; if (cfdata->icon_overrides != e_config->icon_theme_overrides) return 1; /* if (cfdata->enable_icon_theme != !!(e_config->icon_theme)) * return 1; */ if ((!cfdata->icon_theme) && (e_config->icon_theme)) return 1; if ((cfdata->icon_theme) && (!e_config->icon_theme)) return 1; if ((cfdata->widget_theme && e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name) && (strcmp(cfdata->widget_theme, e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name) != 0)) return 1; if ((cfdata->icon_theme && e_config->icon_theme) && (strcmp(cfdata->icon_theme, e_config->icon_theme) != 0)) return 1; return 0; } static int _basic_apply(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { E_Event_Config_Icon_Theme *ev; if (!_basic_check_changed(cfd, cfdata)) return 1; e_widget_ilist_selected_label_get(cfdata->gui.widget_list); eina_stringshare_replace(&e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name, cfdata->widget_theme); // e_config->xsettings.match_e17_icon_theme = cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme; e_config->xsettings.match_e17_theme = cfdata->match_e17_theme; e_config->xsettings.enabled = cfdata->enable_xsettings; eina_stringshare_del(e_config->icon_theme); if (cfdata->icon_overrides || cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme) e_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_ref(cfdata->icon_theme); else e_config->icon_theme = eina_stringshare_add("hicolor"); // FDO default e_config->icon_theme_overrides = !!cfdata->icon_overrides; e_config->xsettings.match_e17_icon_theme = cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme; e_config_save_queue(); e_util_env_set("E_ICON_THEME", e_config->icon_theme); ev = E_NEW(E_Event_Config_Icon_Theme, 1); if (ev) { ev->icon_theme = e_config->icon_theme; ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_CONFIG_ICON_THEME, ev, NULL, NULL); } e_xsettings_config_update(); return 1; } static int _sort_widget_themes(const void *data1, const void *data2) { const char *d1, *d2; d1 = data1; d2 = data2; if (!d1) return 1; if (!d2) return -1; return strcmp(d1, d2); } static int _sort_icon_themes(const void *data1, const void *data2) { const Efreet_Icon_Theme *m1, *m2; if (!data2) return -1; m1 = data1; m2 = data2; if (!m1->name.name) return 1; if (!m2->name.name) return -1; return strcmp(m1->name.name, m2->name.name); } static void _ilist_files_add(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata, const char *dir) { Eina_Iterator *it; const char *file; it = eina_file_ls(dir); if (!it) return; EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, file) { if ((ecore_file_is_dir(file)) && (!eina_list_data_find(cfdata->widget_themes, file))) { cfdata->widget_themes = eina_list_append(cfdata->widget_themes, file); } else eina_stringshare_del(file); } eina_iterator_free(it); } static Eina_Bool _fill_files_ilist(void *data) { Evas *evas; Evas_Object *o; char theme_dir[4096]; E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata = data; Eina_List *xdg_dirs, *l; const char *dir; if (!(o = cfdata->gui.widget_list)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; e_user_homedir_concat_static(theme_dir, ".themes"); _ilist_files_add(cfdata, theme_dir); xdg_dirs = efreet_data_dirs_get(); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(xdg_dirs, l, dir) { snprintf(theme_dir, sizeof(theme_dir), "%s/themes", dir); _ilist_files_add(cfdata, theme_dir); } evas = evas_object_evas_get(o); evas_event_freeze(evas); edje_freeze(); e_widget_ilist_freeze(o); e_widget_ilist_clear(o); if (cfdata->widget_themes) { const char *theme; int cnt = 0; cfdata->widget_themes = eina_list_sort(cfdata->widget_themes, -1, _sort_widget_themes); EINA_LIST_FREE(cfdata->widget_themes, theme) { const char *tmp; char buf[PATH_MAX]; Eina_Bool gtk2 = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool gtk3 = EINA_FALSE; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/gtk-2.0", theme); gtk2 = ecore_file_is_dir(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/gtk-3.0", theme); gtk3 = ecore_file_is_dir(buf); if ((!gtk2) && (!gtk3)) continue; tmp = strrchr(theme, '/'); if (tmp) { char label[256]; const char *value; ssize_t len = sizeof(label); tmp += 1; value = eina_stringshare_add(tmp); label[0] = 0; strncpy(label, value, len); len -= strlen(label); if (gtk2 && (len > 5)) { strcat(label, " (v2)"); len -= 5; } if (gtk3 && (len > 5)) { strcat(label, " (v3)"); len -= 5; } /* value pointer will exist as long as ilist item so val remains valid */ e_widget_ilist_append(o, NULL, label, NULL, NULL, value); if ((e_config->xsettings.net_theme_name_detected == value) || (cfdata->widget_theme == value)) e_widget_ilist_selected_set(cfdata->gui.widget_list, cnt); eina_stringshare_del(value); cnt++; } eina_stringshare_del(theme); } } e_widget_ilist_go(o); e_widget_ilist_thaw(o); edje_thaw(); evas_event_thaw(evas); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Evas_Object * _icon_new(Evas *evas, const char *theme, const char *icon, unsigned int size) { Evas_Object *o; const char *path; if (!(path = efreet_icon_path_find(theme, icon, size))) return NULL; o = e_icon_add(evas); if (e_icon_file_set(o, path)) e_icon_fill_inside_set(o, 1); else { evas_object_del(o); o = NULL; } return o; } static void _populate_icon_preview(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { const char *t = cfdata->icon_theme; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_icon_previews) / sizeof(_icon_previews[0]); i++) { const char *path; if (!(path = efreet_icon_path_find(t, _icon_previews[i], PREVIEW_SIZE))) continue; if (e_icon_file_set(cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i], path)) e_icon_fill_inside_set(cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i], EINA_TRUE); } } struct _fill_icon_themes_data { Eina_List *l; int i; Evas *evas; E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; Eina_Bool themes_loaded; }; static void _fill_icon_data(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { cfdata->icon_themes = efreet_icon_theme_list_get(); cfdata->icon_themes = eina_list_sort(cfdata->icon_themes, eina_list_count(cfdata->icon_themes), _sort_icon_themes); } static Eina_Bool _fill_icon_themes(void *data) { struct _fill_icon_themes_data *d = data; Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme; Evas_Object *oc = NULL; const char **example_icon, *example_icons[] = { NULL, "folder", "user-home", "text-x-generic", "system-run", "preferences-system", NULL, }; if (!d->themes_loaded) { d->cfdata->icon_themes = eina_list_free(d->cfdata->icon_themes); _fill_icon_data(d->cfdata); d->l = d->cfdata->icon_themes; d->i = 0; d->themes_loaded = 1; return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } if (!d->l) { int mw, mh; e_widget_ilist_go(d->cfdata->gui.icon_list); e_widget_size_min_get(d->cfdata->gui.icon_list, &mw, &mh); e_widget_size_min_set(d->cfdata->gui.icon_list, mw, 100); d->cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed = NULL; d->cfdata->icon_populating = EINA_FALSE; _populate_icon_preview(d->cfdata); free(d); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } theme = d->l->data; if (theme->example_icon) { example_icons[0] = theme->example_icon; example_icon = example_icons; } else example_icon = example_icons + 1; for (; (*example_icon) && (!oc); example_icon++) oc = _icon_new(d->evas, theme->name.internal, *example_icon, 24); if (oc) { e_widget_ilist_append(d->cfdata->gui.icon_list, oc, theme->name.name, NULL, NULL, theme->name.internal); if ((d->cfdata->icon_theme) && (theme->name.internal) && (strcmp(d->cfdata->icon_theme, theme->name.internal) == 0)) e_widget_ilist_selected_set(d->cfdata->gui.icon_list, d->i); } d->i++; d->l = d->l->next; return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void _icon_theme_changed(void *data, Evas_Object *o __UNUSED__) { E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; cfdata = data; if (cfdata->icon_populating) return; _populate_icon_preview(cfdata); } static Evas_Object * _basic_create(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { Evas_Object *otb, *ol, *ilist, *of, *ow, *oc; struct _fill_icon_themes_data *d; unsigned int i; otb = e_widget_toolbook_add(evas, (24 * e_scale), (24 * e_scale)); ol = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); ilist = e_widget_ilist_add(evas, 24, 24, &(cfdata->widget_theme)); cfdata->gui.widget_list = ilist; e_widget_size_min_set(cfdata->gui.widget_list, 100, 100); /* e_widget_on_change_hook_set(ilist, _icon_theme_changed, cfdata); */ e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ilist, 1, 1, 0.5); /* ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Use icon theme for applications"), * &(cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme)); * e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); */ cfdata->gui.match_theme = ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Match Enlightenment theme if possible"), &(cfdata->match_e17_theme)); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); /* ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Set application theme"), * &(cfdata->enable_app_theme)); * e_widget_list_object_append(o, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); */ // >> advanced oc = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Enable X Application Settings"), &(cfdata->enable_xsettings)); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, oc, 0, 0, 0.0); e_widget_check_widget_disable_on_unchecked_add(oc, ilist); e_widget_check_widget_disable_on_unchecked_add(oc, ow); e_widget_toolbook_page_append(otb, NULL, _("GTK Applications"), ol, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); ol = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); ilist = e_widget_ilist_add(evas, 24, 24, &(cfdata->icon_theme)); cfdata->gui.icon_list = ilist; e_widget_size_min_set(cfdata->gui.icon_list, 100, 100); cfdata->icon_populating = EINA_TRUE; e_widget_on_change_hook_set(ilist, _icon_theme_changed, cfdata); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ilist, 1, 1, 0.5); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Preview"), 1); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_icon_previews) / sizeof(_icon_previews[0]); i++) { cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i] = e_icon_add(evas); e_icon_preload_set(cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i], EINA_TRUE); e_icon_scale_size_set(cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i], PREVIEW_SIZE); e_widget_framelist_object_append_full(of, cfdata->gui.icon_preview[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, PREVIEW_SIZE, PREVIEW_SIZE, PREVIEW_SIZE, PREVIEW_SIZE); } e_widget_list_object_append(ol, of, 0, 0, 0.5); /* ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Enable icon theme"), * &(cfdata->enable_icon_theme)); * e_widget_on_change_hook_set(ow, _icon_theme_changed, cfdata); * e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); */ cfdata->gui.icon_enable_apps = ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Enable icon theme for applications"), &(cfdata->match_e17_icon_theme)); e_widget_check_widget_disable_on_unchecked_add(oc, ow); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); cfdata->gui.icon_enable_enlightenment = ow = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Enable icon theme for Enlightenment"), &(cfdata->icon_overrides)); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, ow, 0, 0, 0.0); e_widget_toolbook_page_append(otb, NULL, _("Icons"), ol, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); e_widget_toolbook_page_show(otb, 0); e_dialog_resizable_set(cfd->dia, 1); _fill_files_ilist(cfdata); if (cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed) free(ecore_idler_del(cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed)); d = malloc(sizeof(*d)); d->l = NULL; d->cfdata = cfdata; d->themes_loaded = 0; d->evas = evas; cfdata->fill_icon_themes_delayed = ecore_idler_add(_fill_icon_themes, d); return otb; }