#ifndef EVRY_H #define EVRY_H #include "e.h" #include "evry_api.h" #define MOD_CONFIG_FILE_EPOCH 0x0001 #define MOD_CONFIG_FILE_GENERATION 0x0002 #define MOD_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION \ ((MOD_CONFIG_FILE_EPOCH << 16) | MOD_CONFIG_FILE_GENERATION) typedef struct _Evry_State Evry_State; typedef struct _Evry_View Evry_View; typedef struct _History Evry_History; typedef struct _Config Evry_Config; typedef struct _Evry_Selector Evry_Selector; typedef struct _Tab_View Tab_View; typedef struct _Evry_Window Evry_Window; struct _Evry_Window { E_Popup *popup; Evas_Object *o_main; Eina_Bool request_selection; Eina_Bool plugin_dedicated; Eina_Bool visible; Ecore_Timer *show_timer; Eina_List *handlers; Evry_Selector *selector; Evry_Selector **selectors; Evry_Selector **sel_list; int level; }; struct _Evry_Selector { Evas_Object *o_main; Evas_Object *o_icon; /* current state */ Evry_State *state; /* stack of states (for browseable plugins) */ Eina_List *states; /* provides collection of items from other plugins */ Evry_Plugin *aggregator; Evry_Plugin *actions; /* */ /* Eina_List *cur_actions; */ /* all plugins that belong to this selector*/ Eina_List *plugins; Evry_View *view; Evas_Object *o_thumb; Eina_Bool do_thumb; Ecore_Timer *update_timer; }; struct _Evry_State { char *inp; /* alloced input */ char *input; /* pointer to input + trigger */ /* all available plugins for current state */ Eina_List *plugins; /* currently active plugins, i.e. those that provide items */ Eina_List *cur_plugins; /* active plugin */ Evry_Plugin *plugin; /* selected item */ Evry_Item *cur_item; /* marked items */ Eina_List *sel_items; Eina_Bool plugin_auto_selected; Eina_Bool item_auto_selected; /* current view instance */ Evry_View *view; Eina_Bool changed; Eina_Bool trigger_active; unsigned int request; }; struct _Evry_View { Evry_View *id; const char *name; const char *trigger; int active; Evas_Object *o_list; Evas_Object *o_bar; Evry_View *(*create) (Evry_View *view, const Evry_State *s, const Evas_Object *swallow); void (*destroy) (Evry_View *view); int (*cb_key_down) (Evry_View *view, const Ecore_Event_Key *ev); int (*update) (Evry_View *view, int slide); void (*clear) (Evry_View *view, int slide); int priority; }; struct _Tab_View { Evas *evas; const Evry_State *state; Evas_Object *o_tabs; Eina_List *tabs; void (*update) (Tab_View *tv); void (*clear) (Tab_View *tv); int (*key_down) (Tab_View *tv, const Ecore_Event_Key *ev); double align; double align_to; Ecore_Animator *animator; Ecore_Timer *timer; }; struct _Config { int version; /* position */ double rel_x, rel_y; /* size */ int width, height; Eina_List *modules; /* generic plugin config */ Eina_List *conf_subjects; Eina_List *conf_actions; Eina_List *conf_objects; Eina_List *conf_views; int scroll_animate; double scroll_speed; int hide_input; int hide_list; /* quick navigation mode */ int quick_nav; /* default view mode */ int view_mode; int view_zoom; int history_sort_mode; /* use up/down keys for prev/next in thumb view */ int cycle_mode; unsigned char first_run; /* not saved data */ Eina_List *actions; Eina_List *views; int min_w, min_h; }; struct _History { int version; Eina_Hash *subjects; double begin; Eina_Bool changed; }; /* evry.c */ void evry_item_select(const Evry_State *s, Evry_Item *it); void evry_item_mark(const Evry_State *state, Evry_Item *it, Eina_Bool mark); void evry_plugin_select(const Evry_State *s, Evry_Plugin *p); int evry_list_win_show(void); void evry_list_win_hide(void); Evry_Item *evry_item_new(Evry_Item *base, Evry_Plugin *p, const char *label, Evas_Object *(*icon_get) (Evry_Item *it, Evas *e), void (*cb_free) (Evry_Item *item)); void evry_item_free(Evry_Item *it); void evry_item_ref(Evry_Item *it); void evry_plugin_update(Evry_Plugin *plugin, int state); void evry_clear_input(Evry_Plugin *p); /* evry_util.c */ Evas_Object *evry_icon_mime_get(const char *mime, Evas *e); Evas_Object *evry_icon_theme_get(const char *icon, Evas *e); int evry_fuzzy_match(const char *str, const char *match); Eina_List *evry_fuzzy_match_sort(Eina_List *items); int evry_util_exec_app(const Evry_Item *it_app, const Evry_Item *it_file); char *evry_util_url_escape(const char *string, int inlength); char *evry_util_url_unescape(const char *string, int length); void evry_util_file_detail_set(Evry_Item_File *file); int evry_util_module_config_check(const char *module_name, int conf, int epoch, int version); Evas_Object *evry_util_icon_get(Evry_Item *it, Evas *e); int evry_util_plugin_items_add(Evry_Plugin *p, Eina_List *items, const char *input, int match_detail, int set_usage); int evry_items_sort_func(const void *data1, const void *data2); void evry_item_changed(Evry_Item *it, int change_icon, int change_selected); char *evry_util_md5_sum(const char *str); const char *evry_file_path_get(Evry_Item_File *file); const char *evry_file_url_get(Evry_Item_File *file); int evry_plugin_register(Evry_Plugin *p, int type, int priority); void evry_plugin_unregister(Evry_Plugin *p); void evry_action_register(Evry_Action *act, int priority); void evry_action_unregister(Evry_Action *act); void evry_view_register(Evry_View *view, int priority); void evry_view_unregister(Evry_View *view); Evry_Action *evry_action_find(const char *name); void evry_history_load(void); void evry_history_unload(void); History_Item *evry_history_item_add(Evry_Item *it, const char *ctxt, const char *input); int evry_history_item_usage_set(Evry_Item *it, const char *input, const char *ctxt); History_Types *evry_history_types_get(Evry_Type type); Evry_Plugin *evry_plugin_new(Evry_Plugin *base, const char *name, const char *label, const char *icon, Evry_Type item_type, Evry_Plugin *(*begin) (Evry_Plugin *p, const Evry_Item *item), void (*cleanup) (Evry_Plugin *p), int (*fetch) (Evry_Plugin *p, const char *input), void (*free) (Evry_Plugin *p)); void evry_plugin_free(Evry_Plugin *p); Evry_Action *evry_action_new(const char *name, const char *label, Evry_Type type1, Evry_Type type2, const char *icon, int (*action) (Evry_Action *act), int (*check_item) (Evry_Action *act, const Evry_Item *it)); void evry_action_free(Evry_Action *act); int evry_api_version_check(int version); Evry_Type evry_type_register(const char *type); const char *evry_type_get(Evry_Type type); Tab_View *evry_tab_view_new(const Evry_State *s, Evas *e); void evry_tab_view_free(Tab_View *v); Eina_Bool view_thumb_init(void); void view_thumb_shutdown(void); Eina_Bool view_help_init(void); void view_help_shutdown(void); Eina_Bool view_preview_init(void); void view_preview_shutdown(void); Eina_Bool evry_plug_clipboard_init(void); void evry_plug_clipboard_shutdown(void); Eina_Bool evry_plug_text_init(void); void evry_plug_text_shutdown(void); int evry_init(void); int evry_shutdown(void); int evry_show(E_Zone *zone, const char *params); void evry_hide(int clear); Evry_Plugin *evry_aggregator_new(Evry_Window *win, int type); int evry_aggregator_fetch(Evry_Plugin *p, const char *input); int evry_plug_actions_init(); void evry_plug_actions_shutdown(); Evry_Plugin *evry_plug_actions_new(Evry_Selector *selector, int type); void evry_history_init(void); void evry_history_free(void); int evry_browse_item(Evry_Selector *sel); int evry_browse_back(Evry_Selector *sel); extern Evry_History *evry_hist; extern Evry_Config *evry_conf; #define EVRY_ITEM(_item) ((Evry_Item *)_item) #define EVRY_ACTN(_item) ((Evry_Action *) _item) #define EVRY_PLUGIN(_plugin) ((Evry_Plugin *) _plugin) #define EVRY_VIEW(_view) ((Evry_View *) _view) #define EVRY_FILE(_it) ((Evry_Item_File *) _it) #define CHECK_TYPE(_item, _type) \ (((Evry_Item *)_item)->type && ((Evry_Item *)_item)->type == _type) #define CHECK_SUBTYPE(_item, _type) \ (((Evry_Item *)_item)->subtype && ((Evry_Item *)_item)->subtype == _type) #define IS_BROWSEABLE(_item) \ ((Evry_Item *)_item)->browseable #define GET_APP(_app, _item) Evry_Item_App *_app = (Evry_Item_App *) _item #define GET_FILE(_file, _item) Evry_Item_File *_file = (Evry_Item_File *) _item #define GET_EVRY_PLUGIN(_p, _plugin) Evry_Plugin *_p = (Evry_Plugin*) _plugin #define GET_VIEW(_v, _view) View *_v = (View*) _view #define GET_ACTION(_act, _item) Evry_Action *_act = (Evry_Action *) _item #define GET_PLUGIN(_p, _plugin) Plugin *_p = (Plugin*) _plugin #define GET_ITEM(_it, _any) Evry_Item *_it = (Evry_Item *) _any #define EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_SET(_item, _data) ((Evry_Item *)_item)->data = (void*)(long) _data #define EVRY_ITEM_DATA_INT_GET(_item) (long) ((Evry_Item *)_item)->data #define EVRY_ITEM_ICON_SET(_item, _icon) ((Evry_Item *)_item)->icon = _icon #define EVRY_ITEM_DETAIL_SET(_it, _detail) \ if (EVRY_ITEM(_it)->detail) eina_stringshare_del(EVRY_ITEM(_it)->detail); \ EVRY_ITEM(_it)->detail = eina_stringshare_add(_detail); #define EVRY_ITEM_LABEL_SET(_it, _label) \ if (EVRY_ITEM(_it)->label) eina_stringshare_del(EVRY_ITEM(_it)->label); \ EVRY_ITEM(_it)->label = eina_stringshare_add(_label); #define EVRY_ITEM_CONTEXT_SET(_it, _context) \ if (EVRY_ITEM(_it)->context) eina_stringshare_del(EVRY_ITEM(_it)->context); \ EVRY_ITEM(_it)->context = eina_stringshare_add(_context); #define EVRY_ITEM_NEW(_base, _plugin, _label, _icon_get, _free) \ (_base *) evry_item_new(EVRY_ITEM(E_NEW(_base, 1)), EVRY_PLUGIN(_plugin), \ _label, _icon_get, _free) #define EVRY_ITEM_FREE(_item) evry_item_free((Evry_Item *)_item) #define EVRY_ITEM_REF(_item) evry_item_ref((Evry_Item *)_item) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_NEW(_base, _name, _icon, _item_type, _begin, _cleanup, _fetch, _free) \ evry_plugin_new(EVRY_PLUGIN(E_NEW(_base, 1)), _name, _(_name), _icon, _item_type, \ _begin, _cleanup, _fetch, _free) #define EVRY_ACTION_NEW(_name, _in1, _in2, _icon, _action, _check) \ evry_action_new(_name, _(_name), _in1, _in2, _icon, _action, _check) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_FREE(_p) \ if (_p) evry_plugin_free(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_UPDATE(_p, _action) \ if (_p) evry_plugin_update(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p), _action) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(_p) { \ Evry_Item *it; \ EINA_LIST_FREE(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items, it) \ it->fuzzy_match = 0; } #define EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_FREE(_p) { \ Evry_Item *it; \ EINA_LIST_FREE(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items, it) \ evry_item_free(it); } #define EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_SORT(_p, _sortcb) \ EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items = eina_list_sort \ (EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items, eina_list_count(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items), _sortcb) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEM_APPEND(_p, _item) \ EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items = eina_list_append(EVRY_PLUGIN(_p)->items, EVRY_ITEM(_item)) #define EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_ADD(_plugin, _items, _input, _match_detail, _set_usage) \ evry_util_plugin_items_add(EVRY_PLUGIN(_plugin), _items, _input, _match_detail, _set_usage) #define IF_RELEASE(x) do { \ if (x) { \ const char *__tmp; __tmp = (x); (x) = NULL; eina_stringshare_del(__tmp); \ } \ (x) = NULL; \ } while (0) /*** Common Logging ***/ extern int _e_module_evry_log_dom; #ifndef EINA_LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR #define EINA_LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR EINA_COLOR_CYAN #endif #undef DBG #undef INF #undef WRN #undef ERR #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_e_module_evry_log_dom , __VA_ARGS__) #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_e_module_evry_log_dom , __VA_ARGS__) #define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_e_module_evry_log_dom , __VA_ARGS__) #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_e_module_evry_log_dom , __VA_ARGS__) /*** E Module ***/ EAPI void *e_modapi_init (E_Module *m); EAPI int e_modapi_shutdown (E_Module *m); EAPI int e_modapi_save (E_Module *m); EAPI E_Config_Dialog *evry_config_dialog(E_Container *con, const char *params); EAPI extern E_Module_Api e_modapi; #endif