#ifdef E_TYPEDEFS typedef struct _E_Confirm_Dialog E_Confirm_Dialog; #else #ifndef E_CONFIRM_DIALOG_H #define E_CONFIRM_DIALOG_H #define E_CONFIRM_DIALOG_TYPE 0x16f5904e struct _E_Confirm_Dialog { E_Object e_obj_inherit; E_Dialog *dia; struct { void *data; void (*func)(void *data); } yes; struct { void *data; void (*func)(void *data); } no; struct { void *data; void (*func)(void *data); } del; }; /* * @title - dialog title * @icon - dialog icon * @text - the text show in the dialog * @button_text - "yes" button text * @button2_text - "no" button text * func - the function to call if yes is pressed * func2 - the function to call if no is pressed * data - the pointer passed to func * data2 - the pointer passed to func2 * del_func - the function to call before dialog is deleted * del_data - the pointer passer to del_func */ EAPI E_Confirm_Dialog *e_confirm_dialog_show(const char *title, const char *icon, const char *text, const char *button_text, const char *button2_text, void (*func)(void *data), void (*func2)(void *data), void *data, void *data2, void (*del_func)(void *data), void *del_data); #endif #endif