/* for complex link stuff */ #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* the complex way - thanks to simple being broken on gta02 */ static int link_ext_get(int fd, const char *name, int req, struct iwreq *rq) { strncpy(rq->ifr_name, name, sizeof(rq->ifr_name)); return (ioctl(fd, req, rq)); } static int link_fd = -1; static char link_ifname[1024]; static struct iw_range link_range; static int link_has_range; static int link_setup(const char *name) { struct iwreq rq; link_ifname[0] = 0; if (!name) { FILE *f; link_ifname[0] = 0; f = fopen("/proc/net/wireless", "r"); if (f) { char buf[1024]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (strchr(buf, ':')) { char *p; sscanf(buf, "%s", link_ifname); p = strchr(link_ifname, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; break; } } fclose(f); } } else strcpy(link_ifname, name); if (!link_ifname[0]) return -1; link_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (link_fd < 0) return -1; link_has_range = 0; rq.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t)(&link_range); rq.u.data.length = sizeof(link_range); rq.u.data.flags = 1; if (link_ext_get(link_fd, link_ifname, SIOCGIWRANGE, &rq) >= 0) { link_has_range = 1; return 0; } close(link_fd); link_fd = -1; return -1; } static double link_quality(void) { struct iwreq rq; struct iw_statistics stats; if (link_fd < 0) return -1; rq.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t)(&stats); rq.u.data.length = sizeof(stats); rq.u.data.flags = 1; if (link_ext_get(link_fd, link_ifname, SIOCGIWSTATS, &rq) >= 0) return (double)stats.qual.qual / (double)link_range.max_qual.qual; close(link_fd); link_fd = -1; return -1; } static void link_end(void) { if (link_fd < 0) return; close(link_fd); link_fd = -1; } /* static int _wifi_signal_get(void) { FILE *f; int strength = -1; char buf[4096]; f = fopen("/proc/net/wireless", "r"); if (!f) return -1; while (fgets(buf, 256, f)) { int dummy; int count; int found_dev = 0; int wlan_status = 0; int wlan_link = 0; int wlan_level = 0; int wlan_noise = 0; char iface[64]; count = sscanf(buf, "%s %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i\n", iface, &wlan_status, &wlan_link, &wlan_level, &wlan_noise, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); if (count != 3) continue; fclose(f); return wlan_link; } fclose(f); return -1; } */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int pstrength = -2; int strength = -1; int sleeptime = 8; const char *devname = NULL; if (argc > 1) sleeptime = atoi(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) devname = argv[2]; for (;;) { pstrength = strength; if (link_fd < 0) { if (link_setup(devname) >= 0) strength = link_quality() * 100.0; } else strength = link_quality() * 100.0; if (pstrength != strength) { if (strength < 0) printf("ERROR\n"); else printf("%i\n", strength); fflush(stdout); } sleep(sleeptime); } return 0; } #else int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } #endif