#include "e.h" #include "eldbus_geo_clue2_manager.h" #include "eldbus_geo_clue2_client.h" #include "eldbus_geo_clue2_location.h" #include /* gadcon requirements */ static E_Gadcon_Client *_gc_init(E_Gadcon *gc, const char *name, const char *id, const char *style); static void _gc_shutdown(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc); static void _gc_orient(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc, E_Gadcon_Orient orient); static const char *_gc_label(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class); static Evas_Object *_gc_icon(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class, Evas *evas); static const char *_gc_id_new(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class); /* and actually define the gadcon class that this module provides (just 1) */ static const E_Gadcon_Client_Class _gadcon_class = { GADCON_CLIENT_CLASS_VERSION, "geolocation", { _gc_init, _gc_shutdown, _gc_orient, _gc_label, _gc_icon, _gc_id_new, NULL, NULL }, E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_PLAIN }; /* actual module specifics */ typedef struct _Instance Instance; struct _Instance { E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; Evas_Object *icon; E_Gadcon_Popup *popup; Evas_Object *popup_label; Evas_Object *popup_latitude; Evas_Object *popup_longitude; Evas_Object *popup_altitude; Evas_Object *popup_speed; Evas_Object *popup_heading; Evas_Object *popup_accuracy; Evas_Object *popup_description; int in_use; int available_accur_level; Eldbus_Connection *conn; Eldbus_Proxy *manager; Eldbus_Proxy *client; Eldbus_Proxy *location; double latitude; double longitude; double accuracy; double altitude; double speed; double heading; const char *description; }; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_NONE 0; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_COUNTRY 1; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_CITY 4; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_NEIGHBORHOOD 5; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_STREET 6; #define GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_EXACT 8; static Eina_List *geolocation_instances = NULL; static E_Module *geolocation_module = NULL; void popup_update(Instance *inst) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (!inst->popup) return; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Latitude: %f"), inst->latitude); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_latitude, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Longitude: %f"), inst->longitude); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_longitude, buf); if (eina_dbleq(inst->altitude, -DBL_MAX)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Altitude: %f"), inst->altitude); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Altitude: N/A")); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_altitude, buf); if (eina_dbleq(inst->speed, -1.0)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Speed: %f"), inst->speed); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Speed: N/A")); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_speed, buf); if (eina_dbleq(inst->heading, -1.0)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Heading: %f"), inst->heading); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Heading: N/A")); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_heading, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Accuracy: %.1f m"), inst->accuracy); e_widget_label_text_set(inst->popup_accuracy, buf); } void popup_del(Instance *inst) { E_FREE_FUNC(inst->popup, e_object_del); } static void _popup_del_cb(void *obj) { popup_del(e_object_data_get(obj)); } static void _popup_autoclose_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED) { popup_del((Instance *)data); } void popup_new(Instance *inst) { Evas_Object *list, *oa; Evas *evas; char buf[PATH_MAX]; inst->popup = e_gadcon_popup_new(inst->gcc, EINA_FALSE); evas = e_comp->evas; list = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); oa = e_widget_label_add(evas, _("Location information:")); e_widget_list_object_append(list, oa, 1, 1, 0.5); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Latitude: %f"), inst->latitude); inst->popup_latitude = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_latitude, 1, 1, 0.5); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Longitude: %f"), inst->longitude); inst->popup_longitude = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_longitude, 1, 1, 0.5); if (eina_dbleq(inst->altitude, -DBL_MAX)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Altitude: %f"), inst->altitude); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Altitude: N/A")); inst->popup_altitude = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_altitude, 1, 1, 0.5); if (eina_dbleq(inst->speed, -1.0)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Speed: %f"), inst->speed); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Speed: N/A")); inst->popup_speed = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_speed, 1, 1, 0.5); if (eina_dbleq(inst->heading, -1.0)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Heading: %f"), inst->heading); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Heading: N/A")); inst->popup_heading = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_heading, 1, 1, 0.5); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Accuracy: %.1f m"), inst->accuracy); inst->popup_accuracy = e_widget_label_add(evas, buf); e_widget_list_object_append(list, inst->popup_accuracy, 1, 1, 0.5); popup_update(inst); e_gadcon_popup_content_set(inst->popup, list); e_comp_object_util_autoclose(inst->popup->comp_object, _popup_autoclose_cb, NULL, inst); e_object_data_set(E_OBJECT(inst->popup), inst); E_OBJECT_DEL_SET(inst->popup, _popup_del_cb); e_gadcon_popup_show(inst->popup); } void cb_client_start(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *pending EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error EINA_UNUSED) { DBG("Client proxy start callback received"); } void cb_client_stop(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *pending EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error EINA_UNUSED) { DBG("Client proxy stop callback received"); } static void _geolocation_cb_mouse_down(void *data, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Instance *inst = data; Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event; if (ev->button == 1) { if (inst->popup) { popup_del(inst); /* FIXME: There is a problem with starting a client again after stopping it in * GeoClue2 2.0.0 Need to test with a newer version to see if that is solved */ //geo_clue2_client_stop_call(inst->client, cb_client_stop, inst); } else { geo_clue2_client_start_call(inst->client, cb_client_start, inst); popup_new(inst); } } if (ev->button == 3) { E_Zone *zone; E_Menu *m; E_Menu_Item *mi; int x, y; zone = e_zone_current_get(); m = e_menu_new(); mi = e_menu_item_new(m); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Settings")); e_util_menu_item_theme_icon_set(mi, "configure"); m = e_gadcon_client_util_menu_items_append(inst->gcc, m, 0); e_gadcon_canvas_zone_geometry_get(inst->gcc->gadcon, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); e_menu_activate_mouse(m, zone, x + ev->output.x, y + ev->output.y, 1, 1, E_MENU_POP_DIRECTION_AUTO, ev->timestamp); evas_event_feed_mouse_up(inst->gcc->gadcon->evas, ev->button, EVAS_BUTTON_NONE, ev->timestamp, NULL); } } void cb_location_prop_latitude_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->latitude = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Latitude: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_longitude_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->longitude = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Longitude: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_accuracy_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->accuracy = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Accuracy: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_altitude_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->altitude = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Altitude: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_speed_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->speed = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Speed: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_heading_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, double value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->heading = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Heading: %f", value); } void cb_location_prop_description_get(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED, const char *value) { Instance *inst = data; inst->description = value; popup_update(inst); DBG("Location property Description: %s", value); } void cb_client_prop_set(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *propname EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Pending *p EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error_info EINA_UNUSED) { DBG("Client %s property set callback received", propname); } void cb_client_location_updated_signal(void *data, const Eldbus_Message *msg) { const char *new_path, *old_path; Instance *inst = data; DBG("Client LocationUpdated signal received"); if (!eldbus_message_arguments_get(msg, "oo", &old_path, &new_path)) { ERR("Error: could not get location update"); return; } DBG("Client signal location path old: %s", old_path); DBG("Client signal location path new: %s", new_path); inst->location = geo_clue2_location_proxy_get(inst->conn, "org.freedesktop.GeoClue2", new_path); if (!inst->location) { ERR("Error: could not connect to GeoClue2 location proxy"); return; } geo_clue2_location_latitude_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_latitude_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_longitude_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_longitude_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_accuracy_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_accuracy_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_altitude_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_altitude_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_speed_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_speed_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_heading_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_heading_get, inst); geo_clue2_location_description_propget(inst->location, cb_location_prop_description_get, inst); } void cb_client_object_get(Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, void *data, Eldbus_Pending *pending EINA_UNUSED, Eldbus_Error_Info *error EINA_UNUSED, const char *client_path) { Instance *inst = data; int accuracy; const char *desktopid; DBG("Client object path: %s", client_path); inst->client = geo_clue2_client_proxy_get(inst->conn, "org.freedesktop.GeoClue2", client_path); if (!inst->client) { ERR("Error: could not connect to GeoClue2 client proxy"); return; } desktopid = "Enlightenment-module"; geo_clue2_client_desktop_id_propset(inst->client, cb_client_prop_set, inst, desktopid); accuracy = GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_NONE; geo_clue2_client_requested_accuracy_level_propset(inst->client, cb_client_prop_set, inst, (void*)(intptr_t)accuracy); eldbus_proxy_signal_handler_add(inst->client, "LocationUpdated", cb_client_location_updated_signal, inst); } static void cb_manager_props_changed(void *data, Eldbus_Proxy *proxy EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Eldbus_Proxy_Event_Property_Changed *ev; int val; Eina_Value v; Instance *inst = data; ev = event; DBG("Manager property changed: %s", ev->name); if (strcmp(ev->name, "InUse") == 0) { eina_value_setup(&v, EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT); eina_value_convert(ev->value, &v); eina_value_get(&v, &val); inst->in_use = val; DBG("Manager InUse property changed to %i", inst->in_use); if (inst->in_use) edje_object_signal_emit(inst->icon, "e,state,location_on", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(inst->icon, "e,state,location_off", "e"); } if (strcmp(ev->name, "AvailableAccuracyLevel") == 0) { eina_value_setup(&v, EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT); eina_value_convert(ev->value, &v); eina_value_get(&v, &val); inst->available_accur_level = val; DBG("Manager AvailableAccuracyLevel property changed to %i", inst->available_accur_level); } } static E_Gadcon_Client * _gc_init(E_Gadcon *gc, const char *name, const char *id, const char *style) { Evas_Object *o; E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; Instance *inst; char buf[4096]; inst = E_NEW(Instance, 1); o = edje_object_add(gc->evas); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-geolocation.edj", e_module_dir_get(geolocation_module)); edje_object_file_set(o, buf, "e/modules/geolocation/main"); evas_object_show(o); gcc = e_gadcon_client_new(gc, name, id, style, o); gcc->data = inst; inst->gcc = gcc; inst->icon = o; inst->latitude = 0.0; inst->longitude = 0.0; inst->accuracy = 0.0; inst->altitude = 0.0; inst->speed = 0.0; inst->heading = 0.0; inst->description = NULL; inst->in_use = 0; edje_object_signal_emit(inst->icon, "e,state,location_off", "e"); evas_object_event_callback_add(inst->icon, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _geolocation_cb_mouse_down, inst); geolocation_instances = eina_list_append(geolocation_instances, inst); inst->conn = eldbus_connection_get(ELDBUS_CONNECTION_TYPE_SYSTEM); if (!inst->conn) { ERR("Error: could not get system bus."); return NULL; } inst->manager = geo_clue2_manager_proxy_get(inst->conn, "org.freedesktop.GeoClue2", "/org/freedesktop/GeoClue2/Manager"); if (!inst->manager) { ERR("Error: could not connect to GeoClue2 manager proxy"); return NULL; } eldbus_proxy_event_callback_add(inst->manager, ELDBUS_PROXY_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGED, cb_manager_props_changed, inst); geo_clue2_manager_get_client_call(inst->manager, cb_client_object_get, inst); return gcc; } static void _gc_shutdown(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { Instance *inst; inst = gcc->data; geolocation_instances = eina_list_remove(geolocation_instances, inst); evas_object_del(inst->icon); geo_clue2_location_proxy_unref(inst->location); geo_clue2_client_proxy_unref(inst->client); geo_clue2_manager_proxy_unref(inst->manager); eldbus_connection_unref(inst->conn); free(inst); } static void _gc_orient(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc, E_Gadcon_Orient orient EINA_UNUSED) { Instance *inst; Evas_Coord mw, mh; inst = gcc->data; mw = 0, mh = 0; edje_object_size_min_get(inst->icon, &mw, &mh); if ((mw < 1) || (mh < 1)) edje_object_size_min_calc(inst->icon, &mw, &mh); if (mw < 4) mw = 4; if (mh < 4) mh = 4; e_gadcon_client_aspect_set(gcc, mw, mh); e_gadcon_client_min_size_set(gcc, mw, mh); } static const char * _gc_label(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class EINA_UNUSED) { return _("Geolocation"); } static Evas_Object * _gc_icon(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class EINA_UNUSED, Evas *evas) { Evas_Object *o; char buf[4096]; o = edje_object_add(evas); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-geolocation.edj", e_module_dir_get(geolocation_module)); edje_object_file_set(o, buf, "icon"); return o; } static const char * _gc_id_new(const E_Gadcon_Client_Class *client_class) { static char buf[4096]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%d", client_class->name, eina_list_count(geolocation_instances) + 1); return buf; } /* module setup */ E_API E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Geolocation" }; E_API void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { geolocation_module = m; e_gadcon_provider_register(&_gadcon_class); return m; } E_API int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { e_gadcon_provider_unregister(&_gadcon_class); return 1; } E_API int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { return 1; }