#include #include "config.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" #include "e_mod_gadman.h" #include "e_mod_config.h" /* local protos */ static void _attach_menu(void *data, E_Gadcon_Client *gcc, E_Menu *menu); static void _save_widget_position(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc); static void _apply_widget_position(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc); static char *_get_bind_text(const char* action); static Evas_Object* _create_mover(E_Gadcon *gc); static Evas_Object* _get_mover(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc); static E_Gadcon* _gadman_gadcon_new(const char* name, int ontop); static void on_shape_change(void *data, E_Container_Shape *es, E_Container_Shape_Change ch); static void on_top(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_right(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_down(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_left(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_move(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_frame_click(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static void on_bg_click(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src); static void on_hide_stop(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *o __UNUSED__, const char *em __UNUSED__, const char *src __UNUSED__); static void on_menu_style_plain(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_style_inset(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_layer_bg(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_layer_top(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_delete(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_edit(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); static void on_menu_add(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi); E_Gadcon_Client *current; /* Implementation */ void gadman_init(E_Module *m) { Eina_List *l; /* Create Manager */ Man = calloc(1, sizeof(Manager)); if (!Man) return; Man->module = m; Man->container = e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get()); Man->width = Man->container->w; Man->height = Man->container->h; Man->gadgets = NULL; Man->top_ee = NULL; Man->visible = 0; /* Check if composite is enable */ if (ecore_x_screen_is_composited(0) || e_config->use_composite) Man->use_composite = 1; else Man->use_composite = 0; /* with this we can trap screen resolution change (a better way?)*/ e_container_shape_change_callback_add(Man->container, on_shape_change, NULL); /* Create Gadcon for background and top */ Man->gc = _gadman_gadcon_new("gadman", 0); Man->gc_top = _gadman_gadcon_new("gadman_top", 1); /* Create 2 mover objects */ Man->mover = _create_mover(Man->gc); Man->mover_top = _create_mover(Man->gc_top); /* Start existing gadgets */ for (l = Man->gc->cf->clients; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf_gcc; if (!(cf_gcc = l->data)) continue; gadman_gadget_place(cf_gcc, 0); } for (l = Man->gc_top->cf->clients; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf_gcc; if(!(cf_gcc = l->data)) continue; gadman_gadget_place(cf_gcc, 1); } } void gadman_shutdown(void) { e_container_shape_change_callback_del(Man->container, on_shape_change, NULL); e_gadcon_unpopulate(Man->gc); e_gadcon_unpopulate(Man->gc_top); /* free gadcons */ e_config->gadcons = eina_list_remove(e_config->gadcons, Man->gc); e_config->gadcons = eina_list_remove(e_config->gadcons, Man->gc_top); eina_stringshare_del(Man->gc->name); eina_stringshare_del(Man->gc_top->name); if (Man->gc->config_dialog) e_object_del(E_OBJECT(Man->gc->config_dialog)); if (Man->icon_name) eina_stringshare_del(Man->icon_name); free(Man->gc); free(Man->gc_top); /* free manager */ evas_object_del(Man->mover); evas_object_del(Man->mover_top); eina_list_free(Man->gadgets); if (Man->top_ee) { e_canvas_del(Man->top_ee); //ecore_evas_free(Man->top_ee); } free(Man); Man = NULL; } E_Gadcon_Client * gadman_gadget_place(E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf, int ontop) { E_Gadcon *gc; E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; E_Gadcon_Client_Class *cc = NULL; Eina_List *l = NULL; if (!cf->name) return NULL; if (ontop) gc = Man->gc_top; else gc = Man->gc; /* Find provider */ for (l = e_gadcon_provider_list(); l; l = l->next) { cc = l->data; if (!strcmp(cc->name, cf->name)) break; else cc = NULL; } if (!cc) return NULL; /* init Gadcon_Client */ gcc = cc->func.init(gc, cf->name, cf->id, cc->default_style); gcc->cf = cf; gcc->client_class = cc; Man->gadgets = eina_list_append(Man->gadgets, gcc); //printf("Place Gadget %s (style: %s id: %s) (gadcon: %s)\n", gcc->name, cf->style, cf->id, gc->name); /* create frame */ gcc->o_frame = edje_object_add(gc->evas); e_theme_edje_object_set(gcc->o_frame, "base/theme/gadman", "e/gadman/frame"); if ((cf->style) && (!strcmp(cf->style, E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_INSET))) edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,inset", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,plain", "e"); gcc->o_box = gcc->o_frame; /* swallow the client inside the frame */ edje_object_part_swallow(gcc->o_frame, "e.swallow.content", gcc->o_base); evas_object_event_callback_add(gcc->o_frame, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, on_frame_click, gcc); _apply_widget_position(gcc); if (gcc->gadcon == Man->gc_top) edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,hide", "e"); evas_object_show(gcc->o_frame); /* Call the client orientation function */ if (cc->func.orient) cc->func.orient(gcc, E_GADCON_ORIENT_FLOAT); //TODO make this configurable per instance return gcc; } E_Gadcon_Client * gadman_gadget_add(E_Gadcon_Client_Class *cc, int ontop) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf = NULL; E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; E_Gadcon *gc; int w, h; if (ontop) gc = Man->gc_top; else gc = Man->gc; /* Create Config_Gadcon_Client */ cf = e_gadcon_client_config_new(gc, cc->name); cf->style = eina_stringshare_add(cc->default_style); cf->geom.pos_x = DEFAULT_POS_X; cf->geom.pos_y = DEFAULT_POS_Y; cf->geom.size_w = DEFAULT_SIZE_W; cf->geom.size_h = DEFAULT_SIZE_H; /* Place the new gadget */ gcc = gadman_gadget_place(cf, ontop); /* Respect Aspect */ evas_object_geometry_get(gcc->o_frame, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if (gcc->aspect.w && gcc->aspect.h) { if (gcc->aspect.w > gcc->aspect.h) w = ((float)h / (float)gcc->aspect.h) * (gcc->aspect.w); else h = ((float)w / (float)gcc->aspect.w) * (gcc->aspect.h); if (h < gcc->min.h) h = gcc->min.h; if (w < gcc->min.w) w = gcc->min.w; evas_object_resize(gcc->o_frame, w, h); } return gcc; } void gadman_gadget_remove(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { Man->gadgets = eina_list_remove(Man->gadgets, gcc); edje_object_part_unswallow(gcc->o_frame, gcc->o_base); evas_object_del(gcc->o_frame); gcc->gadcon->clients = eina_list_remove(gcc->gadcon->clients, gcc); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(gcc)); current = NULL; } void gadman_gadget_del(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { Man->gadgets = eina_list_remove(Man->gadgets, gcc); edje_object_part_unswallow(gcc->o_frame, gcc->o_base); evas_object_del(gcc->o_frame); e_gadcon_client_config_del(current->gadcon->cf, gcc->cf); gcc->gadcon->clients = eina_list_remove(gcc->gadcon->clients, gcc); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(gcc)); current = NULL; } void gadman_gadget_edit_start(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { E_Gadcon *gc; Evas_Object *mover; int x, y, w, h; current = gcc; gc = gcc->gadcon; gc->editing = 1; /* Move/resize the correct mover */ evas_object_geometry_get(gcc->o_frame, &x, &y, &w, &h); mover = _get_mover(gcc); evas_object_move(mover, x, y); evas_object_resize(mover, w, h); evas_object_raise(mover); evas_object_show(mover); } void gadman_gadget_edit_end(void) { evas_object_hide(Man->mover); evas_object_hide(Man->mover_top); Man->gc->editing = 0; Man->gc_top->editing = 0; if (current) _save_widget_position(current); } void gadman_gadgets_show(void) { Eina_List *l = NULL; Man->visible = 1; ecore_evas_show(Man->top_ee); if (Man->conf->bg_type == BG_STD) { if (Man->conf->anim_bg) edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,show", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,show,now", "e"); } else { if (Man->conf->anim_bg) edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,show,custom", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,show,custom,now", "e"); } for (l = Man->gadgets; l; l = l->next) { E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; if (!(gcc = l->data)) continue; if (gcc->gadcon != Man->gc_top) continue; if (Man->conf->anim_gad) edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,show", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,show,now", "e"); } } void gadman_gadgets_hide(void) { Eina_List *l = NULL; Man->visible = 0; if (Man->conf->anim_bg) { edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,hide", "e"); edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,hide,custom", "e"); } else { edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,hide,now", "e"); edje_object_signal_emit(Man->full_bg, "e,state,visibility,hide,custom,now", "e"); } for (l = Man->gadgets; l; l = l->next) { E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; if (!(gcc = l->data)) continue; if (gcc->gadcon != Man->gc_top) continue; if (Man->conf->anim_gad) edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,hide", "e"); else edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,hide,now", "e"); } } void gadman_gadgets_toggle(void) { if (Man->visible) gadman_gadgets_hide(); else gadman_gadgets_show(); } void gadman_update_bg(void) { Evas_Object *obj; const char *ext; obj = edje_object_part_swallow_get(Man->full_bg, "e.swallow.bg"); if (obj) { edje_object_part_unswallow(Man->full_bg, obj); evas_object_del(obj); } switch (Man->conf->bg_type) { case BG_STD: case BG_TRANS: break; case BG_COLOR: obj = evas_object_rectangle_add(Man->gc_top->evas); evas_object_color_set(obj, Man->conf->color_r, Man->conf->color_g, Man->conf->color_b, 200); edje_object_part_swallow(Man->full_bg, "e.swallow.bg", obj); break; case BG_CUSTOM: ext = strrchr(Man->conf->custom_bg, '.'); if (!strcmp(ext, ".edj") || !strcmp(ext, ".EDJ")) { //THIS IS FOR E17 backgrounds obj = edje_object_add(Man->gc_top->evas); edje_object_file_set(obj, Man->conf->custom_bg, "e/desktop/background"); } else { //THIS IS FOR A NORMAL IMAGE obj = evas_object_image_add(Man->gc_top->evas); evas_object_image_file_set(obj, Man->conf->custom_bg, NULL); evas_object_image_fill_set(obj, 0, 0, Man->container->w, Man->container->h); } edje_object_part_swallow(Man->full_bg, "e.swallow.bg", obj); break; default: break; } } /* Internals */ static E_Gadcon* _gadman_gadcon_new(const char* name, int ontop) { E_Gadcon *gc; Eina_List *l = NULL; /* Create Gadcon */ gc = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(E_Gadcon, E_GADCON_TYPE, NULL); if (!gc) return NULL; gc->name = eina_stringshare_add(name); gc->layout_policy = E_GADCON_LAYOUT_POLICY_PANEL; gc->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_FLOAT; /* Create ecore fullscreen window */ if (ontop) { Man->top_ee = e_canvas_new(e_config->evas_engine_popups, Man->container->win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, &(Man->top_win), NULL); if (Man->use_composite) { ecore_evas_alpha_set(Man->top_ee, 1); Man->top_win = ecore_evas_software_x11_window_get(Man->top_ee); ecore_x_window_shape_rectangle_set(Man->top_win, 0, 0, Man->width, Man->height); } else ecore_evas_shaped_set(Man->top_ee, 1); e_canvas_add(Man->top_ee); //?? e_container_window_raise(Man->container, Man->top_win, 250); ecore_evas_move_resize(Man->top_ee, 0, 0, Man->width, Man->height); ecore_evas_hide(Man->top_ee); gc->evas = ecore_evas_get(Man->top_ee); e_gadcon_ecore_evas_set(gc, Man->top_ee); /* create full background object */ Man->full_bg = edje_object_add(gc->evas); e_theme_edje_object_set(Man->full_bg, "base/theme/gadman", "e/gadman/full_bg"); edje_object_signal_callback_add(Man->full_bg, "mouse,down,*", "grabber", on_bg_click, NULL); edje_object_signal_callback_add(Man->full_bg, "e,action,hide,stop", "", on_hide_stop, NULL); evas_object_move(Man->full_bg, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(Man->full_bg, Man->width, Man->height); evas_object_show(Man->full_bg); } /* ... or use the e background window */ else { gc->evas = Man->container->bg_evas; e_gadcon_ecore_evas_set(gc, Man->container->bg_ecore_evas); e_gadcon_xdnd_window_set(gc, Man->container->bg_win); e_gadcon_dnd_window_set(gc, Man->container->event_win); e_drop_xdnd_register_set(Man->container->bg_win, 1); } e_gadcon_zone_set(gc, e_zone_current_get(Man->container)); e_gadcon_util_menu_attach_func_set(gc, _attach_menu, NULL); gc->id = 114 + ontop; // TODO what's this ??????? 114 is a random number gc->edje.o_parent = NULL; gc->edje.swallow_name = NULL; gc->shelf = NULL; gc->toolbar = NULL; gc->editing = 0; gc->o_container = NULL; gc->frame_request.func = NULL; gc->resize_request.func = NULL; gc->min_size_request.func = NULL; /* Search for existing gadcon config */ gc->cf = NULL; for (l = e_config->gadcons; l; l=l->next) { E_Config_Gadcon *cg; if (!(cg = l->data)) continue; if (!strcmp(cg->name, name)) { gc->cf = cg; break; } } /* ... or create a new one */ if (!gc->cf) { gc->cf = E_NEW(E_Config_Gadcon, 1); gc->cf->name = eina_stringshare_add(name); gc->cf->id = gc->id; gc->cf->clients = NULL; e_config->gadcons = eina_list_append(e_config->gadcons, gc->cf); e_config_save_queue(); } return gc; } static Evas_Object * _create_mover(E_Gadcon *gc) { Evas_Object *mover; /* create mover object */ mover = edje_object_add(gc->evas); e_theme_edje_object_set(mover, "base/theme/gadman", "e/gadman/control"); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,move,start", "", on_move, (void*)DRAG_START); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,move,stop", "", on_move, (void*)DRAG_STOP); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,move,go", "", on_move, (void*)DRAG_MOVE); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "mouse,down,3", "overlay", gadman_gadget_edit_end, NULL); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,left,start", "", on_left, (void*)DRAG_START); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,left,stop", "", on_left, (void*)DRAG_STOP); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,left,go", "", on_left, (void*)DRAG_MOVE); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,down,start", "", on_down, (void*)DRAG_START); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,down,stop", "", on_down, (void*)DRAG_STOP); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,down,go", "", on_down, (void*)DRAG_MOVE); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,right,start", "", on_right, (void*)DRAG_START); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,right,stop", "", on_right, (void*)DRAG_STOP); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,right,go", "", on_right, (void*)DRAG_MOVE); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,up,start", "", on_top, (void*)DRAG_START); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,up,stop", "", on_top, (void*)DRAG_STOP); edje_object_signal_callback_add(mover, "e,action,resize,up,go", "", on_top, (void*)DRAG_MOVE); evas_object_move(mover, 20, 30); evas_object_resize(mover, 100, 100); evas_object_hide(mover); return mover; } static Evas_Object * _get_mover(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { if (gcc->gadcon == Man->gc_top) return Man->mover_top; else return Man->mover; } static void _save_widget_position(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { int x, y, w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(gcc->o_frame, &x, &y, &w, &h); current->cf->geom.pos_x = (double)x / (double)Man->width; current->cf->geom.pos_y = (double)y / (double)Man->height; current->cf->geom.size_w = (double)w / (double)Man->width;; current->cf->geom.size_h = (double)h / (double)Man->height; e_config_save_queue(); } static void _apply_widget_position(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { int x, y, w, h; x = gcc->cf->geom.pos_x * Man->width; y = gcc->cf->geom.pos_y * Man->height; w = gcc->cf->geom.size_w * Man->width; h = gcc->cf->geom.size_h * Man->height; /* Respect min sizes */ if (h < gcc->min.h) h = gcc->min.h; if (w < gcc->min.w) w = gcc->min.w; if (h < 1) h = 100; if (w < 1) w = 100; /* Respect screen margin */ if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (x > Man->width) x = 0; if (y > Man->height) y = 0; if ((y + h) > Man->height) h = (Man->height - y); if ((x + w) > Man->width) w = (Man->width - x); evas_object_move(gcc->o_frame, x, y); evas_object_resize(gcc->o_frame, w, h); } static void _attach_menu(void *data, E_Gadcon_Client *gcc, E_Menu *menu) { E_Menu *mn; E_Menu_Item *mi; char buf[128]; char *key; //printf("Attach menu (gcc: %x id: %s) [%s]\n", gcc, gcc->cf->id, gcc->cf->style); if (!gcc) return; if (!gcc->cf->style) gcc->cf->style = eina_stringshare_add(E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_INSET); /* plain / inset */ mn = e_menu_new(); mi = e_menu_item_new(mn); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Plain")); e_menu_item_radio_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_radio_group_set(mi, 1); if (!strcmp(gcc->cf->style, E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_PLAIN)) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_style_plain, gcc); mi = e_menu_item_new(mn); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Inset")); e_menu_item_radio_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_radio_group_set(mi, 1); if (!strcmp(gcc->cf->style, E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_INSET)) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_style_inset, gcc); mi = e_menu_item_new(menu); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Appearance")); e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, "enlightenment/appearance"); e_menu_item_submenu_set(mi, mn); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(mn)); /* bg / ontop */ mn = e_menu_new(); mi = e_menu_item_new(mn); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Always on desktop")); e_menu_item_radio_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_radio_group_set(mi, 2); if (gcc->gadcon == Man->gc) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_layer_bg, gcc); mi = e_menu_item_new(mn); key = _get_bind_text("gadman_toggle"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", _("On top pressing"), key); free(key); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, buf); e_menu_item_radio_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_radio_group_set(mi, 2); if (gcc->gadcon == Man->gc_top) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_layer_top, gcc); mi = e_menu_item_new(menu); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Behavior")); e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, "enlightenment/appearance"); e_menu_item_submenu_set(mi, mn); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(mn)); /* Move / resize*/ mi = e_menu_item_new(menu); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Begin move/resize this gadget")); e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, "widget/resize"); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_edit, gcc); /* Remove this gadgets */ mi = e_menu_item_new(menu); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Remove this gadget")); e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, "widget/del"); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_delete, gcc); /* Add other gadgets */ mi = e_menu_item_new(menu); e_menu_item_label_set(mi, _("Add other gadgets")); e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, "widget/add"); e_menu_item_callback_set(mi, on_menu_add, gcc); } static char * _get_bind_text(const char* action) { E_Binding_Key *bind; char b[256] = ""; bind = e_bindings_key_get(action); if ((bind) && (bind->key)) { if ((bind->mod) & (E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL)) strcat(b, _("CTRL")); if ((bind->mod) & (E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT)) { if (b[0]) strcat(b, " + "); strcat(b, _("ALT")); } if ((bind->mod) & (E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT)) { if (b[0]) strcat(b, " + "); strcat(b, _("SHIFT")); } if ((bind->mod) & (E_BINDING_MODIFIER_WIN)) { if (b[0]) strcat(b, " + "); strcat(b, _("WIN")); } if ((bind->key) && (bind->key[0])) { char *l; if (b[0]) strcat(b, " + "); l = strdup(bind->key); l[0] = (char)toupper(bind->key[0]); strcat(b, l); free(l); } return strdup(b); } return "(You must define a binding)"; } /* Callbacks */ static void on_shape_change(void *data, E_Container_Shape *es, E_Container_Shape_Change ch) { Eina_List *l = NULL; E_Container *con; con = e_container_shape_container_get(es); if ((con->w == Man->width) && (con->h == Man->height)) return; /* The screen size is changed */ Man->width = con->w; Man->height = con->h; /* ReStart gadgets */ e_gadcon_unpopulate(Man->gc); e_gadcon_unpopulate(Man->gc_top); for (l = Man->gc->cf->clients; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf_gcc; if (!(cf_gcc = l->data)) continue; gadman_gadget_place(cf_gcc, 0); } for (l = Man->gc_top->cf->clients; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf_gcc; if (!(cf_gcc = l->data)) continue; gadman_gadget_place(cf_gcc, 1); } } static void on_menu_style_plain(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; gcc = current; if (gcc->style) eina_stringshare_del(gcc->style); gcc->style = eina_stringshare_add(E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_PLAIN); if (gcc->cf->style) eina_stringshare_del(gcc->cf->style); gcc->cf->style = eina_stringshare_add(E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_PLAIN); edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,plain", "e"); e_config_save_queue(); } static void on_menu_style_inset(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; gcc = current; if (gcc->style) eina_stringshare_del(gcc->style); gcc->style = eina_stringshare_add(E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_INSET); if (gcc->cf->style) eina_stringshare_del(gcc->cf->style); gcc->cf->style = eina_stringshare_add(E_GADCON_CLIENT_STYLE_INSET); edje_object_signal_emit(gcc->o_frame, "e,state,visibility,inset", "e"); e_config_save_queue(); } static void on_menu_layer_bg(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf; if (!current) return; cf = current->cf; gadman_gadget_remove(current); current = gadman_gadget_place(cf, 0); Man->gc_top->cf->clients = eina_list_remove(Man->gc_top->cf->clients, cf); Man->gc->cf->clients = eina_list_append(Man->gc->cf->clients, cf); e_config_save_queue(); } static void on_menu_layer_top(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { E_Config_Gadcon_Client *cf; if (!current) return; cf = current->cf; gadman_gadget_remove(current); current = gadman_gadget_place(cf, 1); Man->gc->cf->clients = eina_list_remove(Man->gc->cf->clients, cf); Man->gc_top->cf->clients = eina_list_append(Man->gc_top->cf->clients, cf); e_config_save_queue(); gadman_gadgets_show(); } static void on_menu_edit(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { gadman_gadget_edit_start(data); } static void on_menu_add(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { if (Man->visible) gadman_gadgets_hide(); e_configure_registry_call("extensions/gadman", m->zone->container, NULL); } static void on_menu_delete(void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi) { gadman_gadget_del(data); e_config_save_queue(); } static void on_frame_click(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev; E_Gadcon_Client *gcc; ev = event_info; if (Man->gc->editing) gadman_gadget_edit_end(); gcc = data; current = gcc; if (ev->button == 5) { E_Menu *mn; int cx, cy, cw, ch; mn = e_menu_new(); gcc->menu = mn; e_gadcon_client_util_menu_items_append(gcc, mn, 0); e_gadcon_canvas_zone_geometry_get(gcc->gadcon, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch); e_menu_activate_mouse(mn, e_util_zone_current_get(e_manager_current_get()), cx + ev->output.x, cy + ev->output.y, 1, 1, E_MENU_POP_DIRECTION_DOWN, ev->timestamp); } } static void on_top(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { static int ox, oy, ow, oh; //Object coord static int dy; //Mouse offset int mx, my; //Mouse coord int action = (int)(long)data; Evas_Object *mover; mover = _get_mover(current); if (action == DRAG_START) { current->resizing = 1; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); evas_object_geometry_get(mover, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); dy = my - oy; } else if (action == DRAG_STOP) { current->resizing = 0; dy = 0; _save_widget_position(current); } else if ((action == DRAG_MOVE) && current->resizing) { int h; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); h = oy + oh + dy - my; if (h < current->min.h) { my -=current->min.h - h; h = current->min.h; } /* don't go out of the screen */ if (my < dy) { h += my - dy; my = dy; } evas_object_resize(mover, ow, h); evas_object_move(mover, ox, my - dy); evas_object_resize(current->o_frame, ow, h); evas_object_move(current->o_frame, ox, my - dy); } } static void on_right(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { Evas_Object *mover; static int ox, oy, ow, oh; //Object coord static int dx; //Mouse offset int mx, my; //Mouse coord int action; mover = _get_mover(current); action = (int)(long)data; if (action == DRAG_START) { current->resizing = 1; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); evas_object_geometry_get(mover, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); dx = mx - ow; } else if (action == DRAG_STOP) { current->resizing = 0; dx = 0; _save_widget_position(current); } else if ((action == DRAG_MOVE) && current->resizing) { int w; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); w = mx - dx; if (w < current->min.w) w = current->min.w; /* don't go out of the screen */ if (w > (Man->width - ox)) w = Man->width - ox; evas_object_resize(mover, w, oh); evas_object_resize(current->o_frame, w, oh); } } static void on_down(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { Evas_Object *mover; static int ox, oy, ow, oh; //Object coord static int dy; //Mouse offset int mx, my; //Mouse coord int action; action = (int)(long)data; mover = _get_mover(current); if (action == DRAG_START) { current->resizing = 1; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); evas_object_geometry_get(mover, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); dy = my - oh; } else if (action == DRAG_STOP) { current->resizing = 0; dy = 0; _save_widget_position(current); } else if ((action == DRAG_MOVE) && current->resizing) { int h; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); h = my - dy; if (h < current->min.h) h = current->min.h; /* don't go out of the screen */ if (h > (Man->height - oy)) h = Man->height - oy; evas_object_resize(mover, ow, h); evas_object_resize(current->o_frame, ow, h); } } static void on_left(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { Evas_Object *mover; static int ox, oy, ow, oh; //Object coord static int dx; //Mouse offset int mx, my; //Mouse coord int action; action = (int)(long)data; mover = _get_mover(current); if (action == DRAG_START) { current->resizing = 1; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); evas_object_geometry_get(mover, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); dx = mx - ox; } else if (action == DRAG_STOP) { current->resizing = 0; dx = 0; _save_widget_position(current); } else if ((action == DRAG_MOVE) && current->resizing) { int w; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); w = ox + ow + dx - mx; if (w < current->min.w) { mx -= current->min.w - w; w = current->min.w; } /* don't go out of the screen */ if (mx < dx) { w += mx - dx; mx = dx; } evas_object_resize(mover, w, oh); evas_object_move(mover, mx - dx, oy); evas_object_resize(current->o_frame, w, oh); evas_object_move(current->o_frame, mx - dx, oy); } } static void on_move(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { Evas_Object *mover; static int dx, dy; //Offset of mouse pointer inside the mover static int ox, oy; //Starting object position static int ow, oh; //Starting object size int mx, my; //Mouse coord int action; action = (int)(long)data; mover = _get_mover(current); /* DRAG_START */ if (action == DRAG_START) { current->moving = 1; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); evas_object_geometry_get(mover, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh); dx = mx - ox; dy = my - oy; return; } /* DRAG_STOP */ if (action == DRAG_STOP) { current->moving = 0; dx = dy = 0; _save_widget_position(current); return; } /* DRAG_MOVE */ if ((action == DRAG_MOVE) && current->moving) { int x, y; evas_pointer_output_xy_get(current->gadcon->evas, &mx, &my); x = mx - dx; y = my - dy; /* don't go out of the screen */ if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x > (Man->width - ow)) x = Man->width - ow; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > (Man->height - oh)) y = Man->height - oh; evas_object_move(current->o_frame, x , y); evas_object_move(mover, x, y); evas_object_raise(current->o_frame); evas_object_raise(mover); } } static void on_bg_click(void *data, Evas_Object *o, const char *em, const char *src) { gadman_gadgets_hide(); } static void on_hide_stop(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *o __UNUSED__, const char *em __UNUSED__, const char *src __UNUSED__) { ecore_evas_hide(Man->top_ee); }