#include "e_mod_main.h" EINTERN int _e_quick_access_log_dom = -1; static E_Config_DD *conf_edd = NULL; Mod *qa_mod = NULL; Config *qa_config = NULL; /** * in priority order: * * @todo config (see e_mod_config.c) * * @todo custom border based on E_Quick_Access_Entry_Mode/E_Gadcon_Orient * * @todo show/hide effects: * - fullscreen * - centered * - slide from top, bottom, left or right * * @todo match more than one, doing tabs (my idea is to do another * tabbing module first, experiment with that, maybe use/reuse * it here) */ E_API E_Module_Api e_modapi = {E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Quickaccess"}; ////////////////////////////// static void _e_modapi_shutdown(void) { e_qa_shutdown(); conf_edd = e_qa_config_dd_free(); eina_log_domain_unregister(_e_quick_access_log_dom); _e_quick_access_log_dom = -1; e_configure_registry_item_del("launcher/quickaccess"); e_configure_registry_category_del("launcher"); e_qa_config_free(qa_config); E_FREE(qa_mod); qa_config = NULL; } E_API void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-quickaccess.edj", e_module_dir_get(m)); e_configure_registry_category_add("launcher", 80, _("Launcher"), NULL, "modules-launcher"); e_configure_registry_item_add("launcher/quickaccess", 1, _("Quickaccess"), NULL, buf, e_int_config_qa_module); qa_mod = E_NEW(Mod, 1); qa_mod->module = m; m->data = qa_mod; conf_edd = e_qa_config_dd_new(); qa_config = e_config_domain_load("module.quickaccess", conf_edd); if (qa_config) { if (!e_util_module_config_check(_("Quickaccess"), qa_config->config_version, MOD_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION)) { e_qa_config_free(qa_config); qa_config = NULL; } } if (!qa_config) qa_config = e_qa_config_new(); qa_config->config_version = MOD_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION; _e_quick_access_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("quickaccess", EINA_COLOR_ORANGE); eina_log_domain_level_set("quickaccess", EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR); if (!e_qa_init()) { _e_modapi_shutdown(); return NULL; } return m; } E_API int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { _e_modapi_shutdown(); return 1; } E_API int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { e_config_domain_save("module.quickaccess", conf_edd, qa_config); return 1; }