#include "e.h" EINTERN int e_deskenv_init(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[PATH_MAX]; // run xdrb -load .Xdefaults & .Xresources // NOTE: one day we should replace this with an e based config + service if (e_config->deskenv.load_xrdb) { e_user_homedir_concat(buf, sizeof(buf), ".Xdefaults"); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "xrdb -load %s", buf); ecore_exe_run(buf2, NULL); } e_user_homedir_concat(buf, sizeof(buf), ".Xresources"); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "xrdb -load %s", buf); ecore_exe_run(buf2, NULL); } } // load ~/.Xmodmap // NOTE: one day we should replace this with an e based config + service if (e_config->deskenv.load_xmodmap) { e_user_homedir_concat(buf, sizeof(buf), ".Xmodmap"); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "xmodmap %s", buf); ecore_exe_run(buf2, NULL); } } // make gnome apps happy // NOTE: one day we should replace this with an e based config + service if (e_config->deskenv.load_gnome) { ecore_exe_run("gnome-settings-daemon", NULL); } // make kde apps happy // NOTE: one day we should replace this with an e based config + service ?? if (e_config->deskenv.load_kde) { ecore_exe_run("kdeinit", NULL); } return 1; } EINTERN int e_deskenv_shutdown(void) { return 1; }