#include "e.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" // FIXME: // need choice after add (file, gradient, online source) // need delete select mode // need after select on delete an ok/cancel if file or "ok to remove whole online source" if online // need to make "exchange" wallpapers have a different look // bug: animated wp doesn't workon first show // need to be able to "type name to search/filter" typedef struct _Info Info; typedef struct _Smart_Data Smart_Data; typedef struct _Item Item; struct _Info { E_Win *win; Evas_Object *bg, *preview, *mini, *button, *box, *sframe, *span; Eina_Stringshare *bg_file; int iw, ih; Eina_List *dirs; char *curdir; Eina_Iterator *dir; Ecore_Idler *idler; int scans; int con_num, zone_num, desk_x, desk_y; int use_theme_bg; int mode; }; struct _Smart_Data { Eina_List *items; Ecore_Idle_Enterer *idle_enter; Ecore_Animator *animator; Ecore_Timer *seltimer; Info *info; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch; Evas_Coord sx, sy; int id_num; int sort_num; double seltime; double selmove; Eina_Bool selin : 1; Eina_Bool selout : 1; Eina_Bool jump2hi : 1; }; struct _Item { Evas_Object *obj; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; Eina_Stringshare *file; char *sort_id; Evas_Object *frame, *image; Eina_Bool selected : 1; Eina_Bool have_thumb : 1; Eina_Bool do_thumb : 1; Eina_Bool remote : 1; Eina_Bool theme : 1; Eina_Bool visible : 1; Eina_Bool hilighted : 1; }; static Info *global_info = NULL; static void _e_smart_reconfigure(Evas_Object *obj); static Eina_Bool _e_smart_reconfigure_do(void *data); static void _thumb_gen(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static void _item_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static void _item_up(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static int _sort_cb(const void *d1, const void *d2); static void _scan(Info *info); static void _pan_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (x > (sd->cw - sd->w)) x = sd->cw - sd->w; if (y > (sd->ch - sd->h)) y = sd->ch - sd->h; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if ((sd->cx == x) && (sd->cy == y)) return; sd->cx = x; sd->cy = y; _e_smart_reconfigure(obj); } static void _pan_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (x) *x = sd->cx; if (y) *y = sd->cy; } static void _pan_max_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (x) { if (sd->w < sd->cw) *x = sd->cw - sd->w; else *x = 0; } if (y) { if (sd->h < sd->ch) *y = sd->ch - sd->h; else *y = 0; } } static void _pan_child_size_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (w) *w = sd->cw; if (h) *h = sd->ch; } static Eina_Bool _e_smart_reconfigure_do(void *data) { Evas_Object *obj = data; Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); Eina_List *l; Item *it; int iw, redo = 0, changed = 0; static int recursion = 0; Evas_Coord x, y, xx, yy, ww, hh, mw, mh, ox, oy, dd; Evas_Coord vw, vh; Evas *evas; if (!sd) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; if (sd->cx > (sd->cw - sd->w)) sd->cx = sd->cw - sd->w; if (sd->cy > (sd->ch - sd->h)) sd->cy = sd->ch - sd->h; if (sd->cx < 0) sd->cx = 0; if (sd->cy < 0) sd->cy = 0; iw = sd->w / 4; if (iw > (120 * e_scale)) iw = (120 * e_scale); else { if (iw < (60 * e_scale)) iw = (sd->w / 3); if (iw < (60 * e_scale)) iw = (sd->w / 2); if (iw < (60 * e_scale)) iw = sd->w; } x = 0; y = 0; ww = iw; hh = (sd->info->ih * iw) / (sd->info->iw); mw = mh = 0; evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj); evas_output_viewport_get(evas, NULL, NULL, &vw, &vh); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it) { if (x > (sd->w - ww)) { x = 0; y += hh; } it->x = x; it->y = y; it->w = ww; it->h = hh; if (it->selected) { sd->sx = it->x + (it->w / 2); sd->sy = it->y + (it->h / 2); } if ((x + ww) > mw) mw = x + ww; if ((y + hh) > mh) mh = y + hh; x += ww; } if ((mw != sd->cw) || (mh != sd->ch)) { sd->cw = mw; sd->ch = mh; if (sd->cx > (sd->cw - sd->w)) { sd->cx = sd->cw - sd->w; redo = 1; } if (sd->cy > (sd->ch - sd->h)) { sd->cy = sd->ch - sd->h; redo = 1; } if (sd->cx < 0) { sd->cx = 0; redo = 1; } if (sd->cy < 0) { sd->cy = 0; redo = 1; } if (redo) { recursion = 1; _e_smart_reconfigure_do(obj); recursion = 0; } changed = 1; } ox = 0; if (sd->w > sd->cw) ox = (sd->w - sd->cw) / 2; oy = 0; if (sd->h > sd->ch) oy = (sd->h - sd->ch) / 2; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it) { Evas_Coord dx, dy; dx = dy = 0; if ((sd->sx >= 0) && (sd->selmove > 0.0) /* && ((it->x + it->w) > sd->cx) && ((it->x) < (sd->cx + sd->w)) && ((it->y + it->h) > sd->cy) && ((it->y) < (sd->cy + sd->h)) */ ) { double a, d; int sum = 0; char *p; // -----0X0+++++ dx = (it->x + (it->w / 2)) - sd->sx; dy = (it->y + (it->h / 2)) - sd->sy; if (dx > 0) { // |/ // +-- if (dy < 0) a = -atan(-(double)dy / (double)dx); // +-- /* |\ */ else a = atan((double)dy / (double)dx); } else if (dx == 0) { // | // + if (dy < 0) a = -M_PI / 2; // + // | else a = M_PI / 2; } else { // \| // --+ if (dy < 0) a = -M_PI + atan((double)dy / (double)dx); // --+ // /| else a = M_PI - atan(-(double)dy / (double)dx); } d = sqrt((double)(dx * dx) + (double)(dy * dy)); sum = 0; if (it->file) { for (p = (char *)it->file; *p; p++) sum += (int)(*p); } sum = (sum & 0xff) - 128; a = a + ((double)sum / 1024.0); xx = sd->sx - sd->cx + ox; yy = sd->sy - sd->cy + oy; if (xx < (sd->w / 2)) dx = sd->w - xx; else dx = xx; if (yy < (sd->h / 2)) dy = sd->h - yy; else dy = yy; dd = dx - d; if (dy > dx) dd = dy - d; if (dd < 0) dd = 0; dy = sin(a) * sd->selmove * (dd * 0.9); dx = cos(a) * sd->selmove * (dd * 0.9); } xx = sd->x - sd->cx + it->x + ox; yy = sd->y - sd->cy + it->y + oy; if (E_INTERSECTS(xx, yy, it->w, it->h, 0, 0, vw, vh)) { if (!it->have_thumb) { if (!it->do_thumb) { e_thumb_icon_begin(it->image); it->do_thumb = EINA_TRUE; } } else { if (!it->frame) { it->frame = edje_object_add(evas); if (it->theme) e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini-theme"); else if (it->remote) e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini-remote"); else e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini"); if (it->hilighted) { edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,state,selected", "e"); evas_object_raise(it->frame); } evas_object_event_callback_add(it->frame, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _item_down, it); evas_object_event_callback_add(it->frame, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _item_up, it); evas_object_smart_member_add(it->frame, obj); evas_object_clip_set(it->frame, evas_object_clip_get(obj)); it->image = e_thumb_icon_add(evas); edje_object_part_swallow(it->frame, "e.swallow.content", it->image); evas_object_smart_callback_add(it->image, "e_thumb_gen", _thumb_gen, it); if (it->theme) { const char *f; f = e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/backgrounds", "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, f, "e/desktop/background"); } else e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, it->file, "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_size_set(it->image, sd->info->iw, sd->info->ih); evas_object_show(it->image); e_thumb_icon_begin(it->image); } } evas_object_move(it->frame, xx + dx, yy + dy); evas_object_resize(it->frame, it->w, it->h); evas_object_show(it->frame); it->visible = EINA_TRUE; } else { if (it->have_thumb) { if (it->do_thumb) { e_thumb_icon_end(it->image); it->do_thumb = EINA_FALSE; } evas_object_del(it->image); it->image = NULL; evas_object_del(it->frame); it->frame = NULL; } it->visible = EINA_FALSE; /* if (it->have_thumb) { if (it->do_thumb) { e_thumb_icon_end(it->image); it->do_thumb = EINA_FALSE; } evas_object_del(it->image); it->have_thumb = EINA_FALSE; it->image = e_thumb_icon_add(evas); edje_object_part_swallow(it->frame, "e.swallow.content", it->image); evas_object_smart_callback_add(it->image, "e_thumb_gen", _thumb_gen, it); if (it->theme) { const char *f = e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/backgrounds", "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, f, "e/desktop/background"); } else e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, it->file, "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_size_set(it->image, sd->info->iw, sd->info->ih); evas_object_show(it->image); edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,action,thumb,ungen", "e"); } else { if (it->sort_id) { if (it->do_thumb) { e_thumb_icon_end(it->image); it->do_thumb = 0; } } } */ } } if (changed) evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, "changed", NULL); if (recursion == 0) sd->idle_enter = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _e_smart_reconfigure(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (sd->idle_enter) return; sd->idle_enter = ecore_idle_enterer_before_add(_e_smart_reconfigure_do, obj); } static void _e_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd = calloc(1, sizeof(Smart_Data)); if (!sd) return; sd->sx = sd->sy = -1; evas_object_smart_data_set(obj, sd); } static void _e_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); Item *it; if (sd->seltimer) ecore_timer_del(sd->seltimer); if (sd->idle_enter) ecore_idle_enterer_del(sd->idle_enter); if (sd->animator) ecore_animator_del(sd->animator); // sd->info is just referenced // sd->child_obj is unused EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->items, it) { if (it->frame) evas_object_del(it->frame); if (it->image) evas_object_del(it->image); eina_stringshare_del(it->file); free(it->sort_id); free(it); } free(sd); evas_object_smart_data_set(obj, NULL); } static void _e_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); sd->x = x; sd->y = y; _e_smart_reconfigure(obj); } static void _e_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); sd->w = w; sd->h = h; _e_smart_reconfigure(obj); evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, "changed", NULL); } static void _e_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); // evas_object_show(sd->child_obj); } static void _e_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); // evas_object_hide(sd->child_obj); } static void _e_smart_color_set(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, int r __UNUSED__, int g __UNUSED__, int b __UNUSED__, int a __UNUSED__) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); // evas_object_color_set(sd->child_obj, r, g, b, a); } static void _e_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, Evas_Object * clip __UNUSED__) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); // evas_object_clip_set(sd->child_obj, clip); } static void _e_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); // evas_object_clip_unset(sd->child_obj); } static Evas_Object * _pan_add(Evas *evas) { static Evas_Smart *smart = NULL; static const Evas_Smart_Class sc = { "wp_pan", EVAS_SMART_CLASS_VERSION, _e_smart_add, _e_smart_del, _e_smart_move, _e_smart_resize, _e_smart_show, _e_smart_hide, _e_smart_color_set, _e_smart_clip_set, _e_smart_clip_unset, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; smart = evas_smart_class_new(&sc); return evas_object_smart_add(evas, smart); } static void _pan_info_set(Evas_Object *obj, Info *info) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); sd->info = info; } static Eina_Bool _sel_anim(void *data) { Evas_Object *obj = data; Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); double t = ecore_loop_time_get() - sd->seltime; double len = 1.0; double p = t / len; double d; if (p > 1.0) p = 1.0; if (!sd->selin) { d = (p * 2) - 1.0; if (d > 0.0) { d = 1.0 - d; d = d * d * d; d = 1.0 - d; } else { d = -1.0 - d; d = d * d * d; d = -1.0 - d; } d = (1.0 + d) / 2.0; sd->selmove = d; } else { d = ((1.0 - p) * 2) - 1.0; if (d > 0.0) { d = 1.0 - d; d = d * d * d; d = 1.0 - d; } else { d = -1.0 - d; d = d * d * d; d = -1.0 - d; } d = (1.0 + d) / 2.0; sd->selmove = d; } _e_smart_reconfigure(obj); if (p == 1.0) { if (sd->selout) { sd->selin = EINA_TRUE; sd->selout = EINA_FALSE; sd->seltime = ecore_loop_time_get(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } sd->selout = EINA_FALSE; sd->selin = EINA_FALSE; sd->animator = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _sel_timer(void *data) { Evas_Object *obj = data; Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd->animator) { sd->seltime = ecore_time_get(); sd->animator = ecore_animator_add(_sel_anim, obj); sd->selin = EINA_FALSE; } sd->seltimer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _pan_unhilight(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, Item *it) { // Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!it->hilighted) return; it->hilighted = 0; if (it->frame) edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,state,unselected", "e"); } static void _pan_hilight(Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, Item *it) { Eina_List *l; Item *it2; Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (it->hilighted) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it2) { if (it2->hilighted) { _pan_unhilight(obj, it2); break; } } it->hilighted = 1; if (it->frame) { edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,state,selected", "e"); evas_object_raise(it->frame); } } static void _pan_sel(Evas_Object *obj, Item *it) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (sd->selmove > 0.0) return; edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,state,selected", "e"); evas_object_raise(it->frame); if (!it->selected) { Eina_List *l; Item *it2; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it2) { if (it2->selected) it2->selected = 0; } it->selected = EINA_TRUE; eina_stringshare_del(sd->info->bg_file); evas_object_hide(sd->info->mini); if (it->file) { char *name = NULL, *p; sd->info->use_theme_bg = 0; sd->info->bg_file = eina_stringshare_ref(it->file); edje_object_file_set(sd->info->mini, sd->info->bg_file, "e/desktop/background"); p = strrchr(sd->info->bg_file, '/'); if (p) { p++; name = strdupa(p); p = strrchr(name, '.'); if (p) *p = 0; } edje_object_part_text_set(sd->info->bg, "e.text.filename", name); } else { const char *f = e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/backgrounds", "e/desktop/background"); edje_object_file_set(sd->info->mini, f, "e/desktop/background"); sd->info->use_theme_bg = 1; sd->info->bg_file = NULL; edje_object_part_text_set(sd->info->bg, "e.text.filename", _("Theme Wallpaper")); } evas_object_show(sd->info->mini); } if (sd->seltimer) ecore_timer_del(sd->seltimer); sd->seltimer = ecore_timer_add(0.2, _sel_timer, obj); } static void _pan_sel_up(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (sd->selmove == 0.0) return; if (!sd->animator) { sd->seltime = ecore_loop_time_get(); sd->animator = ecore_animator_add(_sel_anim, obj); sd->selin = EINA_TRUE; } else { if (sd->selin) return; sd->selout = EINA_TRUE; } } static int _sort_cb(const void *d1, const void *d2) { const Item *it1 = d1, *it2 = d2; if ((!it1->sort_id) || (!it2->sort_id)) return 0; return strcmp(it1->sort_id, it2->sort_id); } static void _item_sort(Item *it) { Evas_Object *obj = it->obj; Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); int num, dosort = 0; sd->id_num++; sd->info->scans--; num = eina_list_count(sd->items); // if (sd->sort_num < sd->id_num) // { // sd->sort_num = sd->id_num + 10; // dosort = 1; // } if ((sd->id_num == num) || (dosort)) { sd->items = eina_list_sort(sd->items, num, _sort_cb); _e_smart_reconfigure_do(obj); if (sd->jump2hi) { Eina_List *l; Item *it2 = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it2) { if (it2->hilighted) break; it2 = NULL; } if (it2) e_scrollframe_child_region_show(sd->info->sframe, it2->x, it2->y, it2->w, it2->h); sd->jump2hi = 1; } } if (sd->info->scans == 0) edje_object_signal_emit(sd->info->bg, "e,state,busy,off", "e"); } static void _thumb_gen(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__) { Item *it = data; edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,action,thumb,gen", "e"); if (!it->sort_id) { const char *id = e_thumb_sort_id_get(it->image); if (id) { it->sort_id = strdup(id); _item_sort(it); } } it->have_thumb = EINA_TRUE; if (!it->visible) { if (it->do_thumb) { e_thumb_icon_end(it->image); it->do_thumb = EINA_FALSE; } evas_object_del(it->image); it->image = NULL; evas_object_del(it->frame); it->frame = NULL; } } static void _item_down(void *data __UNUSED__, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__) { // Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = event_info; // Item *it = data; // _pan_sel(it->obj, it); } static void _item_up(void *data, Evas *e __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info) { Evas_Event_Mouse_Up *ev = event_info; Item *it = data; if (ev->button == 1) { if (!(ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD)) { _pan_hilight(it->obj, it); _pan_sel(it->obj, it); // FIXME: select image!!! } } } static void _pan_file_add(Evas_Object *obj, const char *file, Eina_Bool remote, Eina_Bool theme) { Smart_Data *sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); Item *it = calloc(1, sizeof(Item)); Evas *evas; if (!it) return; evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj); sd->items = eina_list_append(sd->items, it); it->obj = obj; it->remote = remote; it->theme = theme; it->file = eina_stringshare_add(file); it->frame = edje_object_add(evas); if (it->theme) e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini-theme"); else if (it->remote) e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini-remote"); else e_theme_edje_object_set(it->frame, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/mini"); if (it->hilighted) { edje_object_signal_emit(it->frame, "e,state,selected", "e"); evas_object_raise(it->frame); } evas_object_event_callback_add(it->frame, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _item_down, it); evas_object_event_callback_add(it->frame, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _item_up, it); evas_object_smart_member_add(it->frame, obj); evas_object_clip_set(it->frame, evas_object_clip_get(obj)); evas_object_show(it->frame); it->image = e_thumb_icon_add(evas); edje_object_part_swallow(it->frame, "e.swallow.content", it->image); evas_object_smart_callback_add(it->image, "e_thumb_gen", _thumb_gen, it); if (it->theme) { const char *f = e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/backgrounds", "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, f, "e/desktop/background"); } else e_thumb_icon_file_set(it->image, it->file, "e/desktop/background"); e_thumb_icon_size_set(it->image, sd->info->iw, sd->info->ih); evas_object_show(it->image); e_thumb_icon_begin(it->image); it->do_thumb = 1; // e_thumb_icon_begin(it->image); if (it->theme) { if (sd->info->use_theme_bg) { _pan_hilight(it->obj, it); edje_object_part_text_set(sd->info->bg, "e.text.filename", _("Theme Wallpaper")); } } else { if (sd->info->bg_file) { int match = 0; if (sd->info->bg_file == it->file) match = 1; if (!match) { const char *p1, *p2; p1 = ecore_file_file_get(sd->info->bg_file); p2 = ecore_file_file_get(it->file); if (!strcmp(p1, p2)) match = 1; } if (match) { char *name = NULL, *p; sd->jump2hi = 1; _pan_hilight(it->obj, it); p = strrchr(sd->info->bg_file, '/'); if (p) { p++; name = strdupa(p); p = strrchr(name, '.'); if (p) *p = 0; } edje_object_part_text_set(sd->info->bg, "e.text.filename", name); } } } _e_smart_reconfigure(obj); } //////// static void _resize(E_Win *wn) { Info *info = wn->data; evas_object_resize(info->bg, wn->w, wn->h); } static void _delete(E_Win *wn __UNUSED__) { wp_conf_hide(); } static void _bg_clicked(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *source __UNUSED__) { Info *info = data; _pan_sel_up(info->span); } static void _apply(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__) { Info *info = data; if (info->mode == 0) { /* all desktops */ while (e_config->desktop_backgrounds) { E_Config_Desktop_Background *cfbg; cfbg = e_config->desktop_backgrounds->data; e_bg_del(cfbg->container, cfbg->zone, cfbg->desk_x, cfbg->desk_y); } if ((info->use_theme_bg) || (!info->bg_file)) e_bg_default_set(NULL); else e_bg_default_set(info->bg_file); } else if (info->mode == 1) { /* specific desk */ e_bg_del(info->con_num, info->zone_num, info->desk_x, info->desk_y); e_bg_add(info->con_num, info->zone_num, info->desk_x, info->desk_y, info->bg_file); } else { Eina_List *dlist = NULL, *l; E_Config_Desktop_Background *cfbg; /* this screen */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_config->desktop_backgrounds, l, cfbg) { if (cfbg->zone == info->zone_num) dlist = eina_list_append(dlist, cfbg); } EINA_LIST_FREE(dlist, cfbg) e_bg_del(cfbg->container, cfbg->zone, cfbg->desk_x, cfbg->desk_y); e_bg_add(info->con_num, info->zone_num, -1, -1, info->bg_file); } e_bg_update(); e_config_save_queue(); } static void _close(void *data __UNUSED__, void *data2 __UNUSED__) { wp_conf_hide(); } static void _ok(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__) { _apply(data, data2); wp_conf_hide(); } static void _wp_add(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__) { Info *info = data; edje_object_signal_emit(info->bg, "e,action,panel,hide", "e"); } static void _wp_delete(void *data, void *data2 __UNUSED__) { Info *info = data; edje_object_signal_emit(info->bg, "e,action,panel,hide", "e"); } static void _wp_changed(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, void *event_info __UNUSED__) { Info *info = data; edje_object_signal_emit(info->bg, "e,action,panel,hide", "e"); } static Eina_Bool _idler(void *data) { Eina_File_Direct_Info *st; Info *info = data; if (!info->dir) { info->idler = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } if (!eina_iterator_next(info->dir, (void**) &st)) { E_FREE(info->curdir); eina_iterator_free(info->dir); info->dir = NULL; info->idler = NULL; _scan(info); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } if ((st->path[st->name_start]) == '.') return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; if (st->type == EINA_FILE_DIR) { info->dirs = eina_list_append(info->dirs, strdup(st->path)); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } info->scans++; _pan_file_add(info->span, st->path, 0, 0); e_util_wakeup(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void _scan(Info *info) { if (info->dirs) { if (info->scans <= 0) { info->scans = 0; edje_object_signal_emit(info->bg, "e,state,busy,on", "e"); edje_object_part_text_set(info->bg, "e.text.busy_label", _("Loading files...")); } free(info->curdir); info->curdir = info->dirs->data; info->dirs = eina_list_remove_list(info->dirs, info->dirs); if (!info->dir) info->dir = eina_file_stat_ls(info->curdir); info->idler = ecore_idler_add(_idler, info); } } Info * wp_browser_new(E_Container *con) { Info *info; E_Win *win; E_Zone *zone; E_Desk *desk; const E_Config_Desktop_Background *cfbg; Evas_Coord mw, mh; Evas_Object *o, *o2, *ob; E_Radio_Group *rg; char buf[PATH_MAX]; info = calloc(1, sizeof(Info)); if (!info) return NULL; zone = e_util_zone_current_get(con->manager); desk = e_desk_current_get(zone); info->con_num = con->num; info->zone_num = zone->num; info->desk_x = desk->x; info->desk_y = desk->y; info->mode = 0; cfbg = e_bg_config_get(con->num, zone->num, desk->x, desk->y); if (cfbg) { if ((cfbg->container >= 0) && (cfbg->zone >= 0)) { if ((cfbg->desk_x >= 0) && (cfbg->desk_y >= 0)) info->mode = 1; else info->mode = 2; } info->bg_file = eina_stringshare_ref(cfbg->file); } if ((!info->bg_file) && (e_config->desktop_default_background)) info->bg_file = eina_stringshare_ref(e_config->desktop_default_background); else info->use_theme_bg = 1; info->iw = (120 * e_scale); info->ih = (zone->h * info->iw) / (zone->w); win = e_win_new(con); if (!win) { eina_stringshare_del(info->bg_file); free(info); return NULL; } info->win = win; win->data = info; e_user_dir_concat_static(buf, "backgrounds"); info->dirs = eina_list_append(info->dirs, strdup(buf)); e_prefix_data_concat_static(buf, "data/backgrounds"); info->dirs = eina_list_append(info->dirs, strdup(buf)); e_win_title_set(win, _("Wallpaper Settings")); e_win_name_class_set(win, "E", "_config::appearance/wallpaper2"); e_win_resize_callback_set(win, _resize); e_win_delete_callback_set(win, _delete); // bg + container info->bg = edje_object_add(info->win->evas); e_theme_edje_object_set(info->bg, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/window"); edje_object_signal_callback_add(info->bg, "e,action,click", "e", _bg_clicked, info); info->box = e_widget_list_add(info->win->evas, 1, 1); // ok button info->button = e_widget_button_add(info->win->evas, _("OK"), NULL, _ok, info, NULL); evas_object_show(info->button); e_widget_list_object_append(info->box, info->button, 1, 0, 0.5); // apply button info->button = e_widget_button_add(info->win->evas, _("Apply"), NULL, _apply, info, NULL); evas_object_show(info->button); e_widget_list_object_append(info->box, info->button, 1, 0, 0.5); // close button info->button = e_widget_button_add(info->win->evas, _("Close"), NULL, _close, info, NULL); evas_object_show(info->button); e_widget_list_object_append(info->box, info->button, 1, 0, 0.5); e_widget_size_min_get(info->box, &mw, &mh); edje_extern_object_min_size_set(info->box, mw, mh); edje_object_part_swallow(info->bg, "e.swallow.buttons", info->box); evas_object_show(info->box); // preview info->preview = e_livethumb_add(info->win->evas); e_livethumb_vsize_set(info->preview, zone->w, zone->h); edje_extern_object_aspect_set(info->preview, EDJE_ASPECT_CONTROL_NEITHER, zone->w, zone->h); edje_object_part_swallow(info->bg, "e.swallow.preview", info->preview); evas_object_show(info->preview); info->mini = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(info->preview)); e_livethumb_thumb_set(info->preview, info->mini); evas_object_show(info->mini); if (info->bg_file) edje_object_file_set(info->mini, info->bg_file, "e/desktop/background"); else { const char *f = e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/backgrounds", "e/desktop/background"); edje_object_file_set(info->mini, f, "e/desktop/background"); } // scrolled thumbs info->span = _pan_add(info->win->evas); _pan_info_set(info->span, info); // the scrollframe holding the scrolled thumbs info->sframe = e_scrollframe_add(info->win->evas); e_scrollframe_custom_theme_set(info->sframe, "base/theme/widgets", "e/conf/wallpaper/main/scrollframe"); e_scrollframe_extern_pan_set(info->sframe, info->span, _pan_set, _pan_get, _pan_max_get, _pan_child_size_get); edje_object_part_swallow(info->bg, "e.swallow.list", info->sframe); evas_object_show(info->sframe); evas_object_show(info->span); ob = e_widget_list_add(info->win->evas, 0, 1); o = e_widget_list_add(info->win->evas, 1, 0); rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&(info->mode)); o2 = e_widget_radio_add(info->win->evas, _("All Desktops"), 0, rg); evas_object_smart_callback_add(o2, "changed", _wp_changed, info); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 0, 0.5); e_widget_disabled_set(o2, (e_util_container_desk_count_get(con) < 2)); evas_object_show(o2); o2 = e_widget_radio_add(info->win->evas, _("This Desktop"), 1, rg); evas_object_smart_callback_add(o2, "changed", _wp_changed, info); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o2); o2 = e_widget_radio_add(info->win->evas, _("This Screen"), 2, rg); evas_object_smart_callback_add(o2, "changed", _wp_changed, info); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 0, 0.5); if (!(e_util_container_zone_number_get(0, 1) || (e_util_container_zone_number_get(1, 0)))) e_widget_disabled_set(o2, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_show(o2); e_widget_list_object_append(ob, o, 1, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o); o = e_widget_list_add(info->win->evas, 1, 0); o2 = e_widget_button_add(info->win->evas, _("Add"), NULL, _wp_add, info, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o2); o2 = e_widget_button_add(info->win->evas, _("Delete"), NULL, _wp_delete, info, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o2); e_widget_list_object_append(ob, o, 1, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o); e_widget_size_min_get(ob, &mw, &mh); edje_extern_object_min_size_set(ob, mw, mh); edje_object_part_swallow(info->bg, "e.swallow.extras", ob); evas_object_show(ob); // min size calc edje_object_size_min_calc(info->bg, &mw, &mh); e_win_size_min_set(win, mw, mh); if ((zone->w / 4) > mw) mw = (zone->w / 4); if ((zone->h / 4) > mh) mh = (zone->h / 4); e_win_resize(win, mw, mh); e_win_centered_set(win, 1); e_win_show(win); e_win_border_icon_set(win, "preferences-desktop-wallpaper"); evas_object_resize(info->bg, info->win->w, info->win->h); evas_object_show(info->bg); // add theme bg _pan_file_add(info->span, NULL, 0, 1); _scan(info); return info; } void wp_broser_free(Info *info) { char *s; if (!info) return; e_object_del(E_OBJECT(info->win)); if (info->dir) eina_iterator_free(info->dir); eina_stringshare_del(info->bg_file); free(info->curdir); EINA_LIST_FREE(info->dirs, s) free(s); if (info->idler) ecore_idler_del(info->idler); // del other stuff E_FREE(info); } E_Config_Dialog * wp_conf_show(E_Container *con, const char *params __UNUSED__) { if (global_info) { e_win_show(global_info->win); e_win_raise(global_info->win); } global_info = wp_browser_new(con); return NULL; } void wp_conf_hide(void) { if (global_info) { wp_broser_free(global_info); global_info = NULL; } }