#include "e.h" EAPI int E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_ADD = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_DEL = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_CHANGED = 0; static Eina_Hash *_e_fm2_op_registry = NULL; static unsigned int _e_fm2_init_count = 0; typedef struct _E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener; typedef struct _E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal; struct _E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener { EINA_INLIST; void (*cb)(void *data, const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry); void *data; void (*free_data)(void *data); }; struct _E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry entry; Eina_Inlist *listeners; int references; Ecore_Event *changed_event; }; static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_deleted(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *e_fm __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry = data; entry->e_fm = NULL; e_fm2_op_registry_entry_changed(entry); } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_start(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { if (!entry->e_fm) return; evas_object_event_callback_add (entry->e_fm, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_deleted, entry); } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_stop(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { if (!entry->e_fm) return; evas_object_event_callback_del_full (entry->e_fm, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_deleted, entry); } static inline E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal * _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { return (E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *)entry; } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_free(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e) { _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_stop(&(e->entry)); while (e->listeners) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener *listener = (void *)e->listeners; e->listeners = eina_inlist_remove(e->listeners, e->listeners); if (listener->free_data) listener->free_data(listener->data); free(listener); } eina_stringshare_del(e->entry.src); eina_stringshare_del(e->entry.dst); free(e); } static inline int _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e) { if (e->references < 1) return 0; e->references--; if (e->references > 0) return e->references; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_free(e); return 0; } static inline int _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_ref(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e) { e->references++; return e->references; } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_listeners_call(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener *listener; Eina_Inlist *l; if (eina_inlist_count(e->listeners) < 1) return; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(e->listeners, l, listener) listener->cb(listener->data, &e->entry); } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref_on_event(void *data, void *event __UNUSED__) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e = data; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref(e); } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_event(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e, int event_type) { _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_ref(e); ecore_event_add(event_type, &(e->entry), _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref_on_event, e); } Eina_Bool e_fm2_op_registry_entry_add(int id, Evas_Object *e_fm, E_Fm_Op_Type op, E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Abort_Func abort) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; e = E_NEW(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal, 1); if (!e) return 0; e->entry.id = id; e->entry.e_fm = e_fm; e->entry.start_time = ecore_loop_time_get(); e->entry.op = op; e->entry.status = E_FM2_OP_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; e->entry.func.abort = abort; e->references = 1; if (!eina_hash_add(_e_fm2_op_registry, &id, e)) { free(e); return 0; } _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_start(&(e->entry)); _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_event(e, E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_ADD); return 1; } Eina_Bool e_fm2_op_registry_entry_del(int id) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; e = eina_hash_find(_e_fm2_op_registry, &id); if (!e) return 0; eina_hash_del_by_key(_e_fm2_op_registry, &id); _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_event(e, E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_DEL); _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref(e); return 1; } static void _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref_on_changed_event(void *data, void *event __UNUSED__) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e = data; e->changed_event = NULL; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref(e); } void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_changed(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; if (!entry) return; e = _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(entry); _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_listeners_call(e); if (e->changed_event) return; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_ref(e); e->changed_event = ecore_event_add (E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_CHANGED, &(e->entry), _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref_on_changed_event, e); } /** * Set the new e_fm for this operation. * * Use this call instead of directly setting in order to have the * object to be monitored, when it is gone, the pointer will be made * NULL. * * @note: it will not call any listener or add any event, please use * e_fm2_op_registry_entry_changed(). */ void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_set(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry, Evas_Object *e_fm) { if (!entry) return; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_stop(entry); entry->e_fm = e_fm; _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_e_fm_monitor_start(entry); } /** * Set the new files for this operation. * * Use this call instead of directly setting in order to have * stringshare references right. * * @note: it will not call any listener or add any event, please use * e_fm2_op_registry_entry_changed(). */ void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_files_set(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry, const char *src, const char *dst) { if (!entry) return; eina_stringshare_replace(&entry->src, src); eina_stringshare_replace(&entry->dst, dst); } /** * Adds a reference to given entry. * * @return: new number of references after operation or -1 on error. */ EAPI int e_fm2_op_registry_entry_ref(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; if (!entry) return -1; e = _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(entry); return _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_ref(e); } /** * Releases a reference to given entry. * * @return: new number of references after operation or -1 on error, * if 0 the entry was freed and pointer is then invalid. */ EAPI int e_fm2_op_registry_entry_unref(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; if (!entry) return -1; e = _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(entry); return _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_unref(e); } /** * Returns the X window associated to this operation. * * This will handle all bureaucracy to get X window based on e_fm evas * object. * * @return: 0 if no window, window identifier otherwise. */ EAPI Ecore_X_Window e_fm2_op_registry_entry_xwin_get(const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { Evas *e; Ecore_Evas *ee; if (!entry) return 0; if (!entry->e_fm) return 0; e = evas_object_evas_get(entry->e_fm); if (!e) return 0; ee = evas_data_attach_get(e); if (!ee) return 0; return (Ecore_X_Window)(long)ecore_evas_window_get(ee); } /** * Discover entry based on its identifier. * * @note: does not increment reference. */ EAPI E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry * e_fm2_op_registry_entry_get(int id) { return eina_hash_find(_e_fm2_op_registry, &id); } /** * Adds a function to be called when entry changes. * * When entry changes any attribute this function will be called. * * @param: entry entry to operate on. * @param: cb function to callback on changes. * @param: data extra data to give to @p cb * @param: free_data function to call when listener is removed, entry * is deleted or any error occur in this function and listener * cannot be added. * * @note: does not increment reference. * @note: on errors, @p free_data will be called. */ EAPI void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_listener_add(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry), const void *data, void (*free_data)(void *data)) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener *listener; Eina_Error err; if ((!entry) || (!cb)) { if (free_data) free_data((void *)data); return; } listener = malloc(sizeof(*listener)); if (!listener) { if (free_data) free_data((void *)data); return; } listener->cb = cb; listener->data = (void *)data; listener->free_data = free_data; e = _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(entry); e->listeners = eina_inlist_append(e->listeners, EINA_INLIST_GET(listener)); err = eina_error_get(); if (err) { printf("could not add listener: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(err)); if (free_data) free_data((void *)data); free(listener); return; } } /** * Removes the function to be called when entry changes. * * @param: entry entry to operate on. * @param: cb function to callback on changes. * @param: data extra data to give to @p cb * * @note: does not decrement reference. * @see: e_fm2_op_registry_entry_listener_add() */ EAPI void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_listener_del(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry, void (*cb)(void *data, const E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry), const void *data) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Listener *l; if ((!entry) || (!cb)) return; e = _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_get(entry); EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(e->listeners, l) if ((l->cb == cb) && (l->data == data)) { e->listeners = eina_inlist_remove(e->listeners, EINA_INLIST_GET(l)); if (l->free_data) l->free_data(l->data); free(l); return; } } /** * Returns an iterator over all the entries in the fm operations registry. * * @warning: this iterator is just valid until new entries are added * or removed (usually happens from main loop). This is because * when system is back to main loop it can report new events and * operations can be added or removed from this registry. In other * words, it is fine to call this function, immediately walk the * iterator and do something, then free the iterator. You can use * it to create a shadow list if you wish. * * @see e_fm2_op_registry_get_all() */ EAPI Eina_Iterator * e_fm2_op_registry_iterator_new(void) { return eina_hash_iterator_data_new(_e_fm2_op_registry); } /** * Returns a shadow list with all entries in the registry. * * All entries will have references incremented, so you must free the * list with e_fm2_op_registry_get_all_free() to free the list and * release these references. * * @note: List is unsorted! * @note: if you need a simple, immediate walk, use * e_fm2_op_registry_iterator_new() */ EAPI Eina_List * e_fm2_op_registry_get_all(void) { Eina_List *list; Eina_Iterator *it; E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry_Internal *e; list = NULL; it = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(_e_fm2_op_registry); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, e) { _e_fm2_op_registry_entry_internal_ref(e); list = eina_list_append(list, &(e->entry)); } eina_iterator_free(it); return list; } EAPI void e_fm2_op_registry_get_all_free(Eina_List *list) { E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry; EINA_LIST_FREE(list, entry) e_fm2_op_registry_entry_unref(entry); } EAPI Eina_Bool e_fm2_op_registry_is_empty(void) { return eina_hash_population(_e_fm2_op_registry) == 0; } EAPI int e_fm2_op_registry_count(void) { return eina_hash_population(_e_fm2_op_registry); } EINTERN unsigned int e_fm2_op_registry_init(void) { _e_fm2_init_count++; if (_e_fm2_init_count > 1) return _e_fm2_init_count; _e_fm2_op_registry = eina_hash_int32_new(NULL); if (!_e_fm2_op_registry) { _e_fm2_init_count = 0; return 0; } if (E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_ADD == 0) E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_ADD = ecore_event_type_new(); if (E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_DEL == 0) E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_DEL = ecore_event_type_new(); if (E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_CHANGED == 0) E_EVENT_FM_OP_REGISTRY_CHANGED = ecore_event_type_new(); return 1; } EINTERN unsigned int e_fm2_op_registry_shutdown(void) { if (_e_fm2_init_count == 0) return 0; _e_fm2_init_count--; if (_e_fm2_init_count > 0) return _e_fm2_init_count; eina_hash_free(_e_fm2_op_registry); _e_fm2_op_registry = NULL; return 0; } EAPI void e_fm2_op_registry_entry_abort(E_Fm2_Op_Registry_Entry *entry) { if (!entry) return; if (entry->func.abort) entry->func.abort(entry); }