/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" /***************************************************************************/ /**/ /* actual module specifics */ static E_Module *conf_module = NULL; /**/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /**/ /**/ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /**/ /* module setup */ EAPI E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Wizard" }; static int t_init (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } static int t_shutdown (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } static int t_show (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ Evas_Object *ob, *o; ob = e_widget_list_add(pg->evas, 1, 0); o = e_widget_button_add(pg->evas, "Hello World", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(ob, o, 0, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o); e_wizard_page_show(ob); pg->data = ob; return 0; } static int t_hide (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ evas_object_del(pg->data); return 1; } static int t_apply (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } static int t2_init (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } static int t2_shutdown (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } static int t2_show (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ Evas_Object *ob, *o; ob = e_widget_list_add(pg->evas, 1, 0); o = e_widget_button_add(pg->evas, "Hello to Another World", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(ob, o, 0, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(o); e_wizard_page_show(ob); pg->data = ob; return 0; } static int t2_hide (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ evas_object_del(pg->data); return 1; } static int t2_apply (E_Wizard_Page *pg){ return 1; } EAPI void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { conf_module = m; e_wizard_init(); e_wizard_page_add(t_init, t_shutdown, t_show, t_hide, t_apply); e_wizard_page_add(t2_init, t2_shutdown, t2_show, t2_hide, t2_apply); e_wizard_go(); return m; } EAPI int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m) { e_wizard_shutdown(); conf_module = NULL; return 1; } EAPI int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m) { return 1; } EAPI int e_modapi_about(E_Module *m) { e_module_dialog_show(m, _("Enlightenment First Run Wizard Module"), _("A module for setting up configuration for Enlightenment for the first time.")); return 1; }