/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" /* currently default bind is alt+` buf alt+space has been suggested */ /* local subsystem functions */ typedef struct _E_Exehist E_Exehist; typedef struct _E_Exehist_Item E_Exehist_Item; struct _E_Exehist { Evas_List *history; }; struct _E_Exehist_Item { char *exe; char *launch_method; double exetime; }; static void _e_exehist_unload_queue(void); static void _e_exehist_load(void); static void _e_exehist_clear(void); static void _e_exehist_unload(void); static void _e_exehist_limit(void); static int _e_exehist_cb_unload(void *data); /* local subsystem globals */ static E_Config_DD *_e_exehist_config_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_exehist_config_item_edd = NULL; static E_Exehist *_e_exehist = NULL; static Ecore_Timer *_e_exehist_unload_timer = NULL; /* externally accessible functions */ int e_exehist_init(void) { _e_exehist_config_item_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Exehist_Item", E_Exehist_Item); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Exehist_Item #define D _e_exehist_config_item_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, exe, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, launch_method, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, exetime, DOUBLE); _e_exehist_config_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Exehist", E_Exehist); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Exehist #define D _e_exehist_config_edd E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, history, _e_exehist_config_item_edd); return 1; } int e_exehist_shutdown(void) { _e_exehist_unload(); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_exehist_config_item_edd); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_exehist_config_edd); return 1; } void e_exehist_add(const char *launch_method, const char *exe) { E_Exehist_Item *ei; _e_exehist_load(); if (!_e_exehist) return; ei = E_NEW(E_Exehist_Item, 1); if (!ei) return; ei->launch_method = evas_stringshare_add(launch_method); ei->exe = evas_stringshare_add(exe); ei->exetime = ecore_time_get(); _e_exehist->history = evas_list_append(_e_exehist->history, ei); _e_exehist_limit(); e_config_domain_save("exehist", _e_exehist_config_edd, _e_exehist); _e_exehist_unload_queue(); } void e_exehist_clear(void) { _e_exehist_load(); if (!_e_exehist) return; _e_exehist_clear(); e_config_domain_save("exehist", _e_exehist_config_edd, _e_exehist); _e_exehist_unload_queue(); } int e_exehist_popularity_get(const char *exe) { Evas_List *l; int count = 0; _e_exehist_load(); if (!_e_exehist) return 0; for (l = _e_exehist->history; l; l = l->next) { E_Exehist_Item *ei; ei = l->data; if ((ei->exe) && (!strcmp(exe, ei->exe))) count++; } return count; } double e_exehist_newest_run_get(const char *exe) { Evas_List *l; _e_exehist_load(); if (!_e_exehist) return 0.0; for (l = evas_list_last(_e_exehist->history); l; l = l->prev) { E_Exehist_Item *ei; ei = l->data; if ((ei->exe) && (!strcmp(exe, ei->exe))) return ei->exetime; } return 0.0; } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_exehist_unload_queue(void) { if (_e_exehist_unload_timer) ecore_timer_del(_e_exehist_unload_timer); _e_exehist_unload_timer = ecore_timer_add(2.0, _e_exehist_cb_unload, NULL); } static void _e_exehist_load(void) { if (!_e_exehist) _e_exehist = e_config_domain_load("exehist", _e_exehist_config_edd); if (!_e_exehist) _e_exehist = E_NEW(E_Exehist, 1); } static void _e_exehist_clear(void) { if (_e_exehist) { while (_e_exehist->history) { E_Exehist_Item *ei; ei = _e_exehist->history->data; if (ei->exe) evas_stringshare_del(ei->exe); if (ei->launch_method) evas_stringshare_del(ei->launch_method); free(ei); _e_exehist->history = evas_list_remove_list(_e_exehist->history, _e_exehist->history); } } } static void _e_exehist_unload(void) { _e_exehist_clear(); E_FREE(_e_exehist); } static void _e_exehist_limit(void) { /* go from first item in hist on and either delete all items before a * specific timestamp, or if the list count > limit then delete items */ } static int _e_exehist_cb_unload(void *data) { _e_exehist_unload(); _e_exehist_unload_timer = NULL; return 0; }