/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include EAPI int e_precache_end = 0; /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_main_shutdown_push(int (*func)(void)); static void _e_main_shutdown(int errorcode); static int _e_main_x_shutdown(void); static int _e_main_dirs_init(void); static int _e_main_dirs_shutdown(void); static int _e_main_screens_init(void); static int _e_main_screens_shutdown(void); static int _e_main_path_init(void); static int _e_main_path_shutdown(void); static void _e_main_cb_x_fatal(void *data); static int _e_main_cb_signal_exit(void *data, int ev_type, void *ev); static int _e_main_cb_signal_hup(void *data, int ev_type, void *ev); static int _e_main_cb_x_flusher(void *data); static int _e_main_cb_idler_before(void *data); static int _e_main_cb_idler_after(void *data); static int _e_main_cb_eet_cacheburst_end(void *data); static int _e_main_cb_startup_fake_end(void *data); static void _e_main_desk_save(void); static void _e_main_desk_restore(E_Manager *man, E_Container *con); /* local subsystem globals */ #define MAX_LEVEL 64 static int (*_e_main_shutdown_func[MAX_LEVEL]) (void); static int _e_main_level = 0; static int _e_cacheburst = 0; static Evas_List *_e_main_idler_before_list = NULL; static Ecore_Idle_Enterer *_e_main_idle_enterer_before = NULL; static Ecore_Idle_Enterer *_e_main_idle_enterer_after = NULL; static Ecore_Idle_Enterer *_e_main_idle_enterer_flusher = NULL; #define TS_DO #ifdef TS_DO #define TS(x) \ { \ t1 = ecore_time_get(); \ printf("ESTART: %1.5f [%1.5f] - %s\n", t1 - t0, t1 - t2, x); \ t2 = t1; \ } static double t0, t1, t2; #else #define TS(x) #endif /* externally accessible functions */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int nostartup = 0; int after_restart = 0; int safe_mode = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *s; struct sigaction action; double t, tstart; #ifdef TS_DO t0 = t1 = t2 = ecore_time_get(); #endif TS("begin"); #if 0 { stack_t ss; ss.ss_sp = malloc(8 * 1024); ss.ss_size = 8 * 1024; ss.ss_flags = 0; sigaltstack(&ss, NULL); } #endif /* trap deadly bug signals and allow some form of sane recovery */ /* or ability to gdb attach and debug at this point - better than your */ /* wm/desktop vanishing and not knowing what happened */ action.sa_sigaction = e_sigseg_act; action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); action.sa_sigaction = e_sigill_act; action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); action.sa_sigaction = e_sigfpe_act; action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, NULL); action.sa_sigaction = e_sigbus_act; action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_sigaction = e_sigabrt_act; action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGABRT, &action, NULL); TS("signals done"); t = ecore_time_get(); s = getenv("E_START_TIME"); if ((s) && (!getenv("E_RESTART_OK"))) { tstart = atof(s); if ((t - tstart) < 5.0) { safe_mode = 1; } } tstart = t; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1.1f", tstart); e_util_env_set("E_START_TIME", buf); /* FIXME: this is the init code for letting e be relocatable. right now * its not used - so i want to see if it can reliably determine its exe * prefix */ TS("determine prefix"); if (!e_prefix_determine(argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Enlightenment cannot determine its installed\n" " prefix from the system or argv[0].\n" " This is because it is not on Linux AND has been\n" " Executed strangely. This is unusual.\n" ); e_prefix_fallback(); } else { /* do some extra tests to see if the prefix really is right */ char buf[4096]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/themes/default.edj", e_prefix_data_get()); if (!ecore_file_exists(buf)) { printf("WARNING: Prefix guess was wrong. Guessed:\n" " %s\n" " Tried to find file:\n" " %s\n", e_prefix_get(), buf); e_prefix_fallback(); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/modules", e_prefix_lib_get()); if (!ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) { printf("WARNING: Prefix guess was wrong. Guessed:\n" " %s\n" " Tried to find directory:\n" " %s\n", e_prefix_get(), buf); e_prefix_fallback(); } } } TS("prefix done"); /* for debugging by redirecting stdout of e to a log file to tail */ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); if (getenv("E_RESTART")) after_restart = 1; if (getenv("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID")) e_util_env_set("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID", NULL); e_util_env_set("E_RESTART_OK", NULL); e_util_env_set("E_RESTART", "1"); /* envrionment varabiles so you know E is running/launched you */ e_util_env_set("PANTS", "ON"); e_util_env_set("DESKTOP", "Enlightenment-0.17.0"); TS("intl init"); e_intl_init(); _e_main_shutdown_push(e_intl_shutdown); TS("parse args"); /* handle some command-line parameters */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-display")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; e_util_env_set("DISPLAY", argv[i]); } else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-fake-xinerama-screen")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { int x, y, w, h; i++; /* WWxHH+XX+YY */ if (sscanf(argv[i], "%ix%i+%i+%i", &w, &h, &x, &y) == 4) e_xinerama_fake_screen_add(x, y, w, h); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-good")) { good = 1; evil = 0; printf("LA LA LA\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-evil")) { good = 0; evil = 1; printf("MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psychotic")) { good = 1; evil = 1; printf("MUHAHALALALALALALALA\n"); } else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-profile")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; e_util_env_set("E_CONF_PROFILE", argv[i]); } else if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))) { printf (_( "Options:\n" "\t-display DISPLAY\n" "\t\tConnect to display named DISPLAY.\n" "\t\tEG: -display :1.0\n" "\t-fake-xinerama-screen WxH+X+Y\n" "\t\tAdd a FAKE xinerama screen (instead of the real ones)\n" "\t\tgiven the geometry. Add as many as you like. They all\n" "\t\treplace the real xinerama screens, if any. This can\n" "\t\tbe used to simulate xinerama.\n" "\t\tEG: -fake-xinerama-screen 800x600+0+0 -fake-xinerama-screen 800x600+800+0\n" "\t-profile CONF_PROFILE\n" "\t\tUse the configuration profile CONF_PROFILE instead of the user selected default or just \"default\".\n" "\t-good\n" "\t\tBe good.\n" "\t-evil\n" "\t\tBe evil.\n" "\t-psychotic\n" "\t\tBe psychotic.\n" ) ); exit(0); } } /* fix up DISPLAY to be :N.0 if no .screen is in it */ s = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (s) { char *p; p = strrchr(s, ':'); if (!p) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:0.0", s); e_util_env_set("DISPLAY", buf); } else { p = strrchr(p, '.'); if (!p) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.0", s); e_util_env_set("DISPLAY", buf); } } } TS("arg parse done"); /* fixes for FOOLS that keep cp'ing default.edj into ~/.e/e/themes */ { const char *homedir; homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/themes/default.edj", homedir); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) ecore_file_unlink(buf); } TS("ecore init"); /* basic ecore init */ if (!ecore_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot Initialize Ecore!\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); exit(-1); } ecore_imf_init(); _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_imf_shutdown); // FIXME: SEGV's on shutdown if fm2 windows up - disable for now. // _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_shutdown); ecore_job_init(); _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_job_shutdown); /* init edje and set it up in frozen mode */ edje_init(); edje_freeze(); _e_main_shutdown_push(edje_shutdown); _e_cacheburst++; /* eet_cacheburst(_e_cacheburst); */ ecore_timer_add(5.0, _e_main_cb_eet_cacheburst_end, NULL); TS("ecore_file init"); /* init the file system */ if (!ecore_file_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the File system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_file_shutdown); TS("more ecore"); /* setup my args */ ecore_app_args_set(argc, (const char **)argv); /* setup a handler for when e is asked to exit via a system signal */ if (!ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_EXIT, _e_main_cb_signal_exit, NULL)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up an exit signal handler.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } if (!ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_HUP, _e_main_cb_signal_hup, NULL)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up a HUP signal handler.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } /* an idle enterer to be called before all others */ _e_main_idle_enterer_before = ecore_idle_enterer_before_add(_e_main_cb_idler_before, NULL); TS("x connect"); /* init x */ if (!ecore_x_init(NULL)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize its X connection.\n" "Have you set your DISPLAY variable?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(_e_main_x_shutdown); /* init white box of death alert */ if (!e_alert_init(NULL)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize its emergency alert system.\n" "Have you set your DISPLAY variable?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_alert_shutdown); /* we want to have been launched by enlightenment_start. there is a very */ /* good reason we want to have been launched this way, thus check */ if (!getenv("E_START")) { e_alert_show("You are executing enlightenment directly. This is\n" "bad. Please do not execute the \"enlightenment\"\n" "binary. Use the \"enlightenment_start\" launcher. It\n" "will handle setting up environment variables, paths,\n" "and launching any other required services etc.\n" "before enlightenment itself begins running.\n"); exit(-1); } TS("ecore_con"); /* init generic communications */ if (!ecore_con_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the connections system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_con_shutdown); /* init ipc */ if (!ecore_ipc_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the IPC system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_ipc_shutdown); TS("xinerama"); if (!e_xinerama_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot setup xinerama wrapping.\n" "This should not happen.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_xinerama_shutdown); /* ecore_x_grab(); */ ecore_x_io_error_handler_set(_e_main_cb_x_fatal, NULL); TS("configure"); e_configure_init(); TS("x hints"); /* Init window manager hints */ e_hints_init(); TS("x hints done"); TS("ecore_evas init"); /* init the evas wrapper */ if (!ecore_evas_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the Evas system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } if (!ecore_evas_engine_type_supported_get(ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_X11)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found ecore_evas doesn't support the Software X11\n" "rendering in Evas. Please check your installation of Evas and\n" "Ecore and check they support the Software X11 rendering engine.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } if (!ecore_evas_engine_type_supported_get(ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_BUFFER)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found ecore_evas doesn't support the Software Buffer\n" "rendering in Evas. Please check your installation of Evas and\n" "Ecore and check they support the Software Buffer rendering engine.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } // ecore_evas closes evas - deletes objs - deletes fm widgets which tries to // ipc to slave to stop monitoring - but ipc has been shut down. dont shut // down. // _e_main_shutdown_push(ecore_evas_shutdown); TS("test done"); /*** Finished loading subsystems, Loading WM Specifics ***/ TS("efreet"); /* init FDO desktop */ if (!efreet_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the FDO desktop system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(efreet_shutdown); if (!efreet_util_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the FDO desktop system.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(efreet_util_shutdown); TS("efreet done"); TS("dirs"); /* setup directories we will be using for configurations storage etc. */ if (!_e_main_dirs_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot create directories in your home directory.\n" "Perhaps you have no home directory or the disk is full?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(_e_main_dirs_shutdown); TS("filereg"); /* setup file registry */ if (!e_filereg_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its file registry system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_filereg_shutdown); TS("config"); /* init config system */ if (!e_config_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its config system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_config_shutdown); TS("pointer"); if (!e_pointer_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up the pointer system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_pointer_shutdown); TS("path"); /* setup paths for finding things */ if (!_e_main_path_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up paths for finding files.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(_e_main_path_shutdown); TS("ipc"); /* setup e ipc service */ if (e_ipc_init()) _e_main_shutdown_push(e_ipc_shutdown); /* setup edje to animate @ e_config->framerate frames per sec. */ edje_frametime_set(1.0 / e_config->framerate); TS("font"); /* init font system */ if (!e_font_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its font system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_font_shutdown); e_font_apply(); e_canvas_recache(); TS("theme"); /* init theme system */ if (!e_theme_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its theme system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_theme_shutdown); TS("splash"); if (!((!e_config->show_splash) || (after_restart))) { /* setup init status window/screen */ if (!e_init_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up init screen.\n" "Perhaps you are out of memory?")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } e_init_title_set(_("Enlightenment")); e_init_version_set(VERSION); e_init_show(); _e_main_shutdown_push(e_init_shutdown); pause(); } e_init_status_set(_("Testing Format Support")); TS("test file format support"); { Ecore_Evas *ee; Evas_Object *im; char buf[4096]; ee = ecore_evas_buffer_new(1, 1); if (!ee) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found Evas can't create a buffer canvas. Please check\n" "Evas has Software Buffer engine support.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } im = evas_object_image_add(ecore_evas_get(ee)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/images/test.png", e_prefix_data_get()); evas_object_image_file_set(im, buf, NULL); if (evas_object_image_load_error_get(im) != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found Evas can't load PNG files. Check Evas has PNG\n" "loader support.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/images/test.jpg", e_prefix_data_get()); evas_object_image_file_set(im, buf, NULL); if (evas_object_image_load_error_get(im) != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found Evas can't load JPEG files. Check Evas has JPEG\n" "loader support.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/images/test.edj", e_prefix_data_get()); evas_object_image_file_set(im, buf, "images/0"); if (evas_object_image_load_error_get(im) != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment found Evas can't load EET files. Check Evas has EET\n" "loader support.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } evas_object_del(im); ecore_evas_free(ee); } TS("msgbus"); /* setup e msgbus (DBUS) service */ if (e_msgbus_init()) _e_main_shutdown_push(e_msgbus_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Starting International Support")); TS("intl post"); /* init intl system */ if (!e_intl_post_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its intl system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_intl_post_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setting up Paths")); TS("efreet paths"); { Ecore_List *list; list = efreet_icon_extra_list_get(); if (list) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/icons", e_user_homedir_get()); ecore_list_prepend(list, (void *)ecore_string_instance(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/icons", e_prefix_data_get()); ecore_list_prepend(list, (void *)ecore_string_instance(buf)); } } efreet_icon_extension_add(".edj"); TS("efreet paths done"); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Thumbnailer")); TS("thumb init"); /* init the enlightenment thumbnailing system */ if (!e_thumb_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the Thumbnailing system.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_thumb_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup System Controls")); TS("sys init"); /* init the enlightenment sys command system */ if (!e_sys_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the System Command system.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_sys_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Actions")); TS("actions"); /* init actions system */ if (!e_actions_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its actions system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_actions_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Bindings")); TS("bindings"); /* init bindings system */ if (!e_bindings_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its bindings system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_bindings_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Popups")); TS("popup"); /* init popup system */ if (!e_popup_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its popup system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_popup_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Wallpaper")); TS("bg"); /* init desktop background system */ if (!e_bg_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its desktop background system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_bg_init); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Screens")); TS("screens"); /* manage the root window */ if (!_e_main_screens_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment set up window management for all the screens on your system\n" "failed. Perhaps another window manager is running?\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(_e_main_screens_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Execution System")); TS("exec"); /* init app system */ if (!e_exec_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its exec system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_exec_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Remembers")); TS("remember"); /* do remember stuff */ if (!e_remember_init(after_restart ? E_STARTUP_RESTART: E_STARTUP_START)) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot setup remember settings.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_remember_shutdown); TS("container freeze"); e_container_all_freeze(); e_init_status_set(_("Setup FM")); TS("fm2"); /* init the enlightenment file manager */ if (!e_fm2_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the File manager.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_fm2_shutdown); /* TS("fwin"); if (!e_fwin_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot initialize the File manager.\n")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_fwin_shutdown); */ e_init_status_set(_("Setup Message System")); TS("msg"); /* setup generic msg handling etc */ if (!e_msg_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its msg system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_msg_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup DND")); TS("dnd"); /* setup dnd */ if (!e_dnd_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its dnd system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_dnd_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Grab Input HAnding")); TS("grabinput"); /* setup input grabbing co-operation system */ if (!e_grabinput_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its input grab handling system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_grabinput_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Modules")); TS("modules"); /* setup module loading etc */ if (!e_module_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its module system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_module_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Color Classes")); TS("colorclasses"); /* setup color_class */ if (!e_color_class_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its color class system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_color_class_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Gadcon")); TS("gadcon"); /* setup gadcon */ if (!e_gadcon_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its gadget control system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_gadcon_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup Shelves")); TS("shelves"); /* setup shelves */ if (!e_shelf_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its shelf system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_shelf_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Setup DPMS")); TS("dpms"); /* setup dpms */ if (!e_dpms_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot configure the DPMS settings.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } e_init_status_set(_("Setup Screensaver")); TS("screensaver"); /* setup screensaver */ if (!e_screensaver_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot configure the X screensaver.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } e_init_status_set(_("Setup Mouse")); TS("mouse"); /* setup mouse accel */ if (!e_mouse_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot configure the mouse acceleration settings.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } e_init_status_set(_("Setup Desklock")); TS("desklock"); /* setup desklock */ if (!e_desklock_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its desk locking system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_desklock_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Set Up File Ordering")); TS("order"); if (!e_order_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its order file system.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_order_shutdown); e_init_status_set(_("Set Up Powersave modes")); TS("powersave"); if (!e_powersave_init()) { e_error_message_show(_("Enlightenment cannot set up its powersave modes.")); _e_main_shutdown(-1); } _e_main_shutdown_push(e_powersave_shutdown); TS("add idle enterers"); /* add in a handler that just before we go idle we flush x - will happen after ecore_evas's idle rendering as it's after ecore_evas_init() */ _e_main_idle_enterer_flusher = ecore_idle_enterer_add(_e_main_cb_x_flusher, NULL); e_managers_keys_grab(); /* ecore_x_ungrab(); */ TS("init properites"); if (!nostartup) { if (after_restart) e_startup(E_STARTUP_RESTART); else e_startup(E_STARTUP_START); } if (!((!e_config->show_splash) || (after_restart))) { ecore_timer_add(16.0, _e_main_cb_startup_fake_end, NULL); } e_container_all_thaw(); TS("test code"); /* run any testing code now we are set up */ e_test(); /* load modules */ e_init_status_set(_("Load Modules")); TS("load modules"); if (!safe_mode) e_module_all_load(); else { e_int_config_modules(e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get()), NULL); e_error_message_show (_("Enlightenment crashed early on start and has
" "been restarted. All modules have been disabled
" "and will not be loaded to help remove any problem
" "modules from your configuration. The module
" "configuration dialog should let you select your
" "modules again.")); e_util_dialog_show (_("Enlightenment crashed early on start and has been restarted"), _("Enlightenment crashed early on start and has been restarted.
" "All modules have been disabled and will not be loaded to help
" "remove any problem modules from your configuration.

" "The module configuration dialog should let you select your
" "modules again.")); e_config_save_queue(); } e_init_status_set(_("Configure Shelves")); TS("shelf config init"); e_shelf_config_init(); /* an idle enterer to be called after all others */ _e_main_idle_enterer_after = ecore_idle_enterer_add(_e_main_cb_idler_after, NULL); e_init_status_set(_("Almost Done")); TS("MAIN LOOP AT LAST"); /* no longer starting up */ starting = 0; /* start our main loop */ ecore_main_loop_begin(); e_canvas_idle_flush(); stopping = 1; /* ask all modules to save their config and then shutdown */ /* NB: no need to do this as config shutdown will flush any saves */ /* and all changed config was already saved before */ e_config_save_flush(); /* Store current selected desktops */ _e_main_desk_save(); /* unroll our stack of shutdown functions with exit code of 0 */ _e_main_shutdown(0); /* if we were flagged to restart, then restart. */ if (restart) { e_util_env_set("E_RESTART_OK", "1"); ecore_app_restart(); } e_prefix_shutdown(); /* just return 0 to keep the compiler quiet */ return 0; } /* FIXME: make safe to delete within a callback */ EAPI E_Before_Idler * e_main_idler_before_add(int (*func) (void *data), void *data, int once) { E_Before_Idler *eb; eb = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Before_Idler)); eb->func = func; eb->data = data; eb->once = once; _e_main_idler_before_list = evas_list_append(_e_main_idler_before_list, eb); return eb; } EAPI void e_main_idler_before_del(E_Before_Idler *eb) { eb->delete_me = 1; } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_main_shutdown_push(int (*func) (void)) { _e_main_level++; if (_e_main_level > MAX_LEVEL) { _e_main_level--; e_error_message_show("WARNING: too many init levels. MAX = %i", MAX_LEVEL); return; } _e_main_shutdown_func[_e_main_level - 1] = func; } static void _e_main_shutdown(int errorcode) { int i; printf("E17: Begin shutdown procedure!\n"); if (_e_main_idle_enterer_before) { ecore_idle_enterer_del(_e_main_idle_enterer_before); _e_main_idle_enterer_before = NULL; } if (_e_main_idle_enterer_after) { ecore_idle_enterer_del(_e_main_idle_enterer_after); _e_main_idle_enterer_after = NULL; } if (_e_main_idle_enterer_flusher) { ecore_idle_enterer_del(_e_main_idle_enterer_flusher); _e_main_idle_enterer_flusher = NULL; } for (i = _e_main_level - 1; i >= 0; i--) (*_e_main_shutdown_func[i])(); if (errorcode < 0) exit(errorcode); } static int _e_main_x_shutdown(void) { /* ecore_x_ungrab(); */ ecore_x_focus_reset(); ecore_x_events_allow_all(); ecore_x_shutdown(); return 1; } static int _e_main_dirs_init(void) { const char *homedir; char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *dirs[] = { "%s/.e", "%s/.e/e/", "%s/.e/e/images", "%s/.e/e/fonts", "%s/.e/e/themes", "%s/.e/e/init", "%s/.e/e/icons", "%s/.e/e/backgrounds", "%s/.e/e/applications", "%s/.e/e/applications/menu", "%s/.e/e/applications/menu/favorite", "%s/.e/e/applications/menu/all", "%s/.e/e/applications/bar", "%s/.e/e/applications/bar/default", "%s/.e/e/applications/startup", "%s/.e/e/applications/restart", "%s/.e/e/applications/trash", "%s/.e/e/modules", "%s/.e/e/config", "%s/.e/e/locale", "%s/.e/e/input_methods" }; int i; homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(dirs) / sizeof(char *)); i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), dirs[i], homedir); if (!ecore_file_mkdir(buf)) { if (!ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) { e_error_message_show("Error creating directory:\n" "%s", buf); return 0; } } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/applications", efreet_data_home_get()); if (!ecore_file_mkpath(buf)) { if (!ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) { e_error_message_show("Error creating directory:\n" "%s", buf); return 0; } } /* FIXME: THIS is a hack to get people started!!! */ /* err dont just disable it - replace it with a proper wizard tool */ /* outside e's main source to populate these directories from gnome/kde */ /* app menu data etc. */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/applications/bar/default/.order", homedir); if (!ecore_file_exists(buf)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "gzip -d -c < %s/data/other/desktop_files.tar.gz | " "(cd %s/applications/ ; tar -xkf -)", e_prefix_data_get(), efreet_data_home_get()); system(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "gzip -d -c < %s/data/other/desktop_order.tar.gz | " "(cd %s/.e/e/ ; tar -xkf -)", e_prefix_data_get(), homedir); system(buf); } /* FIXME: THIS is to get people started - shoudl be in a wizard */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/fileman/favorites", homedir); if (!ecore_file_exists(buf)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "gzip -d -c < %s/data/other/efm_favorites.tar.gz | " "(cd %s/.e/e/ ; tar -xkf -)", e_prefix_data_get(), homedir); system(buf); } return 1; } static int _e_main_dirs_shutdown(void) { return 1; } static int _e_main_screens_init(void) { Ecore_X_Window *roots; int num, i; TS("screens: atoms"); if (!e_atoms_init()) return 0; TS("screens: manager"); if (!e_manager_init()) return 0; TS("screens: container"); if (!e_container_init()) return 0; TS("screens: zone"); if (!e_zone_init()) return 0; TS("screens: desk"); if (!e_desk_init()) return 0; TS("screens: menu"); if (!e_menu_init()) return 0; TS("screens: exehist"); if (!e_exehist_init()) return 0; TS("screens: get roots"); num = 0; roots = ecore_x_window_root_list(&num); if ((!roots) || (num <= 0)) { e_error_message_show("X reports there are no root windows and %i screens!\n", num); return 0; } TS("screens: focus"); if (!e_focus_init()) return 0; TS("screens: border"); if (!e_border_init()) return 0; TS("screens: win"); if (!e_win_init()) return 0; TS("screens: manage roots"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { E_Manager *man; E_Container *con; man = e_manager_new(roots[i], i); if (man) e_manager_show(man); else { e_error_message_show("Cannot create manager object for screen %i\n", i); free(roots); return 0; } con = e_container_new(man); if (con) { e_container_show(con); e_grabinput_focus(con->bg_win, E_FOCUS_METHOD_PASSIVE); e_hints_manager_init(man); _e_main_desk_restore(man, con); e_manager_manage_windows(man); } else { e_error_message_show("Cannot create desktop object for manager on screen %i\n", i); free(roots); return 0; } } TS("screens: sync"); free(roots); ecore_x_sync(); return 1; } static int _e_main_screens_shutdown(void) { e_win_shutdown(); e_border_shutdown(); e_focus_shutdown(); e_exehist_shutdown(); e_menu_shutdown(); // ecore_evas closes evas - deletes objs - deletes fm widgets which tries to // ipc to slave to stop monitoring - but ipc has been shut down. dont shut // down. // e_desk_shutdown(); // e_zone_shutdown(); // e_container_shutdown(); // e_manager_shutdown(); e_atoms_shutdown(); return 1; } static int _e_main_path_init(void) { char buf[4096]; /* setup data paths */ path_data = e_path_new(); if (!path_data) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_data\n"); return 0; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_data, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_data, &(e_config->path_append_data)); /* setup image paths */ path_images = e_path_new(); if (!path_images) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_images\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_images, "~/.e/e/images"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/images", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_images, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_images, &(e_config->path_append_images)); /* setup font paths */ path_fonts = e_path_new(); if (!path_fonts) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_fonts\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_fonts, "~/.e/e/fonts"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/fonts", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_fonts, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_fonts, &(e_config->path_append_fonts)); /* setup theme paths */ path_themes = e_path_new(); if (!path_themes) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_themes\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_themes, "~/.e/e/themes"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/themes", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_themes, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_themes, &(e_config->path_append_themes)); /* setup icon paths */ path_icons = e_path_new(); if (!path_icons) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_icons\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_icons, "~/.e/e/icons"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/icons", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_icons, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_icons, &(e_config->path_append_icons)); /* setup init paths */ path_init = e_path_new(); if (!path_init) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_init\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_init, "~/.e/e/init"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/data/init", e_prefix_data_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_init, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_init, &(e_config->path_append_init)); /* setup module paths */ path_modules = e_path_new(); if (!path_modules) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_modules\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_modules, "~/.e/e/modules"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/modules", e_prefix_lib_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_modules, buf); /* FIXME: eventually this has to go - moduels shoudl have installers that * add appropriate install paths (if not installed to user homedir) to * e's module search dirs */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/enlightenment/modules_extra", e_prefix_lib_get()); e_path_default_path_append(path_modules, buf); e_path_user_path_set(path_modules, &(e_config->path_append_modules)); /* setup background paths */ path_backgrounds = e_path_new(); if (!path_backgrounds) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_backgrounds\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_backgrounds, "~/.e/e/backgrounds"); e_path_user_path_set(path_backgrounds, &(e_config->path_append_backgrounds)); path_messages = e_path_new(); if (!path_messages) { e_error_message_show("Cannot allocate path for path_messages\n"); return 0; } e_path_default_path_append(path_messages, "~/.e/e/locale"); e_path_default_path_append(path_messages, e_prefix_locale_get()); e_path_user_path_set(path_messages, &(e_config->path_append_messages)); return 1; } static int _e_main_path_shutdown(void) { if (path_data) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_data)); path_data = NULL; } if (path_images) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_images)); path_images = NULL; } if (path_fonts) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_fonts)); path_fonts = NULL; } if (path_themes) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_themes)); path_themes = NULL; } if (path_icons) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_icons)); path_icons = NULL; } if (path_init) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_init)); path_init = NULL; } if (path_modules) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_modules)); path_modules = NULL; } if (path_backgrounds) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_backgrounds)); path_backgrounds = NULL; } if (path_messages) { e_object_del(E_OBJECT(path_messages)); path_messages = NULL; } return 1; } static void _e_main_cb_x_fatal(void *data __UNUSED__) { e_error_message_show("Lost X connection."); ecore_main_loop_quit(); } static int _e_main_cb_signal_exit(void *data __UNUSED__, int ev_type __UNUSED__, void *ev __UNUSED__) { /* called on ctrl-c, kill (pid) (also SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGQIT) */ if (!e_util_immortal_check()) ecore_main_loop_quit(); return 1; } static int _e_main_cb_signal_hup(void *data __UNUSED__, int ev_type __UNUSED__, void *ev __UNUSED__) { /* called on SIGHUP to restart Enlightenment */ restart = 1; ecore_main_loop_quit(); return 1; } static int _e_main_cb_x_flusher(void *data __UNUSED__) { eet_clearcache(); ecore_x_flush(); return 1; } static int _e_main_cb_idler_before(void *data __UNUSED__) { Evas_List *l, *pl; e_menu_idler_before(); e_focus_idler_before(); e_border_idler_before(); e_popup_idler_before(); e_drag_idler_before(); e_pointer_idler_before(); for (l = _e_main_idler_before_list; l; l = l->next) { E_Before_Idler *eb; eb = l->data; if (!eb->delete_me) { if (!eb->func(eb->data)) eb->delete_me = 1; } } for (l = _e_main_idler_before_list; l;) { E_Before_Idler *eb; eb = l->data; pl = l; l = l->next; if ((eb->once) || (eb->delete_me)) { _e_main_idler_before_list = evas_list_remove_list(_e_main_idler_before_list, pl); free(eb); } } _e_cacheburst--; /* eet_cacheburst(_e_cacheburst); */ edje_thaw(); return 1; } static int _e_main_cb_idler_after(void *data __UNUSED__) { edje_freeze(); _e_cacheburst++; /* eet_cacheburst(_e_cacheburst); */ { static int first_idle = 1; if (first_idle) { TS("SLEEP"); first_idle = 0; e_precache_end = 1; } } return 1; } static int _e_main_cb_eet_cacheburst_end(void *data __UNUSED__) { _e_cacheburst--; /* eet_cacheburst(_e_cacheburst); */ return 0; } static int _e_main_cb_startup_fake_end(void *data __UNUSED__) { e_init_hide(); return 0; } static void _e_main_desk_save(void) { Evas_List *ml; char env[1024]; char name[1024]; for (ml = e_manager_list(); ml; ml = ml->next) { E_Manager *man; Evas_List *cl; man = ml->data; for (cl = man->containers; cl; cl = cl->next) { E_Container *con; Evas_List *zl; con = cl->data; for (zl = con->zones; zl; zl = zl->next) { E_Zone *zone; zone = zl->data; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "DESK_%d_%d_%d", man->num, con->num, zone->num); snprintf(env, sizeof(env), "%d,%d", zone->desk_x_current, zone->desk_y_current); e_util_env_set(name, env); } } } } static void _e_main_desk_restore(E_Manager *man, E_Container *con) { Evas_List *zl; char *env; char name[1024]; for (zl = con->zones; zl; zl = zl->next) { E_Zone *zone; E_Desk *desk; int desk_x, desk_y; zone = zl->data; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "DESK_%d_%d_%d", man->num, con->num, zone->num); env = getenv(name); if (!env) continue; if (!sscanf(env, "%d,%d", &desk_x, &desk_y)) continue; desk = e_desk_at_xy_get(zone, desk_x, desk_y); if (!desk) continue; e_desk_show(desk); } }