#include "e.h" /* TODO List: * * * support change of menu items after realize * * support add/del of menu items after realize * * support text/color classes * * refcount menu up while looping thru and calling other fn's * * support alignment (x, y) as well as spawn direction * * need different menu style support for different menus * * add menu icon/title support * * support shaped menu windows * * use event timestamps not clock for "click and release" detect * * menu icons can set if/how they will be scaled * * support move/resize of "box" that spawned the menu * * add image item (label is replaced by image/icon) * * add generic evas object item type (label replaced by object) * * allow menus to stretch width/height to fit spawner widget/box * * allow menus to auto-shrink (horizontally) if forced to * * support auto left/right direction spawn * * support menu icons supplied as edjes, not just image files * * support obscures to indicate offs-creen/not visible menu parts */ /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_menu_free (E_Menu *m); static void _e_menu_item_free (E_Menu_Item *mi); static void _e_menu_item_realize (E_Menu_Item *mi); static void _e_menu_realize (E_Menu *m); static void _e_menu_items_layout_update (E_Menu *m); static void _e_menu_item_unrealize (E_Menu_Item *mi); static void _e_menu_unrealize (E_Menu *m); static void _e_menu_activate_internal (E_Menu *m, E_Container *con); static void _e_menu_deactivate_all (void); static void _e_menu_deactivate_above (E_Menu *m); static void _e_menu_submenu_activate (E_Menu_Item *mi); static void _e_menu_reposition (E_Menu *m); static int _e_menu_active_call (void); static void _e_menu_item_activate_next (void); static void _e_menu_item_activate_previous (void); static void _e_menu_activate_next (void); static void _e_menu_activate_previous (void); static void _e_menu_activate_first (void); static void _e_menu_activate_nth (int n); static E_Menu *_e_menu_active_get (void); static E_Menu_Item *_e_menu_item_active_get (void); static int _e_menu_outside_bounds_get (int xdir, int ydir); static void _e_menu_scroll_by (int dx, int dy); static void _e_menu_mouse_autoscroll_check (void); static void _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen (E_Menu_Item *mi); static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_move (void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_resize (void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h); static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_move (void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_resize (void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h); static void _e_menu_cb_ecore_evas_resize (Ecore_Evas *ee); static void _e_menu_cb_item_in (void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static void _e_menu_cb_item_out (void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); static int _e_menu_cb_key_down (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_key_up (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_down (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_up (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_move (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_wheel (void *data, int type, void *event); static int _e_menu_cb_scroll_timer (void *data); /* local subsystem globals */ static Ecore_X_Window _e_menu_win = 0; static Evas_List *_e_active_menus = NULL; static double _e_menu_activate_time = 0.0; static Ecore_Timer *_e_menu_scroll_timer = NULL; static double _e_menu_scroll_start = 0.0; static int _e_menu_x = 0; static int _e_menu_y = 0; static Ecore_X_Time _e_menu_time = 0; static int _e_menu_autoscroll_x = 0; static int _e_menu_autoscroll_y = 0; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_key_down_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_key_up_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_mouse_down_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_mouse_up_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_mouse_move_handler = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_menu_mouse_wheel_handler = NULL; /* externally accessible functions */ int e_menu_init(void) { _e_menu_key_down_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _e_menu_cb_key_down, NULL); _e_menu_key_up_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_KEY_UP, _e_menu_cb_key_up, NULL); _e_menu_mouse_down_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN, _e_menu_cb_mouse_down, NULL); _e_menu_mouse_up_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP, _e_menu_cb_mouse_up, NULL); _e_menu_mouse_move_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, _e_menu_cb_mouse_move, NULL); _e_menu_mouse_wheel_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_X_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL, _e_menu_cb_mouse_wheel, NULL); return 1; } int e_menu_shutdown(void) { E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_key_down_handler); E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_key_up_handler); E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_mouse_down_handler); E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_mouse_up_handler); E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_mouse_move_handler); E_FN_DEL(ecore_event_handler_del, _e_menu_mouse_wheel_handler); if (_e_active_menus) { E_Menu *m; m = _e_active_menus->data; m->active = 0; _e_menu_unrealize(m); evas_list_free(_e_active_menus); _e_active_menus = NULL; } return 1; } E_Menu * e_menu_new(void) { E_Menu *m; m = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(E_Menu, _e_menu_free); if (!m) return NULL; m->cur.w = 1; m->cur.h = 1; return m; } void e_menu_activate_key(E_Menu *m, E_Container *con, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dir) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); E_OBJECT_CHECK(con); _e_menu_activate_time = 0.0; _e_menu_activate_internal(m, con); m->cur.x = 200; m->cur.y = 200; _e_menu_activate_first(); } void e_menu_activate_mouse(E_Menu *m, E_Container *con, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dir) { E_Menu_Item *pmi; E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); E_OBJECT_CHECK(con); _e_menu_activate_time = ecore_time_get(); _e_menu_activate_internal(m, con); m->cur.x = x; m->cur.y = y; pmi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (pmi) e_menu_item_active_set(pmi, 0); } void e_menu_activate(E_Menu *m, E_Container *con, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dir) { E_Menu_Item *pmi; E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); E_OBJECT_CHECK(con); _e_menu_activate_time = 0.0; _e_menu_activate_internal(m, con); m->cur.x = x; m->cur.y = y; pmi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (pmi) e_menu_item_active_set(pmi, 0); } void e_menu_deactivate(E_Menu *m) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); m->cur.visible = 0; m->active = 0; if (m->post_deactivate_cb.func) m->post_deactivate_cb.func(m->post_deactivate_cb.data, m); } int e_menu_freeze(E_Menu *m) { E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(m, 0); m->frozen++; return m->frozen; } int e_menu_thaw(E_Menu *m) { E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(m, 0); m->frozen--; if (m->frozen < 0) m->frozen = 0; return m->frozen; } void e_menu_title_set(E_Menu *m, char *title) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); /* FIXME: support menu titles */ if ((m->header.title) && (title) && (!strcmp(m->header.title, title))) return; if (m->header.title) { free(m->header.title); m->header.title = NULL; } if (title) m->header.title = strdup(title); else m->header.title = NULL; m->changed = 1; } void e_menu_icon_file_set(E_Menu *m, char *icon) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); /* FIXME: support menu icons */ } void e_menu_pre_activate_callback_set(E_Menu *m, void (*func) (void *data, E_Menu *m), void *data) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); m->pre_activate_cb.func = func; m->pre_activate_cb.data = data; } void e_menu_post_deactivate_callback_set(E_Menu *m, void (*func) (void *data, E_Menu *m), void *data) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(m); m->post_deactivate_cb.func = func; m->post_deactivate_cb.data = data; } E_Menu_Item * e_menu_item_new(E_Menu *m) { E_Menu_Item *mi; E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(m, NULL); mi = E_OBJECT_ALLOC(E_Menu_Item, _e_menu_item_free); mi->menu = m; mi->menu->items = evas_list_append(mi->menu->items, mi); return mi; } E_Menu_Item * e_menu_item_nth(E_Menu *m, int n) { E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(m, NULL); return (E_Menu_Item *)evas_list_nth(m->items, n); } int e_menu_item_num_get(E_Menu_Item *mi) { Evas_List *l; int i; E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(mi, -1); for (i = 0, l = mi->menu->items; l; l = l->next, i++) { E_Menu_Item *mi2; mi2 = l->data; if (mi2 == mi) return i; } return -1; } void e_menu_item_icon_file_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, char *icon) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->icon) && (icon) && (!strcmp(icon, mi->icon))) || ((!mi->icon) && (!icon))) return; if (mi->icon) free(mi->icon); if (mi->icon_key) free(mi->icon_key); mi->icon = NULL; mi->icon_key = NULL; if (icon) mi->icon = strdup(icon); mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_icon_edje_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, char *icon, char *key) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->icon) && (icon) && (!strcmp(icon, mi->icon))) || ((!mi->icon) && (!icon)) || ((key) && (mi->icon_key) && (!strcmp(key, mi->icon_key)))) return; if (mi->icon) free(mi->icon); if (mi->icon_key) free(mi->icon_key); mi->icon = NULL; mi->icon_key = NULL; if (icon) mi->icon = strdup(icon); if (key) mi->icon_key = strdup(key); mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_label_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, char *label) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->label) && (label) && (!strcmp(label, mi->label))) || ((!mi->label) && (!label))) return; if (mi->label) free(mi->label); mi->label = NULL; if (label) mi->label = strdup(label); mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_submenu_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, E_Menu *sub) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (mi->submenu) e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(mi->submenu)); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(sub)); mi->submenu = sub; mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_separator_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int sep) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->separator) && (sep)) || (!mi->separator) && (!sep)) return; mi->separator = sep; mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_check_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int chk) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->check) && (chk)) || (!mi->check) && (!chk)) return; mi->check = chk; mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_radio_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int rad) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (((mi->radio) && (rad)) || (!mi->radio) && (!rad)) return; mi->radio = rad; mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_radio_group_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int radg) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if ((mi->radio_group) == (radg)) return; mi->radio_group = radg; mi->changed = 1; mi->menu->changed = 1; } void e_menu_item_toggle_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int tog) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (mi->separator) return; if (tog) { mi->toggle = 1; if (mi->bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->bg_object, "toggle_on", ""); if (mi->icon_bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->icon_bg_object, "toggle_on", ""); if (mi->label_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->label_object, "toggle_on", ""); if (mi->submenu_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->submenu_object, "toggle_on", ""); if (mi->toggle_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->toggle_object, "toggle_on", ""); edje_object_signal_emit(mi->menu->bg_object, "toggle_on", ""); } else { mi->toggle = 0; if (mi->bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->bg_object, "toggle_off", ""); if (mi->icon_bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->icon_bg_object, "toggle_off", ""); if (mi->label_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->label_object, "toggle_off", ""); if (mi->submenu_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->submenu_object, "toggle_off", ""); if (mi->toggle_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->toggle_object, "toggle_off", ""); edje_object_signal_emit(mi->menu->bg_object, "toggle_off", ""); } if (tog) { if (mi->radio) { Evas_List *l; for (l = mi->menu->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi2; mi2 = l->data; if ((mi2 != mi) && (mi2->radio) && (mi2->radio_group == mi->radio_group)) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi2, 0); } } } } int e_menu_item_toggle_get(E_Menu_Item *mi) { E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(mi, 0); return mi->toggle; } void e_menu_item_callback_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, void (*func) (void *data, E_Menu *m, E_Menu_Item *mi), void *data) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); mi->cb.func = func; mi->cb.data = data; } void e_menu_item_active_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, int active) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(mi); if (mi->separator) return; if (active) { E_Menu_Item *pmi; pmi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (pmi) e_menu_item_active_set(pmi, 0); mi->active = 1; if (mi->bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->bg_object, "active", ""); if (mi->icon_bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->icon_bg_object, "active", ""); if (mi->label_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->label_object, "active", ""); if (mi->submenu_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->submenu_object, "active", ""); if (mi->toggle_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->toggle_object, "active", ""); edje_object_signal_emit(mi->menu->bg_object, "active", ""); _e_menu_submenu_activate(mi); } else { mi->active = 0; if (mi->bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->bg_object, "passive", ""); if (mi->icon_bg_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->icon_bg_object, "passive", ""); if (mi->label_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->label_object, "passive", ""); if (mi->submenu_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->submenu_object, "passive", ""); if (mi->toggle_object) edje_object_signal_emit(mi->toggle_object, "passive", ""); edje_object_signal_emit(mi->menu->bg_object, "passive", ""); } } void e_menu_idler_before(void) { /* when e goes "idle" this gets called so leave all our hard work till */ /* idle time to avoid falling behind the user. just evaluate the high */ /* level state machine */ Evas_List *l, *removals = NULL, *tmp = NULL; /* add refcount to all menus we will work with */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { tmp = evas_list_append(tmp, l->data); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(l->data)); } /* phase 1. hide all the menus that want to be hidden */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if ((!m->cur.visible) && (m->prev.visible)) { m->prev.visible = m->cur.visible; ecore_evas_hide(m->ecore_evas); e_container_shape_hide(m->shape); } } /* phase 2. move & reisze all the menus that want to moves/resized */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if (!m->realized) _e_menu_realize(m); if (m->realized) { if (((m->cur.w) != (m->prev.w)) || ((m->cur.h) != (m->prev.h))) { m->prev.w = m->cur.w; m->prev.h = m->cur.h; ecore_evas_resize(m->ecore_evas, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); e_container_shape_resize(m->shape, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); // evas_obscured_clear(m->evas); // evas_obscured_rectangle_add(m->evas, 0, 0, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); } if (((m->cur.x) != (m->prev.x)) || ((m->cur.y) != (m->prev.y))) { m->prev.x = m->cur.x; m->prev.y = m->cur.y; ecore_evas_move(m->ecore_evas, m->cur.x, m->cur.y); e_container_shape_move(m->shape, m->cur.x, m->cur.y); } } } /* phase 3. show all the menus that want to be shown */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if ((m->cur.visible) && (!m->prev.visible)) { m->prev.visible = m->cur.visible; ecore_evas_raise(m->ecore_evas); ecore_evas_show(m->ecore_evas); e_container_shape_show(m->shape); } } /* phase 4. de-activate... */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if (!m->active) { _e_menu_unrealize(m); removals = evas_list_append(removals, m); } } while (removals) { E_Menu *m; m = removals->data; removals = evas_list_remove(removals, m); if (m->in_active_list) { _e_active_menus = evas_list_remove(_e_active_menus, m); m->in_active_list = 0; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } } /* del refcount to all menus we worked with */ while (tmp) { e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(tmp->data)); tmp = evas_list_remove_list(tmp, tmp); } if (!_e_active_menus) { ecore_x_window_del(_e_menu_win); _e_menu_win = 0; } } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_menu_free(E_Menu *m) { _e_menu_unrealize(m); while (m->items) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = m->items->data; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(mi)); } if (m->in_active_list) { _e_active_menus = evas_list_remove(_e_active_menus, m); m->in_active_list = 0; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } free(m); } static void _e_menu_item_free(E_Menu_Item *mi) { if (mi->submenu) { mi->submenu->parent_item = NULL; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(mi->submenu)); } if (mi->menu->realized) _e_menu_item_unrealize(mi); mi->menu->items = evas_list_remove(mi->menu->items, mi); if (mi->icon) free(mi->icon); if (mi->label) free(mi->label); free(mi); } static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_move(void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = data; mi->x = x; mi->y = y; evas_object_move(mi->event_object, x, y); evas_object_move(o, x, y); if ((mi->submenu) && (mi->submenu->parent_item)) _e_menu_reposition(mi->submenu); } static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_resize(void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = data; mi->w = w; mi->h = h; evas_object_resize(mi->event_object, w, h); evas_object_resize(o, w, h); if ((mi->submenu) && (mi->submenu->parent_item)) _e_menu_reposition(mi->submenu); } static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_move(void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { E_Menu *m; m = data; m->container_x = x; m->container_y = y; if (m->parent_item) _e_menu_reposition(m); evas_object_move(o, x, y); } static void _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_resize(void *data, Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { E_Menu *m; m = data; m->container_w = w; m->container_h = h; if (m->parent_item) _e_menu_reposition(m); evas_object_resize(o, w, h); } static void _e_menu_item_realize(E_Menu_Item *mi) { Evas_Object *o; Evas_Coord ww, hh; /* and set up initial item state */ if (mi->separator) { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->separator_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/separator"); evas_object_show(o); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->separator_object, &ww, &hh); mi->separator_w = ww; mi->separator_h = hh; e_box_pack_end(mi->menu->container_object, mi->separator_object); } else { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->bg_object = o; evas_object_intercept_move_callback_add (o, _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_move, mi); evas_object_intercept_resize_callback_add(o, _e_menu_cb_intercept_item_resize, mi); if (mi->submenu) { if (!edje_object_file_set(mi->bg_object, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/submenu_bg")) goto no_submenu_item; } else { no_submenu_item: edje_object_file_set(mi->bg_object, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/item_bg"); } evas_object_show(o); o = e_box_add(mi->menu->evas); e_box_homogenous_set(o, 0); mi->container_object = o; e_box_orientation_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); e_box_freeze(mi->container_object); if (mi->check) { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->toggle_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/check"); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->toggle_object, &ww, &hh); mi->toggle_w = ww; mi->toggle_h = hh; } else if (mi->radio) { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->toggle_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/radio"); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->toggle_object, &ww, &hh); mi->toggle_w = ww; mi->toggle_h = hh; } else { o = evas_object_rectangle_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->toggle_object = o; evas_object_color_set(o, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); } if (mi->icon) { int icon_w, icon_h; o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); if (edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/icon")) { mi->icon_bg_object = o; evas_object_show(o); } else evas_object_del(o); if (!mi->icon_key) { o = e_icon_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->icon_object = o; e_icon_file_set(o, mi->icon); e_icon_fill_inside_set(o, 1); e_icon_size_get(mi->icon_object, &icon_w, &icon_h); } else { Evas_Coord iww, ihh; o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->icon_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, mi->icon, mi->icon_key); edje_object_size_max_get(o, &iww, &ihh); icon_w = iww; icon_h = ihh; } evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); if (mi->icon_bg_object) { edje_extern_object_min_size_set(mi->icon_object, icon_w, icon_h); edje_object_part_swallow(mi->icon_bg_object, "item", mi->icon_object); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->icon_bg_object, &ww, &hh); mi->icon_w = ww; mi->icon_h = hh; edje_extern_object_min_size_set(mi->icon_object, 0, 0); edje_object_part_swallow(mi->icon_bg_object, "item", mi->icon_object); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, mi->icon_bg_object); } else { e_icon_size_get(mi->icon_object, &icon_w, &icon_h); mi->icon_w = icon_w; mi->icon_h = icon_h; e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); } } else { o = evas_object_rectangle_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->icon_object = o; evas_object_color_set(o, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); } if (mi->label) { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->label_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/label"); /* default label */ edje_object_part_text_set(o, "label", mi->label); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->label_object, &ww, &hh); mi->label_w = ww; mi->label_h = hh; } else { o = evas_object_rectangle_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->label_object = o; evas_object_color_set(o, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); } if (mi->submenu) { o = edje_object_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->submenu_object = o; edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/submenu"); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_show(o); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->submenu_object, &ww, &hh); mi->submenu_w = ww; mi->submenu_h = hh; } else { o = evas_object_rectangle_add(mi->menu->evas); mi->submenu_object = o; evas_object_color_set(o, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_pass_events_set(o, 1); e_box_pack_end(mi->container_object, o); } edje_object_part_swallow(mi->bg_object, "item", mi->container_object); o = evas_object_rectangle_add(mi->menu->evas); evas_object_color_set(o, 0, 0, 0, 0); evas_object_layer_set(o, 1); evas_object_repeat_events_set(o, 1); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN, _e_menu_cb_item_in, mi); evas_object_event_callback_add(o, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT, _e_menu_cb_item_out, mi); evas_object_show(o); mi->event_object = o; e_box_thaw(mi->container_object); e_box_pack_end(mi->menu->container_object, mi->bg_object); } if (mi->active) e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); if (mi->toggle) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); } static void _e_menu_realize(E_Menu *m) { Evas_Object *o; Evas_List *l; if (m->realized) return; m->realized = 1; m->ecore_evas = ecore_evas_software_x11_new(NULL, m->con->win, m->cur.x, m->cur.y, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); e_canvas_add(m->ecore_evas); m->shape = e_container_shape_add(m->con); e_container_shape_move(m->shape, m->cur.x, m->cur.y); e_container_shape_resize(m->shape, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(m->ecore_evas, _e_menu_cb_ecore_evas_resize); m->evas = ecore_evas_get(m->ecore_evas); /* move cursor out to avoid event cycles during setup */ evas_event_feed_mouse_in(m->evas, NULL); evas_event_feed_mouse_move(m->evas, -1000000, -1000000, NULL); m->evas_win = ecore_evas_software_x11_window_get(m->ecore_evas); ecore_evas_name_class_set(m->ecore_evas, "E", "_e_menu_window"); ecore_evas_title_set(m->ecore_evas, "E Menu"); ecore_evas_show(m->ecore_evas); e_path_evas_append(path_fonts, m->evas); o = edje_object_add(m->evas); m->bg_object = o; evas_object_name_set(o, "menu/background"); evas_object_data_set(o, "e_menu", m); evas_object_move(o, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(o, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); edje_object_file_set(o, /* FIXME: "default.eet" needs to come from conf */ e_path_find(path_themes, "default.eet"), "widgets/menu/default/background"); evas_object_show(o); o = e_box_add(m->evas); m->container_object = o; evas_object_intercept_move_callback_add (o, _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_move, m); evas_object_intercept_resize_callback_add(o, _e_menu_cb_intercept_container_resize, m); e_box_freeze(o); evas_object_show(o); e_box_homogenous_set(o, 0); edje_object_part_swallow(m->bg_object, "items", m->container_object); for (l = m->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; _e_menu_item_realize(mi); } o = m->container_object; _e_menu_items_layout_update(m); e_box_thaw(o); evas_object_resize(m->bg_object, m->cur.w, m->cur.h); } static void _e_menu_items_layout_update(E_Menu *m) { Evas_List *l; Evas_Coord bw, bh, mw, mh, ww, hh; int toggles_on = 0; int icons_on = 0; int labels_on = 0; int submenus_on = 0; int min_icon_w = 0, min_icon_h = 0; int min_label_w = 0, min_label_h = 0; int min_submenu_w = 0, min_submenu_h = 0; int min_toggle_w = 0, min_toggle_h = 0; int min_w = 0, min_h = 0; e_box_freeze(m->container_object); for (l = m->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; if (mi->icon) icons_on = 1; if (mi->label) labels_on = 1; if (mi->submenu) submenus_on = 1; if (mi->check) toggles_on = 1; if (mi->radio) toggles_on = 1; if (mi->icon_w > min_icon_w) min_icon_w = mi->icon_w; if (mi->icon_h > min_icon_h) min_icon_h = mi->icon_h; if (mi->label_w > min_label_w) min_label_w = mi->label_w; if (mi->label_h > min_label_h) min_label_h = mi->label_h; if (mi->submenu_w > min_submenu_w) min_submenu_w = mi->submenu_w; if (mi->submenu_h > min_submenu_h) min_submenu_h = mi->submenu_h; if (mi->toggle_w > min_toggle_w) min_toggle_w = mi->toggle_w; if (mi->toggle_h > min_toggle_h) min_toggle_h = mi->toggle_h; } if (labels_on) { if (submenus_on) { if (min_label_h < min_submenu_h) min_label_h = min_submenu_h; } if (toggles_on) { if (min_label_h < min_toggle_h) min_label_h = min_toggle_h; } if ((icons_on) && (min_icon_h > 0)) { min_icon_w = (min_icon_w * min_label_h) / min_icon_h; min_icon_h = min_label_h; } min_w = min_label_w + min_icon_w + min_submenu_w + min_toggle_w; min_h = min_label_h; } else if (icons_on) { if (submenus_on) { if (min_icon_h < min_submenu_h) min_icon_h = min_submenu_h; } if (toggles_on) { if (min_icon_h < min_toggle_h) min_icon_h = min_toggle_h; } min_w = min_icon_w + min_toggle_w + min_submenu_w; min_h = min_icon_h; } else if (toggles_on) { if (submenus_on) { if (min_toggle_h < min_submenu_h) min_toggle_h = min_submenu_h; } min_w = min_toggle_w + min_submenu_w; min_h = min_toggle_h; } for (l = m->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; if (mi->separator) { e_box_pack_options_set(mi->separator_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 1, 0, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ mi->separator_w, mi->separator_h, /* min */ -1, mi->separator_h /* max */ ); } else { e_box_freeze(mi->container_object); if (toggles_on) e_box_pack_options_set(mi->toggle_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ min_toggle_w, min_toggle_h, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); else e_box_pack_options_set(mi->toggle_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 0, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ 0, 0, /* min */ 0, 0 /* max */ ); if (icons_on) { if (mi->icon_bg_object) e_box_pack_options_set(mi->icon_bg_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ min_icon_w, min_icon_h, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); else e_box_pack_options_set(mi->icon_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ min_icon_w, min_icon_h, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); } else e_box_pack_options_set(mi->icon_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ 0, 0, /* min */ 0, 0 /* max */ ); if (labels_on) e_box_pack_options_set(mi->label_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ min_label_w, min_label_h, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); else e_box_pack_options_set(mi->label_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 0, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ 0, 0, /* min */ 0, 0 /* max */ ); if (submenus_on) e_box_pack_options_set(mi->submenu_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 1, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ min_submenu_w, min_submenu_h, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); else e_box_pack_options_set(mi->submenu_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 0, 0, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ 0, 0, /* min */ 0, 0 /* max */ ); edje_extern_object_min_size_set(mi->container_object, min_w, min_h); edje_object_part_swallow(mi->bg_object, "item", mi->container_object); edje_object_size_min_calc(mi->bg_object, &mw, &mh); e_box_pack_options_set(mi->bg_object, 1, 1, /* fill */ 1, 0, /* expand */ 0.5, 0.5, /* align */ mw, mh, /* min */ -1, -1 /* max */ ); e_box_thaw(mi->container_object); } } e_box_min_size_get(m->container_object, &bw, &bh); edje_extern_object_min_size_set(m->container_object, bw, bh); edje_extern_object_max_size_set(m->container_object, bw, bh); edje_object_part_swallow(m->bg_object, "items", m->container_object); edje_object_size_min_calc(m->bg_object, &mw, &mh); e_box_thaw(m->container_object); m->cur.w = mw; m->cur.h = mh; } static void _e_menu_item_unrealize(E_Menu_Item *mi) { if (mi->separator_object) evas_object_del(mi->separator_object); mi->separator_object = NULL; if (mi->bg_object) evas_object_del(mi->bg_object); mi->bg_object = NULL; if (mi->container_object) evas_object_del(mi->container_object); mi->container_object = NULL; if (mi->toggle_object) evas_object_del(mi->toggle_object); mi->toggle_object = NULL; if (mi->icon_bg_object) evas_object_del(mi->icon_bg_object); mi->icon_bg_object = NULL; if (mi->icon_object) evas_object_del(mi->icon_object); mi->icon_object = NULL; if (mi->label_object) evas_object_del(mi->label_object); mi->label_object = NULL; if (mi->submenu_object) evas_object_del(mi->submenu_object); mi->submenu_object = NULL; if (mi->event_object) evas_object_del(mi->event_object); mi->event_object = NULL; } static void _e_menu_unrealize(E_Menu *m) { Evas_List *l; if (!m->realized) return; e_container_shape_hide(m->shape); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(m->shape)); m->shape = NULL; for (l = m->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; _e_menu_item_unrealize(mi); } if (m->header.icon) evas_object_del(m->header.icon); m->header.icon = NULL; if (m->bg_object) evas_object_del(m->bg_object); m->bg_object = NULL; if (m->container_object) evas_object_del(m->container_object); m->container_object = NULL; m->cur.visible = 0; m->prev.visible = 0; m->realized = 0; m->con = NULL; e_canvas_del(m->ecore_evas); ecore_evas_free(m->ecore_evas); m->ecore_evas = NULL; m->evas = NULL; m->evas_win = 0; } static void _e_menu_activate_internal(E_Menu *m, E_Container *con) { if (m->pre_activate_cb.func) m->pre_activate_cb.func(m->pre_activate_cb.data, m); m->fast_mouse = 0; m->pending_new_submenu = 0; if (!_e_menu_win) { _e_menu_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(con->win, 0, 0, con->w, con->h); ecore_x_window_show(_e_menu_win); /* need menu event win (input win) and grab to that */ ecore_x_pointer_grab(_e_menu_win); ecore_x_keyboard_grab(_e_menu_win); } if ((m->con) && (m->con != con)) { printf("FIXME: cannot move menus between containers yet\n"); return; } if (!m->active) { /* this remove is in case the menu is marked as inactive but hasnt */ /* been removed from the list yet */ if (m->in_active_list) { _e_active_menus = evas_list_remove(_e_active_menus, m); m->in_active_list = 0; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } _e_active_menus = evas_list_append(_e_active_menus, m); m->in_active_list = 1; m->active = 1; e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(m)); } m->cur.visible = 1; m->con = con; } static void _e_menu_deactivate_all(void) { Evas_List *l, *tmp = NULL; for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(l->data)); tmp = evas_list_append(tmp, l->data); } while (tmp) { E_Menu *m; m = tmp->data; tmp = evas_list_remove_list(tmp, tmp); e_menu_deactivate(m); m->parent_item = NULL; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } } static void _e_menu_deactivate_above(E_Menu *ma) { Evas_List *l, *tmp = NULL; int above = 0; for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(l->data)); tmp = evas_list_append(tmp, l->data); } while (tmp) { E_Menu *m; m = tmp->data; tmp = evas_list_remove_list(tmp, tmp); if (above) { e_menu_deactivate(m); m->parent_item = NULL; } if (ma == m) above = 1; e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } } static void _e_menu_submenu_activate(E_Menu_Item *mi) { if (!mi->menu->active) return; if (mi->menu->fast_mouse) { mi->menu->pending_new_submenu = 1; return; } mi->menu->pending_new_submenu = 0; _e_menu_deactivate_above(mi->menu); if (mi->submenu) { E_Menu *m; m = mi->submenu; e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(m)); m->parent_item = mi; _e_menu_activate_internal(m, mi->menu->con); _e_menu_reposition(m); e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(m)); } } static void _e_menu_reposition(E_Menu *m) { Evas_List *l, *tmp = NULL; if (!m->parent_item) return; m->cur.x = m->parent_item->menu->cur.x + m->parent_item->menu->cur.w; m->cur.y = m->parent_item->menu->cur.y + m->parent_item->y - m->container_y; /* FIXME: this will suck for big menus */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { tmp = evas_list_append(tmp, l->data); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(l->data)); } for (l = m->items; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = l->data; if ((mi->active) && (mi->submenu)) _e_menu_reposition(mi->submenu); } while (tmp) { e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(tmp->data)); tmp = evas_list_remove_list(tmp, tmp); } } static int _e_menu_active_call(void) { Evas_List *l, *ll; /* FIXME: inefficient. should track current menu and active item */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; for (ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (mi->active) { if (mi->submenu) return 0; if (mi->check) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, !mi->toggle); if ((mi->radio) && (!e_menu_item_toggle_get(mi))) e_menu_item_toggle_set(mi, 1); if (mi->cb.func) mi->cb.func(mi->cb.data, m, mi); return 1; } } } return -1; } static void _e_menu_item_activate_next(void) { E_Menu *m; /* FIXME: inefficient. should track current menu and active item */ m = _e_menu_active_get(); if (m) { Evas_List *ll; for (ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (mi->active) { if (ll->next) { ll = ll->next; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->next)) { ll = ll->next; mi = ll->data; } if ((mi->separator) && (!ll->next)) { ll = m->items; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->next)) { ll = ll->next; mi = ll->data; } } e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } else { ll = m->items; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->next)) { ll = ll->next; mi = ll->data; } e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } return; } } } _e_menu_activate_first(); } static void _e_menu_item_activate_previous(void) { E_Menu *m; /* FIXME: inefficient. should track current menu and active item */ m = _e_menu_active_get(); if (m) { Evas_List *ll; for (ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (mi->active) { if (ll->prev) { ll = ll->prev; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->prev)) { ll = ll->prev; mi = ll->data; } if ((mi->separator) && (!ll->prev)) { ll = m->items; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->prev)) { ll = ll->prev; mi = ll->data; } } e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } else { ll = m->items->last; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->prev)) { ll = ll->prev; mi = ll->data; } e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } return; } } } _e_menu_activate_first(); } static void _e_menu_activate_next(void) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (mi) { if (mi->submenu) { if (mi->submenu->items) { mi = mi->submenu->items->data; e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } } return; } _e_menu_activate_first(); } static void _e_menu_activate_previous(void) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (mi) { if (mi->menu->parent_item) { mi = mi->menu->parent_item; e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } return; } _e_menu_activate_first(); } static void _e_menu_activate_first(void) { E_Menu *m; E_Menu_Item *mi; Evas_List *ll; if (!_e_active_menus) return; m = _e_active_menus->data; if (!m->items) return; ll = m->items; mi = ll->data; while ((mi->separator) && (ll->next)) { ll = ll->next; mi = ll->data; } if (mi->separator) return; e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); } static void _e_menu_activate_nth(int n) { E_Menu *m; E_Menu_Item *mi; Evas_List *ll; int i; mi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (!mi) { _e_menu_activate_first(); mi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (!mi) return; } m = mi->menu; for (i = -1, ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (!mi->separator) i++; if (i == n) { e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(mi); return; } } } static E_Menu * _e_menu_active_get(void) { Evas_List *l, *ll; /* FIXME: inefficient. should track current menu and active item */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; for (ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (mi->active) return m; } } return NULL; } static E_Menu_Item * _e_menu_item_active_get(void) { Evas_List *l, *ll; /* FIXME: inefficient. should track current menu and active item */ for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; for (ll = m->items; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = ll->data; if (mi->active) return mi; } } return NULL; } static int _e_menu_outside_bounds_get(int xdir, int ydir) { Evas_List *l; int outl = 0; int outr = 0; int outt = 0; int outb = 0; int i; for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if (m->cur.x < 0) { i = -m->cur.x; if (i > outl) outl = i; } if (m->cur.y < 0) { i = -m->cur.y; if (i > outt) outt = i; } if ((m->cur.x + m->cur.w) > (m->con->w)) { i = m->cur.x + m->cur.w - m->con->w; if (i > outr) outr = i; } if ((m->cur.y + m->cur.h) > (m->con->h)) { i = m->cur.y + m->cur.h - m->con->h; if (i > outb) outb = i; } } if (xdir == -1) { if (outl) return outl; } else if (xdir == 1) { if (outr) return outr; } else if (ydir == -1) { if (outt) return outt; } else if (ydir == 1) { if (outb) return outb; } return 0; } static void _e_menu_scroll_by(int dx, int dy) { Evas_List *l; for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; m->cur.x += dx; m->cur.y += dy; } } static void _e_menu_mouse_autoscroll_check(void) { int autoscroll_x = 0; int autoscroll_y = 0; if (_e_menu_x == 0) { if (_e_menu_outside_bounds_get(-1, 0)) autoscroll_x = -1; } if (_e_menu_y == 0) { if (_e_menu_outside_bounds_get(0, -1)) autoscroll_y = -1; } if ((!autoscroll_x) && (!autoscroll_y)) { if (_e_active_menus) { E_Menu *m; m = _e_active_menus->data; if (_e_menu_x == (m->con->w - 1)) { if (_e_menu_outside_bounds_get(1, 0)) autoscroll_x = 1; } if (_e_menu_y == (m->con->h - 1)) { if (_e_menu_outside_bounds_get(0, 1)) autoscroll_y = 1; } } } _e_menu_autoscroll_x = autoscroll_x; _e_menu_autoscroll_y = autoscroll_y; if ((!autoscroll_x) && (!autoscroll_y)) return; if (_e_menu_scroll_timer) return; _e_menu_scroll_timer = ecore_timer_add(1.0 / 60.0, _e_menu_cb_scroll_timer, NULL); _e_menu_scroll_start = ecore_time_get(); } static void _e_menu_item_ensure_onscreen(E_Menu_Item *mi) { int x, y, w, h; int dx, dy; x = mi->x + mi->menu->cur.x; y = mi->y + mi->menu->cur.y; w = mi->w; h = mi->h; dx = 0; dy = 0; if ((x + w) > mi->menu->con->w) dx = mi->menu->con->w - (x + w); if ((y + h) > mi->menu->con->h) dy = mi->menu->con->h - (y + h); if (x < 0) dx = x; if (y < 0) dy = y; if ((dx != 0) || (dy != 0)) _e_menu_scroll_by(dx, dy); } static void _e_menu_cb_ecore_evas_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Evas *evas; Evas_Object *o; E_Menu *m; Evas_Coord w, h; evas = ecore_evas_get(ee); evas_output_viewport_get(evas, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); o = evas_object_name_find(evas, "menu/background"); m = evas_object_data_get(o, "e_menu"); evas_object_resize(o, w, h); } static void _e_menu_cb_item_in(void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = data; e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 1); } static void _e_menu_cb_item_out(void *data, Evas *evas, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = data; e_menu_item_active_set(mi, 0); } static int _e_menu_cb_key_down(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Key_Down *ev; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Up")) _e_menu_item_activate_previous(); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Down")) _e_menu_item_activate_next(); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Left")) _e_menu_activate_previous(); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Right")) _e_menu_activate_next(); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "space")) { _e_menu_active_call(); } else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Return")) { _e_menu_active_call(); _e_menu_deactivate_all(); } else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "Escape")) _e_menu_deactivate_all(); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "1")) _e_menu_activate_nth(0); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "2")) _e_menu_activate_nth(1); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "3")) _e_menu_activate_nth(2); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "4")) _e_menu_activate_nth(3); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "5")) _e_menu_activate_nth(4); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "6")) _e_menu_activate_nth(5); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "7")) _e_menu_activate_nth(6); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "8")) _e_menu_activate_nth(7); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "9")) _e_menu_activate_nth(8); else if (!strcmp(ev->keysymbol, "0")) _e_menu_activate_nth(9); printf("kdn \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", ev->keyname, ev->keysymbol); return 1; } static int _e_menu_cb_key_up(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Key_Up *ev; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; return 1; } /* we need all of these because menus are special and grab the mouse and * keyboard and thus the normal event mechanism doesnt work, so we feed * events directly to the canvases from our grab window */ static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_down(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Mouse_Button_Down *ev; Evas_List *l; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; return 1; } static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_up(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Mouse_Button_Up *ev; Evas_List *l; double t; int ret; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; t = ecore_time_get(); if ((_e_menu_activate_time != 0.0) && ((t - _e_menu_activate_time) < e_config->menus_click_drag_timeout)) return 1; ret = _e_menu_active_call(); if (ret == 1) { if (_e_menu_activate_time != 0.0) _e_menu_deactivate_all(); } else if (ret == -1) _e_menu_deactivate_all(); return 1; } static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_move(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Mouse_Move *ev; Evas_List *l, *tmp = NULL; int dx, dy, d; double dt; double fast_move_threshold; int is_fast = 0; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; fast_move_threshold = e_config->menus_fast_mouse_move_thresthold; dx = ev->x - _e_menu_x; dy = ev->y - _e_menu_y; d = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); dt = (double)(ev->time - _e_menu_time) / 1000.0; dt = dt * dt; if ((dt > 0.0) && ((d / dt) >= (fast_move_threshold * fast_move_threshold))) is_fast = 1; for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { tmp = evas_list_append(tmp, l->data); e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(l->data)); } for (l = _e_active_menus; l; l = l->next) { E_Menu *m; m = l->data; if ((m->realized) && (m->cur.visible)) { if (is_fast) m->fast_mouse = 1; else { m->fast_mouse = 0; if (m->pending_new_submenu) { E_Menu_Item *mi; mi = _e_menu_item_active_get(); if (mi) _e_menu_submenu_activate(mi); } } evas_event_feed_mouse_move(m->evas, ev->x - m->cur.x, ev->y - m->cur.y, NULL); } } while (tmp) { e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(tmp->data)); tmp = evas_list_remove_list(tmp, tmp); } _e_menu_x = ev->x; _e_menu_y = ev->y; _e_menu_time = ev->time; _e_menu_mouse_autoscroll_check(); return 1; } static int _e_menu_cb_mouse_wheel(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_X_Event_Mouse_Wheel *ev; ev = event; if (ev->win != _e_menu_win) return 1; if (ev->z < 0) /* up */ { int i; for (i = ev->z; i < 0; i++) _e_menu_item_activate_previous(); } else if (ev->z > 0) /* down */ { int i; for (i = ev->z; i > 0; i--) _e_menu_item_activate_next(); } return 1; } static int _e_menu_cb_scroll_timer(void *data) { double t, dt; double dx, dy; int out; double spd; t = ecore_time_get(); spd = e_config->menus_scroll_speed; dt = t - _e_menu_scroll_start; _e_menu_scroll_start = t; dx = 0; dy = 0; if (_e_menu_autoscroll_x) { out = _e_menu_outside_bounds_get(_e_menu_autoscroll_x, 0); dx = (-_e_menu_autoscroll_x) * spd * dt; if (_e_menu_autoscroll_x == -1) { if (dx > out) dx = out; } else { if (dx < -out) dx = -out; } } if (_e_menu_autoscroll_y) { out = _e_menu_outside_bounds_get(0, _e_menu_autoscroll_y); dy = (-_e_menu_autoscroll_y) * spd * dt; if (_e_menu_autoscroll_y == -1) { if (dy > out) dy = out; } else { if (dy < -out) dy = -out; } } _e_menu_scroll_by(dx, dy); _e_menu_mouse_autoscroll_check(); if ((_e_menu_autoscroll_x == 0) && (_e_menu_autoscroll_y == 0)) { _e_menu_scroll_timer = NULL; return 0; } return 1; }