/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include "config.h" /* TODO List: * * * add more language names to the language name list list in e_intl_language_name_get() * * as we get translations add languages to the simplified lang list (C and en are currently the same, ja is a test translation - incomplete) */ static Ecore_Exe *_e_intl_input_method_exec = NULL; static Ecore_Event_Handler *_e_intl_exit_handler = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_lc_messages = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_language = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_lc_all = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_lang = NULL; static char *_e_intl_language = NULL; static Evas_List *_e_intl_languages = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_xmodifiers = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_qt_im_module = NULL; static char *_e_intl_orig_gtk_im_module = NULL; static char *_e_intl_input_method = NULL; static Evas_List *_e_intl_input_methods = NULL; static Eet_Data_Descriptor *_e_intl_input_method_config_edd = NULL; #define ADD_LANG(lang) _e_intl_languages = evas_list_append(_e_intl_languages, lang) #define ADD_IM(method) _e_intl_input_methods = evas_list_append(_e_intl_input_methods, method) #define E_EXE_STOP(EXE) if (EXE != NULL) { ecore_exe_terminate(EXE); ecore_exe_free(EXE); EXE = NULL; } #define E_EXE_IS_VALID(EXE) (!((EXE == NULL) || (strlen(EXE) == 0))) static int _e_intl_exe_valid_get(char *exe); static int _e_intl_cb_exit(void *data, int type, void *event); int e_intl_init(void) { char *s; E_Input_Method_Config *imc; if (_e_intl_languages) return 1; /* supporeted languages - as we get translations - add them here * * if you add a language: * * NOTE: add a language NAME for this in e_intl_language_name_get() if * there isn't one yet (use the english name - then we will add * translations of the language names to the .po file) * NOTE: add a translation logic list to take all possible ways to address * a language locale and convert it to a simplified one that is in * the list here below. languages can often have multiple ways of * being addressed (same language spoken in multiple countries or * many variants of the language). this translation allows all the * variants to be used and mapped to a simple "single" name for that * language. if the differences in variants are large (eg simplified * vs. traditional chinese) we may refer to them as separate languages * entirely. */ /* FIXME: remove this - hunt locale dirs (a user one in ~/.e/e/ too for * user installed locale support */ ADD_LANG(""); ADD_LANG("en_US.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("ja_JP.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("fr_FR.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("es_AR.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("pt_BR.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("fi_FI.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("ru_RU.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("bg_BG.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("de_DE.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("pl_PL.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("zh_CN.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("hu_HU.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("sl_SI.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("it_IT.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("cs_CS.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("da_DK.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("sk_SK.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("sv_SV.UTF-8"); ADD_LANG("nb_NO.UTF-8"); _e_intl_input_method_config_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("input_method_config", E_Input_Method_Config); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, version, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, e_im_name, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, gtk_im_module, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, qt_im_module, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, xmodifiers, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd, E_Input_Method_Config, e_im_exec, STR); if ((s = getenv("LC_MESSAGES"))) _e_intl_orig_lc_messages = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("LANGUAGE"))) _e_intl_orig_language = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("LC_ALL"))) _e_intl_orig_lc_all = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("LANG"))) _e_intl_orig_lang = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("GTK_IM_MODULE"))) _e_intl_orig_gtk_im_module = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("QT_IM_MODULE"))) _e_intl_orig_qt_im_module = strdup(s); if ((s = getenv("XMODIFIERS"))) _e_intl_orig_xmodifiers = strdup(s); /* Exception: NULL == use LANG. this will get setup in e_config */ e_intl_language_set(NULL); imc = malloc(sizeof(E_Input_Method_Config)); imc->version = E_INTL_INPUT_METHOD_CONFIG_VERSION; imc->e_im_name = strdup("scim"); imc->gtk_im_module = strdup("scim"); imc->qt_im_module = strdup("scim"); imc->xmodifiers = strdup("@im=SCIM"); imc->e_im_exec = strdup("scim"); ADD_IM(imc); imc = malloc(sizeof(E_Input_Method_Config)); imc->version = E_INTL_INPUT_METHOD_CONFIG_VERSION; imc->e_im_name = strdup("uim"); imc->gtk_im_module = strdup("uim"); imc->qt_im_module = strdup("uim"); imc->xmodifiers = strdup("@im=uim"); imc->e_im_exec = strdup("uim-xim"); ADD_IM(imc); _e_intl_exit_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_EXE_EXIT, _e_intl_cb_exit, NULL); return 1; } int e_intl_shutdown(void) { E_FREE(_e_intl_language); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_lc_messages); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_language); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_lc_all); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_lang); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_gtk_im_module); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_qt_im_module); E_FREE(_e_intl_orig_xmodifiers); evas_list_free(_e_intl_languages); while (_e_intl_input_methods) { E_Input_Method_Config *imc; imc = _e_intl_input_methods->data; _e_intl_input_methods = evas_list_remove_list(_e_intl_input_methods, _e_intl_input_methods); e_intl_input_method_config_free(imc); } E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_intl_input_method_config_edd); E_EXE_STOP(_e_intl_input_method_exec); if (_e_intl_exit_handler) { ecore_event_handler_del(_e_intl_exit_handler); _e_intl_exit_handler = NULL; } return 1; } /* FIXME: finish this */ static Evas_List * _e_intl_dir_scan(char *dir) { Ecore_List *files; char *file; files = ecore_file_ls(dir); if (!files) return NULL; ecore_list_goto_first(files); if (files) { while ((file = ecore_list_next(files))) { /* Do something! */ } ecore_list_destroy(files); } return NULL; } void e_intl_language_set(const char *lang) { /* 1 list ~/.e/e/locale contents */ /* 2 list e_preifx_locale_get() contents */ /* FIXME: determine if in user or system locale dir */ if (_e_intl_language) free(_e_intl_language); /* NULL lang means set everything back to the original environemtn defaults */ if (!lang) { if (_e_intl_orig_lc_messages) e_util_env_set("LC_MESSAGES", _e_intl_orig_lc_messages); if (_e_intl_orig_language) e_util_env_set("LANGUAGE", _e_intl_orig_language); if (_e_intl_orig_lc_all) e_util_env_set("LC_ALL", _e_intl_orig_lc_all); if (_e_intl_orig_lang) e_util_env_set("LANG", _e_intl_orig_lang); } if (!lang) lang = getenv("LC_MESSAGES"); if (!lang) lang = getenv("LANGUAGE"); if (!lang) lang = getenv("LC_ALL"); if (!lang) lang = getenv("LANG"); if (lang) { _e_intl_language = strdup(lang); e_util_env_set("LANGUAGE", _e_intl_language); if (getenv("LANG")) e_util_env_set("LANG", _e_intl_language); if (getenv("LC_ALL")) e_util_env_set("LC_ALL", _e_intl_language); if (getenv("LC_MESSAGES")) e_util_env_set("LC_MESSAGES", _e_intl_language); } else { _e_intl_language = NULL; } if (setlocale(LC_ALL, _e_intl_language) == NULL) { perror("setlocale() :"); if (_e_intl_language) printf("An error occured when trying to use the locale: %s\nDetails:\n", _e_intl_language); else printf("An error occured trying to use the default locale\n"); } bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, e_prefix_locale_get()); textdomain(PACKAGE); // XSetLocaleModifiers(""); bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); } const char * e_intl_language_get(void) { return _e_intl_language; } const Evas_List * e_intl_language_list(void) { /* FIXME: hunt dirs for locales */ return _e_intl_languages; } void e_intl_input_method_set(const char *method) { E_Input_Method_Config *imc; Evas_List *next; if (_e_intl_input_method) free(_e_intl_input_method); if (!method) { e_util_env_set("GTK_IM_MODULE", _e_intl_orig_gtk_im_module); e_util_env_set("QT_IM_MODULE", _e_intl_orig_qt_im_module); e_util_env_set("XMODIFIERS", _e_intl_orig_xmodifiers); } if (method) { _e_intl_input_method = strdup(method); for (next = _e_intl_input_methods; next; next = next->next) { imc = next->data; if (!strcmp(imc->e_im_name, _e_intl_input_method)) { e_util_env_set("GTK_IM_MODULE", imc->gtk_im_module); e_util_env_set("QT_IM_MODULE", imc->qt_im_module); e_util_env_set("XMODIFIERS", imc->xmodifiers); E_EXE_STOP(_e_intl_input_method_exec); if (E_EXE_IS_VALID(imc->e_im_exec)) { printf("E_INTL: START IN (%x)", _e_intl_input_method_exec); _e_intl_input_method_exec = ecore_exe_run(imc->e_im_exec, NULL); ecore_exe_tag_set(_e_intl_input_method_exec, "E/im_exec"); printf("E_INTL: START OUT (%x)", _e_intl_input_method_exec); if ( !_e_intl_input_method_exec || !ecore_exe_pid_get(_e_intl_input_method_exec)) e_error_dialog_show(_("Input Method Error"), _( "Error starting the input method " "executable\n\n" "please make sure that your input\n" "method configuration is correct and\n" "that your configuration's\n" "executable is in your PATH\n")); } break; } } } else { _e_intl_input_method = NULL; } } const char * e_intl_input_method_get(void) { return _e_intl_input_method; } Evas_List * e_intl_input_method_list(void) { Evas_List *im_list; Evas_List *next; E_Input_Method_Config *imc; im_list = NULL; for (next = _e_intl_input_methods; next; next = next->next) { imc = next->data; im_list = evas_list_append(im_list, strdup(imc->e_im_name)); } return im_list; } /* Get the input method configuration from the file */ E_Input_Method_Config * e_intl_input_method_config_read (Eet_File * imc_file) { E_Input_Method_Config *imc; imc = NULL; if (imc_file) { imc = (E_Input_Method_Config *) eet_data_read(imc_file, _e_intl_input_method_config_edd, "imc"); } return imc; } /* Write the input method configuration to the file */ int e_intl_input_method_config_write (Eet_File * imc_file, E_Input_Method_Config * imc) { int ok = 0; if (imc_file) { ok = eet_data_write(imc_file, _e_intl_input_method_config_edd, "imc", imc, 0); } return ok; } void e_intl_input_method_config_free (E_Input_Method_Config *imc) { if (imc != NULL) { E_FREE(imc->e_im_name); E_FREE(imc->gtk_im_module); E_FREE(imc->qt_im_module); E_FREE(imc->xmodifiers); E_FREE(imc->e_im_exec); E_FREE(imc); } } static int _e_intl_cb_exit(void *data, int type, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Exe_Exit *ev; ev = event; if (!ev->exe) return 1; if (!(ecore_exe_tag_get(ev->exe) && (!strcmp(ecore_exe_tag_get(ev->exe), "E/im_exec")))) return 1; _e_intl_input_method_exec = NULL; return 1; }