/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" /*- DESCRIPTION -*/ /* This is a list of files in a scrollbable container. When a file is selected * this object will return the file name. */ #define SMART_NAME "e_fileselector" #define API_ENTRY E_Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if ((!obj) || (!sd) || (evas_object_type_get(obj) && strcmp(evas_object_type_get(obj), SMART_NAME))) #define INTERNAL_ENTRY E_Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; typedef struct _E_Smart_Data E_Smart_Data; struct _E_Smart_Data { Evas_Object *parent; Evas_Object *frame; /* scrollframe object */ Evas_Object *files; /* file view object */ int view; /* view type, icons, list */ Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; /* coords */ void (*func) (Evas_Object *obj, char *file, void *data); /* selection cb */ void *func_data; /* selection cb data */ }; /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj); static void _e_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj); static void _e_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); static void _e_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h); static void _e_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj); static void _e_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj); static void _e_smart_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a); static void _e_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object * clip); static void _e_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj); static void _e_smart_init(void); static void _e_file_selector_selected_cb(Evas_Object *obj, char *file, void *data); static void _e_file_selector_scroll_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); static void _e_file_selector_scroll_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y); static void _e_file_selector_scroll_max_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y); static void _e_file_selector_scroll_child_size_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y); /* local subsystem globals */ static Evas_Smart *_e_smart = NULL; /* externally accessible functions */ Evas_Object * e_file_selector_add(Evas *evas) { _e_smart_init(); return evas_object_smart_add(evas, _e_smart); } void e_file_selector_view_set(Evas_Object *obj, int type) { API_ENTRY return; switch(type) { case E_FILE_SELECTOR_ICONVIEW: break; case E_FILE_SELECTOR_LISTVIEW: break; } } int e_file_selector_view_get(Evas_Object *obj) { API_ENTRY return 0; return sd->view; } void e_file_selector_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, void (*func) (Evas_Object *obj, char *file, void *data), void *data) { API_ENTRY return; sd->func = func; sd->func_data = data; } static void _e_file_selector_scroll_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { e_fm_scroll_set(obj, x, y); } static void _e_file_selector_scroll_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { e_fm_scroll_get(obj, x, y); } static void _e_file_selector_scroll_max_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { e_fm_scroll_max_get(obj, x, y); } static void _e_file_selector_scroll_child_size_get(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { e_fm_geometry_virtual_get(obj, x, y); } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj) { E_Smart_Data *sd; Evas *evas; sd = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Smart_Data)); if (!sd) return; sd->x = 0; sd->y = 0; sd->w = 0; sd->h = 0; sd->parent = obj; sd->func = NULL; sd->func_data = NULL; sd->view = E_FILE_SELECTOR_ICONVIEW; evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj); sd->frame = e_scrollframe_add(evas); evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->frame, obj); sd->files = e_fm_add(evas); e_fm_selector_enable(sd->files, _e_file_selector_selected_cb, sd); evas_object_smart_member_add(sd->files, obj); e_scrollframe_extern_pan_set(sd->frame, sd->files, _e_file_selector_scroll_set, _e_file_selector_scroll_get, _e_file_selector_scroll_max_get, _e_file_selector_scroll_child_size_get); evas_object_smart_data_set(obj, sd); evas_object_show(sd->frame); } static void _e_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_del(sd->frame); evas_object_del(sd->files); free(sd); } static void _e_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; sd->x = x; sd->y = y; evas_object_move(sd->frame, x, y); } static void _e_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; sd->w = w; sd->h = h; evas_object_resize(sd->frame, w, h); } static void _e_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_show(sd->frame); } static void _e_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_hide(sd->frame); } static void _e_smart_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_color_set(sd->frame, r, g, b, a); } static void _e_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *clip) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_clip_set(sd->frame, clip); } static void _e_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj) { INTERNAL_ENTRY; evas_object_clip_unset(sd->frame); } static void _e_file_selector_selected_cb(Evas_Object *obj, char *file, void *data) { E_Smart_Data *sd; sd = data; if(sd->func) sd->func(sd->parent, file, sd->func_data); } /* never need to touch this */ static void _e_smart_init(void) { if (_e_smart) return; _e_smart = evas_smart_new(SMART_NAME, _e_smart_add, _e_smart_del, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _e_smart_move, _e_smart_resize, _e_smart_show, _e_smart_hide, _e_smart_color_set, _e_smart_clip_set, _e_smart_clip_unset, NULL); }