/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" EAPI E_Path *path_data = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_images = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_fonts = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_themes = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_init = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_icons = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_modules = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_backgrounds = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_input_methods = NULL; EAPI E_Path *path_messages = NULL; EAPI int restart = 0; EAPI int good = 0; EAPI int evil = 0; EAPI int starting = 1; typedef struct _E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info; struct _E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info { E_Container *con; int button; }; /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_cb(void *data); static int _e_util_wakeup_cb(void *data); /* local subsystem globals */ static Ecore_Timer *_e_util_dummy_timer = NULL; /* externally accessible functions */ EAPI void e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_later(E_Container *con, int button) { E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info *info; E_OBJECT_CHECK(con); E_OBJECT_TYPE_CHECK(con, E_CONTAINER_TYPE); info = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info)); if (info) { info->con = con; info->button = button; e_object_ref(E_OBJECT(info->con)); ecore_job_add(_e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_cb, info); } } EAPI void e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_all_later(E_Container *con) { E_OBJECT_CHECK(con); E_OBJECT_TYPE_CHECK(con, E_CONTAINER_TYPE); e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_later(con, 1); e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_later(con, 2); e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_later(con, 3); } EAPI void e_util_wakeup(void) { if (_e_util_dummy_timer) return; _e_util_dummy_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.0, _e_util_wakeup_cb, NULL); } EAPI void e_util_env_set(const char *var, const char *val) { if (val) { #ifdef HAVE_SETENV setenv(var, val, 1); #else char buf[8192]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s=%s", var, val); if (getenv(var)) putenv(buf); else putenv(strdup(buf)); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_UNSETENV unsetenv(var); #else if (getenv(var)) putenv(var); #endif } } EAPI E_Zone * e_util_zone_current_get(E_Manager *man) { E_Container *con; E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(man, NULL); E_OBJECT_TYPE_CHECK_RETURN(man, E_MANAGER_TYPE, NULL); con = e_container_current_get(man); if (con) { E_Zone *zone; zone = e_zone_current_get(con); return zone; } return NULL; } EAPI int e_util_utils_installed(void) { return ecore_file_app_installed("emblem"); } EAPI int e_util_app_installed(char *app) { return ecore_file_app_installed(app); } EAPI int e_util_glob_match(const char *str, const char *glob) { if (!str || !glob) return 0; if (glob[0] == 0) { if (str[0] == 0) return 1; return 0; } if (!strcmp(glob, "*")) return 1; if (!fnmatch(glob, str, 0)) return 1; return 0; } EAPI int e_util_glob_case_match(const char *str, const char *glob) { const char *p; char *tstr, *tglob, *tp; if (glob[0] == 0) { if (str[0] == 0) return 1; return 0; } if (!strcmp(glob, "*")) return 1; tstr = alloca(strlen(str) + 1); for (tp = tstr, p = str; *p != 0; p++, tp++) *tp = tolower(*p); *tp = 0; tglob = alloca(strlen(glob) + 1); for (tp = tglob, p = glob; *p != 0; p++, tp++) *tp = tolower(*p); *tp = 0; if (!fnmatch(tglob, tstr, 0)) return 1; return 0; } EAPI E_Container * e_util_container_number_get(int num) { Evas_List *l; for (l = e_manager_list(); l; l = l->next) { E_Manager *man; E_Container *con; man = l->data; con = e_container_number_get(man, num); if (con) return con; } return NULL; } EAPI E_Zone * e_util_container_zone_number_get(int con_num, int zone_num) { E_Container *con; con = e_util_container_number_get(con_num); if (!con) return NULL; return e_container_zone_number_get(con, zone_num); } EAPI int e_util_head_exec(int head, const char *cmd) { char *penv_display; char *p1, *p2; char buf[4096], buf2[32]; int ok = 0; Ecore_Exe *exe; penv_display = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (penv_display) penv_display = strdup(penv_display); /* set env vars */ p1 = strrchr(penv_display, ':'); p2 = strrchr(penv_display, '.'); if ((p1) && (p2) && (p2 > p1)) /* "blah:x.y" */ { /* yes it could overflow... but who will overflow DISPLAY eh? why? to * "exploit" your own applications running as you? */ strcpy(buf, penv_display); buf[p2 - penv_display + 1] = 0; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%i", head); strcat(buf, buf2); } else if (p1) /* "blah:x */ { strcpy(buf, penv_display); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), ".%i", head); strcat(buf, buf2); } else strcpy(buf, penv_display); ok = 1; exe = ecore_exe_run(cmd, NULL); if (!exe) { e_util_dialog_show(_("Run Error"), _("Enlightenment was unable to fork a child process:
" "
" "%s
"), cmd); ok = 0; } /* reset env vars */ if (penv_display) { e_util_env_set("DISPLAY", penv_display); free(penv_display); } return ok; } EAPI int e_util_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { if ((s1) && (s2)) return strcmp(s1, s2); return 0x7fffffff; } EAPI int e_util_both_str_empty(const char *s1, const char *s2) { int empty = 0; if ((!s1) && (!s2)) return 1; if ((!s1) || ((s1) && (s1[0] == 0))) empty++; if ((!s2) || ((s2) && (s2[0] == 0))) empty++; if (empty == 2) return 1; return 0; } EAPI int e_util_immortal_check(void) { Evas_List *wins; wins = e_border_immortal_windows_get(); if (wins) { e_util_dialog_show(_("Cannot exit - immortal windows."), _("Some windows are left still around with the Lifespan lock enabled. This means
" "that Enlightenment will not allow itself to exit until these windows have
" "been closed or have the lifespan lock removed.
")); /* FIXME: should really display a list of these lifespan locked */ /* windows in a dialog and let the user disable their locks in */ /* this dialog */ evas_list_free(wins); return 1; } return 0; } EAPI int e_util_edje_icon_list_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *list) { char *buf; const char *p; const char *c; if ((!list) || (!list[0])) return 0; buf = alloca(strlen(list) + 1); p = list; while (p) { c = strchr(p, ','); if (c) { strncpy(buf, p, c - p); buf[c - p] = 0; if (e_util_edje_icon_set(obj, buf)) return 1; p = c + 1; if (!*p) return 0; } else { strcpy(buf, p); if (e_util_edje_icon_set(obj, buf)) return 1; return 0; } } return 0; } EAPI int e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_list_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, const char *list) { char *buf; const char *p; char *c; if ((!list) || (!list[0])) return 0; buf = alloca(strlen(list) + 1); p = list; while (p) { c = strchr(p, ','); if (c) { strncpy(buf, p, c - p); buf[c - p] = 0; if (e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, buf)) return 1; p = c + 1; if (!*p) return 0; } else { strcpy(buf, p); if (e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(mi, buf)) return 1; return 0; } } return 0; } EAPI int e_util_edje_icon_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name) { char *file; char buf[4096]; if ((!name) || (!name[0])) return 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "icons/%s", name); file = (char *)e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/icons", buf); if (file[0]) { edje_object_file_set(obj, file, buf); return 1; } return 0; } EAPI int e_util_menu_item_edje_icon_set(E_Menu_Item *mi, const char *name) { char *file; char buf[4096]; if ((!name) || (!name[0])) return 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "icons/%s", name); file = (char *)e_theme_edje_file_get("base/theme/icons", buf); if (file[0]) { e_menu_item_icon_edje_set(mi, file, buf); return 1; } return 0; } EAPI E_Container * e_util_container_window_find(Ecore_X_Window win) { Evas_List *l, *ll; for (l = e_manager_list(); l; l = l->next) { E_Manager *man; man = l->data; for (ll = man->containers; ll; ll = ll->next) { E_Container *con; con = ll->data; if ((con->win == win) || (con->bg_win == win) || (con->event_win == win)) return con; } } return NULL; } EAPI E_Border * e_util_desk_border_above(E_Border *bd) { E_Border *above = NULL; Evas_List *l; int pos, i; E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(bd, NULL); E_OBJECT_TYPE_CHECK_RETURN(bd, E_BORDER_TYPE, NULL); if (bd->layer == 0) pos = 0; else if ((bd->layer > 0) && (bd->layer <= 50)) pos = 1; else if ((bd->layer > 50) && (bd->layer <= 100)) pos = 2; else if ((bd->layer > 100) && (bd->layer <= 150)) pos = 3; else if ((bd->layer > 150) && (bd->layer <= 200)) pos = 4; else pos = 5; for (l = evas_list_find_list(bd->zone->container->layers[pos].clients, bd); (l) && (l->next) && (!above); l = l->next) { above = l->next->data; if ((above->desk != bd->desk) && (!above->sticky)) above = NULL; } if (!above) { /* Need to check the layers above */ for (i = pos + 1; (i < 7) && (!above); i++) { for (l = bd->zone->container->layers[i].clients; (l) && (!above); l = l->next) { above = l->data; if ((above->desk != bd->desk) && (!above->sticky)) above = NULL; } } } return above; } EAPI E_Border * e_util_desk_border_below(E_Border *bd) { E_Border *below = NULL; Evas_List *l; int pos, i; E_OBJECT_CHECK_RETURN(bd, NULL); E_OBJECT_TYPE_CHECK_RETURN(bd, E_BORDER_TYPE, NULL); if (bd->layer == 0) pos = 0; else if ((bd->layer > 0) && (bd->layer <= 50)) pos = 1; else if ((bd->layer > 50) && (bd->layer <= 100)) pos = 2; else if ((bd->layer > 100) && (bd->layer <= 150)) pos = 3; else if ((bd->layer > 150) && (bd->layer <= 200)) pos = 4; else pos = 5; for (l = evas_list_find_list(bd->zone->container->layers[pos].clients, bd); (l) && (l->prev) && (!below); l = l->prev) { below = l->prev->data; if ((below->desk != bd->desk) && (!below->sticky)) below = NULL; } if (!below) { /* Need to check the layers below */ for (i = pos - 1; (i >= 0) && (!below); i--) { if (bd->zone->container->layers[i].clients) { for (l = evas_list_last(bd->zone->container->layers[i].clients); (l) && (!below); l = l->prev) { below = l->data; if ((below->desk != bd->desk) && (!below->sticky)) below = NULL; } } } } return below; } EAPI int e_util_edje_collection_exists(const char *file, const char *coll) { Evas_List *clist, *l; clist = edje_file_collection_list(file); for (l = clist; l; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp(coll, l->data)) { edje_file_collection_list_free(clist); return 1; } } edje_file_collection_list_free(clist); return 0; } EAPI void e_util_dialog_internal(const char *title, const char *txt) { E_Dialog *dia; dia = e_dialog_new(e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get())); if (!dia) return; e_dialog_title_set(dia, title); e_dialog_text_set(dia, txt); e_dialog_icon_set(dia, "enlightenment/error", 64); e_dialog_button_add(dia, _("OK"), NULL, NULL, NULL); e_dialog_button_focus_num(dia, 0); e_win_centered_set(dia->win, 1); e_dialog_show(dia); } EAPI const char * e_util_filename_escape(const char *filename) { const char *p; char *q; static char buf[4096]; p = filename; q = buf; while (*p) { if ((q - buf) > 4090) return NULL; if ( (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t') || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\\') || (*p == '\'') || (*p == '\"') || (*p == ';') || (*p == '!') || (*p == '#') || (*p == '$') || (*p == '%') || (*p == '&') || (*p == '*') || (*p == '(') || (*p == ')') || (*p == '[') || (*p == ']') || (*p == '{') || (*p == '}') || (*p == '|') || (*p == '<') || (*p == '>') || (*p == '?') ) { *q = '\\'; q++; } *q = *p; q++; p++; } *q = 0; return buf; } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_util_container_fake_mouse_up_cb(void *data) { E_Util_Fake_Mouse_Up_Info *info; info = data; if (info) { evas_event_feed_mouse_up(info->con->bg_evas, info->button, EVAS_BUTTON_NONE, ecore_x_current_time_get(), NULL); e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(info->con)); free(info); } } static int _e_util_wakeup_cb(void *data) { _e_util_dummy_timer = NULL; return 0; }