/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" /* * Implementation of a protected file registry. Any files that are * currently being used by E in core components should be registered * here and will be protected as best as E can. :) */ static Eina_Hash *_e_filereg = NULL; typedef struct _Filereg_Item Filereg_Item; struct _Filereg_Item { const char *path; int ref_count; }; static Eina_Bool _filereg_hash_cb_free(const Eina_Hash *hash __UNUSED__, const void *key __UNUSED__, void *data, void *fdata __UNUSED__); /* Externally accessible functions */ EAPI int e_filereg_init(void) { _e_filereg = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL); return 1; } EAPI int e_filereg_shutdown(void) { eina_hash_foreach(_e_filereg, _filereg_hash_cb_free, NULL); eina_hash_free(_e_filereg); _e_filereg = NULL; return 1; } EAPI int e_filereg_register(const char *path) { Filereg_Item *fi = NULL; fi = eina_hash_find(_e_filereg, path); if (fi) { fi->ref_count++; return 1; } fi = E_NEW(Filereg_Item, 1); if (!fi) return 0; fi->path = eina_stringshare_add(path); fi->ref_count = 1; eina_hash_add(_e_filereg, path, fi); return 1; } EAPI void e_filereg_deregister(const char *path) { Filereg_Item *fi = NULL; fi = eina_hash_find(_e_filereg, path); if (fi) { fi->ref_count--; if (fi->ref_count == 0) { eina_hash_del(_e_filereg, path, fi); if (fi->path) eina_stringshare_del(fi->path); E_FREE(fi); } } } EAPI Eina_Bool e_filereg_file_protected(const char *path) { Filereg_Item *fi = NULL; fi = eina_hash_find(_e_filereg, path); if (!fi) return EINA_FALSE; return EINA_TRUE; } /* Private Functions */ static Eina_Bool _filereg_hash_cb_free(const Eina_Hash *hash __UNUSED__, const void *key __UNUSED__, void *data, void *fdata __UNUSED__) { Filereg_Item *fi; fi = data; if (!fi) return EINA_TRUE; if (fi->path) eina_stringshare_del(fi->path); E_FREE(fi); return EINA_TRUE; }