/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:expandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include "e_randr_private.h" #define ECORE_X_RANDR_1_1 ((1 << 16) | 1) #define ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2 ((1 << 16) | 2) #define ECORE_X_RANDR_1_3 ((1 << 16) | 3) #define Ecore_X_Randr_None 0 #define Ecore_X_Randr_Unset -1 /* * Save mechanism: * Single monitor: * - Save monitor using the resolution * * Multiple monitors: * - Use the EDID information to make sure we restore the right monitor. * - Depend on the sequence in which the XIDs are returned provided by the X * server. This means that relative indexes are used for setup store/restore. * */ static Eina_Bool _init(void); static void _shutdown(void); static Eina_Bool _screen_info_refresh(void); static Eina_Bool _e_event_config_loaded_cb(void *data, int type, void *e); static void _event_listeners_add(void); static void _event_listeners_remove(void); EAPI E_Randr_Screen_Info e_randr_screen_info; static Eina_List *_event_handlers = NULL; EAPI Eina_Bool e_randr_screen_info_refresh(void) { return _screen_info_refresh(); } EINTERN Eina_Bool e_randr_init(void) { return _init(); } EINTERN int e_randr_shutdown(void) { _shutdown(); return 1; } static Eina_Bool _init(void) { if (!e_randr_screen_info_refresh()) return EINA_FALSE; _event_listeners_add(); if (e_config->randr_serialized_setup) { e_randr_try_restore_configuration(); if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version >= ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2) { if (e_config->randr_serialized_setup->outputs_policies) _12_policies_restore(); } } return EINA_TRUE; } static void _shutdown(void) { if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version == ECORE_X_RANDR_1_1) { _11_screen_info_free(e_randr_screen_info.rrvd_info.randr_info_11); e_randr_screen_info.rrvd_info.randr_info_11 = NULL; } else if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version >= ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2) { _12_screen_info_free(e_randr_screen_info.rrvd_info.randr_info_12); e_randr_screen_info.rrvd_info.randr_info_12 = NULL; } _event_listeners_remove(); } /** * @return EINA_TRUE if info could be refreshed, else EINA_FALSE */ static Eina_Bool _screen_info_refresh(void) { Ecore_X_Window *roots; Ecore_X_Window root; int n; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN_VAL(ecore_x_randr_query(), EINA_FALSE); if (!(roots = ecore_x_window_root_list(&n))) return EINA_FALSE; /* first (and only) root window */ root = roots[0]; free(roots); e_randr_screen_info.randr_version = ecore_x_randr_version_get(); e_randr_screen_info.root = root; e_randr_screen_info.rrvd_info.randr_info_11 = NULL; // Value set/retrieval helper functions if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version == ECORE_X_RANDR_1_1) { return _11_screen_info_refresh(); } else if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version >= ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2) { return _12_screen_info_refresh(); } return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _e_event_config_loaded_cb(void *data __UNUSED__, int type, void *ev __UNUSED__) { if (type != E_EVENT_CONFIG_LOADED) return EINA_TRUE; return e_randr_try_restore_configuration(); } static void _event_listeners_add(void) { _event_handlers = eina_list_append(_event_handlers, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_CONFIG_LOADED, _e_event_config_loaded_cb, NULL)); if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version >= ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2) { _12_event_listeners_add(); } } // "Free" helper functions static void _event_listeners_remove(void) { Ecore_Event_Handler *_event_handler = NULL; EINA_LIST_FREE(_event_handlers, _event_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(_event_handler); if (e_randr_screen_info.randr_version >= ECORE_X_RANDR_1_2) { _12_event_listeners_remove(); } }